#define ZPL_IMPL #include "zpl.h" #include "system.h" #include "network.h" #include "world/world.h" #include "utils/options.h" #include "signal_handling.h" #include "flecs/flecs.h" #include "flecs/flecs_dash.h" #include "flecs/flecs_systems_civetweb.h" #include "flecs/flecs_os_api_stdcpp.h" #define DEFAULT_WORLD_SEED 302097 #define DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE 64 /* amount of units within a block (single axis) */ #define DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE 3 /* amount of blocks within a chunk (single axis) */ #define DEFAULT_WORLD_SIZE 8 /* amount of chunks within a world (single axis) */ #define IF(call) do { \ if (call != 0) { \ zpl_printf("[ERROR] A call to a function %s failed\n", #call); \ return 1; \ } \ } while (0) zpl_global zpl_b32 is_running = true; int main(int argc, char** argv) { zpl_opts opts={0}; zpl_opts_init(&opts, zpl_heap(), argv[0]); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "?", "help", "the HELP section", ZPL_OPTS_FLAG); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "p", "preview-map", "draw world preview", ZPL_OPTS_FLAG); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "s", "seed", "world seed", ZPL_OPTS_INT); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "r", "random-seed", "generate random world seed", ZPL_OPTS_FLAG); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "bs", "block-size", "amount of units within a block (single axis)", ZPL_OPTS_INT); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "cs", "chunk-size", "amount of blocks within a chunk (single axis)", ZPL_OPTS_INT); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "ws", "world-size", "amount of chunks within a world (single axis)", ZPL_OPTS_INT); uint32_t ok = zpl_opts_compile(&opts, argc, argv); if (!ok) { zpl_opts_print_errors(&opts); zpl_opts_print_help(&opts); return -1; } int32_t seed = zpl_opts_integer(&opts, "seed", DEFAULT_WORLD_SEED); uint16_t block_size = zpl_opts_integer(&opts, "block-size", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); uint16_t chunk_size = zpl_opts_integer(&opts, "chunk-size", DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); uint16_t world_size = zpl_opts_integer(&opts, "world-size", DEFAULT_WORLD_SIZE); if (zpl_opts_has_arg(&opts, "random-seed")) { zpl_random rnd={0}; zpl_random_init(&rnd); seed = zpl_random_gen_u32(&rnd); zpl_printf("Seed: %u\n", seed); } if (zpl_opts_has_arg(&opts, "preview-map")) { generate_minimap(seed, block_size, chunk_size, world_size); return 0; } sighandler_register(); stdcpp_set_os_api(); zpl_printf("[INFO] Generating world of size: %d x %d\n", world_size, world_size); IF(world_init(seed, block_size, chunk_size, world_size)); /* server dashboard */ { ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), FlecsDash); ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), FlecsSystemsCivetweb); ecs_set(world_ecs(), 0, EcsDashServer, {.port = 27001}); ecs_set_target_fps(world_ecs(), 60); } zpl_printf("[INFO] Initializing network...\n"); IF(network_init()); IF(network_server_start("", 27000)); while (is_running) { network_server_tick(); world_update(); } IF(network_server_stop()); IF(network_destroy()); IF(world_destroy()); sighandler_unregister(); zpl_printf("Bye!\n"); return 0; } void platform_shutdown(void) { is_running = false; } #include "packets/pkt_01_welcome.c"