#include "models/items.h" #include "models/entity.h" #include "world/entity_view.h" #include "world/world.h" #include "world/blocks.h" #include "models/components.h" #include "zpl.h" #include "items_list.c" #define ITEMS_COUNT (sizeof(items)/sizeof(item_desc)) static inline item_id item_resolve_proxy(item_id id) { ZPL_ASSERT(id >= 0 && id < ITEMS_COUNT); item_usage usage = items[id].usage; if (usage == UKIND_PROXY) { return item_find(items[id].proxy.id); } return id; } static inline asset_id item_fix_kind(asset_id id) { return items[item_find(id)].kind; } void item_show(uint64_t ent, bool show) { Classify *c = ecs_get_mut(world_ecs(), ent, Classify); librg_entity_visibility_global_set(world_tracker(), ent, show ? LIBRG_VISIBLITY_DEFAULT : LIBRG_VISIBLITY_NEVER); c->id = show ? EKIND_ITEM : EKIND_SERVER; } uint64_t item_spawn(asset_id kind, uint32_t qty) { ecs_entity_t e = entity_spawn(EKIND_ITEM); Item *d = ecs_get_mut(world_ecs(), e, Item); *d = (Item){ .kind = item_fix_kind(kind), .quantity = qty, .merger_time = 0, .durability = 1.0f, }; item_desc *it = &items[item_find(kind)]; switch (it->attachment) { case UDATA_ENERGY_SOURCE: { EnergySource *f = ecs_get_mut(world_ecs(), e, EnergySource); *f = (EnergySource){ .kind = it->energy_source.producer, .energy_level = it->energy_source.energy_level, }; } break; case UDATA_INGREDIENT: { Ingredient *i = ecs_get_mut(world_ecs(), e, Ingredient); i->producer = it->ingredient.producer; i->product = it->ingredient.product; i->additional_ingredient = it->ingredient.additional_ingredient; } break; default: break; } return (uint64_t)e; } item_id item_find(asset_id kind) { for (item_id i=0; ikind); item_desc *desc = &items[it_id]; switch (item_get_usage(it_id)) { case UKIND_HOLD: /* NOOP */ break; case UKIND_PLACE:{ world_block_lookup l = world_block_from_realpos(p.x, p.y); if (l.is_outer && l.bid > 0) { asset_id item_asset = blocks_get_asset(l.bid); item_id item_asset_id = item_find(item_asset); if (item_asset_id == ASSET_INVALID) return; // NOTE(zaklaus): If we replace the same item, refund 1 qty and let it replace it if (item_asset_id == it_id) { it->quantity++; } else { return; } } // NOTE(zaklaus): This is an inner layer block, we can't build over it if it has a collision! else if (l.bid > 0 && blocks_get_flags(l.bid) & (BLOCK_FLAG_COLLISION|BLOCK_FLAG_ESSENTIAL)) { return; } world_chunk_replace_block(l.chunk_id, l.id, blocks_find(desc->place.kind + (asset_id)udata)); it->quantity--; }break; case UKIND_PLACE_ITEM:{ world_block_lookup l = world_block_from_realpos(p.x, p.y); if (l.is_outer && l.bid > 0) { return; } // NOTE(zaklaus): This is an inner layer block, we can't build over it if it has a collision! else if (l.bid > 0 && blocks_get_flags(l.bid) & (BLOCK_FLAG_COLLISION|BLOCK_FLAG_ESSENTIAL)) { return; } ecs_entity_t e = entity_spawn_id(desc->place_item.id); ZPL_ASSERT(world_entity_valid(e)); entity_set_position(e, p.x, p.y); it->quantity--; }break; case UKIND_PLACE_ITEM_DATA:{ world_block_lookup l = world_block_from_realpos(p.x, p.y); if (l.is_outer && l.bid > 0) { return; } // NOTE(zaklaus): This is an inner layer block, we can't build over it if it has a collision! else if (l.bid > 0 && blocks_get_flags(l.bid) & (BLOCK_FLAG_COLLISION|BLOCK_FLAG_ESSENTIAL)) { return; } ecs_entity_t e = entity_spawn_id_with_data(desc->place_item.id, desc); ZPL_ASSERT(world_entity_valid(e)); entity_set_position(e, p.x, p.y); it->quantity--; }break; case UKIND_DELETE: case UKIND_END_PLACE: case UKIND_PROXY: break; } } void item_despawn(uint64_t id) { entity_despawn(id); } uint32_t item_max_quantity(item_id id) { ZPL_ASSERT(id >= 0 && id < ITEMS_COUNT); return items[id].max_quantity; } item_usage item_get_usage(item_id id) { ZPL_ASSERT(id >= 0 && id < ITEMS_COUNT); return items[id].usage; } bool item_get_place_directional(item_id id) { ZPL_ASSERT(id >= 0 && id < ITEMS_COUNT); return items[id].place.directional; }