#define ZPL_NO_WINDOWS_H #include "zpl.h" #include "editors/texed.h" #include "raylib.h" #include "utils/raylib_helpers.h" #include "cwpack/cwpack.h" #define RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION #define RAYGUI_SUPPORT_ICONS #include "raygui.h" #define GUI_FILE_DIALOG_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gui_file_dialog.h" #define GUI_TEXTBOX_EXTENDED_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gui_textbox_extended.h" #define TD_DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH 64 #define TD_DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT 64 #define TD_UI_PADDING 5.0f #define TD_UI_PREVIEW_BORDER 4.0f #define TD_UI_DEFAULT_ZOOM 4.0f #define TD_IMAGES_MAX_STACK 128 static uint16_t screenWidth = 1280; static uint16_t screenHeight = 720; static float zoom = TD_UI_DEFAULT_ZOOM; static float old_zoom = TD_UI_DEFAULT_ZOOM; static Texture2D checker_tex; static uint16_t old_screen_w; static uint16_t old_screen_h; static bool is_repaint_locked = false; typedef enum { TPARAM_FLOAT, TPARAM_COORD, TPARAM_INT, TPARAM_COLOR, TPARAM_STRING, TPARAM_SLIDER, TPARAM_FORCE_UINT8 = UINT8_MAX } td_param_kind; typedef struct { td_param_kind kind; char const *name; char str[1000]; bool edit_mode; union { struct { float flt, old_flt; }; uint32_t u32; int32_t i32; Color color; char copy[4]; }; } td_param; typedef enum { TOP_NEW_IMAGE, TOP_DRAW_RECT, TOP_DRAW_LINE, TOP_DITHER, TOP_DRAW_IMAGE, TOP_DRAW_TEXT, TOP_RESIZE_IMAGE, TOP_COLOR_TWEAKS, TOP_FLIP_IMAGE, TOP_ROTATE_IMAGE, TOP_PUSH_IMAGE, TOP_POP_IMAGE, TOP_IMAGE_GRAD_V, TOP_IMAGE_GRAD_H, TOP_IMAGE_GRAD_RAD, TOP_IMAGE_CHECKED, TOP_IMAGE_NOISE_WHITE, TOP_IMAGE_NOISE_PERLIN, TOP_IMAGE_CELLULAR, TOP_COLOR_REPLACE, TOP_IMAGE_ALPHA_MASK, TOP_IMAGE_ALPHA_MASK_CLEAR, TOP_FORCE_UINT8 = UINT8_MAX } td_op_kind; typedef struct { td_op_kind kind; char const *name; bool is_hidden; bool is_locked; uint8_t num_params; td_param *params; } td_op; #define OP(n) .kind = n, .name = #n typedef struct { bool visible; char const *title; char const *message; char const *buttons; int result; } td_msgbox; typedef struct { char *filepath; int32_t img_pos; Image img[TD_IMAGES_MAX_STACK]; Texture2D tex; GuiFileDialogState fileDialog; td_msgbox msgbox; bool is_saved; td_op *ops; //< zpl_array int selected_op; } td_ctx; static td_ctx ctx = {0}; static char filename[200]; #include "texed_ops_list.c" void texed_new(int w, int h); void texed_clear(void); void texed_destroy(void); void texed_load(void); void texed_save(void); void texed_export_cc(char const *path); void texed_export_png(char const *path); void texed_repaint_preview(void); void texed_compose_image(void); void texed_msgbox_init(char const *title, char const *message, char const *buttons); void texed_process_ops(void); void texed_process_params(void); void texed_img_push(int w, int h, Color color); void texed_img_pop(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color tint); void texed_add_op(int kind); void texed_rem_op(int idx); void texed_swp_op(int idx, int idx2); int texed_find_op(int kind); void texed_draw_oplist_pane(zpl_aabb2 r); void texed_draw_props_pane(zpl_aabb2 r); void texed_draw_topbar(zpl_aabb2 r); void texed_draw_msgbox(zpl_aabb2 r); static inline void DrawAABB(zpl_aabb2 rect, Color color) { DrawRectangleEco(rect.min.x, rect.min.y, rect.max.x-rect.min.x, rect.max.y-rect.min.y, color); } static inline Rectangle aabb2_ray(zpl_aabb2 r) { return (Rectangle) { .x = r.min.x, .y = r.min.y, .width = r.max.x-r.min.x, .height = r.max.y-r.min.y }; } #include "texed_ops.c" #include "texed_prj.c" #include "texed_widgets.c" void texed_run(int argc, char **argv) { zpl_opts opts={0}; zpl_opts_init(&opts, zpl_heap(), argv[0]); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "td", "texed", "run texture editor", ZPL_OPTS_FLAG); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "td-i", "texed-import", "convert an image to ecotex format", ZPL_OPTS_STRING); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "td-ec", "texed-export-cc", "export ecotex image to C header file", ZPL_OPTS_STRING); zpl_opts_add(&opts, "td-ep", "texed-export-png", "export ecotex image to PNG format", ZPL_OPTS_STRING); uint32_t ok = zpl_opts_compile(&opts, argc, argv); if (!ok) { zpl_opts_print_errors(&opts); zpl_opts_print_help(&opts); return; } if (zpl_opts_has_arg(&opts, "texed-import")) { zpl_string path = zpl_opts_string(&opts, "texed-import", ""); if (FileExists(zpl_bprintf("art/%s", path)) && IsFileExtension(path, ".png")) { Image orig = LoadImage(zpl_bprintf("art/%s", path)); texed_new(orig.width, orig.height); is_repaint_locked = true; texed_add_op(TOP_DRAW_IMAGE); td_param *params = ctx.ops[1].params; zpl_strcpy(params[0].str, path); is_repaint_locked = false; texed_compose_image(); zpl_strcpy(filename, zpl_bprintf("%s.ecotex", GetFileNameWithoutExt(path))); ctx.filepath = filename; texed_save(); } else { zpl_printf("%s\n", "provided file does not exist!"); } return; } if (zpl_opts_has_arg(&opts, "texed-export-cc")) { zpl_string path = zpl_opts_string(&opts, "texed-export-cc", ""); if (FileExists(zpl_bprintf("art/%s.ecotex", path))) { zpl_array_init(ctx.ops, zpl_heap()); zpl_strcpy(filename, zpl_bprintf("%s.ecotex", path)); ctx.filepath = filename; texed_load(); texed_export_cc(path); } else { zpl_printf("%s\n", "provided file does not exist!"); } return; } if (zpl_opts_has_arg(&opts, "texed-export-png")) { zpl_string path = zpl_opts_string(&opts, "texed-export-png", ""); if (FileExists(zpl_bprintf("art/%s.ecotex", path))) { zpl_array_init(ctx.ops, zpl_heap()); zpl_strcpy(filename, zpl_bprintf("%s.ecotex", path)); ctx.filepath = filename; texed_load(); texed_export_png(path); } else { zpl_printf("%s\n", "provided file does not exist!"); } return; } InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "eco2d - texture editor"); SetWindowState(FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); SetTargetFPS(60); texed_new(TD_DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH, TD_DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT); { GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL, ColorToInt(RAYWHITE)); GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0x012e33ff); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE, 0x202020ff); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE + GUI_STATE_DISABLED*3, 0x303030ff); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT + GUI_STATE_FOCUSED*3, 0x303030ff); GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL, 0xffffffff); GuiSetStyle(LISTVIEW, SCROLLBAR_SIDE, SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE); } while (1) { zpl_aabb2 screen = { .min = (zpl_vec2) {.x = 0.0f, .y = 0.0f}, .max = (zpl_vec2) {.x = GetScreenWidth(), .y = GetScreenHeight()}, }; zpl_aabb2 orig_screen = screen; zpl_aabb2 topbar = zpl_aabb2_cut_top(&screen, 20.0f); zpl_aabb2 oplist_pane = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&screen, screenWidth / 2.0f); zpl_aabb2 property_pane = zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&screen, screenHeight / 2.0f); zpl_aabb2 preview_window = screen; // NOTE(zaklaus): contract all panes for a clean UI separation oplist_pane = zpl_aabb2_contract(&oplist_pane, TD_UI_PADDING); preview_window = zpl_aabb2_contract(&preview_window, TD_UI_PADDING); property_pane = zpl_aabb2_contract(&property_pane, TD_UI_PADDING); Rectangle preview_rect = aabb2_ray(preview_window); if (old_screen_w != GetScreenWidth() || old_screen_h != GetScreenHeight()) { old_screen_w = GetScreenWidth(); old_screen_h = GetScreenHeight(); Image checkerboard = GenImageChecked(preview_rect.width, preview_rect.height, 16, 16, BLACK, ColorAlpha(GRAY, 0.2f)); checker_tex = LoadTextureFromImage(checkerboard); UnloadImage(checkerboard); ctx.fileDialog = InitGuiFileDialog(420, 310, zpl_bprintf("%s/art", GetWorkingDirectory()), false); } BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(GetColor(0x222034)); { if (ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive) GuiLock(); if (ctx.msgbox.visible) GuiLock(); DrawTextureEx(checker_tex, (Vector2){ preview_window.min.x, preview_window.min.y}, 0.0f, 1.0f, WHITE); Rectangle tex_rect = aabb2_ray(preview_window); DrawTextureEx(ctx.tex, (Vector2){ tex_rect.x + zpl_max(0.0f, tex_rect.width/2.0f - (ctx.tex.width*zoom)/2.0f), tex_rect.y + zpl_max(0.0f, tex_rect.height/2.0f - (ctx.tex.height*zoom)/2.0f), }, 0.0f, zoom, WHITE); DrawAABB(topbar, RAYWHITE); DrawAABB(property_pane, GetColor(0x422060)); DrawAABB(oplist_pane, GetColor(0x425060)); texed_draw_topbar(topbar); texed_draw_props_pane(property_pane); texed_draw_oplist_pane(oplist_pane); if (ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive) GuiUnlock(); if (ctx.msgbox.visible) GuiUnlock(); GuiFileDialog(&ctx.fileDialog); texed_draw_msgbox(orig_screen); } EndDrawing(); static bool exit_pending = false; if (WindowShouldClose()) { if (!ctx.is_saved) { texed_msgbox_init("Discard unsaved work?", "You have an unsaved work! Do you want to proceed?", "OK;Cancel"); exit_pending = true; } else { break; } } if (exit_pending && ctx.msgbox.result != -1) { exit_pending = false; if (ctx.msgbox.result == 1) { break; } ctx.msgbox.result = -1; } } UnloadTexture(checker_tex); zpl_opts_free(&opts); texed_destroy(); } void texed_new(int32_t w, int32_t h) { ctx.img_pos = -1; ctx.selected_op = -1; zpl_memset(ctx.img, 0, sizeof(Image)*TD_IMAGES_MAX_STACK); ctx.filepath = NULL; ctx.msgbox.result = -1; zpl_array_init(ctx.ops, zpl_heap()); is_repaint_locked = true; texed_add_op(TOP_NEW_IMAGE); zpl_i64_to_str(w, ctx.ops[0].params[0].str, 10); zpl_i64_to_str(h, ctx.ops[0].params[1].str, 10); is_repaint_locked = false; texed_repaint_preview(); ctx.fileDialog = InitGuiFileDialog(420, 310, zpl_bprintf("%s/art", GetWorkingDirectory()), false); ctx.is_saved = true; } void texed_clear(void) { zpl_array_clear(ctx.ops); for (int i = 0; i <= ctx.img_pos; i+=1) UnloadImage(ctx.img[i]); ctx.img_pos = -1; ctx.selected_op = -1; } void texed_destroy(void) { texed_clear(); CloseWindow(); } void texed_export_cc(char const *path) { zpl_printf("Building texture %s ...\n", zpl_bprintf("art/gen/%s.h", GetFileNameWithoutExt(path))); ExportImageAsCode(ctx.img[ctx.img_pos], zpl_bprintf("art/gen/%s.h", GetFileNameWithoutExt(path))); } void texed_export_png(char const *path) { zpl_printf("Exporting texture %s ...\n", zpl_bprintf("art/gen/%s.png", GetFileNameWithoutExt(path))); ExportImage(ctx.img[ctx.img_pos], zpl_bprintf("art/gen/%s.png", GetFileNameWithoutExt(path))); } void texed_img_push(int w, int h, Color color) { if (ctx.img_pos == TD_IMAGES_MAX_STACK) return; ctx.img_pos += 1; ctx.img[ctx.img_pos] = GenImageColor(w, h, color); } void texed_img_pop(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color tint) { if (ctx.img_pos == 0) return; Image *oi = &ctx.img[ctx.img_pos]; Image *di = &ctx.img[ctx.img_pos-1]; Rectangle src = { 0, 0, oi->width, oi->height }; w = (w == 0) ? di->width : w; h = (h == 0) ? di->height : h; Rectangle dst = { x, y, w, h, }; ImageDraw(di, *oi, src, dst, tint); UnloadImage(ctx.img[ctx.img_pos]); ctx.img_pos -= 1; } void texed_repaint_preview(void) { if (is_repaint_locked) return; texed_compose_image(); if (!IsWindowReady()) return; UnloadTexture(ctx.tex); ctx.tex = LoadTextureFromImage(ctx.img[ctx.img_pos]); } void texed_compose_image(void) { if (is_repaint_locked) return; ctx.is_saved = false; texed_process_params(); texed_process_ops(); } void texed_msgbox_init(char const *title, char const *message, char const *buttons) { ctx.msgbox.result = -1; ctx.msgbox.visible = true; ctx.msgbox.title = title; ctx.msgbox.message = message; ctx.msgbox.buttons = buttons; } int texed_find_op(int kind) { for (int i = 0; i < DEF_OPS_LEN; i += 1) { if (default_ops[i].kind == kind) { return i; } } return -1; } void texed_add_op(int kind) { int idx = texed_find_op(kind); assert(idx >= 0); td_op *dop = &default_ops[idx]; td_op op = { .kind = dop->kind, .name = dop->name, .is_locked = dop->is_locked, .num_params = dop->num_params, .params = (td_param*)zpl_malloc(sizeof(td_param)*dop->num_params) }; zpl_memcopy(op.params, dop->params, sizeof(td_param)*dop->num_params); //TODO(zaklaus): weird stuff down there //zpl_array_append_at(ctx.ops, op, ctx.selected_op+1); int ind = ctx.selected_op+1; do { if (ind >= zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)) { zpl_array_append(ctx.ops, op); break; } if (zpl_array_capacity(ctx.ops) < zpl_array_count(ctx.ops) + 1) zpl_array_grow(ctx.ops, 0); zpl_memmove(&(ctx.ops)[ind + 1], (ctx.ops + ind), zpl_size_of(td_op) * (zpl_array_count(ctx.ops) - ind)); ctx.ops[ind] = op; zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)++; } while (0); ctx.selected_op++; texed_repaint_preview(); } void texed_swp_op(int idx, int idx2) { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < (int)zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)); assert(idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < (int)zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)); td_op tmp = ctx.ops[idx2]; ctx.ops[idx2] = ctx.ops[idx]; ctx.ops[idx] = tmp; if (idx == ctx.selected_op) ctx.selected_op = idx2; texed_repaint_preview(); } void texed_rem_op(int idx) { assert(idx >= 0 && idx < (int)zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)); zpl_mfree(ctx.ops[idx].params); zpl_array_remove_at(ctx.ops, idx); if (zpl_array_count(ctx.ops) > 0 && idx <= ctx.selected_op) ctx.selected_op -= 1; texed_repaint_preview(); }