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/** @file Definitions for import post processing steps */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Defines the flags for all possible post processing steps. */
enum aiPostProcessSteps
/** Calculates the binormals and tangents for the imported meshes. Does nothing
* if a mesh does not have normals. You might want this post processing step to be
* executed if you plan to use tangent space calculations such as normal mapping
* applied to the meshes.
aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace = 1,
/** Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported meshes.
* After this step is run each mesh does contain only unique vertices anymore,
* so a vertex is possibly used by multiple faces. You propably always want
* to use this post processing step.*/
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices = 2,
/** Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space such as
* the DirectX coordinate system. By default the data is returned in a right-handed
* coordinate space which for example OpenGL preferres. In this space, +X points to the
* right, +Y points upwards and +Z points to the viewer. In the DirectX coordinate space
* +X points to the right, +Y points upwards and +Z points away from the viewer
* into the screen.
aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded = 4,
/** Triangulates all faces of all meshes. By default the imported mesh data might
* contain faces with more than 3 indices. For rendering a mesh you usually need
* all faces to be triangles. This post processing step splits up all higher faces
* to triangles.
aiProcess_Triangulate = 8,
/** Omits all normals found in the file. This can be used together
* with either the aiProcess_GenNormals or the aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
* flag to force the recomputation of the normals.
aiProcess_KillNormals = 0x10,
/** Generates normals for all faces of all meshes. The normals are shared
* between the three vertices of a face. This is ignored
* if normals are already existing. This flag may not be specified together
* with aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
aiProcess_GenNormals = 0x20,
/** Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh. This is ignored
* if normals are already existing. This flag may not be specified together
* with aiProcess_GenNormals
aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals = 0x40,
/** Splits large meshes into submeshes
* This is quite useful for realtime rendering where the number of vertices
* is usually limited by the video driver.
* A mesh is split if it consists of more than 1 * 10^6 vertices. This is defined
* in the internal SplitLargeMeshes.h header as AI_SLM_MAX_VERTICES.
aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes = 0x80
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // end of extern "C"