208 lines
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208 lines
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// Interface exposed to emscripten's WebIDL Binder.
// http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/porting/connecting_cpp_and_javascript/WebIDL-Binder.html
enum draco_GeometryAttribute_Type {
interface GeometryAttribute {
void GeometryAttribute();
enum draco_EncodedGeometryType {
enum draco_MeshEncoderMethod {
interface PointAttribute {
void PointAttribute();
long size();
// From GeometryAttribute
long attribute_type();
long data_type();
byte num_components();
boolean normalized();
long byte_stride();
long byte_offset();
long unique_id();
interface PointCloud {
void PointCloud();
long num_attributes();
long num_points();
interface Mesh : PointCloud {
void Mesh();
long num_faces();
// From PointCloud
long num_attributes();
long num_points();
void set_num_points(long num_points);
interface Metadata {
void Metadata();
interface DracoInt8Array {
void DracoInt8Array();
long GetValue(long index);
long size();
interface MetadataBuilder {
void MetadataBuilder();
boolean AddStringEntry(Metadata metadata,
[Const] DOMString entry_name,
[Const] DOMString entry_value);
boolean AddIntEntry(Metadata metadata,
[Const] DOMString entry_name,
long entry_value);
boolean AddIntEntryArray(Metadata metadata,
[Const] DOMString entry_name,
[Const] long[] att_values,
long num_values);
boolean AddDoubleEntry(Metadata metadata,
[Const] DOMString entry_name,
double entry_value);
interface PointCloudBuilder {
void PointCloudBuilder();
long AddFloatAttribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] float[] att_values);
long AddInt8Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] byte[] att_values);
long AddUInt8Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] octet[] att_values);
long AddInt16Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] short[] att_values);
long AddUInt16Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] unsigned short[] att_values);
long AddInt32Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] long[] att_values);
long AddUInt32Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] unsigned long[] att_values);
boolean AddMetadata(PointCloud pc, [Const] Metadata metadata);
boolean SetMetadataForAttribute(PointCloud pc, long attribute_id,
[Const] Metadata metadata);
interface MeshBuilder : PointCloudBuilder {
void MeshBuilder();
boolean AddFacesToMesh(Mesh mesh, long num_faces, [Const] long[] faces);
// Deprecated.
long AddFloatAttributeToMesh(Mesh mesh, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] float[] att_values);
// Deprecated.
long AddInt32AttributeToMesh(Mesh mesh, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] long[] att_values);
// Deprecated.
boolean AddMetadataToMesh(Mesh mesh, [Const] Metadata metadata);
// From PointCloudBuilder
long AddFloatAttribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] float[] att_values);
long AddInt8Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] byte[] att_values);
long AddUInt8Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] octet[] att_values);
long AddInt16Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] short[] att_values);
long AddUInt16Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] unsigned short[] att_values);
long AddInt32Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] long[] att_values);
long AddUInt32Attribute(PointCloud pc, draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long num_vertices, long num_components,
[Const] unsigned long[] att_values);
boolean AddMetadata(PointCloud pc, [Const] Metadata metadata);
boolean SetMetadataForAttribute(PointCloud pc, long attribute_id,
[Const] Metadata metadata);
interface Encoder {
void Encoder();
void SetEncodingMethod(long method);
void SetAttributeQuantization(draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long quantization_bits);
void SetAttributeExplicitQuantization(draco_GeometryAttribute_Type type,
long quantization_bits,
long num_components,
[Const] float[] origin,
float range);
void SetSpeedOptions(long encoding_speed, long decoding_speed);
void SetTrackEncodedProperties(boolean flag);
long EncodeMeshToDracoBuffer(Mesh mesh,
DracoInt8Array encoded_data);
long EncodePointCloudToDracoBuffer(PointCloud pc, boolean deduplicate_values,
DracoInt8Array encoded_data);
// Returns the number of encoded points or faces from the last Encode
// operation. Returns 0 if SetTrackEncodedProperties was not set to true.
long GetNumberOfEncodedPoints();
long GetNumberOfEncodedFaces();
interface ExpertEncoder {
void ExpertEncoder(PointCloud pc);
void SetEncodingMethod(long method);
void SetAttributeQuantization(long att_id,
long quantization_bits);
void SetAttributeExplicitQuantization(long att_id,
long quantization_bits,
long num_components,
[Const] float[] origin,
float range);
void SetSpeedOptions(long encoding_speed, long decoding_speed);
void SetTrackEncodedProperties(boolean flag);
long EncodeToDracoBuffer(boolean deduplicate_values,
DracoInt8Array encoded_data);
// Returns the number of encoded points or faces from the last Encode
// operation. Returns 0 if SetTrackEncodedProperties was not set to true.
long GetNumberOfEncodedPoints();
long GetNumberOfEncodedFaces();
}; |