
231 lines
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#include "BaseImporter.h"
#include "OgreParsingUtils.h"
namespace Assimp
namespace Ogre
struct Face;
struct BoneWeight;
struct Bone;
struct Animation;
/// Ogre SubMesh
struct SubMesh
bool UseSharedGeometry;
bool Use32bitIndexes;
std::string Name;
std::string MaterialName;
bool HasGeometry;
bool HasPositions;
bool HasNormals;
bool HasTangents;
std::vector<Face> Faces;
std::vector<aiVector3D> Positions;
std::vector<aiVector3D> Normals;
std::vector<aiVector3D> Tangents;
/// Arbitrary number of texcoords, they are nearly always 2d, but Assimp has always 3d texcoords, n vectors(outer) with texcoords for each vertex(inner).
std::vector<std::vector<aiVector3D> > Uvs;
/// A list(inner) of bones for each vertex(outer).
std::vector<std::vector<BoneWeight> > Weights;
/// The Index in the Assimp material array from the material witch is attached to this submesh.
int MaterialIndex;
// The highest index of a bone from a bone weight, this is needed to create the Assimp bone struct. Converting from vertex-bones to bone-vertices.
unsigned int BonesUsed;
SubMesh() :
/** Importer for Ogre mesh, skeleton and material formats.
@todo Support vertex colors
@todo Support multiple TexCoords (this is already done??) */
class OgreImporter : public BaseImporter
/// BaseImporter override.
virtual bool CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const;
/// BaseImporter override.
virtual void InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler);
/// BaseImporter override.
virtual const aiImporterDesc *GetInfo() const;
/// BaseImporter override.
virtual void SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp);
//-------------------------------- OgreMesh.cpp -------------------------------
/// Helper Functions to read parts of the XML File.
void ReadSubMesh(const unsigned int submeshIndex, SubMesh &submesh, XmlReader *reader);
/// Reads a single Vertexbuffer and writes its data in the Submesh.
static void ReadVertexBuffer(SubMesh &submesh, XmlReader *reader, const unsigned int numVertices);
/// Reads bone weights are stores them into the given submesh.
static void ReadBoneWeights(SubMesh &submesh, XmlReader *reader);
/// After Loading a SubMehs some work needs to be done (make all Vertexes unique, normalize weights).
static void ProcessSubMesh(SubMesh &submesh, SubMesh &sharedGeometry);
/// Uses the bone data to convert a SubMesh into a aiMesh which will be created and returned.
aiMesh *CreateAssimpSubMesh(aiScene *pScene, const SubMesh &submesh, const std::vector<Bone> &bones) const;
//-------------------------------- OgreSkeleton.cpp -------------------------------
/// Writes the results in Bones and Animations, Filename is not const, because its call-by-value and the function will change it!
void ReadSkeleton(const std::string &pFile, Assimp::IOSystem *pIOHandler, const aiScene *pScene,
const std::string &skeletonFile, std::vector<Bone> &Bones, std::vector<Animation> &Animations) const;
/// Converts the animations in aiAnimations and puts them into the scene.
void PutAnimationsInScene(aiScene *pScene, const std::vector<Bone> &Bones, const std::vector<Animation> &Animations);
/// Creates the aiSkeleton in current scene.
void CreateAssimpSkeleton(aiScene *pScene, const std::vector<Bone> &bones, const std::vector<Animation> &animations);
/// Recursively creates a filled aiNode from a given root bone.
static aiNode* CreateNodeFromBone(int boneId, const std::vector<Bone> &bones, aiNode *parent);
//-------------------------------- OgreMaterial.cpp -------------------------------
/// Reads material
aiMaterial* ReadMaterial(const std::string &pFile, Assimp::IOSystem *pIOHandler, const std::string MaterialName);
// These functions parse blocks from a material file from @c ss. Starting parsing from "{" and ending it to "}".
bool ReadTechnique(const std::string &techniqueName, std::stringstream &ss, aiMaterial *material);
bool ReadPass(const std::string &passName, std::stringstream &ss, aiMaterial *material);
bool ReadTextureUnit(const std::string &textureUnitName, std::stringstream &ss, aiMaterial *material);
std::string m_userDefinedMaterialLibFile;
bool m_detectTextureTypeFromFilename;
/// VertexBuffer for the sub meshes that use shader geometry.
SubMesh m_SharedGeometry;
std::map<aiTextureType, unsigned int> m_textures;
/// Simplified face.
/** @todo Support other polygon types than just just triangles. Move to using aiFace. */
struct Face
unsigned int VertexIndices[3];
/// Ogre Bone assignment
struct BoneAssignment
/// Bone ID from Ogre.
unsigned int BoneId;
// Bone name for Assimp.
std::string BoneName;
/// Ogre Bone weight
struct BoneWeight
/// Bone Id
unsigned int Id;
/// BoneWeight
float Value;
/// Ogre Bone
struct Bone
std::string Name;
int Id;
int ParentId;
aiVector3D Position;
aiVector3D RotationAxis;
float RotationAngle;
aiMatrix4x4 BoneToWorldSpace;
std::vector<int> Children;
Bone() :
/// Returns if this bone is parented.
bool IsParented() const { return (ParentId != -1); }
/// This operator is needed to sort the bones by Id in a vector<Bone>.
bool operator<(const Bone &other) const { return (Id < other.Id); }
/// This operator is needed to find a bone by its name in a vector<Bone>
bool operator==(const std::string& other) const { return Name == other; }
bool operator==(const aiString& other) const { return Name == std::string(; }
/// @note Implemented in OgreSkeleton.cpp
void CalculateBoneToWorldSpaceMatrix(std::vector<Bone>& Bones);
/// Ogre animation key frame
/** Transformations for a frame. */
struct KeyFrame
float Time;
aiVector3D Position;
aiQuaternion Rotation;
aiVector3D Scaling;
/// Ogre animation track
/** Keyframes for one bone. */
struct Track
std::string BoneName;
std::vector<KeyFrame> Keyframes;
/// Ogre animation
struct Animation
/// Name
std::string Name;
/// Length
float Length;
/// Tracks
std::vector<Track> Tracks;
} // Ogre
} // Assimp