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#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from ctypes import POINTER, c_int, c_uint, c_char, c_float, Structure, c_char_p, c_double, c_ubyte
class Vector2D(Structure):
See 'aiVector2D.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
("x", c_float),("y", c_float),
class Texel(Structure):
See 'aiTexture.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
("b", c_ubyte),("g", c_ubyte),("r", c_ubyte),("a", c_ubyte),
class Plane(Structure):
See 'aiTypes.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Plane equation
("a", c_float),("b", c_float),("c", c_float),("d", c_float),
class Color3D(Structure):
See 'aiTypes.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Red, green and blue color values
("r", c_float),("g", c_float),("b", c_float),
class String(Structure):
See 'aiTypes.h' for details.
MAXLEN = 1024
_fields_ = [
#Binary length of the string excluding the terminal 0. This is NOT the# logical length of strings containing UTF-8 multibyte sequences! It's# the number of bytes from the beginning of the string to its end.#
("length", c_uint),#String buffer. Size limit is MAXLEN#
("data", c_char*MAXLEN),
class MemoryInfo(Structure):
See 'aiTypes.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#Storage allocated for texture data#
("textures", c_uint),#Storage allocated for material data#
("materials", c_uint),#Storage allocated for mesh data#
("meshes", c_uint),#Storage allocated for node data#
("nodes", c_uint),#Storage allocated for animation data#
("animations", c_uint),#Storage allocated for camera data#
("cameras", c_uint),#Storage allocated for light data#
("lights", c_uint),#Total storage allocated for the full import.#
("total", c_uint),
class Matrix3x3(Structure):
See 'aiMatrix3x3.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
("a1", c_float),("a2", c_float),("a3", c_float),
("b1", c_float),("b2", c_float),("b3", c_float),
("c1", c_float),("c2", c_float),("c3", c_float),
class Color4D(Structure):
See 'aiColor4D.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Red, green, blue and alpha color values
("r", c_float),("g", c_float),("b", c_float),("a", c_float),
class ExportFormatDesc(Structure):
See 'export.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# a short string ID to uniquely identify the export format. Use this ID string to# specify which file format you want to export to when calling aiExportScene().# Example: "dae" or "obj"
("id", POINTER(c_char)),# A short description of the file format to present to users. Useful if you want# to allow the user to select an export format.
("description", POINTER(c_char)),# Recommended file extension for the exported file in lower case.
("fileExtension", POINTER(c_char)),
class Quaternion(Structure):
See 'aiQuaternion.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# w,x,y,z components of the quaternion
("w", c_float),("x", c_float),("y", c_float),("z", c_float),
class Vector3D(Structure):
See 'aiVector3D.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
("x", c_float),("y", c_float),("z", c_float),
class Face(Structure):
See 'aiMesh.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Number of indices defining this face.# The maximum value for this member is #AI_MAX_FACE_INDICES.
("mNumIndices", c_uint),# Pointer to the indices array. Size of the array is given in numIndices.
("mIndices", POINTER(c_uint)),
class VertexWeight(Structure):
See 'aiMesh.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Index of the vertex which is influenced by the bone.
("mVertexId", c_uint),# The strength of the influence in the range (0...1).# The influence from all bones at one vertex amounts to 1.
("mWeight", c_float),
class MeshKey(Structure):
See 'aiAnim.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The time of this key#
("mTime", c_double),#Index into the aiMesh::mAnimMeshes array of the# mesh coresponding to the #aiMeshAnim hosting this# key frame. The referenced anim mesh is evaluated# according to the rules defined in the docs for #aiAnimMesh.#
("mValue", c_uint),
class Matrix4x4(Structure):
See 'aiMatrix4x4.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
("a1", c_float),("a2", c_float),("a3", c_float),("a4", c_float),
("b1", c_float),("b2", c_float),("b3", c_float),("b4", c_float),
("c1", c_float),("c2", c_float),("c3", c_float),("c4", c_float),
("d1", c_float),("d2", c_float),("d3", c_float),("d4", c_float),
class Node(Structure):
See 'aiScene.h' for details.
Node._fields_ = [
#The name of the node.##The name might be empty (length of zero) but all nodes which#need to be accessed afterwards by bones or anims are usually named.#Multiple nodes may have the same name, but nodes which are accessed#by bones (see #aiBone and #aiMesh::mBones) *must* be unique.##Cameras and lights are assigned to a specific node name - if there#are multiple nodes with this name, they're assigned to each of them.#<br>#There are no limitations regarding the characters contained in#this text. You should be able to handle stuff like whitespace, tabs,#linefeeds, quotation marks, ampersands, ... .#
("mName", String),#The transformation relative to the node's parent.#
("mTransformation", Matrix4x4),#Parent node. NULL if this node is the root node.#
("mParent", POINTER(Node)),#The number of child nodes of this node.#
("mNumChildren", c_uint),#The child nodes of this node. NULL if mNumChildren is 0.#
("mChildren", POINTER(POINTER(Node))),#The number of meshes of this node.#
("mNumMeshes", c_uint),#The meshes of this node. Each entry is an index into the mesh#
("mMeshes", POINTER(c_uint)),
class Camera(Structure):
See 'aiCamera.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The name of the camera.## There must be a node in the scenegraph with the same name.# This node specifies the position of the camera in the scene# hierarchy and can be animated.#
("mName", String),#Position of the camera relative to the coordinate space# defined by the corresponding node.## The default value is 0|0|0.#
("mPosition", Vector3D),#'Up' - vector of the camera coordinate system relative to# the coordinate space defined by the corresponding node.## The 'right' vector of the camera coordinate system is# the cross product of the up and lookAt vectors.# The default value is 0|1|0. The vector# may be normalized, but it needn't.#
("mUp", Vector3D),#'LookAt' - vector of the camera coordinate system relative to# the coordinate space defined by the corresponding node.## This is the viewing direction of the user.# The default value is 0|0|1. The vector# may be normalized, but it needn't.#
("mLookAt", Vector3D),#Half horizontal field of view angle, in radians.## The field of view angle is the angle between the center# line of the screen and the left or right border.# The default value is 1/4PI.#
("mHorizontalFOV", c_float),#Distance of the near clipping plane from the camera.##The value may not be 0.f (for arithmetic reasons to prevent#a division through zero). The default value is 0.1f.#
("mClipPlaneNear", c_float),#Distance of the far clipping plane from the camera.##The far clipping plane must, of course, be further away than the#near clipping plane. The default value is 1000.f. The ratio#between the near and the far plane should not be too#large (between 1000-10000 should be ok) to avoid floating-point#inaccuracies which could lead to z-fighting.#
("mClipPlaneFar", c_float),#Screen aspect ratio.##This is the ration between the width and the height of the#screen. Typical values are 4/3, 1/2 or 1/1. This value is#0 if the aspect ratio is not defined in the source file.#0 is also the default value.#
("mAspect", c_float),
class Texture(Structure):
See 'aiTexture.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#Width of the texture, in pixels##If mHeight is zero the texture is compressed in a format#like JPEG. In this case mWidth specifies the size of the#memory area pcData is pointing to, in bytes.#
("mWidth", c_uint),#Height of the texture, in pixels##If this value is zero, pcData points to an compressed texture#in any format (e.g. JPEG).#
("mHeight", c_uint),#A hint from the loader to make it easier for applications# to determine the type of embedded compressed textures.##If mHeight != 0 this member is undefined. Otherwise it#is set set to '\\0\\0\\0\\0' if the loader has no additional#information about the texture file format used OR the#file extension of the format without a trailing dot. If there#are multiple file extensions for a format, the shortest#extension is chosen (JPEG maps to 'jpg', not to 'jpeg').#E.g. 'dds\\0', 'pcx\\0', 'jpg\\0'. All characters are lower-case.#The fourth character will always be '\\0'.#
("achFormatHint", c_char*4),#Data of the texture.##Points to an array of mWidth#mHeight aiTexel's.#The format of the texture data is always ARGB8888 to#make the implementation for user of the library as easy#as possible. If mHeight = 0 this is a pointer to a memory#buffer of size mWidth containing the compressed texture#data. Good luck, have fun!#
("pcData", POINTER(Texel)),
class Ray(Structure):
See 'aiTypes.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# Position and direction of the ray
("pos", Vector3D),("dir", Vector3D),
class Light(Structure):
See 'aiLight.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The name of the light source.## There must be a node in the scenegraph with the same name.# This node specifies the position of the light in the scene# hierarchy and can be animated.#
("mName", String),#The type of the light source.##aiLightSource_UNDEFINED is not a valid value for this member.#
("mType", c_uint),#Position of the light source in space. Relative to the# transformation of the node corresponding to the light.## The position is undefined for directional lights.#
("mPosition", Vector3D),#Direction of the light source in space. Relative to the# transformation of the node corresponding to the light.## The direction is undefined for point lights. The vector# may be normalized, but it needn't.#
("mDirection", Vector3D),#Constant light attenuation factor.## The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from# the light's position is# @code# Atten = 1/( att0 + att1#d + att2#d*d)# @endcode# This member corresponds to the att0 variable in the equation.# Naturally undefined for directional lights.#
("mAttenuationConstant", c_float),#Linear light attenuation factor.## The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from# the light's position is# @code# Atten = 1/( att0 + att1#d + att2#d*d)# @endcode# This member corresponds to the att1 variable in the equation.# Naturally undefined for directional lights.#
("mAttenuationLinear", c_float),#Quadratic light attenuation factor.## The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from# the light's position is# @code# Atten = 1/( att0 + att1#d + att2#d*d)# @endcode# This member corresponds to the att2 variable in the equation.# Naturally undefined for directional lights.#
("mAttenuationQuadratic", c_float),#Diffuse color of the light source## The diffuse light color is multiplied with the diffuse# material color to obtain the final color that contributes# to the diffuse shading term.#
("mColorDiffuse", Color3D),#Specular color of the light source## The specular light color is multiplied with the specular# material color to obtain the final color that contributes# to the specular shading term.#
("mColorSpecular", Color3D),#Ambient color of the light source## The ambient light color is multiplied with the ambient# material color to obtain the final color that contributes# to the ambient shading term. Most renderers will ignore# this value it, is just a remaining of the fixed-function pipeline# that is still supported by quite many file formats.#
("mColorAmbient", Color3D),#Inner angle of a spot light's light cone.## The spot light has maximum influence on objects inside this# angle. The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point# lights and undefined for directional lights.#
("mAngleInnerCone", c_float),#Outer angle of a spot light's light cone.## The spot light does not affect objects outside this angle.# The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point lights and# undefined for directional lights. The outer angle must be# greater than or equal to the inner angle.# It is assumed that the application uses a smooth# interpolation between the inner and the outer cone of the# spot light.#
("mAngleOuterCone", c_float),
class Bone(Structure):
See 'aiMesh.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
# The name of the bone.
("mName", String),# The number of vertices affected by this bone# The maximum value for this member is #AI_MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS.
("mNumWeights", c_uint),# The vertices affected by this bone
("mWeights", POINTER(VertexWeight)),# Matrix that transforms from mesh space to bone space in bind pose
("mOffsetMatrix", Matrix4x4),
class Mesh(Structure):
See 'aiMesh.h' for details.
AI_MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS = 0x7fffffff
AI_MAX_VERTICES = 0x7fffffff
AI_MAX_FACES = 0x7fffffff
_fields_ = [
#Bitwise combination of the members of the #aiPrimitiveType enum.#This specifies which types of primitives are present in the mesh.#The "SortByPrimitiveType"-Step can be used to make sure the#output meshes consist of one primitive type each.#
("mPrimitiveTypes", c_uint),#The number of vertices in this mesh.#This is also the size of all of the per-vertex data arrays.#The maximum value for this member is #AI_MAX_VERTICES.#
("mNumVertices", c_uint),#The number of primitives (triangles, polygons, lines) in this mesh.#This is also the size of the mFaces array.#The maximum value for this member is #AI_MAX_FACES.#
("mNumFaces", c_uint),#Vertex positions.#This array is always present in a mesh. The array is#mNumVertices in size.#
("mVertices", POINTER(Vector3D)),#Vertex normals.#The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if not present.#The array is mNumVertices in size. Normals are undefined for#point and line primitives. A mesh consisting of points and#lines only may not have normal vectors. Meshes with mixed#primitive types (i.e. lines and triangles) may have normals,#but the normals for vertices that are only referenced by#point or line primitives are undefined and set to QNaN (WARN:#qNaN compares to inequal to *everything*, even to qNaN itself.#Using code like this to check whether a field is qnan is:#@code##define IS_QNAN(f) (f != f)#@endcode#still dangerous because even 1.f == 1.f could evaluate to false! (#remember the subtleties of IEEE754 artithmetics). Use stuff like#@c fpclassify instead.#@note Normal vectors computed by Assimp are always unit-length.#However, this needn't apply for normals that have been taken# directly from the model file.#
("mNormals", POINTER(Vector3D)),#Vertex tangents.#The tangent of a vertex points in the direction of the positive#X texture axis. The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if#not present. The array is mNumVertices in size. A mesh consisting#of points and lines only may not have normal vectors. Meshes with#mixed primitive types (i.e. lines and triangles) may have#normals, but the normals for vertices that are only referenced by#point or line primitives are undefined and set to qNaN. See#the #mNormals member for a detailled discussion of qNaNs.#@note If the mesh contains tangents, it automatically also#contains bitangents.#
("mTangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),#Vertex bitangents.#The bitangent of a vertex points in the direction of the positive#Y texture axis. The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if not#present. The array is mNumVertices in size.#@note If the mesh contains tangents, it automatically also contains#bitangents.#
("mBitangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),#Vertex color sets.#A mesh may contain 0 to #AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS vertex#colors per vertex. NULL if not present. Each array is#mNumVertices in size if present.#
("mColors", POINTER(Color4D)*AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS),#Vertex texture coords, also known as UV channels.#A mesh may contain 0 to AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS per#vertex. NULL if not present. The array is mNumVertices in size.#
("mTextureCoords", POINTER(Vector3D)*AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS),#Specifies the number of components for a given UV channel.#Up to three channels are supported (UVW, for accessing volume#or cube maps). If the value is 2 for a given channel n, the#component p.z of mTextureCoords[n][p] is set to 0.0f.#If the value is 1 for a given channel, p.y is set to 0.0f, too.#@note 4D coords are not supported#
("mNumUVComponents", c_uint*AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS),#The faces the mesh is constructed from.#Each face refers to a number of vertices by their indices.#This array is always present in a mesh, its size is given#in mNumFaces. If the #AI_SCENE_FLAGS_NON_VERBOSE_FORMAT#is NOT set each face references an unique set of vertices.#
("mFaces", POINTER(Face)),#The number of bones this mesh contains.#Can be 0, in which case the mBones array is NULL.#
("mNumBones", c_uint),#The bones of this mesh.#A bone consists of a name by which it can be found in the#frame hierarchy and a set of vertex weights.#
("mBones", POINTER(POINTER(Bone))),#The material used by this mesh.#A mesh does use only a single material. If an imported model uses#multiple materials, the import splits up the mesh. Use this value#as index into the scene's material list.#
("mMaterialIndex", c_uint),#Name of the mesh. Meshes can be named, but this is not a# requirement and leaving this field empty is totally fine.# There are mainly three uses for mesh names:# - some formats name nodes and meshes independently.# - importers tend to split meshes up to meet the# one-material-per-mesh requirement. Assigning# the same (dummy) name to each of the result meshes# aids the caller at recovering the original mesh# partitioning.# - Vertex animations refer to meshes by their names.#
("mName", String),#NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. The number of attachment meshes#
("mNumAnimMeshes", c_uint),#NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. Attachment meshes for this mesh, for vertex-based animation.# Attachment meshes carry replacement data for some of the# mesh'es vertex components (usually positions, normals).#
class VectorKey(Structure):
See 'aiAnim.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The time of this key#
("mTime", c_double),#The value of this key#
("mValue", Vector3D),
class QuatKey(Structure):
See 'aiAnim.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The time of this key#
("mTime", c_double),#The value of this key#
("mValue", Quaternion),
class NodeAnim(Structure):
See 'aiAnim.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The name of the node affected by this animation. The node# must exist and it must be unique.#
("mNodeName", String),#The number of position keys#
("mNumPositionKeys", c_uint),#The position keys of this animation channel. Positions are#specified as 3D vector. The array is mNumPositionKeys in size.##If there are position keys, there will also be at least one#scaling and one rotation key.#
("mPositionKeys", POINTER(VectorKey)),#The number of rotation keys#
("mNumRotationKeys", c_uint),#The rotation keys of this animation channel. Rotations are# given as quaternions, which are 4D vectors. The array is# mNumRotationKeys in size.##If there are rotation keys, there will also be at least one#scaling and one position key.#
("mRotationKeys", POINTER(QuatKey)),#The number of scaling keys#
("mNumScalingKeys", c_uint),#The scaling keys of this animation channel. Scalings are# specified as 3D vector. The array is mNumScalingKeys in size.##If there are scaling keys, there will also be at least one#position and one rotation key.#
("mScalingKeys", POINTER(VectorKey)),#Defines how the animation behaves before the first# key is encountered.## The default value is aiAnimBehaviour_DEFAULT (the original# transformation matrix of the affected node is used).#
("mPreState", c_uint),#Defines how the animation behaves after the last# key was processed.## The default value is aiAnimBehaviour_DEFAULT (the original# transformation matrix of the affected node is taken).#
("mPostState", c_uint),
class Animation(Structure):
See 'aiAnim.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#The name of the animation. If the modeling package this data was# exported from does support only a single animation channel, this# name is usually empty (length is zero).#
("mName", String),#Duration of the animation in ticks.#
("mDuration", c_double),#Ticks per second. 0 if not specified in the imported file#
("mTicksPerSecond", c_double),#The number of bone animation channels. Each channel affects# a single node.#
("mNumChannels", c_uint),#The node animation channels. Each channel affects a single node.# The array is mNumChannels in size.#
("mChannels", POINTER(POINTER(NodeAnim))),#The number of mesh animation channels. Each channel affects# a single mesh and defines vertex-based animation.#
("mNumMeshChannels", c_uint),#The mesh animation channels. Each channel affects a single mesh.# The array is mNumMeshChannels in size.#
class UVTransform(Structure):
See 'aiMaterial.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#Translation on the u and v axes.## The default value is (0|0).#
("mTranslation", Vector2D),#Scaling on the u and v axes.## The default value is (1|1).#
("mScaling", Vector2D),#Rotation - in counter-clockwise direction.## The rotation angle is specified in radians. The# rotation center is 0.5f|0.5f. The default value# 0.f.#
("mRotation", c_float),
class MaterialProperty(Structure):
See 'aiMaterial.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#Specifies the name of the property (key)# Keys are generally case insensitive.#
("mKey", String),#Textures: Specifies their exact usage semantic.#For non-texture properties, this member is always 0#(or, better-said, #aiTextureType_NONE).#
("mSemantic", c_uint),#Textures: Specifies the index of the texture.# For non-texture properties, this member is always 0.#
("mIndex", c_uint),#Size of the buffer mData is pointing to, in bytes.# This value may not be 0.#
("mDataLength", c_uint),#Type information for the property.##Defines the data layout inside the data buffer. This is used#by the library internally to perform debug checks and to#utilize proper type conversions.#(It's probably a hacky solution, but it works.)#
("mType", c_uint),#Binary buffer to hold the property's value.#The size of the buffer is always mDataLength.#
("mData", POINTER(c_char)),
class Material(Structure):
See 'aiMaterial.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#List of all material properties loaded.#
("mProperties", POINTER(POINTER(MaterialProperty))),#Number of properties in the data base#
("mNumProperties", c_uint),#Storage allocated#
("mNumAllocated", c_uint),
class Scene(Structure):
See 'aiScene.h' for details.
_fields_ = [
#Any combination of the AI_SCENE_FLAGS_XXX flags. By default#this value is 0, no flags are set. Most applications will#want to reject all scenes with the AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE#bit set.#
("mFlags", c_uint),#The root node of the hierarchy.##There will always be at least the root node if the import#was successful (and no special flags have been set).#Presence of further nodes depends on the format and content#of the imported file.#
("mRootNode", POINTER(Node)),#The number of meshes in the scene.#
("mNumMeshes", c_uint),#The array of meshes.##Use the indices given in the aiNode structure to access#this array. The array is mNumMeshes in size. If the#AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE flag is not set there will always#be at least ONE material.#
("mMeshes", POINTER(POINTER(Mesh))),#The number of materials in the scene.#
("mNumMaterials", c_uint),#The array of materials.##Use the index given in each aiMesh structure to access this#array. The array is mNumMaterials in size. If the#AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE flag is not set there will always#be at least ONE material.#
("mMaterials", POINTER(POINTER(Material))),#The number of animations in the scene.#
("mNumAnimations", c_uint),#The array of animations.##All animations imported from the given file are listed here.#The array is mNumAnimations in size.#
("mAnimations", POINTER(POINTER(Animation))),#The number of textures embedded into the file#
("mNumTextures", c_uint),#The array of embedded textures.##Not many file formats embed their textures into the file.#An example is Quake's MDL format (which is also used by#some GameStudio versions)#
("mTextures", POINTER(POINTER(Texture))),#The number of light sources in the scene. Light sources#are fully optional, in most cases this attribute will be 0#
("mNumLights", c_uint),#The array of light sources.##All light sources imported from the given file are#listed here. The array is mNumLights in size.#
("mLights", POINTER(POINTER(Light))),#The number of cameras in the scene. Cameras#are fully optional, in most cases this attribute will be 0#
("mNumCameras", c_uint),#The array of cameras.##All cameras imported from the given file are listed here.#The array is mNumCameras in size. The first camera in the#array (if existing) is the default camera view into#the scene.#
("mCameras", POINTER(POINTER(Camera))),