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// Copyright 2016 The Draco Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "draco/attributes/point_attribute.h"
#include "draco/core/bounding_box.h"
#include "draco/core/vector_d.h"
#include "draco/draco_features.h"
#include "draco/metadata/geometry_metadata.h"
namespace draco {
// PointCloud is a collection of n-dimensional points that are described by a
// set of PointAttributes that can represent data such as positions or colors
// of individual points (see point_attribute.h).
class PointCloud {
virtual ~PointCloud() = default;
// Returns the number of named attributes of a given type.
int32_t NumNamedAttributes(GeometryAttribute::Type type) const;
// Returns attribute id of the first named attribute with a given type or -1
// when the attribute is not used by the point cloud.
int32_t GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::Type type) const;
// Returns the id of the i-th named attribute of a given type.
int32_t GetNamedAttributeId(GeometryAttribute::Type type, int i) const;
// Returns the first named attribute of a given type or nullptr if the
// attribute is not used by the point cloud.
const PointAttribute *GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type type) const;
// Returns the i-th named attribute of a given type.
const PointAttribute *GetNamedAttribute(GeometryAttribute::Type type,
int i) const;
// Returns the named attribute of a given unique id.
const PointAttribute *GetNamedAttributeByUniqueId(
GeometryAttribute::Type type, uint32_t id) const;
// Returns the attribute of a given unique id.
const PointAttribute *GetAttributeByUniqueId(uint32_t id) const;
int32_t GetAttributeIdByUniqueId(uint32_t unique_id) const;
int32_t num_attributes() const {
return static_cast<int32_t>(attributes_.size());
const PointAttribute *attribute(int32_t att_id) const {
DRACO_DCHECK_LE(0, att_id);
DRACO_DCHECK_LT(att_id, static_cast<int32_t>(attributes_.size()));
return attributes_[att_id].get();
// Returned attribute can be modified, but it's caller's responsibility to
// maintain the attribute's consistency with draco::PointCloud.
PointAttribute *attribute(int32_t att_id) {
DRACO_DCHECK_LE(0, att_id);
DRACO_DCHECK_LT(att_id, static_cast<int32_t>(attributes_.size()));
return attributes_[att_id].get();
// Adds a new attribute to the point cloud.
// Returns the attribute id.
int AddAttribute(std::unique_ptr<PointAttribute> pa);
// Creates and adds a new attribute to the point cloud. The attribute has
// properties derived from the provided GeometryAttribute |att|.
// If |identity_mapping| is set to true, the attribute will use identity
// mapping between point indices and attribute value indices (i.e., each
// point has a unique attribute value). If |identity_mapping| is false, the
// mapping between point indices and attribute value indices is set to
// explicit, and it needs to be initialized manually using the
// PointAttribute::SetPointMapEntry() method. |num_attribute_values| can be
// used to specify the number of attribute values that are going to be
// stored in the newly created attribute. Returns attribute id of the newly
// created attribute or -1 in case of failure.
int AddAttribute(const GeometryAttribute &att, bool identity_mapping,
AttributeValueIndex::ValueType num_attribute_values);
// Creates and returns a new attribute or nullptr in case of failure. This
// method is similar to AddAttribute(), except that it returns the new
// attribute instead of adding it to the point cloud.
std::unique_ptr<PointAttribute> CreateAttribute(
const GeometryAttribute &att, bool identity_mapping,
AttributeValueIndex::ValueType num_attribute_values) const;
// Assigns an attribute id to a given PointAttribute. If an attribute with
// the same attribute id already exists, it is deleted.
virtual void SetAttribute(int att_id, std::unique_ptr<PointAttribute> pa);
// Deletes an attribute with specified attribute id. Note that this changes
// attribute ids of all subsequent attributes.
virtual void DeleteAttribute(int att_id);
// Deduplicates all attribute values (all attribute entries with the same
// value are merged into a single entry).
virtual bool DeduplicateAttributeValues();
// Removes duplicate point ids (two point ids are duplicate when all of their
// attributes are mapped to the same entry ids).
virtual void DeduplicatePointIds();
// Get bounding box.
BoundingBox ComputeBoundingBox() const;
// Add metadata.
void AddMetadata(std::unique_ptr<GeometryMetadata> metadata) {
metadata_ = std::move(metadata);
// Add metadata for an attribute.
void AddAttributeMetadata(int32_t att_id,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeMetadata> metadata) {
if (!metadata_) {
metadata_ = std::unique_ptr<GeometryMetadata>(new GeometryMetadata());
const int32_t att_unique_id = attribute(att_id)->unique_id();
const AttributeMetadata *GetAttributeMetadataByAttributeId(
int32_t att_id) const {
if (metadata_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const uint32_t unique_id = attribute(att_id)->unique_id();
return metadata_->GetAttributeMetadataByUniqueId(unique_id);
// Returns the attribute metadata that has the requested metadata entry.
const AttributeMetadata *GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry(
const std::string &name, const std::string &value) const {
if (metadata_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return metadata_->GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry(name, value);
// Returns the first attribute that has the requested metadata entry.
int GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry(const std::string &name,
const std::string &value) const {
if (metadata_ == nullptr) {
return -1;
const AttributeMetadata *att_metadata =
metadata_->GetAttributeMetadataByStringEntry(name, value);
if (!att_metadata) {
return -1;
return GetAttributeIdByUniqueId(att_metadata->att_unique_id());
// Get a const pointer of the metadata of the point cloud.
const GeometryMetadata *GetMetadata() const { return metadata_.get(); }
// Get a pointer to the metadata of the point cloud.
GeometryMetadata *metadata() { return metadata_.get(); }
// Returns the number of n-dimensional points stored within the point cloud.
PointIndex::ValueType num_points() const { return num_points_; }
// Sets the number of points. It's the caller's responsibility to ensure the
// new number is valid with respect to the PointAttributes stored in the point
// cloud.
void set_num_points(PointIndex::ValueType num) { num_points_ = num; }
// Applies id mapping of deduplicated points (called by DeduplicatePointIds).
virtual void ApplyPointIdDeduplication(
const IndexTypeVector<PointIndex, PointIndex> &id_map,
const std::vector<PointIndex> &unique_point_ids);
// Metadata for the point cloud.
std::unique_ptr<GeometryMetadata> metadata_;
// Attributes describing the point cloud.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PointAttribute>> attributes_;
// Ids of named attributes of the given type.
// The number of n-dimensional points. All point attribute values are stored
// in corresponding PointAttribute instances in the |attributes_| array.
PointIndex::ValueType num_points_;
friend struct PointCloudHasher;
// Functor for computing a hash from data stored within a point cloud.
// Note that this can be quite slow. Two point clouds will have the same hash
// only when all points have the same order and when all attribute values are
// exactly the same.
struct PointCloudHasher {
size_t operator()(const PointCloud &pc) const {
size_t hash = pc.num_points_;
hash = HashCombine(pc.attributes_.size(), hash);
for (int i = 0; i < GeometryAttribute::NAMED_ATTRIBUTES_COUNT; ++i) {
hash = HashCombine(pc.named_attribute_index_[i].size(), hash);
for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(pc.named_attribute_index_[i].size());
++j) {
hash = HashCombine(pc.named_attribute_index_[i][j], hash);
// Hash attributes.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(pc.attributes_.size()); ++i) {
PointAttributeHasher att_hasher;
hash = HashCombine(att_hasher(*pc.attributes_[i]), hash);
// Hash metadata.
GeometryMetadataHasher metadata_hasher;
if (pc.metadata_) {
hash = HashCombine(metadata_hasher(*pc.metadata_), hash);
return hash;
} // namespace draco