
147 lines
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\section _history History
The first port of JUnit to C++ was done
by Michael Feathers. His versions
can be found on the
<a href="">
XProgramming software page</a>. They are os-specific,
so Jerome Lacoste provided a port to Unix/Solaris.
His version can be found on the same page.
The %CppUnit project has combined and built on this work.
\section _usage Usage
Take a look into the \ref cppunit_cookbook.
It gives a quick start into using this
testing framework. <a href="modules.html">Modules</a> give
you a organized view of %CppUnit classes.
(Notes to newbies, you may want to check out \ref money_example,
a work in progress, but the project is provided with %CppUnit).
For a discussion on %CppUnit, check
<a href="">
the WikiWiki Pages on CppUnit</a>. There you can also
find the original versions and various ports to other
OSses and languages.
\section _license License
This library is released under
the GNU
<a href="">
Lesser General Public License</a>.
\author Eric Sommerlade (
\author Michael Feathers (
\author Jerome Lacoste (
\author Baptiste Lepilleur <>
\author Bastiaan Bakker <>
\author Steve Robbins <>
/*! \defgroup WritingTestFixture Writing test fixture
/*! \defgroup Assertions Making assertions
/*! \defgroup CreatingTestSuite Creating TestSuite
/*! \defgroup ExecutingTest Executing test
/*! \defgroup TrackingTestExecution Tracking test execution
/*! \defgroup WritingTestResult Writing test result
/*! \defgroup BrowsingCollectedTestResult Browsing collected test result
/*! \defgroup CreatingNewAssertions Creating custom assertions
/*! \defgroup WritingTestPlugIn Writing Test Plug-in
* Creating a test plug-in is really simple:
* - make your project a dynamic library (with VC++, choose Win32 Dynamic Library in
* the project wizard), and link against the dynamic library version of %CppUnit
* (cppunit*_dll.lib for VC++).
* - in a cpp file, include TestPlugIn.h, and use the macro CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT()
* to declare the test plug-in.
* - That's it, you're done! All the tests registered using the TestFactoryRegistry,
* be visible to other plug-in and to the DllPlugInRunner.
* Example:
* \code
* #include <cppunit/include/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>
* \endcode
* The interface CppUnitTestPlugIn is automatically implemented by the previous
* macro. You can define your own implementation.
* To provide your custom implementation of the plug-in interface, you must:
* - create a class that implements the CppUnitTestPlugIn interface
* - use CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_IMPL() with your class to export
* the plug-in interface
* - implements the 'main' function with CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT_MAIN().
* Some of the reason you may want to do this:
* - You do not use the TestFactoryRegistry to register your test.
* - You want to create a custom listener to use with DllPlugInRunner.
* - You want to do initialize some globale resources before running the test
* (setting up COM for example).
* See CppUnitTestPlugIn for further detail on how to do this.
* Creating your own test plug-in with VC++:
* - Create a new "Win32 Dynamic Library" project, choose the empty template
* - For the Debug Configuration, add cppunitd_dll.lib to
* 'Project Settings/Link/Object/Libariries modules', and for the Release
* Configuration, add cppunit_dll.lib.
* - For All Configuration, in 'C++/Preprocessor/Preprocessors definitions',
* add the symbol 'CPPUNIT_DLL' at the end of the line (it means that
* you are linking against cppunit dll).
* - Create a 'main' file that contains:
#include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>
* - Add your tests
* - You're done !
* See examples/simple/simple_plugin.dsp for an example.
* Notes to VC++ users:
* - you can run a post-build check on the plug-in. Add the following line to your
* post-build tab: "DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe $(TargetPath)". DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe
* need to be some place were it can be found (path, ...), or you need to
* indicate the correct path.
* $(TargetPath) is the filename of your plug-in.
* - you can debug your DLL, set the executable for debug session to the plug-in
* runner, and the name of the DLL in the program arguments ($(xxx) won't work
* this time).
* How does it works ?
* When %CppUnit is linked as a DLL, the singleton used for the TestFactoryRegistry
* is the same for the plug-in runner (also linked against %CppUnit DLL). This means
* that the tests registered with the macros (at static initialization) are
* registered in the same registry. As soon as a DLL is loaded by the PlugInManager,
* the DLL static variable are constructed and the test registered to the
* TestFactoryRegistry.
* After loading the DLL, the PlugInManager look-up a specific function exported by
* the DLL. That function returns a pointer on the plug-in interface, which is later
* used by the PlugInManager.
* \see CreatingTestSuite.