
28 lines
716 B

@echo off
rem -----------------------------------------------------
rem Tiny batch script to build the input file revision.h
rem revision.h contains the revision number of the wc.
rem It is included by assimp.rc.
rem -----------------------------------------------------
rem This is not very elegant, but it works.
rem ./bin shouldn't have any local modifications
svnversion > tmpfile.txt
set /p addtext= < tmpfile.txt
del /q tmpfile.txt
echo #define SVNRevision > tmpfile.txt
if exist ..\..\revision.h del /q ..\..\revision.h
for /f "delims=" %%l in (tmpfile.txt) Do (
for /f "delims=M:" %%r in ("%addtext%") Do (
echo %%l %%r >> ..\..\revision.h
del /q tmpfile.txt