/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2019, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @author: Richard Steffen, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_STEP_EXPORTER #include "Step/StepExporter.h" #include "PostProcessing/ConvertToLHProcess.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #if _MSC_VER > 1500 || (defined __GNUC___) # define ASSIMP_STEP_USE_UNORDERED_MULTIMAP # else # define step_unordered_map map # define step_unordered_multimap multimap #endif #ifdef ASSIMP_STEP_USE_UNORDERED_MULTIMAP # include # if _MSC_VER > 1600 # define step_unordered_map unordered_map # define step_unordered_multimap unordered_multimap # else # define step_unordered_map tr1::unordered_map # define step_unordered_multimap tr1::unordered_multimap # endif #endif typedef std::step_unordered_map VectorIndexUMap; /* Tested with Step viewer v4 from www.ida-step.net */ using namespace Assimp; namespace Assimp { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Worker function for exporting a scene to Collada. Prototyped and registered in Exporter.cpp void ExportSceneStep(const char* pFile,IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* pProperties) { std::string path = DefaultIOSystem::absolutePath(std::string(pFile)); std::string file = DefaultIOSystem::completeBaseName(std::string(pFile)); // create/copy Properties ExportProperties props(*pProperties); // invoke the exporter StepExporter iDoTheExportThing( pScene, pIOSystem, path, file, &props); // we're still here - export successfully completed. Write result to the given IOSYstem std::unique_ptr outfile (pIOSystem->Open(pFile,"wt")); if(outfile == NULL) { throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output .stp file: " + std::string(pFile)); } // XXX maybe use a small wrapper around IOStream that behaves like std::stringstream in order to avoid the extra copy. outfile->Write( iDoTheExportThing.mOutput.str().c_str(), static_cast(iDoTheExportThing.mOutput.tellp()),1); } } // end of namespace Assimp namespace { // Collect world transformations for each node void CollectTrafos(const aiNode* node, std::map& trafos) { const aiMatrix4x4& parent = node->mParent ? trafos[node->mParent] : aiMatrix4x4(); trafos[node] = parent * node->mTransformation; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) { CollectTrafos(node->mChildren[i], trafos); } } // Generate a flat list of the meshes (by index) assigned to each node void CollectMeshes(const aiNode* node, std::multimap& meshes) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; ++i) { meshes.insert(std::make_pair(node, node->mMeshes[i])); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; ++i) { CollectMeshes(node->mChildren[i], meshes); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor for a specific scene to export StepExporter::StepExporter(const aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const std::string& path, const std::string& file, const ExportProperties* pProperties) : mProperties(pProperties), mIOSystem(pIOSystem), mFile(file), mPath(path), mScene(pScene), endstr(";\n") { CollectTrafos(pScene->mRootNode, trafos); CollectMeshes(pScene->mRootNode, meshes); // make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale mOutput.imbue(std::locale("C")); mOutput.precision(ASSIMP_AI_REAL_TEXT_PRECISION); // start writing WriteFile(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Starts writing the contents void StepExporter::WriteFile() { // see http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in:8080/jspui/bitstream/10603/14116/11/11_chapter%203.pdf // note, that all realnumber values must be comma separated in x files mOutput.setf(std::ios::fixed); // precision for double // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/554063/how-do-i-print-a-double-value-with-full-precision-using-cout mOutput.precision(ASSIMP_AI_REAL_TEXT_PRECISION); // standard color aiColor4D fColor; fColor.r = 0.8f; fColor.g = 0.8f; fColor.b = 0.8f; int ind = 100; // the start index to be used int faceEntryLen = 30; // number of entries for a triangle/face // prepare unique (count triangles and vertices) VectorIndexUMap uniqueVerts; // use a map to reduce find complexity to log(n) VectorIndexUMap::iterator it; int countFace = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; imNumMeshes; ++i) { aiMesh* mesh = mScene->mMeshes[i]; for (unsigned int j=0; jmNumFaces; ++j) { aiFace* face = &(mesh->mFaces[j]); if (face->mNumIndices == 3) countFace++; } for (unsigned int j=0; jmNumVertices; ++j) { aiVector3D* v = &(mesh->mVertices[j]); it =uniqueVerts.find(v); if (it == uniqueVerts.end()) { uniqueVerts[v] = -1; // first mark the vector as not transformed } } } static const unsigned int date_nb_chars = 20; char date_str[date_nb_chars]; std::time_t date = std::time(NULL); std::strftime(date_str, date_nb_chars, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", std::localtime(&date)); // write the header mOutput << "ISO-10303-21" << endstr; mOutput << "HEADER" << endstr; mOutput << "FILE_DESCRIPTION(('STEP AP214'),'1')" << endstr; mOutput << "FILE_NAME('" << mFile << ".stp','" << date_str << "',(' '),(' '),'Spatial InterOp 3D',' ',' ')" << endstr; mOutput << "FILE_SCHEMA(('automotive_design'))" << endstr; mOutput << "ENDSEC" << endstr; // write the top of data mOutput << "DATA" << endstr; mOutput << "#1=MECHANICAL_DESIGN_GEOMETRIC_PRESENTATION_REPRESENTATION(' ',("; for (int i=0; imMeshes[mesh_idx]; aiMatrix4x4& trafo = trafos[&node]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) { aiVector3D* v = &(mesh->mVertices[i]); it = uniqueVerts.find(v); if (it->second >=0 ) continue; it->second = ind; // this one is new, so set the index (ind) aiVector3D vt = trafo * (*v); // transform the coordinate mOutput << "#" << it->second << "=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(" << vt.x << "," << vt.y << "," << vt.z << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << it->second+1 << "=VERTEX_POINT('',#" << it->second << ")" << endstr; ind += 2; } } // write the triangles for (unsigned int i=0; imNumMeshes; ++i) { aiMesh* mesh = mScene->mMeshes[i]; for (unsigned int j=0; jmNumFaces; ++j) { aiFace* face = &(mesh->mFaces[j]); if (face->mNumIndices != 3) continue; aiVector3D* v1 = &(mesh->mVertices[face->mIndices[0]]); aiVector3D* v2 = &(mesh->mVertices[face->mIndices[1]]); aiVector3D* v3 = &(mesh->mVertices[face->mIndices[2]]); aiVector3D dv12 = *v2 - *v1; aiVector3D dv23 = *v3 - *v2; aiVector3D dv31 = *v1 - *v3; aiVector3D dv13 = *v3 - *v1; dv12.Normalize(); dv23.Normalize(); dv31.Normalize(); dv13.Normalize(); int pid1 = uniqueVerts.find(v1)->second; int pid2 = uniqueVerts.find(v2)->second; int pid3 = uniqueVerts.find(v3)->second; // mean vertex color for the face if available if (mesh->HasVertexColors(0)) { fColor.r = 0.0; fColor.g = 0.0; fColor.b = 0.0; fColor += mesh->mColors[0][face->mIndices[0]]; fColor += mesh->mColors[0][face->mIndices[1]]; fColor += mesh->mColors[0][face->mIndices[2]]; fColor /= 3.0f; } int sid = ind; // the sub index mOutput << "#" << sid << "=STYLED_ITEM('',(#" << sid+1 << "),#" << sid+8 << ")" << endstr; /* the item that must be referenced in #1 */ /* This is the color information of the Triangle */ mOutput << "#" << sid+1 << "=PRESENTATION_STYLE_ASSIGNMENT((#" << sid+2 << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+2 << "=SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE(.BOTH.,#" << sid+3 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+3 << "=SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE('',(#" << sid+4 << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+4 << "=SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA(#" << sid+5 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+5 << "=FILL_AREA_STYLE('',(#" << sid+6 << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+6 << "=FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR('',#" << sid+7 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+7 << "=COLOUR_RGB(''," << fColor.r << "," << fColor.g << "," << fColor.b << ")" << endstr; /* this is the geometry */ mOutput << "#" << sid+8 << "=FACE_SURFACE('',(#" << sid+13 << "),#" << sid+9<< ",.T.)" << endstr; /* the face that must be referenced in 29 */ /* 2 directions of the plane */ mOutput << "#" << sid+9 << "=PLANE('',#" << sid+10 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+10 << "=AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D('',#" << pid1 << ", #" << sid+11 << ",#" << sid+12 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+11 << "=DIRECTION('',(" << dv12.x << "," << dv12.y << "," << dv12.z << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+12 << "=DIRECTION('',(" << dv13.x << "," << dv13.y << "," << dv13.z << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+13 << "=FACE_BOUND('',#" << sid+14 << ",.T.)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+14 << "=EDGE_LOOP('',(#" << sid+15 << ",#" << sid+16 << ",#" << sid+17 << "))" << endstr; /* edge loop */ mOutput << "#" << sid+15 << "=ORIENTED_EDGE('',*,*,#" << sid+18 << ",.T.)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+16 << "=ORIENTED_EDGE('',*,*,#" << sid+19 << ",.T.)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+17 << "=ORIENTED_EDGE('',*,*,#" << sid+20 << ",.T.)" << endstr; /* oriented edges */ mOutput << "#" << sid+18 << "=EDGE_CURVE('',#" << pid1+1 << ",#" << pid2+1 << ",#" << sid+21 << ",.F.)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+19 << "=EDGE_CURVE('',#" << pid2+1 << ",#" << pid3+1 << ",#" << sid+22 << ",.T.)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+20 << "=EDGE_CURVE('',#" << pid3+1 << ",#" << pid1+1 << ",#" << sid+23 << ",.T.)" << endstr; /* 3 lines and 3 vectors for the lines for the 3 edge curves */ mOutput << "#" << sid+21 << "=LINE('',#" << pid1 << ",#" << sid+24 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+22 << "=LINE('',#" << pid2 << ",#" << sid+25 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+23 << "=LINE('',#" << pid3 << ",#" << sid+26 << ")" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+24 << "=VECTOR('',#" << sid+27 << ",1.0)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+25 << "=VECTOR('',#" << sid+28 << ",1.0)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+26 << "=VECTOR('',#" << sid+29 << ",1.0)" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+27 << "=DIRECTION('',(" << dv12.x << "," << dv12.y << "," << dv12.z << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+28 << "=DIRECTION('',(" << dv23.x << "," << dv23.y << "," << dv23.z << "))" << endstr; mOutput << "#" << sid+29 << "=DIRECTION('',(" << dv31.x << "," << dv31.y << "," << dv31.z << "))" << endstr; ind += faceEntryLen; // increase counter } } mOutput << "ENDSEC" << endstr; // end of data section mOutput << "END-ISO-10303-21" << endstr; // end of file } #endif #endif