New in CppUnit 1.12.1:

* Assertion:

  - CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL() now properly handles non-finite
    values, specifically NaN, +Inf, and -Inf.

* Portability: 

  - Fixed some compilation issue for QtTestRunner.
  - Code should build on Windows in UNICODE mode.

  New in CppUnit 1.12.0:

* Portability:

  - can now be run on Mac OS X (patch #1449380
    contributed by Sander Temme).
* MFC Test runner:

  - fixed bug #1498175: double click on failure would sometime 
    not goto failed assertion in visual studio.

* Documentation:

  - now generated with doxygen 1.4.7 new 'tabs' style.

  New in CppUnit 1.11.4:

* Portability:

  - Support for Embedded Visual C++ 4 added. For this purpose, CppUnit now
    provides a very simple stream implementation if none is provided.
    This should also help porting on other platforms which have STL but
    no stream support. Just make sure that CPPUNIT_NO_STREAM is defined
    to 1 in your config header.

* Assertion:

  - Added missing _MESSAGE variants for the following assertions:

    Notes: change made to CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW may cause compilation error 
    if you're expecting std::exception as it would be caught twice. Contact us
    if it is an issue (we don't see much use for such a test).

    Some assertions failure message are now more detailed (exception, 
    Thanks to Neil Ferguson who contributed this patch.

  - Assertion on real number now output expected and actual value using the
    maximum available precision instead of the previous strategy of rounding 
    to 6 digits.

    Thanks to Neil Ferguson who contributed this patch.

* Outputter:

  - XML Ouputter: patch #997006 contributed by Akos Maroy makes the
    'stand-alone' attribute of the XML header optional. 
    See XmlOutputter::setStandalone() & XmlDocument::setStandalone().

  - Better integration of compiler output for gcc on Mac OS X with Xcode
    (contributed by Claus Broch).

* MFC Test Runner

  - Integration with VC++ 7.0 & 7.1. Double clicking on a failure will now
    to the failure location in the open IDE (no add-in necessary). 
    This was contributed by Max Quatember and Andreas Pfaffenbichler.

  - Progress bar: now use system color to draw border 
    (patch from bug #1165875 contributed by Pieter Van Dyck).

* QT Test Runner

  - Fixed display of multi-line messages (patch contributed by Karol Szkudlarek).

* Compilation:

  - The standard pkg-config file is now generated on unix (contributed by 
    Robert Leight).

  - MinGW: patch #1024428 contributed by astar, fixed compilation issue in

  - MinGW, cygwin: enable build of shared library when using libtool. 
    patch #1194394 contributed by St�phane Fillod.

  - autotool: applied patch #1076398 contributed by Henner Sudek. Quote:
		 "This patch allows AM_PATH_CPPUNIT to accept version
		numbers without minor and micro version.
		Now you can do:
		instead of
  - Visual Studio 2005: removed deprecated warning.

* Documentation:

  - Corrected many typos in cookbook and money example. Thanks to all
    those who helped !

* Bug Fix:

  - cppunit.m4: patch #946302, AM_PATH_CPPUNIT doesn't report result 
    if CppUnit is missing.

  - Message/SourceLine: copy constructor have been specifically implemented
    to ensure they are thread-safe even if std::string copy constructor
    is not (usually on reference count based implementation).

  - TestResultCollector: fixed memory leak occuring when calling reset().

* Contrib:

  - added XSLT for compatibility with Ant junit xml formatter.
    Patch #1112053 contributed by Norbert Barbosa.
    See xml-xsl/cppunit2junit.xsl and cppunit2junit.txt for details.

  - xml-xsl/report.xsl has been fixed to work with current xml output.

* (Possible) Compatiblity break:

  - All text output is now done on cout() instead of sometime cerr & 
    sometime cout depending on the component.

  - OStringStream definition has been removed from Portability.h. This
    means that <sstream> is no longer included, and that ostringstream and
    string might not be defined. In practice this should have no impact 
    since those includes have been moved to other CppUnit headers.

* Notes:

  - CppUnit now uses the alias OStream when refering to std::ostream for 

  New in CppUnit 1.10.2:

* Bug Fix:

  - Memory checker: bug #938753, array bound read in 
    splitPathString() with substr if an empty string is passed.

  - Memory leaks: bug #952912, many memory leaks removed in the
    MFC test plug-in runner.

  - Crash when using CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION with cppunit dll.
    Bug #921843. This bug was caused by a known STL bug in VC++ 6. 
    See <xtree> issue with shared
    std::map in dll.

* Compilation:

  - mingw & cigwin, bug #930338 & #945737 fixed.

  - make install does not work on SunOS. Bug #940650 fixed.

  - bug #933154, post-build step fails in directory with spaces
    with Visual C++.

  - DllPlugInTester, bug #941625 (char * string literal). Applied patch
    contribued by Curt Arnold.

  New in CppUnit 1.10.0 (same as 1.9.14):

* Assertions

  - Ported exception assertion macros from cppunit 2 to the 1.9.x series:

* Deprecated:

    been deprecated. Use the new exception assertion macros instead.

* Bug Fix:

  - cppunit-config: bug #903363, missing -ldl from the output of
    cppunit-config --libs. Fixed thanks Eric Blossom patch.

  - test plug-in(unix): Adding RTLD_GLOBAL allows test plug-ins 
    to provide symbols to shared objects they load themselves.
    Thanks goes to Gareth Sylvester for this patch (#816563).

  New in CppUnit 1.9.12:

* Test Plug-in

  - added support contributed support for UNIX systems that
    have libdld and not libdl (e.g. hp-ux). Contributed by
    Abdessattar Sassi.


  - TypeInfoHelper now used gcc c++ abi to demangle typeinfo name thanks to
    Neil Ferguson contribution.

* Bug Fix:

  - MFC TestRunner: integrated bug fix from Tim Threlkeld for bug 
    #610191 and #610162. Fixed assertion when minizing dialog 
    (bug #643612).

  - XMLOutputter: Fixed bug #676505: no space inserted between attributes
    of XmlElement.

  - CppUnit portability: fixed many mistakes relating to compilation
    without type info or namespace reported by Philip Craig.

  - Missing destructor with no throw specification for 
    DynamicLibraryManagerException. Bug #619059.

  - Fixed missing export for operator <<(TextTestResult). Bug #610119.

  - Missing include for typeinfo in TestNamer.h. Bug #662666.

* Compilation

  - Fixed compilation issues for Borland C++ 6 and STLPort. Bug #694971,
    #699794 and #662666.

  - Fixed compilation issues for AIX.

  - Fixed compilation issues for Visual C++ .NET 2002.

  - Fixed doxygen usage in mingw environment (space not allowed in 
    doxygen path). Bug #700730.

  - Fixed compilation issue for mingw (bug #711583).

  New in CppUnit 1.9.10:

  - Major portability improvement
  - Protector
  - HelperMacros
  - MFC TestRunner bug fixes
  - Failure diagnostic
  - Asserter

* Major portability improvement:

  - Much work has been done to reduce C++ feature requirement to compile
    CppUnit. It should now be possible to compile CppUnit on most 
    compilers, as long as STL are available (in std namespace or not), 
    with some form of strstream and iostream, as well as exception support.
    See CodingGuideLines.txt for details.

* Protector

  - Protector can be passed to the TestResult to 'protect' call to
    setUp(), runTest() and tearDown() method. With this, it is easy to
    capture exceptions which do not have std::exception as a base class,
    such as CException or RWXMsg for example. TestResult and Protector 
    class documentation. Look at src/cppunit/DefaultProtector.cpp for
    an example of implementation.

* Helper macros

  - Mostly rewritten. It no longer use TestSuiteBuilder. A new object
    TestSuiteBuilderContext was introduced. It is used to name test case,
    create test fixture instance and add test to the fixture suite. It
    is now much more easier to add custom test cases using
    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ADD_CUSTOM_TESTS. Should also prevent most 
    compability break concerning that macro.

  - Useful typedef are now public: TestFixtureType, ParentTestFixtureType.

  - New typedef for custom test method parameter: 
    typedef TestSuiteBuilderContext<TestFixtureType> 

  - added support for abstract test fixture with
    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END_ABSTRACT(). See documentation for further

* Failure diagnostic

  - setUp() and tearDown() now provides a detailed diagnostic of the
    failure (assertion, exception...)

  - If RTTI is allowed to extract type info, CppUnit will report the
    actual exception type in the diagnostic.

* Asserter:
  - A new AdditionalMessage class has been introduced. It is used for
    assertion that takes an additional 'message' argument 
    (CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE...). Since this macro has an implicit 
    constructor that take a string, which creates a Message with the 
    specified string as detail. That way, additional message can be a 
    single string or a complex Message object. See documentation for 
    example of use.

* Bug Fix:

  - MFC TestRunner: bug #530426 (conflict between TestRunner and host 
    application's resources). A huge thanks to Steven Mitter for that one.

  - MFC TestRunner: Browse button is now disabled while running test.

* Deprecated

  - CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner moved to CppUnit::TextTestRunner.
  - CppUnit::MfcUi::TestRunner moved to CppUnit::MfcTestRunner.
  - CppUnit::QtUi::TestRunner moved to CppUnit::QtTestRunner.

* Compatiblity break:

  - CppUnitTextUi::TestRunner, removed runTestByName() and runTest().
  - TestSuiteBuilder: removed templatized method 
    addTestCallerForException(). See implementation of 
    CPPUNIT_TEST_EXCEPTION implementation for an alternative.
  - TestAssert: removed deprecated functions (those not using SourceLine) 
    assertImplementation(), assertNotEqualImplementation(), 
    assertEquals(). Moved non deprecated functions assertEquals() and
    assertEquals() into CppUnit namespace.
  - Plug-ins 'Parameters' typedef has been replaced by class 
    PlugInParameters. The method commandLine() returns what used to be in
    Parameters[0]. This should avoid future compatibility break when the 
    parameters passing API will be defined.
  - TestPlugIn::initialize() now takes a PlugInParameters in argument 
    instead of a Parameters.
  - template <class T> void assertEquals() no longer has a default message 
    value (no impact, unless you used this function directly instead of
    assertion macros).
  - HelperMacros: renamed CPPUNIT_TEST_ADD to 
  - HelperMacros: removed CPPUNIT_TEST_CUSTOM. Instead use 
    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ADD_CUSTOM_TESTS and call context.addTest() 
    passing the test that was returned.
  - HelperMacros: renamed CPPUNIT_TEST_CUSTOMS to 
    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ADD_CUSTOM_TESTS. Changed method signature to
    static void aMethodName( TestSuiteBuilderContextType &context ).
    You can replace the 3 previous parameters by context. (See 
    documentation for further detail).

  New in CppUnit 1.9.8:

  - New custom test macros for fixture suite
  - Exception message are now structured
  - Added detail field to MFC TestRunner
  - New XmlDocument class to easily create new XML output format
  - XmlOutputter customization
  - Test plug-in XMLOutputter hook
  - ClockerPlugIn example includes test time in XML output
  - DllPlugInTester allows test plug-in to hook the XmlOutputter
  - Configurable CompilerOutputter wrapping

* New custom test macros

  - 3 new macros have been added for use when declaring test fixture suite:
    - CPPUNIT_TEST_CUSTOM : to specify a method that returns an instance of 
      Test to add to the suite
    - CPPUNIT_TEST_CUSTOM : to specify a method that add some tests to the 
    - CPPUNIT_TEST_ADD : to add a test to the suite. Used this to create custom 
      CPPUNIT_TEST_xxx macros.

    See macros documentation for examples and details.

* Exception message

  - Exception message are now stored in a Message object instead of a string.
    A message is composed of two items:
    - a short description (~20/30 characters)
    - a list of detail strings

    The short description is used to indicate how the detail strings should be
    interpreted. It usually indicates the failure types, such as
    "assertion failed", "forced failure", "unexpected exception caught",
    "equality assertion failed"... It should not contains new line characters 

    Detail strings are used to provide more information about the failure. It
    can contains the asserted expression, the expected and actual values in an
    equality assertion, some addional messages... Detail strings can contains
    new line characters (\n).

    This change allow ouputters to deal with all failure the same way (there is
    no special case for the equality assertion any more).

* New XmlDocument class to easily create new XML output format

  - Classes XmlDocument and XmlElement where extracted from XmlOutputter. This
    help writing outputters that use a completly different XML format.

  - XmlDocument represents a XML file, and XmlElement represents a XML element.

* XmlOutputter customization

  - Xml output can be customized using XmlOutputterHook. To do so, subclass
    XmlOutputterHook and register it to the XmlOutputter with addHook() before
    call XmlOutputter::write().

    Hook can be used to add some datas to the XmlDocument or the XmlElement of
    a specific hook. Methods have been added to XmlElement to help navigating
    and modifying the XmlDocument.

    See ClockerPlugIn example.

* MFC TestRunner

  - The name of the test is displayed just before being run.
  - Browse Test Hierarchy dialog is resizable.
  - Better (and cleaner) handling of windows resizing
  - Failure list now only show the short description of the failure.
  - Edit field added to display the details of the selected failure.

* MFC test plug-in runner (TestPlugInRunner):
  - command line: a dll name can be specified on the command after -testsuite:
    example: TestPlugInRunnerd.exe -testsuite Simpled.dll

  - Layout configuration is stored/restored.

* Test plug-in XML output Hook

  - TestPlugIn interface provides a mean for plug-in to register hook for
    XML output. Practically, this allow plug-in to add specific data to the
    output. See ClockerPlugIn example, which add timing datas to the xml

* DllPlugInTester:

  - added option -w / --wait to wait for the user to press a key before exiting.

  - plug-in can now provides XmlOutputterHook to add specific datas to the 
    XML ouput. See ClockerPlugIn example.

* CompilerOutputter wrapping is parametrized

  - Wrap column can be set with setWrapColumn(). Default is now 79 instead of 80.

  - Wrapping can be disabled with setNoWrap().

* Examples:

  - ClockerPlugIn: the example now use the new XmlOutputterHook. Test time are
    now included in the XML output. See examples/ClockerPlugIn/ReadMe.txt for

* Bug Fix:

  - CompilerOutputter: fixed wrapping issues (UT magic!)

  - DllPlugInTester: use ISO-LATIN1 encoding if none is given. Flag --xsl was

  - MfcUi plug-in runner (TesTPlugInRunner): better handling of history when
    loading and reloading a dll. 

  - Qt Test Runner: minor bug fixes. Should compile on Unix.

  - XmlOutputter: use the default encoding if an empty string is given as

* Compatibility Break:

  - CompilerOutputter: removed printNotEqualMessage() and printDefaultMessage().
    No longer needed since Exception message are processed in a generic way.
    Removed wrap(). Extracted to StringTools.

  - Exception constructor takes a Message instead of a string. Notes that the
    first argument in Message constructor is a short description, not the message.
    Therefore, the change will usualy have the following form:
      Exception( Message( "assertion failed", oldMessage ) );
    You may want to use Asserter functions instead of constructing and throwing
    the exception manually.

  - TestPlugInAdapter: renamed TestPlugInDefaultImpl.

  - TestSuiteBuilder: removed default constructor. All remaining constructors
    take an additional argument of type TestNamer used to specify the fixture
    named and generate test case name. Remove template method 
    addTestCallerForException(). Use addTest() instead (see 
    CPPUNIT_TEST_EXCEPTION implementation).

  - TextTestResult: most printing method were removed. This task is now delegated
    to TextOuputter.

  - XmlElement: renamed addNode() to addElement().

  - XmlOutputter: removed methods writeProlog() and writeTestResult() which
    are replaced by XmlDocument. Renamed makeRootNode() to setRootNode(). It
    no longer returns the root node, but set the root node of the XML document.

  - XmlOuputter::Node: class has been extracted and renamed XmlElement.

* Deprecated:

  - Asserter: all functions that use a string for the failure message. Construct
    a Message instead (see Exception constructor compatiblity break and
    Exception message feature).

  New in CppUnit 1.9.6:

  - DllPlugInTester can be parametrized from command line
  - Two test listener plug-in examples
  - An 'hello world' example & getting started document : Money
  - Contribution: generic makefile for Borland 5.5 free compiler.
  - Bug fixes

* DllPlugInTester:

  - Advanced command line to support miscellaneous listener outputer.
    Parameters can now be passed to test plug-in:

    -c --compiler
      Use CompilerOutputter
    -x --xml [filename]
      Use XmlOutputter (if filename is omitted, then output to cout or
    -s --xsl stylesheet
      XML style sheet for XML Outputter
    -e --encoding encoding
      XML file encoding (UTF8, shift_jis, ISO-8859-1...)
    -b --brief-progress
      Use BriefTestProgressListener (default is TextTestProgressListener)
    -n --no-progress
      Show no test progress (disable default TextTestProgressListener)
    -t --text
      Use TextOutputter
    -o --cout
      Ouputters output to cout instead of the default cerr.
      Many filenames can be specified. They are the name of the 
      test plug-ins to load. Optional plug-ins parameters can be 
      specified after the filename by adding '='.
      Optional. Only one test path can be specified. It must 
      be prefixed with ':'. See TestPath constructor for syntax.

    'parameters' (test plug-in or XML filename, test path...) may contains 
    spaces if double quoted. Quote may be escaped with \".

    Some examples of command lines:
DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe -b -x tests.xml -c simple_plugind.dll CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll
    Will load 2 tests plug-ins (available in lib/), use the brief test
    progress, output the result in XML in file tests.xml and also
    output the result using the compiler outputter.

DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe ClockerPlugInd.dll="flat" -n CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll
    Will load the 2 test plug-ins, and pass the parameter string "flat"
    to the Clocker plug-in, disable test progress. Clocker being a test
    listener plug-ins (it doesn't implements any tests, it just register
    a TestListener), this is equivalent to say 'run all the test
    of CppUnitTestPlugIn and use ClockerPlugIn as a TestLisener'.

DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll :Core
    Will run the test named "Core" (a suite in the present case ) of the 
    test plug-in.

* Documentation

  - New getting started documentation. Not completed yet, but probably
    a good complement to the current cookbook. Explore the creation
    of the Money example.

* Examples

  - Money (examples/Money): the 'hello world' example. Unit tests for 
    a simple Money class.

  - DllPlugInTesterTest (src/DllPlugInTester/DllPlugInTester.dsp):
    unit tests for CommandLineParser. Not really an example, but only
    slightly more complex than Money.

  - ClockerPlugIn (examples/ClockerPlugIn): a test listener plug-in 
    that track tests and test suites running time. Parameter: "flat" 
    for a reporting with a flattened tree.

  - DumperPlugIn (examples/DumperPlugIn): a test listener plug-in that 
    dump the test tree as it run. Paramater: "flat" for a reporting 
    with a flattened tree.

  - CppUnitTestPlugIn (examples/cppunitest/CppUnitTestPlugIn.dsp):
    CppUnit's test suite as a test plug-in.

* Contribution

  - Contributed by project cuppa team (

  - Makefile for CppUnit with Borland C++ 5.5 free compiler: does not
    depend on a specific CppUnit version.

* Compatiblity breaks

  - DllPlugInTester: (1.9.4 only), should add -c to DllPlugInTester 
    command line.

* Bug Fix:

  - DynamicLibaryManager did not report the library name when loading a
    a library.

  - BeosDynamicLibraryManager: fixed thanks to Shibu Yoshiki 
    ('cuppa' project team).

  - Broken build on Unix should be fixed for most (thanks to 
    Jeffrey Morgan).

  New in CppUnit 1.9.4:

  - More versatile, easier to make test plug-in.
  - A PlugInManager to manage multiple test plug-ins.
  - Crossplatform test plug-in runner.
  - Crossplatform test plug-in example.
  - A brief progress listener 
  - Easier test hierarchy creation
  - Improved documentation.
  - Tracking of test run start/end.
  - Contribution: XML style sheet & borland 5.5 makefile.
  - Help needed on the Unix side!

* Buildling on Unix:

  - I did not get any feed back on the previous build issue on Unix. Using
    a simple autobook example was useless to try to solve the problem. Here
  is the issue:

  CppUnit library build fine, it is the example I'm having trouble with.

  Since the test plug-in have been added, CppUnit use the function
  dlopen(), dlsym() and dlclose() on unix to load/unload the plug-in.

  Those functions apparently requires to link another library when
  building an exectuable. Here is was should be done:
  - linking against the said library for each example.
  - generates the shared library for the examples/simple/simple_plugin 
    example (source files are ExampleTestCase.cpp, ExampleTestCase.cpp 
    and SimplePlugIn.cpp).
  - if possible, makes the above optionnal if --disable-test-plug-in 
    is defined:
    - don't link the dlXXX library 
    - don't compile the plug-in example
    - add #define CPPUNIT_NO_TESTPLUGIN 1 to the config file

  Contact me on the mailing-list for more details.

* TestPlugIn:

  - A simple fact I realised while testing: if you link your test plug-in 
    against the DLL version of cppunit (or shared library on Unix), then
  test registered to the TestFactoryRegistry (it is what's hide behind
  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION) are automatically shared. Changes
  have been made to support that usage (CppUnit was crashing badly).
  Using the TestFactoryRegistry provides much more flexiblity that
  providing a single suite for the plug-in. As such:

  - CppUnit plug-in should be linked against the dll version of CppUnit library.

  - Plug-in should register their tests using the CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_xxx macros.

  - 'homemade' suite can still be registred to the TestFactoryRegistry that is
     passed as parameter on plug-in initialization. Notes that you must 
   unregister those suites during plug-in uninitialization, otherwise on
   destruction, the TestFactoryRegistry will attempt to destroy them... Your
   plug-in would have been already unloaded...

  - Plug-in can accept parameters on initialization (notes that the Parameters
    object is far from being stabilized, but whatever form it takes, it will be
  a list of string).
  - Plug-in can register their one listener for a test run. This means that you
    can extends 'DllPlugInTester' by creating test plug-in... This also means
  than you can listen to startTestRun()/endTestRun() to do some global
  setUp/tearDown (to initialize globales resources, such as COM...)

  - Why all this fuss around test plug-in ? Test plug-in are the incarnation of
    an old concept: testable components...

* PlugInManager:

  - The PlugInManager is used to load/unload plug-ins. It takes care of all
    the 'plug-in' protocol and makes it easy to use multiple plug-ins at the
  same time. It dispatches the addListener()/removeListener() message to
  each plug-in.

* Crossplatform test plug-in runner (src/DllPlugInRunner):

  - This application can be used to run your test plug-ins. It can load
    multiple test plug-ins and run all or a specific test in the test
  hierarchy returned by TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest().

  - Plug-in loaded by the plug-in may also be custom TestListener.

  - It can be use for post-build check and to debug the plug-in.

  - Why use it? It keep you away from CppUnit API changes!

* Easier test hierarchy creation (TestFactoryRegistry/HelperMacros):

  - added method addRegistry(name) to add a named registry to the registry.
    see TestFactoryRegistry for an example of use.

  - added macros CPPUNIT_REGISTRY_ADD( which, to ) and 
    CPPUNIT_REGISTRY_ADD_TO_DEFAULT( which ) to create test hierarchy at static
  initialization (in the spirit of CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_xxx() macros).

* VerboseTestProgressListener:

  - A new TestListener that prints the test name before running it. Most useful when
    a test crashing, mean a application crash.

* Documentation:

  - More details about the test plug-in, how to use it, how does it works...
    See module/Writing Test Plug-in.

* Examples:

  - examAdded crossplatform simple example. Equivalent to VC++ HostApp example.
  - examples/simple: a very simple example, demonstrating the use of CppUnit
    with a single TestFixture. Demonstrate both how to build an application
  using TestRunner, and how to build a test plug-in to use with the
  test plug-in runner.

* Contribution

  - Contributed by project cuppa team (

  - XML style sheet: transform CppUnit XML output into HTML.
  - Makefile for CppUnit with Borland C++ 5.5 free compiler.

* Behavior changes:

  - Test runner should call TestResult::runTest() to run the 'top level' test. This
    will inform the TestListener of the test run start/end.

* Compatiblity break:

  - TestFactoryRegistry don't own register test anymore. AutoRegisterSuite has
    been updated to preverse its apparent behavior. It should be of concern
  if you created and registered custom TestFactory.

  - Removed TextTestProgressListener::done(). No longer needed, it listens
    for endTestRun().

* Compatiblity Break for 1.9.2 users:

  - TestPlugIn.h: CppUnitTestPlugIn as been completly rewritten.

  - TestPlugIn.h: macro CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT() don't take any arguments.

  - TestSuitePlugIn: removed. A similar functionnality is provided by 

  - TestPlugInDefaultImpl: renamed TestPlugInAdapter. It does not implements
    any default behavior anymore.

  - DllPlugInRunner: no longer support multiple specific tests. The test path must
    be prefixed with ':'. Release and Debug configuration links against cppunit_dll.

* Bug Fix:

  - Crash when linking CppUnit DLL within another DLL that registered test. Caused
    by the destruction of tests registered to TestFactoryRegistry. Fixed by
  providing a register/unregister interface and removing the ownership of 
  TestFactory to TestFactoryRegistry.

  New in CppUnit 1.9.2:

  In short:
  - Cleaner XML output
  - Crossplatform Test plug-in
  - TestPlugInSuite to wrap test plug-in
  - More TestPlugIn documentation.

* TestPlugIn:
  - The test plug-in functionnality has been rewritten from scrash. 
    TestPlugIn related macro are now crossplatform (exporting the plug-in
  function from the dynamic library...).

  - Class DynamicLibraryManager provides a generic way to access dynamic 
    library. Platform specific implementation provided for WIN32, unix, BeOs.
  Can be very easily ported to new platform.
  - A More flexible and hopefully extensible interface has been introduced
  - A default implementation using the test factory registry is provided 
    (TestPlugInDefaultImpl). Can be easily customized.

  - The one line test plug-in declaration was renamed CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT.

  See modules/Writing Test Plug-in documentation and examples/EasyTestPlugIn.

* XmlOutputter:

  - XML output is now indented. Nodes that don't have children are one line 
    tag. The output can now easily be read.

* Compatibility break:

  - class TestSucessListener was renamed to TestSuccessListener.

  - XmlOutput: renamed tag <SuccessfulTests> to <SuccessfulTests>

  - Global fix of the 'success' typo (was misspelled 'sucess'). Main impacts are listed
    above, but check your own code in case you override some protected/private methods.

  - TestPlugInInterface (include/msvc6/TestPlugInInterface.h): this header and class
    are now obsolete. You should use include/cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h instead.

  - TestDecorator inherits Test instead of TestLeaf.

  - DllPlugInTester only run DLL implementing the new new TestPlugIn interface.

  New in CppUnit 1.9.0:

  In short:
  - Exploration of the test hierarchy without RTTI support
  - Utility methods to find a test in the hierarchy
  - TestPath to store/load the path to a specific test in the hierarchy
  - Generic TestRunner
  - Style sheet support added to XML ouput.
  - CompilerOutputter supports run-time parametrization of error location format.
  - Tracking of test suite run.
  - Debugging and post-build testing of DLL using DllPlugInTester.
  - Easy creation a test plug-in and test plug-in new example

* Test:

  - Exploration of the test hierarchy without RTTI support:
    Added Test::getChildTestCount() and Test::getChildTestAt() to walk the test hierarchy
  without RTTI.

  - Utility methods to find a test in the hierarchy:
  Added Test::findTest(), Test::findTestPath() and Test::resolveTestPath().

* TestPath:

  - A new class that store the path to a specific test (list of pointer). Can be
    converted into a string and constructed from a string. Typically used with 

* TestListener:

  - Added startSuite() and endSuite() callback that are called before and after a
    test suite runs its child tests. See TestListener for detail and new example.

* CompilerOutputter:

  - Support run-time parametrization of compiler error format. Support for gcc error
    format added. See CompilerOutputter::setLocationFormat().

* XmlOutputter:

  - Added style sheet support.

  - XML structure change (see Compatibility break)

* DllPlugInTester: (src/msvc6/DllPlugInTester, in src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw)

  - An application to load a DLL test plug-in and run the specified test. Test
    result are reported using a CompilerOutputter. It can be used for post-build
  testing, but to debug DLL too! See examples/msvc6/TestPlugIn/TestPlugIn.dsp
  which demonstrate both.

* TestPlugInInterface (include/msvc6/TestPlugInInterface.h):

  - Easy creation a test plug-in with the new macro CPPUNIT_TESTPLUGIN_IMPL
    that implements and exports everything for you. 
  See examples/msvc6/EasyTestPlugIn for an example.

* Compatibility break:

  - Test::toString() has been removed. Applies to all subclass of Test. 
    It was not used by the framework and was source of confusion with getName().

  - TestCase::run(void) and TestCase::defaultResult() have been removed. Using the
    run() method with a TestResult instead.

  - XmlOutput: added a message element to the XML structure. The message associated
    to a failure is now in the content of <Message> element instead of in the content
  of the <FailedTest> element.
  Changed from:
        <FailedTest id="6">
        <FailedTest id="6">

* Deprecated:

  - CompilerOutputter::defaultOutputter(): use default constructor instead.

* Bug fix:

  - XmlOutputter: did not escape content (bug #540944).

  - Included qt/examples in distribution

  - Removed dependency of MfcTestRunner on DSPlugIn. It should now compile with
    VC++ 7.

  New in CppUnit 1.8.0:

  In short:
  - new assertions
  - new facilities to write custom assertions
  - new macros to define test case in your fixture
  - registration of test fixture in named suite
  - xml & compiler format test result output
  - a new graphic test runner for the QT library
  - MFC test runner window is resizable
  - cppunit as a DLL
  - Unicode support for MFC test runner.
  - architecture clean-up: TestResultCollector extracted from TestResult.
  - architecture clean-up: TestFixture extracted from TestCase.
  - cookbook and documentation updated.

* New assertion (TestAssert.h):

  CPPUNIT_FAIL(message) : equivalent to CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( message, false )

  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( expectedValue, actualValue, additionalMessage ):
  behave like CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL but allow to add some contextual information.

* New macros to write test case (HelperMacros.h):

  CPPUNIT_TEST_EXCEPTION that expect an exception of a specified type to
  be thrown.

  CPPUNIT_TEST_FAIL that expect a test to fail.

  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION to register a suite in a named suite. See
  cppunittest example for a demo.

* TextTestRunner (TextTestRunner.h):
  -run() returns a boolean indicating is the run was successful.
  -the constructor and setOutputter() allow you do define a specific outputter
  to print the test result (CompilerOutputter, TextOutputter, XmlOutputter...)
  -result() provide access to the result of the test run.
  -eventManager() give access to the TestResult, allowing you to register others

* TestResult (TestResult.h):
  - That class has been split in two: TestResult and TestResultCollector.

  - TestResult manages the TestListener (registration and event dispatch), as
  well as the stop flag indicating if the current test run should be interrupted.
  All other responsabilites have been moved to TestResultCollector.

  - TestResult no longer hold the result of the test run (this is done by
  TestResultCollector which is a TestListener).

* TestListener (TestListener.h):
  - all failures and errors are reported using a single method:
    virtual void addFailure( const TestFailure &failure )
  => the failure object life time is limited to that of the method call.
  Use TestFailure::isError() to distinguish error from failure.
  Use TestFailure::clone() to obtain a duplicate of the failure.

* New helpers to construct your own assertion (Asserter.h):

  It is now very easy to create your own assertion macro with failure

  Asserter namespace contains functions used to construct and throw exception
  to report failure. See Asserter documentation for an example of usage, and
  examples/cppunittest/XmlUniformiser.h for a real life example.

  CPPUNIT_SOURCELINE() macro have been added (SourceLine.h). It captures the 
  failure location in a SourceLine object. Use it to write your own macros.

  Asserter namespace contains functions used to construct and throw exception
  to report failure. See Asserter documentation for an example of usage, and
  examples/cppunittest/XmlUniformiser.h for a real life example.

* TestListener (TestListener.h):

  - TestSucesssListener : a simple listener that checks if a test has failed.

  - TestResultCollector : store all the test result. This class has been 
  extracted from the hold TestResult class.

  - TextTestProgressListener : print dot on cout to each time a test ends.
  Letter 'F' and 'E' are printed when a failure or an error occurs.

* Output (Outputter.h):

  - XML output: You can dump the TestResult as an XML document using 
  XmlOutputter. See examples/cppunittest/XmlOutputterTest.cpp for document
  structure and usage.

  - Compiler compatible output : CompilerOutputter print the result in a 
  compiler compatible format. You can use your IDE to jump to the first 
  failure. See examples/cppunittest/CppUniTestMain.cpp for an example of usage.

  - Text output : replace the deprecated TextTestResult. Print the result in
  a human readable format.

* NotEqualException constructor take an additional message (usually used to
point out where the difference occured between the expected and actual value)
that can be retreived with additionalMessage(). See Asserter documentation for
an example of usage.

* CppUnit

  - CppUnit can be compiled as a DLL (WIN32 platform). 
  DLL can be generated by the cppunit_dll.dsp project. You must define the 
  pre-processor symbol CPPUNIT_DLL when linking against CppUnit DLL.
  See cppunittests examples for an example.

* TestRunner

  - Qt TestRunner : a test runner for the Qt library (
    See examples/qt for an example of use.

  - MFC TestRunner : the dialog can now be resized. List view column sizes, 
  as well as the dialog size, are saved. Unicode configurations have been added.

* Deprecated

  - TextTestResult : use the test listener TextTestProgressListener and the
  ouputter TextOuputter instead.

  - Methods having fileName, lineNumber as parameter. Usually replaced by
  a similar method that take a SourceLine parameter. Exception and
  TestAssert are impacted.

  - TestRegistryFactory::registerFactory( const std::string &name,
                                          TestFactory *factory ).
    You must define the symbol CPPUNIT_ENABLE_SOURCELINE_DEPRECATED to enable
  old Exception constructor, UNKNOWNFILENAME and UNKNOWNLINENUMBER, as well
  as function defined in the TestAssert namespace. The exception construction
  and throwing as been moved to Asserter namespace.

* Compatibility break:

  TestResult has been split in two class. TestResultCollector compatibility
  breaks refer to the methods that were previously in TestResult.

  - TestListener::addError() was removed. addFailure() is used to report
any kind of failure.
  - TestResultCollector::errors() was removed. Use failures() instead.
  - TestResultCollector::failures() now reports all kind of failures.
  - TestResultCollector::failures() returns a const reference.
  - void TestListener::addFailure( TestFailure *failure ) was removed.
  - void TestListener::addError( TestFailure *failure ) signature changed.

  - CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE: changed arguments order. 'message' is now 
    the first argument instead of the last (like CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE).
  Notes that CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL was introduced in release 1.7.3.

  - directory for TestRunners as moved from cppunitui/ to cppunit/ui/ (concern
  only users of release 1.7.10)

* Bug fix:
  - test ExceptionTest.testAssignment() don't fail anymore on VC++. See FAQ
    for detail.

  New in CppUnit 1.6.1

* This is a bug-fixing release.

  New in CppUnit 1.6.0

* All CppUnit macros now begin with "CPPUNIT_".  

  and CU_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION are renamed but are otherwise unchanged;
  they take the same arguments, and have the same effect.  The old-style
  macros can be used if your sources #define CPPUNIT_ENABLE_CU_TEST_MACROS
  to 1 before including any CppUnit headers.

  Macros assert, assertEqual, and assertDoublesEqual, have been replaced
  respectively.  Macro assertLongsEqual is replaced by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL.
  The old assert macros can be used if your sources #define
  CPPUNIT_ENABLE_NAKED_ASSERT to 1 before including any CppUnit headers.

  The old macro names are deprecated and will vanish in a future version
  of CppUnit.

* Equality assertion CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected,actual) can test
  any type of expression.  The types of "expected" and "actual" must
  be the same; use a cast if necessary.

* Equality tested using CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL may be re-defined using
  a traits class.  Ditto for the string representation used in the
  diagnostic messages.

* New assertion with arbitrary message: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE.

* A test case obtained using class TestCaller may check that
  a particular exception is thrown.

* CppUnit has a test suite for itself!

* VC++ integration for MFC TestRunner.