/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file Implementation of the material oart of the LWO importer class */ // internal headers #include "LWOLoader.h" #include "MaterialSystem.h" #include "ByteSwap.h" // public assimp headers #include "../include/IOStream.h" #include "../include/IOSystem.h" #include "../include/aiScene.h" #include "../include/aiAssert.h" #include "../include/DefaultLogger.h" // boost headers #include using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template T lerp(const T& one, const T& two, float val) { return one + (two-one)*val; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline aiTextureMapMode GetMapMode(LWO::Texture::Wrap in) { switch (in) { case LWO::Texture::REPEAT: return aiTextureMapMode_Wrap; case LWO::Texture::MIRROR: return aiTextureMapMode_Mirror; case LWO::Texture::RESET: DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Unsupported texture map mode: RESET"); case LWO::Texture::EDGE: return aiTextureMapMode_Clamp; } return (aiTextureMapMode)0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool LWOImporter::HandleTextures(MaterialHelper* pcMat, const TextureList& in, const char* type) { ai_assert(NULL != pcMat && NULL != type); unsigned int cur = 0, temp = 0; char buffer[512]; aiString s; bool ret = false; for (TextureList::const_iterator it = in.begin(), end = in.end(); it != end;++it) { if (!(*it).enabled || !(*it).bCanUse || 0xffffffff == (*it).mRealUVIndex)continue; ret = true; // add the path to the texture sprintf(buffer,"$tex.file.%s[%i]",type,cur); // The older LWOB format does not use indirect references to clips. // The file name of a texture is directly specified in the tex chunk. if (mIsLWO2) { // find the corresponding clip ClipList::iterator clip = mClips.begin(); temp = (*it).mClipIdx; for (ClipList::iterator end = mClips.end(); clip != end; ++clip) { if ((*clip).idx == temp) { break; } } if (mClips.end() == clip) { DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Clip index is out of bounds"); temp = 0; } if (Clip::UNSUPPORTED == (*clip).type) { DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Clip type is not supported"); continue; } AdjustTexturePath((*clip).path); s.Set((*clip).path); } else { std::string ss = (*it).mFileName; if (!ss.length()) { DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWOB: Empty file name"); continue; } AdjustTexturePath(ss); s.Set(ss); } pcMat->AddProperty(&s,buffer); // add the blend factor sprintf(buffer,"$tex.blend.%s[%i]",type,cur); pcMat->AddProperty(&(*it).mStrength,1,buffer); // add the blend operation sprintf(buffer,"$tex.op.%s[%i]",type,cur); switch ((*it).blendType) { case LWO::Texture::Normal: case LWO::Texture::Multiply: temp = (unsigned int)aiTextureOp_Multiply; break; case LWO::Texture::Subtractive: case LWO::Texture::Difference: temp = (unsigned int)aiTextureOp_Subtract; break; case LWO::Texture::Divide: temp = (unsigned int)aiTextureOp_Divide; break; case LWO::Texture::Additive: temp = (unsigned int)aiTextureOp_Add; break; default: temp = (unsigned int)aiTextureOp_Multiply; DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Unsupported texture blend mode: alpha or displacement"); } pcMat->AddProperty((int*)&temp,1,buffer); // add the UV source index sprintf(buffer,"$tex.uvw.%s[%i]",type,cur); temp = (*it).mRealUVIndex; pcMat->AddProperty((int*)&temp,1,buffer); // add the u-wrapping sprintf(buffer,"$tex.mapmodeu.%s[%i]",type,cur); temp = (unsigned int)GetMapMode((*it).wrapModeWidth); pcMat->AddProperty((int*)&temp,1,buffer); // add the v-wrapping sprintf(buffer,"$tex.mapmodev.%s[%i]",type,cur); temp = (unsigned int)GetMapMode((*it).wrapModeHeight); pcMat->AddProperty((int*)&temp,1,buffer); ++cur; } return ret; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::ConvertMaterial(const LWO::Surface& surf,MaterialHelper* pcMat) { // copy the name of the surface aiString st; st.Set(surf.mName); pcMat->AddProperty(&st,AI_MATKEY_NAME); int i = surf.bDoubleSided ? 1 : 0; pcMat->AddProperty(&i,1,AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED); // add the refraction index and the bump intensity pcMat->AddProperty(&surf.mIOR,1,AI_MATKEY_REFRACTI); pcMat->AddProperty(&surf.mBumpIntensity,1,AI_MATKEY_BUMPSCALING); aiShadingMode m; if (surf.mSpecularValue && surf.mGlossiness) { float fGloss; if (mIsLWO2) { fGloss = pow( surf.mGlossiness*10.0f+2.0f, 2.0f); } else { if (16.0f >= surf.mGlossiness)fGloss = 6.0f; else if (64.0f >= surf.mGlossiness)fGloss = 20.0f; else if (256.0f >= surf.mGlossiness)fGloss = 50.0f; else fGloss = 80.0f; } pcMat->AddProperty(&surf.mSpecularValue,1,AI_MATKEY_SHININESS_STRENGTH); pcMat->AddProperty(&fGloss,1,AI_MATKEY_SHININESS); m = aiShadingMode_Phong; } else m = aiShadingMode_Gouraud; // specular color aiColor3D clr = lerp( aiColor3D(1.f,1.f,1.f), surf.mColor, surf.mColorHighlights ); pcMat->AddProperty(&clr,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR); pcMat->AddProperty(&surf.mSpecularValue,1,AI_MATKEY_SHININESS_STRENGTH); // emissive color // (luminosity is not really the same but it affects the surface in // a similar way. However, some scalings seems to be necessary) clr.g = clr.b = clr.r = surf.mLuminosity*0.8f; pcMat->AddProperty(&clr,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE); // opacity float f = 1.0f-surf.mTransparency; pcMat->AddProperty(&f,1,AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); // ADD TEXTURES to the material // TODO: find out how we can handle COLOR textures correctly... bool b = HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mColorTextures,"diffuse"); b = (b || HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mDiffuseTextures,"diffuse")); HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mSpecularTextures,"specular"); HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mGlossinessTextures,"shininess"); HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mBumpTextures,"height"); HandleTextures(pcMat,surf.mOpacityTextures,"opacity"); // now we need to know which shader we must use // iterate through the shader list of the surface and // search for a name we know for (ShaderList::const_iterator it = surf.mShaders.begin(), end = surf.mShaders.end(); it != end;++it) { if (!(*it).enabled)continue; if ((*it).functionName == "LW_SuperCelShader" || (*it).functionName == "AH_CelShader") { m = aiShadingMode_Toon; break; } else if ((*it).functionName == "LW_RealFresnel" || (*it).functionName == "LW_FastFresnel") { m = aiShadingMode_Fresnel; break; } else { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Unknown surface shader: " + (*it).functionName); } } if (surf.mMaximumSmoothAngle <= 0.0f)m = aiShadingMode_Flat; pcMat->AddProperty((int*)&m,1,AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL); // (the diffuse value is just a scaling factor) // If a diffuse texture is set, we set this value to 1.0 clr = (b ? aiColor3D(1.f,1.f,1.f) : surf.mColor); clr.r *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.g *= surf.mDiffuseValue; clr.b *= surf.mDiffuseValue; pcMat->AddProperty(&clr,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::FindUVChannels(LWO::TextureList& list, LWO::Layer& layer, unsigned int out[AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS], unsigned int& next) { for (TextureList::iterator it = list.begin(), end = list.end(); it != end;++it) { if (!(*it).enabled || !(*it).bCanUse || 0xffffffff != (*it).mRealUVIndex)continue; switch ((*it).mapMode) { // TODO: implement these special mappings ... case LWO::Texture::Spherical: case LWO::Texture::Cylindrical: case LWO::Texture::Cubic: case LWO::Texture::Planar: case LWO::Texture::FrontProjection: DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Only UV mapping is currently supported."); continue; default: ; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer.mUVChannels.size();++i) { if ((*it).mUVChannelIndex == layer.mUVChannels[i].name) { // check whether we have this channel already for (unsigned int m = 0; m < next;++m) { if (i == out[m]) { (*it).mRealUVIndex = m; } } if (0xffffffff == (*it).mRealUVIndex) { (*it).mRealUVIndex = next; out[next++] = i; if (AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS != next) out[next] = 0xffffffff; break; } } } if (0xffffffff == (*it).mRealUVIndex) DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Unable to find matching UV channel for a texture"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::FindUVChannels(LWO::Surface& surf, LWO::Layer& layer, unsigned int out[AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS]) { out[0] = 0xffffffff; unsigned int next = 0; FindUVChannels(surf.mColorTextures,layer,out,next); FindUVChannels(surf.mDiffuseTextures,layer,out,next); FindUVChannels(surf.mSpecularTextures,layer,out,next); FindUVChannels(surf.mGlossinessTextures,layer,out,next); FindUVChannels(surf.mOpacityTextures,layer,out,next); FindUVChannels(surf.mBumpTextures,layer,out,next); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::FindVCChannels(const LWO::Surface& surf, const LWO::Layer& layer, unsigned int out[AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS]) { out[0] = 0xffffffff; if (surf.mVCMap.length()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer.mVColorChannels.size();++i) { if (surf.mVCMap == layer.mVColorChannels[i].name) { out[0] = i; out[1] = 0xffffffff; return; } } DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Unable to find vertex color channel: " + surf.mVCMap); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2ImageMap(unsigned int size, LWO::Texture& tex ) { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + size; while (true) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end)break; LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* const head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head->length > end) throw new ImportErrorException("LWO2: Invalid SURF.BLOCK chunk length"); LE_NCONST uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head->length; switch (head->type) { case AI_LWO_PROJ: tex.wrapModeWidth = (Texture::Wrap)GetU2(); tex.wrapModeHeight = (Texture::Wrap)GetU2(); break; case AI_LWO_AXIS: tex.majorAxis = (Texture::Axes)GetU2(); break; case AI_LWO_IMAG: tex.mClipIdx = GetU2(); break; case AI_LWO_VMAP: GetS0(tex.mUVChannelIndex,head->length); break; case AI_LWO_WRPH: tex.wrapAmountH = GetF4(); break; case AI_LWO_WRPW: tex.wrapAmountW = GetF4(); break; } mFileBuffer = next; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2Procedural(unsigned int size, LWO::Texture& tex ) { // --- not supported at the moment DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Found procedural texture, this is not supported"); tex.bCanUse = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2Gradient(unsigned int size, LWO::Texture& tex ) { // --- not supported at the moment DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Found gradient texture, this is not supported"); tex.bCanUse = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2TextureHeader(unsigned int size, LWO::Texture& tex ) { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + size; // get the ordinal string GetS0( tex.ordinal, size); // we could crash later if this is an empty string ... if (!tex.ordinal.length()) { DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Ill-formed SURF.BLOK ordinal string"); tex.ordinal = "\x00"; } while (true) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end)break; LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* const head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head->length > end) throw new ImportErrorException("LWO2: Invalid texture header chunk length"); LE_NCONST uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head->length; switch (head->type) { case AI_LWO_CHAN: tex.type = GetU4(); break; case AI_LWO_ENAB: tex.enabled = GetU2() ? true : false; break; case AI_LWO_OPAC: tex.blendType = (Texture::BlendType)GetU2(); tex.mStrength = GetF4(); break; } mFileBuffer = next; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2TextureBlock(LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* head, unsigned int size ) { ai_assert(!mSurfaces->empty()); LWO::Surface& surf = mSurfaces->back(); LWO::Texture tex; // load the texture header LoadLWO2TextureHeader(head->length,tex); size -= head->length + 6; // now get the exact type of the texture switch (head->type) { case AI_LWO_PROC: LoadLWO2Procedural(size,tex); break; case AI_LWO_GRAD: LoadLWO2Gradient(size,tex); break; case AI_LWO_IMAP: LoadLWO2ImageMap(size,tex); } // get the destination channel TextureList* listRef = NULL; switch (tex.type) { case AI_LWO_COLR: listRef = &surf.mColorTextures;break; case AI_LWO_DIFF: listRef = &surf.mDiffuseTextures;break; case AI_LWO_SPEC: listRef = &surf.mSpecularTextures;break; case AI_LWO_GLOS: listRef = &surf.mGlossinessTextures;break; case AI_LWO_BUMP: listRef = &surf.mBumpTextures;break; case AI_LWO_TRAN: listRef = &surf.mOpacityTextures;break; default: DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Encountered unknown texture type"); return; } // now attach the texture to the parent surface - sort by ordinal string for (TextureList::iterator it = listRef->begin(); it != listRef->end(); ++it) { if (::strcmp(tex.ordinal.c_str(),(*it).ordinal.c_str()) < 0) { listRef->insert(it,tex); return; } } listRef->push_back(tex); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2ShaderBlock(LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* head, unsigned int size ) { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + size; ai_assert(!mSurfaces->empty()); LWO::Surface& surf = mSurfaces->back(); LWO::Shader shader; // get the ordinal string GetS0( shader.ordinal, size); // we could crash later if this is an empty string ... if (!shader.ordinal.length()) { DefaultLogger::get()->error("LWO2: Ill-formed SURF.BLOK ordinal string"); shader.ordinal = "\x00"; } // read the header while (true) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end)break; LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* const head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head->length > end) throw new ImportErrorException("LWO2: Invalid shader header chunk length"); LE_NCONST uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head->length; switch (head->type) { case AI_LWO_ENAB: shader.enabled = GetU2() ? true : false; } mFileBuffer = next; } // process other subchunks ... while (true) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end)break; LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* const head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head->length > end) throw new ImportErrorException("LWO2: Invalid shader data chunk length"); LE_NCONST uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head->length; switch (head->type) { case AI_LWO_FUNC: GetS0( shader.functionName, head->length ); } mFileBuffer = next; } // now attach the shader to the parent surface - sort by ordinal string for (ShaderList::iterator it = surf.mShaders.begin(); it != surf.mShaders.end(); ++it) { if (::strcmp(shader.ordinal.c_str(),(*it).ordinal.c_str()) < 0) { surf.mShaders.insert(it,shader); return; } } surf.mShaders.push_back(shader); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWO2Surface(unsigned int size) { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + size; mSurfaces->push_back( LWO::Surface () ); LWO::Surface& surf = mSurfaces->back(); GetS0(surf.mName,size); // check whether this surface was derived from any other surface std::string derived; GetS0(derived,(unsigned int)(end - mFileBuffer)); if (derived.length()) { // yes, find this surface for (SurfaceList::iterator it = mSurfaces->begin(), end = mSurfaces->end()-1; it != end; ++it) { if ((*it).mName == derived) { // we have it ... surf = *it; derived.clear(); } } if (!derived.size()) DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Unable to find source surface: " + derived); } while (true) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end)break; LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* const head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head->length > end) throw new ImportErrorException("LWO2: Invalid surface chunk length"); LE_NCONST uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head->length; switch (head->type) { // diffuse color case AI_LWO_COLR: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,COLR,12); surf.mColor.r = GetF4(); surf.mColor.g = GetF4(); surf.mColor.b = GetF4(); break; } // diffuse strength ... hopefully case AI_LWO_DIFF: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,DIFF,4); surf.mDiffuseValue = GetF4(); break; } // specular strength ... hopefully case AI_LWO_SPEC: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,SPEC,4); surf.mSpecularValue = GetF4(); break; } // transparency case AI_LWO_TRAN: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,TRAN,4); surf.mTransparency = GetF4(); break; } // glossiness case AI_LWO_GLOS: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,GLOS,4); surf.mGlossiness = GetF4(); break; } // bump intensity case AI_LWO_BUMP: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,BUMP,4); surf.mBumpIntensity = GetF4(); break; } // color highlights case AI_LWO_CLRH: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,CLRH,4); surf.mColorHighlights = GetF4(); break; } // index of refraction case AI_LWO_RIND: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,RIND,4); surf.mIOR = GetF4(); break; } // polygon sidedness case AI_LWO_SIDE: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,SIDE,2); surf.bDoubleSided = (3 == GetU2()); break; } // maximum smoothing angle case AI_LWO_SMAN: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,SMAN,4); surf.mMaximumSmoothAngle = GetF4(); break; } // surface bock entry case AI_LWO_BLOK: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head->length,BLOK,4); LE_NCONST IFF::SubChunkHeader* head2 = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); switch (head2->type) { case AI_LWO_PROC: case AI_LWO_GRAD: case AI_LWO_IMAP: LoadLWO2TextureBlock(head2, head->length); break; case AI_LWO_SHDR: LoadLWO2ShaderBlock(head2, head->length); break; default: DefaultLogger::get()->warn("LWO2: Found an unsupported surface BLOK"); }; break; } } mFileBuffer = next; } }