/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2012, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file FBXDocumentUtil.cpp * @brief Implementation of the FBX DOM utility functions declared in FBXDocumentUtil.h */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_FBX_IMPORTER #include #include "FBXParser.h" #include "FBXDocument.h" #include "FBXUtil.h" #include "FBXDocumentUtil.h" #include "FBXProperties.h" namespace Assimp { namespace FBX { namespace Util { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // signal DOM construction error, this is always unrecoverable. Throws DeadlyImportError. void DOMError(const std::string& message, const Token& token) { throw DeadlyImportError(Util::AddTokenText("FBX-DOM",message,&token)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DOMError(const std::string& message, const Element* element /*= NULL*/) { if(element) { DOMError(message,element->KeyToken()); } throw DeadlyImportError("FBX-DOM " + message); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // print warning, do return void DOMWarning(const std::string& message, const Token& token) { if(DefaultLogger::get()) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn(Util::AddTokenText("FBX-DOM",message,&token)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DOMWarning(const std::string& message, const Element* element /*= NULL*/) { if(element) { DOMWarning(message,element->KeyToken()); return; } if(DefaultLogger::get()) { DefaultLogger::get()->warn("FBX-DOM: " + message); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // extract required compound scope const Scope& GetRequiredScope(const Element& el) { const Scope* const s = el.Compound(); if(!s) { DOMError("expected compound scope",&el); } return *s; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // get token at a particular index const Token& GetRequiredToken(const Element& el, unsigned int index) { const TokenList& t = el.Tokens(); if(index >= t.size()) { DOMError(Formatter::format( "missing token at index " ) << index,&el); } return *t[index]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // wrapper around ParseTokenAsID() with DOMError handling uint64_t ParseTokenAsID(const Token& t) { const char* err; const uint64_t i = ParseTokenAsID(t,err); if(err) { DOMError(err,t); } return i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // wrapper around ParseTokenAsDim() with DOMError handling size_t ParseTokenAsDim(const Token& t) { const char* err; const size_t i = ParseTokenAsDim(t,err); if(err) { DOMError(err,t); } return i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // wrapper around ParseTokenAsFloat() with DOMError handling float ParseTokenAsFloat(const Token& t) { const char* err; const float i = ParseTokenAsFloat(t,err); if(err) { DOMError(err,t); } return i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // wrapper around ParseTokenAsInt() with DOMError handling int ParseTokenAsInt(const Token& t) { const char* err; const int i = ParseTokenAsInt(t,err); if(err) { DOMError(err,t); } return i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // wrapper around ParseTokenAsString() with DOMError handling std::string ParseTokenAsString(const Token& t) { const char* err; const std::string& i = ParseTokenAsString(t,err); if(err) { DOMError(err,t); } return i; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // extract a required element from a scope, abort if the element cannot be found const Element& GetRequiredElement(const Scope& sc, const std::string& index, const Element* element /*= NULL*/) { const Element* el = sc[index]; if(!el) { DOMError("did not find required element \"" + index + "\"",element); } return *el; } // XXX: tacke code duplication in the various ReadVectorDataArray() overloads below. // could use a type traits based solution. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of float3 tuples void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // may throw bad_alloc if the input is rubbish, but this need // not to be prevented - importing would fail but we wouldn't // crash since assimp handles this case properly. out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); if (a.Tokens().size() % 3 != 0) { DOMError("number of floats is not a multiple of three (3)",&el); } for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { aiVector3D v; v.x = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.y = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.z = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); out.push_back(v); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of color4 tuples void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() above out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); if (a.Tokens().size() % 4 != 0) { DOMError("number of floats is not a multiple of four (4)",&el); } for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { aiColor4D v; v.r = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.g = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.b = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.a = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); out.push_back(v); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of float2 tuples void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() above out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); if (a.Tokens().size() % 2 != 0) { DOMError("number of floats is not a multiple of two (2)",&el); } for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { aiVector2D v; v.x = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); v.y = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); out.push_back(v); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of ints void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { const int ival = ParseTokenAsInt(**it++); out.push_back(ival); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of floats void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { const float ival = ParseTokenAsFloat(**it++); out.push_back(ival); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of uints void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { const int ival = ParseTokenAsInt(**it++); if(ival < 0) { DOMError("encountered negative integer index"); } out.push_back(static_cast(ival)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read an array of uint64_ts void ReadVectorDataArray(std::vector& out, const Element& el) { out.clear(); const TokenList& tok = el.Tokens(); const size_t dim = ParseTokenAsDim(*tok[0]); // see notes in ReadVectorDataArray() out.reserve(dim); const Scope& scope = GetRequiredScope(el); const Element& a = GetRequiredElement(scope,"a",&el); for (TokenList::const_iterator it = a.Tokens().begin(), end = a.Tokens().end(); it != end; ) { const uint64_t ival = ParseTokenAsID(**it++); out.push_back(ival); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ aiMatrix4x4 ReadMatrix(const Element& element) { std::vector values; ReadVectorDataArray(values,element); if(values.size() != 16) { DOMError("expected 16 matrix elements"); } aiMatrix4x4 result; result.a1 = values[0]; result.a2 = values[1]; result.a3 = values[2]; result.a4 = values[3]; result.b1 = values[4]; result.b2 = values[5]; result.b3 = values[6]; result.b4 = values[7]; result.c1 = values[8]; result.c2 = values[9]; result.c3 = values[10]; result.c4 = values[11]; result.d1 = values[12]; result.d2 = values[13]; result.d3 = values[14]; result.d4 = values[15]; result.Transpose(); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fetch a property table and the corresponding property template boost::shared_ptr GetPropertyTable(const Document& doc, const std::string& templateName, const Element &element, const Scope& sc) { const Element* const Properties70 = sc["Properties70"]; boost::shared_ptr templateProps = boost::shared_ptr( static_cast(NULL)); if(templateName.length()) { PropertyTemplateMap::const_iterator it = doc.Templates().find(templateName); if(it != doc.Templates().end()) { templateProps = (*it).second; } } if(!Properties70) { DOMWarning("material property table (Properties70) not found",&element); if(templateProps) { return templateProps; } else { return boost::make_shared(); } } return boost::make_shared(*Properties70,templateProps); } } // !Util } // !FBX } // !Assimp #endif