/* Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_Q3BSP_IMPORTER //#include #include "DefaultIOSystem.h" #include "Q3BSPFileImporter.h" #include "Q3BSPZipArchive.h" #include "Q3BSPFileParser.h" #include "Q3BSPFileData.h" #ifdef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_OWN_ZLIB # include #else # include "../contrib/zlib/zlib.h" #endif #include "../include/aiTypes.h" #include "../include/aiMesh.h" #include namespace Assimp { using namespace Q3BSP; static const std::string Q3BSPExtension = "pk3"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local function to create a material key name. static void createKey( int id1, int id2, std::string &rKey ) { std::stringstream str; str << id1 << "." << id2; rKey = str.str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local function to extract the texture ids from a material keyname. static void extractIds( const std::string &rKey, int &rId1, int &rId2 ) { rId1 = -1; rId2 = -1; if ( rKey.empty() ) return; std::string::size_type pos = rKey.find( "." ); if ( std::string::npos == pos ) return; std::string tmp1 = rKey.substr( 0, pos ); std::string tmp2 = rKey.substr( pos + 1, rKey.size() - pos - 1 ); rId1 = atoi( tmp1.c_str() ); rId2 = atoi( tmp2.c_str() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local helper fuction to normalize filenames. static void normalizePathName( const std::string &rPath, std::string &rNormalizedPath ) { rNormalizedPath = ""; if ( rPath.empty() ) return; #ifdef _WIN32 std::string sep = "\\"; #else std::string sep = "/"; #endif static const unsigned int numDelimiters = 2; const char delimiters[ numDelimiters ] = { '/', '\\' }; rNormalizedPath = rPath; for ( unsigned int i=0; i *pCurFaceArray = (*it).second; if ( NULL != pCurFaceArray ) { delete pCurFaceArray; } } m_MaterialLookupMap.clear(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns true, if the loader can read this. bool Q3BSPFileImporter::CanRead( const std::string& rFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool checkSig ) const { bool isBSPData = false; if ( checkSig ) { isBSPData = SimpleExtensionCheck( rFile, Q3BSPExtension .c_str() ); } return isBSPData; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Adds extensions. void Q3BSPFileImporter::GetExtensionList( std::set& extensions ) { extensions.insert( Q3BSPExtension ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Import method. void Q3BSPFileImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &rFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { Q3BSPZipArchive Archive( rFile ); if ( !Archive.isOpen() ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to open file " + rFile + "." ); } std::string archiveName( "" ), mapName( "" ); separateMapName( rFile, archiveName, mapName ); if ( mapName.empty() ) { if ( !findFirstMapInArchive( Archive, mapName ) ) { return; } } Q3BSPFileParser fileParser( mapName, &Archive ); Q3BSPModel *pBSPModel = fileParser.getModel(); if ( NULL != pBSPModel ) { CreateDataFromImport( pBSPModel, pScene, &Archive ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Separates the map name from the import name. void Q3BSPFileImporter::separateMapName( const std::string &rImportName, std::string &rArchiveName, std::string &rMapName ) { rArchiveName = ""; rMapName = ""; if ( rImportName.empty() ) return; std::string::size_type pos = rImportName.rfind( "," ); if ( std::string::npos == pos ) { rArchiveName = rImportName; return; } rArchiveName = rImportName.substr( 0, pos ); rMapName = rImportName.substr( pos, rImportName.size() - pos - 1 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the first map in the map archive. bool Q3BSPFileImporter::findFirstMapInArchive( Q3BSPZipArchive &rArchive, std::string &rMapName ) { rMapName = ""; std::vector fileList; rArchive.getFileList( fileList ); if ( fileList.empty() ) return false; for ( std::vector::iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it ) { std::string::size_type pos = (*it).find( "maps/" ); if ( std::string::npos != pos ) { std::string::size_type extPos = (*it).find( ".bsp" ); if ( std::string::npos != extPos ) { rMapName = *it; return true; } } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates the assimp specific data. void Q3BSPFileImporter::CreateDataFromImport( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, aiScene* pScene, Q3BSPZipArchive *pArchive ) { if ( NULL == pModel || NULL == pScene ) return; pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode; if ( !pModel->m_ModelName.empty() ) { pScene->mRootNode->mName.Set( pModel->m_ModelName ); } // Create the face to material relation map createMaterialMap( pModel ); // Create all nodes CreateNodes( pModel, pScene, pScene->mRootNode ); // Create the assigned materials createMaterials( pModel, pScene, pArchive ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates all assimp nodes. void Q3BSPFileImporter::CreateNodes( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, aiScene* pScene, aiNode *pParent ) { ai_assert( NULL != pModel ); if ( NULL == pModel ) { return; } unsigned int matIdx = 0; std::vector MeshArray; std::vector NodeArray; for ( FaceMapIt it = m_MaterialLookupMap.begin(); it != m_MaterialLookupMap.end(); ++it ) { std::vector *pArray = (*it).second; size_t numVerts = countData( *pArray ); if ( 0 != numVerts ) { aiMesh* pMesh = new aiMesh; aiNode *pNode = CreateTopology( pModel, matIdx, *pArray, pMesh ); if ( NULL != pNode ) { NodeArray.push_back( pNode ); MeshArray.push_back( pMesh ); } else { delete pMesh; } } matIdx++; } pScene->mNumMeshes = MeshArray.size(); if ( pScene->mNumMeshes > 0 ) { pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[ pScene->mNumMeshes ]; for ( size_t i = 0; i < MeshArray.size(); i++ ) { aiMesh *pMesh = MeshArray[ i ]; if ( NULL != pMesh ) { pScene->mMeshes[ i ] = pMesh; } } } pParent->mNumChildren = MeshArray.size(); pParent->mChildren = new aiNode*[ pScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren ]; for ( size_t i=0; imParent = pParent; pParent->mChildren[ i ] = pNode; pParent->mChildren[ i ]->mMeshes[ 0 ] = i; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates the topology. aiNode *Q3BSPFileImporter::CreateTopology( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, unsigned int materialIdx, std::vector &rArray, aiMesh* pMesh ) { size_t numVerts = countData( rArray ); if ( 0 == numVerts ) { return NULL; } size_t numFaces = countFaces( rArray ); if ( 0 == numFaces ) { return NULL; } size_t numTriangles = countTriangles( rArray ); pMesh->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; pMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[ numTriangles ]; pMesh->mNumFaces = numTriangles; pMesh->mNumVertices = numVerts; pMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[ numVerts ]; pMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[ numVerts ]; pMesh->mTextureCoords[ 0 ] = new aiVector3D[ numVerts ]; pMesh->mTextureCoords[ 1 ] = new aiVector3D[ numVerts ]; pMesh->mMaterialIndex = materialIdx; unsigned int faceIdx = 0; unsigned int vertIdx = 0; pMesh->mNumUVComponents[ 0 ] = 2; pMesh->mNumUVComponents[ 1 ] = 2; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = rArray.begin(); it != rArray.end(); ++it ) { Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = *it; ai_assert( NULL != pQ3BSPFace ); if ( NULL == pQ3BSPFace ) { continue; } if ( pQ3BSPFace->iNumOfFaceVerts > 0 ) { if ( pQ3BSPFace->iType == Polygon || pQ3BSPFace->iType == TriangleMesh ) { createTriangleTopology( pModel, pQ3BSPFace, pMesh, faceIdx, vertIdx ); } } } aiNode *pNode = new aiNode; pNode->mNumMeshes = 1; pNode->mMeshes = new unsigned int[ 1 ]; return pNode; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates the triangle topology from a face array. void Q3BSPFileImporter::createTriangleTopology( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace, aiMesh* pMesh, unsigned int &rFaceIdx, unsigned int &rVertIdx ) { ai_assert( rFaceIdx < pMesh->mNumFaces ); m_pCurrentFace = getNextFace( pMesh, rFaceIdx ); ai_assert( NULL != m_pCurrentFace ); if ( NULL == m_pCurrentFace ) { return; } m_pCurrentFace->mNumIndices = 3; m_pCurrentFace->mIndices = new unsigned int[ m_pCurrentFace->mNumIndices ]; size_t idx = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) pQ3BSPFace->iNumOfFaceVerts; i++ ) { const size_t index = pQ3BSPFace->iVertexIndex + pModel->m_Indices[ pQ3BSPFace->iFaceVertexIndex + i ]; ai_assert( index < pModel->m_Vertices.size() ); if ( index >= pModel->m_Vertices.size() ) { continue; } sQ3BSPVertex *pVertex = pModel->m_Vertices[ index ]; ai_assert( NULL != pVertex ); if ( NULL == pVertex ) { continue; } pMesh->mVertices[ rVertIdx ].Set( pVertex->vPosition.x, pVertex->vPosition.y, pVertex->vPosition.z ); pMesh->mNormals[ rVertIdx ].Set( pVertex->vNormal.x, pVertex->vNormal.y, pVertex->vNormal.z ); pMesh->mTextureCoords[ 0 ][ rVertIdx ].Set( pVertex->vTexCoord.x, pVertex->vTexCoord.y, 0.0f ); pMesh->mTextureCoords[ 1 ][ rVertIdx ].Set( pVertex->vLightmap.x, pVertex->vLightmap.y, 0.0f ); m_pCurrentFace->mIndices[ idx ] = rVertIdx; rVertIdx++; idx++; if ( idx > 2 ) { idx = 0; m_pCurrentFace = getNextFace( pMesh, rFaceIdx ); if ( NULL != m_pCurrentFace ) { m_pCurrentFace->mNumIndices = 3; m_pCurrentFace->mIndices = new unsigned int[ 3 ]; } } } rFaceIdx--; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates all referenced materials. void Q3BSPFileImporter::createMaterials( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, aiScene* pScene, Q3BSPZipArchive *pArchive ) { if ( m_MaterialLookupMap.empty() ) { return; } pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[ m_MaterialLookupMap.size() ]; size_t texIdx( 0 ); aiString aiMatName; int textureId( -1 ), lightmapId( -1 ); for ( FaceMapIt it = m_MaterialLookupMap.begin(); it != m_MaterialLookupMap.end(); ++it ) { const std::string matName = (*it).first; if ( matName.empty() ) { continue; } aiMatName.Set( matName ); Assimp::MaterialHelper *pMatHelper = new Assimp::MaterialHelper; pMatHelper->AddProperty( &aiMatName, AI_MATKEY_NAME ); extractIds( matName, textureId, lightmapId ); // Adding the texture if ( -1 != textureId ) { sQ3BSPTexture *pTexture = pModel->m_Textures[ textureId ]; if ( NULL != pTexture ) { std::string tmp( "*" ), texName( "" ); tmp += pTexture->strName; tmp += ".jpg"; normalizePathName( tmp, texName ); if ( !importTextureFromArchive( pModel, pArchive, pScene, pMatHelper, textureId ) ) { } } } if ( -1 != lightmapId ) { importLightmap( pModel, pScene, pMatHelper, lightmapId ); } pScene->mMaterials[ pScene->mNumMaterials ] = pMatHelper; pScene->mNumMaterials++; } pScene->mNumTextures = mTextures.size(); pScene->mTextures = new aiTexture*[ pScene->mNumTextures ]; std::copy( mTextures.begin(), mTextures.end(), pScene->mTextures ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Counts the number of referenced vertices. size_t Q3BSPFileImporter::countData( const std::vector &rArray ) const { size_t numVerts = 0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = rArray.begin(); it != rArray.end(); ++it ) { sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = *it; if ( pQ3BSPFace->iType == Polygon || pQ3BSPFace->iType == TriangleMesh ) { Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = *it; ai_assert( NULL != pQ3BSPFace ); numVerts += pQ3BSPFace->iNumOfFaceVerts; } } return numVerts; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Counts the faces with vertices. size_t Q3BSPFileImporter::countFaces( const std::vector &rArray ) const { size_t numFaces = 0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = rArray.begin(); it != rArray.end(); ++it ) { Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = *it; if ( pQ3BSPFace->iNumOfFaceVerts > 0 ) { numFaces++; } } return numFaces; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Counts the number of triangles in a Q3-facearray. size_t Q3BSPFileImporter::countTriangles( const std::vector &rArray ) const { size_t numTriangles = 0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = rArray.begin(); it != rArray.end(); ++it ) { const Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = *it; if ( NULL != pQ3BSPFace ) { numTriangles += pQ3BSPFace->iNumOfFaceVerts / 3; } } return numTriangles; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates the faces-to-material map. void Q3BSPFileImporter::createMaterialMap( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel ) { std::string key( "" ); std::vector *pCurFaceArray = NULL; for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < pModel->m_Faces.size(); idx++ ) { Q3BSP::sQ3BSPFace *pQ3BSPFace = pModel->m_Faces[ idx ]; const int texId = pQ3BSPFace->iTextureID; const int lightMapId = pQ3BSPFace->iLightmapID; createKey( texId, lightMapId, key ); FaceMapIt it = m_MaterialLookupMap.find( key ); if ( m_MaterialLookupMap.end() == it ) { pCurFaceArray = new std::vector; m_MaterialLookupMap[ key ] = pCurFaceArray; } else { pCurFaceArray = (*it).second; } ai_assert( NULL != pCurFaceArray ); if ( NULL != pCurFaceArray ) { pCurFaceArray->push_back( pQ3BSPFace ); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the next face. aiFace *Q3BSPFileImporter::getNextFace( aiMesh *pMesh, unsigned int &rFaceIdx ) { aiFace *pFace = NULL; if ( rFaceIdx < pMesh->mNumFaces ) { pFace = &pMesh->mFaces[ rFaceIdx ]; rFaceIdx++; } else { pFace = NULL; } return pFace; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Imports a texture file. bool Q3BSPFileImporter::importTextureFromArchive( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, Q3BSP::Q3BSPZipArchive *pArchive, aiScene* pScene, Assimp::MaterialHelper *pMatHelper, int textureId ) { std::vector supportedExtensions; supportedExtensions.push_back( ".jpg" ); supportedExtensions.push_back( ".png" ); if ( NULL == pArchive || NULL == pArchive || NULL == pMatHelper ) { return false; } if ( textureId < 0 || textureId >= static_cast( pModel->m_Textures.size() ) ) { return false; } bool res = true; sQ3BSPTexture *pTexture = pModel->m_Textures[ textureId ]; if ( NULL == pTexture ) return false; std::string textureName = pTexture->strName; textureName += ".jpg"; if ( pArchive->Exists( textureName.c_str() ) ) { IOStream *pTextureStream = pArchive->Open( textureName.c_str() ); if ( NULL != pTextureStream ) { size_t texSize = pTextureStream->FileSize(); aiTexture *pTexture = new aiTexture; pTexture->mHeight = 0; pTexture->mWidth = texSize; unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[ pTexture->mWidth ]; size_t readSize = pTextureStream->Read( pData, sizeof( unsigned char ), pTexture->mWidth ); ai_assert( readSize == pTexture->mWidth ); pTexture->pcData = reinterpret_cast( pData ); pTexture->achFormatHint[ 0 ] = 'j'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 1 ] = 'p'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 2 ] = 'g'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 2 ] = '\0'; res = true; aiString name; name.data[ 0 ] = '*'; name.length = 1 + ASSIMP_itoa10( name.data + 1, MAXLEN-1, mTextures.size() ); pArchive->Close( pTextureStream ); pMatHelper->AddProperty( &name, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE( 0 ) ); mTextures.push_back( pTexture ); } } return res; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Imports a light map file. bool Q3BSPFileImporter::importLightmap( const Q3BSP::Q3BSPModel *pModel, aiScene* pScene, Assimp::MaterialHelper *pMatHelper, int lightmapId ) { if ( NULL == pModel || NULL == pScene || NULL == pMatHelper ) { return false; } if ( lightmapId < 0 || lightmapId >= static_cast( pModel->m_Lightmaps.size() ) ) { return false; } sQ3BSPLightmap *pLightMap = pModel->m_Lightmaps[ lightmapId ]; if ( NULL == pLightMap ) { return false; } aiTexture *pTexture = new aiTexture; pTexture->mHeight = 0; pTexture->mWidth = CE_BSP_LIGHTMAPWIDTH * CE_BSP_LIGHTMAPHEIGHT; unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[ pTexture->mWidth ]; pTexture->pcData = reinterpret_cast( pData ); pTexture->achFormatHint[ 0 ] = 'b'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 1 ] = 'm'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 2 ] = 'p'; pTexture->achFormatHint[ 3 ] = '\0'; memcpy( pTexture->pcData, pLightMap->bLMapData, pTexture->mWidth ); aiString name; name.data[ 0 ] = '*'; name.length = 1 + ASSIMP_itoa10( name.data + 1, MAXLEN-1, mTextures.size() ); pMatHelper->AddProperty( &name,AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP( 1 ) ); mTextures.push_back( pTexture ); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } // Namespace Assimp #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_Q3BSP_IMPORTER