/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if (!defined AV_DISPLAY_H_INCLUDED) #define AV_DISPLAY_H_INCLUDE // see CDisplay::m_aiImageList #define AI_VIEW_IMGLIST_NODE 0x0 #define AI_VIEW_IMGLIST_MATERIAL 0x1 #define AI_VIEW_IMGLIST_TEXTURE 0x2 #define AI_VIEW_IMGLIST_TEXTURE_INVALID 0x3 #define AI_VIEW_IMGLIST_MODEL 0x4 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Corresponds to the "Display" combobox in the UI */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDisplay { private: // helper class struct Info { Info( D3DXVECTOR4* p1, AssetHelper::MeshHelper* p2, const char* p3) : pclrColor(p1),pMesh(p2),szShaderParam(p3) {} D3DXVECTOR4* pclrColor; AssetHelper::MeshHelper* pMesh; const char* szShaderParam; }; // default constructor CDisplay() : m_iViewMode(VIEWMODE_FULL), m_pcCurrentTexture(NULL), m_pcCurrentNode(NULL), m_pcCurrentMaterial(NULL), m_hImageList(NULL), m_hRoot(NULL), m_fTextureZoom(1000.0f) { this->m_aiImageList[0] = 0; this->m_aiImageList[1] = 1; this->m_aiImageList[2] = 2; this->m_aiImageList[3] = 3; this->m_aiImageList[4] = 4; this->m_avCheckerColors[0].x = this->m_avCheckerColors[0].y = this->m_avCheckerColors[0].z = 0.4f; this->m_avCheckerColors[0].x = this->m_avCheckerColors[1].y = this->m_avCheckerColors[2].z = 0.6f; } public: //------------------------------------------------------------------ enum { // the full model is displayed VIEWMODE_FULL, // a material is displayed on a simple spjere as model VIEWMODE_MATERIAL, // a texture with an UV set mapped on it is displayed VIEWMODE_TEXTURE, // a single node in the scenegraph is displayed VIEWMODE_NODE, }; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // represents a texture in the tree view struct TextureInfo { // texture info IDirect3DTexture9** piTexture; // Blend factor of the texture float fBlend; // blend operation for the texture aiTextureOp eOp; // UV index for the texture unsigned int iUV; // Associated tree item HTREEITEM hTreeItem; // Original path to the texture std::string szPath; // index of the corresponding material unsigned int iMatIndex; // type of the texture unsigned int iType; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // represents a node in the tree view struct NodeInfo { // node object aiNode* psNode; // corresponding tree view item HTREEITEM hTreeItem; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // represents a material in the tree view struct MaterialInfo { // material index unsigned int iIndex; // material object aiMaterial* psMaterial; // ID3DXEffect interface ID3DXEffect* piEffect; // corresponding tree view item HTREEITEM hTreeItem; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Singleton accessors static CDisplay s_cInstance; inline static CDisplay& Instance () { return s_cInstance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Called during the render loop. Renders the scene (including the // HUD etc) in the current view mode int OnRender(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // called when the user selects another item in the "Display" tree // view the method determines the new view mode and performs all // required operations // \param p_hTreeItem Selected tree view item int OnSetup(HTREEITEM p_hTreeItem); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variant 1: Render the full scene with the asset int RenderFullScene(); #if 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variant 2: Render only a part of the scene. One node to // be exact int RenderScenePart(); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variant 3: Render a large sphere and map a given material on it int RenderMaterialView(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variant 4: Render a flat plane, map a texture on it and // display the UV wire on it int RenderTextureView(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fill the UI combobox with a list of all supported view modi // // The display modes are added in order int FillDisplayList(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Add a material and all sub textures to the display mode list // hRoot - Handle to the root of the tree view // iIndex - Material index int AddMaterialToDisplayList(HTREEITEM hRoot, unsigned int iIndex); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Add a texture to the display list // pcMat - material containing the texture // hTexture - Handle to the material tree item // szPath - Path to the texture // iUVIndex - UV index to be used for the texture // fBlendFactor - Blend factor to be used for the texture // eTextureOp - texture operation to be used for the texture int AddTextureToDisplayList(unsigned int iType, unsigned int iIndex, const aiString* szPath, HTREEITEM hFX, unsigned int iUVIndex = 0, const float fBlendFactor = 0.0f, aiTextureOp eTextureOp = aiTextureOp_Multiply, unsigned int iMesh = 0); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Add a node to the display list // Recusrivly add all subnodes // iIndex - Index of the node in the parent's child list // iDepth - Current depth of the node // pcNode - Node object // hRoot - Parent tree view node int AddNodeToDisplayList( unsigned int iIndex, unsigned int iDepth, aiNode* pcNode, HTREEITEM hRoot); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Load the image list for the tree view item int LoadImageList(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Expand all nodes in the tree int ExpandTree(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fill the UI combobox with a list of all supported animations // The animations are added in order int FillAnimList(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clear the combox box containing the list of animations int ClearAnimList(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clear the combox box containing the list of scenegraph items int ClearDisplayList(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fill in the default statistics int FillDefaultStatistics(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Called by LoadAsset() // reset the class instance to the default values int Reset(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Replace the texture that is current selected with // a new texture int ReplaceCurrentTexture(const char* szPath); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display the context menu (if there) for the specified tree item // hItem Valid tree view item handle int ShowTreeViewContextMenu(HTREEITEM hItem); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Event handling for pop-up menus displayed by th tree view int HandleTreeViewPopup(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // setter for m_iViewMode inline void SetViewMode(unsigned int p_iNew) { this->m_iViewMode = p_iNew; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // getter for m_iViewMode inline unsigned int GetViewMode() { return m_iViewMode; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // change the texture view's zoom factor inline void SetTextureViewZoom(float f) { // FIX: Removed log(), seems to make more problems than it fixes this->m_fTextureZoom += f* 15; if (this->m_fTextureZoom < 0.05f)this->m_fTextureZoom = 0.05f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // change the texture view's offset on the x axis inline void SetTextureViewOffsetX(float f) { this->m_vTextureOffset.x += f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // change the texture view's offset on the y axis inline void SetTextureViewOffsetY(float f) { this->m_vTextureOffset.y += f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a new texture to the list inline void AddTexture(const TextureInfo& info) { this->m_asTextures.push_back(info); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a new node to the list inline void AddNode(const NodeInfo& info) { this->m_asNodes.push_back(info); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a new material to the list inline void AddMaterial(const MaterialInfo& info) { this->m_asMaterials.push_back(info); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // set the primary color of the checker pattern background inline void SetFirstCheckerColor(D3DXVECTOR4 c) { this->m_avCheckerColors[0] = c; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // set the secondary color of the checker pattern background inline void SetSecondCheckerColor(D3DXVECTOR4 c) { this->m_avCheckerColors[1] = c; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // get the primary color of the checker pattern background inline const D3DXVECTOR4* GetFirstCheckerColor() const { return &this->m_avCheckerColors[0]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // get the secondary color of the checker pattern background inline const D3DXVECTOR4* GetSecondCheckerColor() const { return &this->m_avCheckerColors[1]; } private: //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Render a screen-filling square using the checker pattern shader int RenderPatternBG(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Render a given node in the scenegraph // piNode Node to be rendered // piMatrix Current transformation matrix // bAlpha Render alpha or opaque objects only? int RenderNode (aiNode* piNode,const aiMatrix4x4& piMatrix, bool bAlpha = false); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup the camera for the stereo view rendering mode int SetupStereoView(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Render the second view (for the right eye) in stereo mod // m - World matrix int RenderStereoView(const aiMatrix4x4& m); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handle user input int HandleInput(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handle user input for the texture viewer int HandleInputTextureView(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handle user input if no asset is loaded int HandleInputEmptyScene(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the HUD (call only if FPS mode isn't active) int DrawHUD(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used by OnSetup(). // Do everything necessary to switch to texture view mode int OnSetupTextureView(TextureInfo* pcNew); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used by OnSetup(). // Do everything necessary to switch to material view mode int OnSetupMaterialView(MaterialInfo* pcNew); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used by OnSetup(). // Do everything necessary to switch to node view mode int OnSetupNodeView(NodeInfo* pcNew); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used by OnSetup(). // Do everything necessary to switch back to normal view mode int OnSetupNormalView(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Used by HandleTreeViewPopup(). int HandleTreeViewPopup2(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); private: // view mode unsigned int m_iViewMode; // List of all textures in the display CB std::vector m_asTextures; // current texture or NULL if no texture is active TextureInfo* m_pcCurrentTexture; // List of all node in the display CB std::vector m_asNodes; // current Node or NULL if no Node is active NodeInfo* m_pcCurrentNode; // List of all materials in the display CB std::vector m_asMaterials; // current material or NULL if no material is active MaterialInfo* m_pcCurrentMaterial; // indices into the image list of the "display" tree view control unsigned int m_aiImageList[5]; /* = {0,1,2,3,4};*/ // Image list HIMAGELIST m_hImageList; // Root node of the tree, "Model" HTREEITEM m_hRoot; // Current zoom factor of the texture viewer float m_fTextureZoom; // Current offset (in pixels) of the texture viewer aiVector2D m_vTextureOffset; // Colors used to draw the checker pattern (for the // texture viewer as background ) D3DXVECTOR4 m_avCheckerColors[2]; }; #endif // AV_DISPLAY_H_INCLUDE