cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6 ) PROJECT( Assimp ) SET ( PROJECT_VERSION "2.0" ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( include ) # If this is an in-source build (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR == CMAKE_BINARY_DIR), # write the library/executable files to the respective directories in the # source tree. During an out-of-source build, however, do not litter this # directory, since that is probably what the user wanted to avoid. IF ( CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ) SET( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/lib ) SET( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/bin ) ENDIF ( CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ) # Cache these to allow the user to override them manually. SET( LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib" CACHE PATH "Path the built library files are installed to." ) SET( INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" CACHE PATH "Path the header files are installed to." ) SET( BIN_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path the tool executables are installed to." ) # Generate a pkg-config .pc for the Assimp library. CONFIGURE_FILE( "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/assimp.pc" @ONLY ) INSTALL( FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/assimp.pc" DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig/ ) # Globally enbale Boost resp. the Boost workaround – it is also needed by the # tools which include the Assimp headers. SET ( ENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND OFF CACHE BOOL "If a simple implementation of the used Boost functions is used. Slightly reduces functionality, but enables builds without Boost available." ) IF ( ENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( code/BoostWorkaround ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DASSIMP_BUILD_BOOST_WORKAROUND ) MESSAGE( STATUS "Building a non-boost version of Assimp." ) ELSE ( ENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND ) SET( Boost_DETAILED_FAILURE_MSG ON ) FIND_PACKAGE( Boost 1.35 ) IF ( NOT Boost_FOUND ) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "Boost libraries ( not found. " "You can build a non-boost version of Assimp with slightly reduced " "functionality by specifying -DENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND=ON." ) ENDIF ( NOT Boost_FOUND ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) ENDIF ( ENABLE_BOOST_WORKAROUND ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( code/ ) SET ( BUILD_ASSIMP_TOOLS ON CACHE BOOL "If the supplementary tools for Assimp are built in addition to the library." ) IF ( BUILD_ASSIMP_TOOLS ) IF ( WIN32 ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( tools/assimp_view/ ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( samples/SimpleOpenGL/ ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( samples/SimpleTexturedOpenGL/ ) ENDIF ( WIN32 ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( tools/assimp_cmd/ ) ENDIF ( BUILD_ASSIMP_TOOLS ) SET ( BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "If the test suite for Assimp is built in addition to the library." ) IF ( BUILD_TESTS ) IF ( WIN32 ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( test/ ) ELSE ( WIN32 ) MESSAGE( WARNING "The Assimp test suite is currently Windows-only." ) ENDIF ( WIN32 ) ENDIF ( BUILD_TESTS )