#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

This module demonstrates the functionality of PyAssimp.

from pyassimp import pyassimp
import os

#get a model out of assimp's test-data
MODEL = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                     "..", "..",
                     "test", "MDLFiles", "MDL3 (3DGS A4)", "minigun.MDL")

def main():
    scene = pyassimp.load(MODEL)
    #the model we load
    print "MODEL:", MODEL
    #write some statistics
    print "SCENE:"
    print "  flags:", ", ".join(scene.list_flags())
    print "  meshes:", len(scene.meshes)
    print "  materials:", len(scene.materials)
    print "  textures:", len(scene.textures)
    print "MESHES:"
    for index, mesh in enumerate(scene.meshes):
        print "  MESH", index+1
        print "    vertices:", len(mesh.vertices)
        print "    first:", mesh.vertices[:3]
        print "    colors:", len(mesh.colors)
        tc = mesh.texcoords
        print "    texture-coords 1:", len(tc[0]), "first:", tc[0][:3]
        print "    texture-coords 2:", len(tc[1]), "first:", tc[1][:3]
        print "    texture-coords 3:", len(tc[2]), "first:", tc[2][:3]
        print "    texture-coords 4:", len(tc[3]), "first:", tc[3][:3]
        print "    uv-counts:", mesh.uvsize
        print "    faces:", len(mesh.faces), "first:", mesh.faces[:3]
        print "    bones:", len(mesh.bones), "first:", mesh.bones[:3]
    print "MATERIALS:"
    for index, material in enumerate(scene.materials):
        print "  MATERIAL", index+1
        for key, value in material.properties.iteritems():
            print "    %s: %s" % (key, value)
    print "TEXTURES:"
    for index, texture in enumerate(scene.textures):
        print "  TEXTURE", index+1
        print "    width:", texture.width
        print "    height:", texture.height
        print "    hint:", texture.hint
        print "    data (size):", len(texture.data)

if __name__ == "__main__":