/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2021, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef AI_OGRESTRUCTS_H_INC #define AI_OGRESTRUCTS_H_INC #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_OGRE_IMPORTER #include #include #include #include #include #include struct aiNodeAnim; struct aiAnimation; struct aiNode; struct aiMaterial; struct aiScene; /** @note Parts of this implementation, for example enums, deserialization constants and logic has been copied directly with minor modifications from the MIT licensed Ogre3D code base. See more from https://bitbucket.org/sinbad/ogre. */ namespace Assimp { namespace Ogre { // Forward decl class Mesh; class MeshXml; class SubMesh; class SubMeshXml; class Skeleton; #define OGRE_SAFE_DELETE(p) delete p; p=0; // Typedefs typedef Assimp::MemoryIOStream MemoryStream; typedef std::shared_ptr MemoryStreamPtr; typedef std::map VertexBufferBindings; // Ogre Vertex Element class VertexElement { public: /// Vertex element semantics, used to identify the meaning of vertex buffer contents enum Semantic { /// Position, 3 reals per vertex VES_POSITION = 1, /// Blending weights VES_BLEND_WEIGHTS = 2, /// Blending indices VES_BLEND_INDICES = 3, /// Normal, 3 reals per vertex VES_NORMAL = 4, /// Diffuse colours VES_DIFFUSE = 5, /// Specular colours VES_SPECULAR = 6, /// Texture coordinates VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES = 7, /// Binormal (Y axis if normal is Z) VES_BINORMAL = 8, /// Tangent (X axis if normal is Z) VES_TANGENT = 9, /// The number of VertexElementSemantic elements (note - the first value VES_POSITION is 1) VES_COUNT = 9 }; /// Vertex element type, used to identify the base types of the vertex contents enum Type { VET_FLOAT1 = 0, VET_FLOAT2 = 1, VET_FLOAT3 = 2, VET_FLOAT4 = 3, /// alias to more specific colour type - use the current rendersystem's colour packing VET_COLOUR = 4, VET_SHORT1 = 5, VET_SHORT2 = 6, VET_SHORT3 = 7, VET_SHORT4 = 8, VET_UBYTE4 = 9, /// D3D style compact colour VET_COLOUR_ARGB = 10, /// GL style compact colour VET_COLOUR_ABGR = 11, VET_DOUBLE1 = 12, VET_DOUBLE2 = 13, VET_DOUBLE3 = 14, VET_DOUBLE4 = 15, VET_USHORT1 = 16, VET_USHORT2 = 17, VET_USHORT3 = 18, VET_USHORT4 = 19, VET_INT1 = 20, VET_INT2 = 21, VET_INT3 = 22, VET_INT4 = 23, VET_UINT1 = 24, VET_UINT2 = 25, VET_UINT3 = 26, VET_UINT4 = 27 }; VertexElement(); /// Size of the vertex element in bytes. size_t Size() const; /// Count of components in this element, eg. VET_FLOAT3 return 3. size_t ComponentCount() const; /// Type as string. std::string TypeToString(); /// Semantic as string. std::string SemanticToString(); static size_t TypeSize(Type type); static size_t ComponentCount(Type type); static std::string TypeToString(Type type); static std::string SemanticToString(Semantic semantic); uint16_t index; uint16_t source; uint16_t offset; Type type; Semantic semantic; }; typedef std::vector VertexElementList; /// Ogre Vertex Bone Assignment struct VertexBoneAssignment { uint32_t vertexIndex; uint16_t boneIndex; float weight; }; typedef std::vector VertexBoneAssignmentList; typedef std::map VertexBoneAssignmentsMap; typedef std::map > AssimpVertexBoneWeightList; // Ogre Vertex Data interface, inherited by the binary and XML implementations. class IVertexData { public: IVertexData(); /// Returns if bone assignments are available. bool HasBoneAssignments() const; /// Add vertex mapping from old to new index. void AddVertexMapping(uint32_t oldIndex, uint32_t newIndex); /// Returns re-mapped bone assignments. /** @note Uses mappings added via AddVertexMapping. */ AssimpVertexBoneWeightList AssimpBoneWeights(size_t vertices); /// Returns a set of bone indexes that are referenced by bone assignments (weights). std::set ReferencedBonesByWeights() const; /// Vertex count. uint32_t count; /// Bone assignments. VertexBoneAssignmentList boneAssignments; private: void BoneAssignmentsForVertex(uint32_t currentIndex, uint32_t newIndex, VertexBoneAssignmentList &dest) const; std::map > vertexIndexMapping; VertexBoneAssignmentsMap boneAssignmentsMap; }; // Ogre Vertex Data class VertexData : public IVertexData { public: VertexData(); ~VertexData(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); /// Get vertex size for @c source. uint32_t VertexSize(uint16_t source) const; /// Get vertex buffer for @c source. MemoryStream *VertexBuffer(uint16_t source); /// Get vertex element for @c semantic for @c index. VertexElement *GetVertexElement(VertexElement::Semantic semantic, uint16_t index = 0); /// Vertex elements. VertexElementList vertexElements; /// Vertex buffers mapped to bind index. VertexBufferBindings vertexBindings; }; // Ogre Index Data class IndexData { public: IndexData(); ~IndexData(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); /// Index size in bytes. size_t IndexSize() const; /// Face size in bytes. size_t FaceSize() const; /// Index count. uint32_t count; /// Face count. uint32_t faceCount; /// If has 32-bit indexes. bool is32bit; /// Index buffer. MemoryStreamPtr buffer; }; /// Ogre Pose class Pose { public: struct Vertex { uint32_t index; aiVector3D offset; aiVector3D normal; }; typedef std::map PoseVertexMap; Pose() : target(0), hasNormals(false) {} /// Name. std::string name; /// Target. uint16_t target; /// Does vertices map have normals. bool hasNormals; /// Vertex offset and normals. PoseVertexMap vertices; }; typedef std::vector PoseList; /// Ogre Pose Key Frame Ref struct PoseRef { uint16_t index; float influence; }; typedef std::vector PoseRefList; /// Ogre Pose Key Frame struct PoseKeyFrame { /// Time position in the animation. float timePos; PoseRefList references; }; typedef std::vector PoseKeyFrameList; /// Ogre Morph Key Frame struct MorphKeyFrame { /// Time position in the animation. float timePos; MemoryStreamPtr buffer; }; typedef std::vector MorphKeyFrameList; /// Ogre animation key frame struct TransformKeyFrame { TransformKeyFrame(); aiMatrix4x4 Transform(); float timePos; aiQuaternion rotation; aiVector3D position; aiVector3D scale; }; typedef std::vector TransformKeyFrameList; /// Ogre Animation Track struct VertexAnimationTrack { enum Type { /// No animation VAT_NONE = 0, /// Morph animation is made up of many interpolated snapshot keyframes VAT_MORPH = 1, /// Pose animation is made up of a single delta pose keyframe VAT_POSE = 2, /// Keyframe that has its on pos, rot and scale for a time position VAT_TRANSFORM = 3 }; VertexAnimationTrack(); /// Convert to Assimp node animation. aiNodeAnim *ConvertToAssimpAnimationNode(Skeleton *skeleton); // Animation type. Type type; /// Vertex data target. /** 0 == shared geometry >0 == submesh index + 1 */ uint16_t target; /// Only valid for VAT_TRANSFORM. std::string boneName; /// Only one of these will contain key frames, depending on the type enum. PoseKeyFrameList poseKeyFrames; MorphKeyFrameList morphKeyFrames; TransformKeyFrameList transformKeyFrames; }; typedef std::vector VertexAnimationTrackList; /// Ogre Animation class Animation { public: explicit Animation(Skeleton *parent); explicit Animation(Mesh *parent); /// Returns the associated vertex data for a track in this animation. /** @note Only valid to call when parent Mesh is set. */ VertexData *AssociatedVertexData(VertexAnimationTrack *track) const; /// Convert to Assimp animation. aiAnimation *ConvertToAssimpAnimation(); /// Parent mesh. /** @note Set only when animation is read from a mesh. */ Mesh *parentMesh; /// Parent skeleton. /** @note Set only when animation is read from a skeleton. */ Skeleton *parentSkeleton; /// Animation name. std::string name; /// Base animation name. std::string baseName; /// Length in seconds. float length; /// Base animation key time. float baseTime; /// Animation tracks. VertexAnimationTrackList tracks; }; typedef std::vector AnimationList; /// Ogre Bone class Bone { public: Bone(); /// Returns if this bone is parented. bool IsParented() const; /// Parent index as uint16_t. Internally int32_t as -1 means unparented. uint16_t ParentId() const; /// Add child bone. void AddChild(Bone *bone); /// Calculates the world matrix for bone and its children. void CalculateWorldMatrixAndDefaultPose(Skeleton *skeleton); /// Convert to Assimp node (animation nodes). aiNode *ConvertToAssimpNode(Skeleton *parent, aiNode *parentNode = 0); /// Convert to Assimp bone (mesh bones). aiBone *ConvertToAssimpBone(Skeleton *parent, const std::vector &boneWeights); uint16_t id; std::string name; Bone *parent; int32_t parentId; std::vector children; aiVector3D position; aiQuaternion rotation; aiVector3D scale; aiMatrix4x4 worldMatrix; aiMatrix4x4 defaultPose; }; typedef std::vector BoneList; /// Ogre Skeleton class Skeleton { public: enum BlendMode { /// Animations are applied by calculating a weighted average of all animations ANIMBLEND_AVERAGE = 0, /// Animations are applied by calculating a weighted cumulative total ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE = 1 }; Skeleton(); ~Skeleton(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); /// Returns unparented root bones. BoneList RootBones() const; /// Returns number of unparented root bones. size_t NumRootBones() const; /// Get bone by name. Bone *BoneByName(const std::string &name) const; /// Get bone by id. Bone *BoneById(uint16_t id) const; BoneList bones; AnimationList animations; /// @todo Take blend mode into account, but where? BlendMode blendMode; }; /// Ogre Sub Mesh interface, inherited by the binary and XML implementations. class ISubMesh { public: /// @note Full list of Ogre types, not all of them are supported and exposed to Assimp. enum OperationType { /// A list of points, 1 vertex per point OT_POINT_LIST = 1, /// A list of lines, 2 vertices per line OT_LINE_LIST = 2, /// A strip of connected lines, 1 vertex per line plus 1 start vertex OT_LINE_STRIP = 3, /// A list of triangles, 3 vertices per triangle OT_TRIANGLE_LIST = 4, /// A strip of triangles, 3 vertices for the first triangle, and 1 per triangle after that OT_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5, /// A fan of triangles, 3 vertices for the first triangle, and 1 per triangle after that OT_TRIANGLE_FAN = 6 }; ISubMesh(); /// SubMesh index. unsigned int index; /// SubMesh name. std::string name; /// Material used by this submesh. std::string materialRef; /// Texture alias information. std::string textureAliasName; std::string textureAliasRef; /// Assimp scene material index used by this submesh. /** -1 if no material or material could not be imported. */ int materialIndex; /// If submesh uses shared geometry from parent mesh. bool usesSharedVertexData; /// Operation type. OperationType operationType; }; /// Ogre SubMesh class SubMesh : public ISubMesh { public: SubMesh(); ~SubMesh(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. /** @note Vertex and index data contains shared ptrs that are freed automatically. In practice the ref count should be 0 after this reset. */ void Reset(); /// Covert to Assimp mesh. aiMesh *ConvertToAssimpMesh(Mesh *parent); /// Vertex data. VertexData *vertexData; /// Index data. IndexData *indexData; }; typedef std::vector SubMeshList; /// Ogre Mesh class Mesh { public: /// Constructor. Mesh(); /// Destructor. ~Mesh(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); /// Returns number of subMeshes. size_t NumSubMeshes() const; /// Returns submesh for @c index. SubMesh *GetSubMesh( size_t index) const; /// Convert mesh to Assimp scene. void ConvertToAssimpScene(aiScene* dest); /// Mesh has skeletal animations. bool hasSkeletalAnimations; /// Skeleton reference. std::string skeletonRef; /// Skeleton. Skeleton *skeleton; /// Vertex data VertexData *sharedVertexData; /// Sub meshes. SubMeshList subMeshes; /// Animations AnimationList animations; /// Poses PoseList poses; }; /// Ogre XML Vertex Data class VertexDataXml : public IVertexData { public: VertexDataXml(); bool HasPositions() const; bool HasNormals() const; bool HasTangents() const; bool HasUvs() const; size_t NumUvs() const; std::vector positions; std::vector normals; std::vector tangents; std::vector > uvs; }; /// Ogre XML Index Data class IndexDataXml { public: IndexDataXml() : faceCount(0) {} /// Face count. uint32_t faceCount; std::vector faces; }; /// Ogre XML SubMesh class SubMeshXml : public ISubMesh { public: SubMeshXml(); ~SubMeshXml(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); aiMesh *ConvertToAssimpMesh(MeshXml *parent); IndexDataXml *indexData; VertexDataXml *vertexData; }; typedef std::vector SubMeshXmlList; /// Ogre XML Mesh class MeshXml { public: MeshXml(); ~MeshXml(); /// Releases all memory that this data structure owns. void Reset(); /// Returns number of subMeshes. size_t NumSubMeshes() const; /// Returns submesh for @c index. SubMeshXml *GetSubMesh(uint16_t index) const; /// Convert mesh to Assimp scene. void ConvertToAssimpScene(aiScene* dest); /// Skeleton reference. std::string skeletonRef; /// Skeleton. Skeleton *skeleton; /// Vertex data VertexDataXml *sharedVertexData; /// Sub meshes. SubMeshXmlList subMeshes; }; } // Ogre } // Assimp #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_OGRE_IMPORTER #endif // AI_OGRESTRUCTS_H_INC