/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2012, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file B3DImporter.cpp * @brief Implementation of the b3d importer class */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_B3D_IMPORTER // internal headers #include "B3DImporter.h" #include "TextureTransform.h" #include "ConvertToLHProcess.h" using namespace Assimp; using namespace std; static const aiImporterDesc desc = { "BlitzBasic 3D Importer", "", "", "http://www.blitzbasic.com/", aiImporterFlags_SupportBinaryFlavour, 0, 0, 0, 0, "b3d" }; // (fixme, Aramis) quick workaround to get rid of all those signed to unsigned warnings #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning (disable: 4018) #endif //#define DEBUG_B3D // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool B3DImporter::CanRead( const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* /*pIOHandler*/, bool /*checkSig*/) const{ size_t pos=pFile.find_last_of( '.' ); if( pos==string::npos ) return false; string ext=pFile.substr( pos+1 ); if( ext.size()!=3 ) return false; return (ext[0]=='b' || ext[0]=='B') && (ext[1]=='3') && (ext[2]=='d' || ext[2]=='D'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Loader meta information const aiImporterDesc* B3DImporter::GetInfo () const { return &desc; } #ifdef DEBUG_B3D extern "C"{ void _stdcall AllocConsole(); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler){ #ifdef DEBUG_B3D AllocConsole(); freopen( "conin$","r",stdin ); freopen( "conout$","w",stdout ); freopen( "conout$","w",stderr ); cout<<"Hello world from the B3DImporter!"< file( pIOHandler->Open( pFile)); // Check whether we can read from the file if( file.get() == NULL) throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to open B3D file " + pFile + "."); // check whether the .b3d file is large enough to contain // at least one chunk. size_t fileSize = file->FileSize(); if( fileSize<8 ) throw DeadlyImportError( "B3D File is too small."); _pos=0; _buf.resize( fileSize ); file->Read( &_buf[0],1,fileSize ); _stack.clear(); ReadBB3D( pScene ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::Oops(){ throw DeadlyImportError( "B3D Importer - INTERNAL ERROR" ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::Fail( string str ){ #ifdef DEBUG_B3D cout<<"Error in B3D file data: "< T *B3DImporter::to_array( const vector &v ){ if( !v.size() ) return 0; T *p=new T[v.size()]; for( size_t i=0;i8 ){ Fail( "Bad texture count" ); } while( ChunkSize() ){ string name=ReadString(); aiVector3D color=ReadVec3(); float alpha=ReadFloat(); float shiny=ReadFloat(); /*int blend=**/ReadInt(); int fx=ReadInt(); aiMaterial *mat=new aiMaterial; _materials.push_back( mat ); // Name aiString ainame( name ); mat->AddProperty( &ainame,AI_MATKEY_NAME ); // Diffuse color mat->AddProperty( &color,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE ); // Opacity mat->AddProperty( &alpha,1,AI_MATKEY_OPACITY ); // Specular color aiColor3D speccolor( shiny,shiny,shiny ); mat->AddProperty( &speccolor,1,AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR ); // Specular power float specpow=shiny*128; mat->AddProperty( &specpow,1,AI_MATKEY_SHININESS ); // Double sided if( fx & 0x10 ){ int i=1; mat->AddProperty( &i,1,AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED ); } //Textures for( int i=0;i=0 && texid>=static_cast(_textures.size())) ){ Fail( "Bad texture id" ); } if( i==0 && texid>=0 ){ aiString texname( _textures[texid] ); mat->AddProperty( &texname,AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0) ); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::ReadVRTS(){ _vflags=ReadInt(); _tcsets=ReadInt(); _tcsize=ReadInt(); if( _tcsets<0 || _tcsets>4 || _tcsize<0 || _tcsize>4 ){ Fail( "Bad texcoord data" ); } int sz=12+(_vflags&1?12:0)+(_vflags&2?16:0)+(_tcsets*_tcsize*4); int n_verts=ChunkSize()/sz; int v0=_vertices.size(); _vertices.resize( v0+n_verts ); for( int i=0;i=(int)_materials.size() ){ #ifdef DEBUG_B3D cout<<"material id="<mMaterialIndex=matid; mesh->mNumFaces=0; mesh->mPrimitiveTypes=aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; int n_tris=ChunkSize()/12; aiFace *face=mesh->mFaces=new aiFace[n_tris]; for( int i=0;i=(int)_vertices.size() || i1<0 || i1>=(int)_vertices.size() || i2<0 || i2>=(int)_vertices.size() ){ #ifdef DEBUG_B3D cout<<"Bad triangle index: i0="<mNumIndices=3; face->mIndices=new unsigned[3]; face->mIndices[0]=i0; face->mIndices[1]=i1; face->mIndices[2]=i2; ++mesh->mNumFaces; ++face; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::ReadMESH(){ /*int matid=*/ReadInt(); int v0=_vertices.size(); while( ChunkSize() ){ string t=ReadChunk(); if( t=="VRTS" ){ ReadVRTS(); }else if( t=="TRIS" ){ ReadTRIS( v0 ); } ExitChunk(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::ReadBONE( int id ){ while( ChunkSize() ){ int vertex=ReadInt(); float weight=ReadFloat(); if( vertex<0 || vertex>=(int)_vertices.size() ){ Fail( "Bad vertex index" ); } Vertex &v=_vertices[vertex]; int i; for( i=0;i<4;++i ){ if( !v.weights[i] ){ v.bones[i]=id; v.weights[i]=weight; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_B3D if( i==4 ){ cout<<"Too many bone weights"< trans,scale; vector rot; int flags=ReadInt(); while( ChunkSize() ){ int frame=ReadInt(); if( flags & 1 ){ trans.push_back( aiVectorKey( frame,ReadVec3() ) ); } if( flags & 2 ){ scale.push_back( aiVectorKey( frame,ReadVec3() ) ); } if( flags & 4 ){ rot.push_back( aiQuatKey( frame,ReadQuat() ) ); } } if( flags & 1 ){ nodeAnim->mNumPositionKeys=trans.size(); nodeAnim->mPositionKeys=to_array( trans ); } if( flags & 2 ){ nodeAnim->mNumScalingKeys=scale.size(); nodeAnim->mScalingKeys=to_array( scale ); } if( flags & 4 ){ nodeAnim->mNumRotationKeys=rot.size(); nodeAnim->mRotationKeys=to_array( rot ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::ReadANIM(){ /*int flags=*/ReadInt(); int frames=ReadInt(); float fps=ReadFloat(); aiAnimation *anim=new aiAnimation; _animations.push_back( anim ); anim->mDuration=frames; anim->mTicksPerSecond=fps; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ aiNode *B3DImporter::ReadNODE( aiNode *parent ){ string name=ReadString(); aiVector3D t=ReadVec3(); aiVector3D s=ReadVec3(); aiQuaternion r=ReadQuat(); aiMatrix4x4 trans,scale,rot; aiMatrix4x4::Translation( t,trans ); aiMatrix4x4::Scaling( s,scale ); rot=aiMatrix4x4( r.GetMatrix() ); aiMatrix4x4 tform=trans * rot * scale; int nodeid=_nodes.size(); aiNode *node=new aiNode( name ); _nodes.push_back( node ); node->mParent=parent; node->mTransformation=tform; aiNodeAnim *nodeAnim=0; vector meshes; vector children; while( ChunkSize() ){ string t=ReadChunk(); if( t=="MESH" ){ int n=_meshes.size(); ReadMESH(); for( int i=n;i<(int)_meshes.size();++i ){ meshes.push_back( i ); } }else if( t=="BONE" ){ ReadBONE( nodeid ); }else if( t=="ANIM" ){ ReadANIM(); }else if( t=="KEYS" ){ if( !nodeAnim ){ nodeAnim=new aiNodeAnim; _nodeAnims.push_back( nodeAnim ); nodeAnim->mNodeName=node->mName; } ReadKEYS( nodeAnim ); }else if( t=="NODE" ){ aiNode *child=ReadNODE( node ); children.push_back( child ); } ExitChunk(); } node->mNumMeshes=meshes.size(); node->mMeshes=to_array( meshes ); node->mNumChildren=children.size(); node->mChildren=to_array( children ); return node; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void B3DImporter::ReadBB3D( aiScene *scene ){ _textures.clear(); _materials.clear(); _vertices.clear(); _meshes.clear(); _nodes.clear(); _nodeAnims.clear(); _animations.clear(); string t=ReadChunk(); if( t=="BB3D" ){ int version=ReadInt(); if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { char dmp[128]; sprintf(dmp,"B3D file format version: %i",version); DefaultLogger::get()->info(dmp); } while( ChunkSize() ){ string t=ReadChunk(); if( t=="TEXS" ){ ReadTEXS(); }else if( t=="BRUS" ){ ReadBRUS(); }else if( t=="NODE" ){ ReadNODE( 0 ); } ExitChunk(); } } ExitChunk(); if( !_nodes.size() ) Fail( "No nodes" ); if( !_meshes.size() ) Fail( "No meshes" ); //Fix nodes/meshes/bones for(size_t i=0;i<_nodes.size();++i ){ aiNode *node=_nodes[i]; for( size_t j=0;jmNumMeshes;++j ){ aiMesh *mesh=_meshes[node->mMeshes[j]]; int n_tris=mesh->mNumFaces; int n_verts=mesh->mNumVertices=n_tris * 3; aiVector3D *mv=mesh->mVertices=new aiVector3D[ n_verts ],*mn=0,*mc=0; if( _vflags & 1 ) mn=mesh->mNormals=new aiVector3D[ n_verts ]; if( _tcsets ) mc=mesh->mTextureCoords[0]=new aiVector3D[ n_verts ]; aiFace *face=mesh->mFaces; vector< vector > vweights( _nodes.size() ); for( int i=0;imIndices[j]]; *mv++=v.vertex; if( mn ) *mn++=v.normal; if( mc ) *mc++=v.texcoords; face->mIndices[j]=i+j; for( int k=0;k<4;++k ){ if( !v.weights[k] ) break; int bone=v.bones[k]; float weight=v.weights[k]; vweights[bone].push_back( aiVertexWeight(i+j,weight) ); } } ++face; } vector bones; for(size_t i=0;i &weights=vweights[i]; if( !weights.size() ) continue; aiBone *bone=new aiBone; bones.push_back( bone ); aiNode *bnode=_nodes[i]; bone->mName=bnode->mName; bone->mNumWeights=weights.size(); bone->mWeights=to_array( weights ); aiMatrix4x4 mat=bnode->mTransformation; while( bnode->mParent ){ bnode=bnode->mParent; mat=bnode->mTransformation * mat; } bone->mOffsetMatrix=mat.Inverse(); } mesh->mNumBones=bones.size(); mesh->mBones=to_array( bones ); } } //nodes scene->mRootNode=_nodes[0]; //material if( !_materials.size() ){ _materials.push_back( new aiMaterial ); } scene->mNumMaterials=_materials.size(); scene->mMaterials=to_array( _materials ); //meshes scene->mNumMeshes=_meshes.size(); scene->mMeshes=to_array( _meshes ); //animations if( _animations.size()==1 && _nodeAnims.size() ){ aiAnimation *anim=_animations.back(); anim->mNumChannels=_nodeAnims.size(); anim->mChannels=to_array( _nodeAnims ); scene->mNumAnimations=_animations.size(); scene->mAnimations=to_array( _animations ); } // convert to RH MakeLeftHandedProcess makeleft; makeleft.Execute( scene ); FlipWindingOrderProcess flip; flip.Execute( scene ); } #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_B3D_IMPORTER