/* Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2010, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file IFCLoad.cpp * @brief Implementation of the Industry Foundation Classes loader. */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_IFC_IMPORTER #include #include #include "IFCLoader.h" #include "STEPFileReader.h" #include "IFCUtil.h" #include "StreamReader.h" #include "MemoryIOWrapper.h" using namespace Assimp; using namespace Assimp::Formatter; using namespace Assimp::IFC; template<> const std::string LogFunctions::log_prefix = "IFC: "; /* DO NOT REMOVE this comment block. The genentitylist.sh script * just looks for names adhering to the IfcSomething naming scheme * and includes all matches in the whitelist for code-generation. Thus, * all entity classes that are only indirectly referenced need to be * mentioned explicitly. IfcRepresentationMap IfcProductRepresentation IfcUnitAssignment IfcClosedShell IfcDoor */ namespace { // forward declarations void SetUnits(ConversionData& conv); void SetCoordinateSpace(ConversionData& conv); void ProcessSpatialStructures(ConversionData& conv); aiNode* ProcessSpatialStructure(aiNode* parent, const IfcProduct& el ,ConversionData& conv); void ProcessProductRepresentation(const IfcProduct& el, aiNode* nd, ConversionData& conv); void MakeTreeRelative(ConversionData& conv); void ConvertUnit(const EXPRESS::DataType& dt,ConversionData& conv); } // anon // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer IFCImporter::IFCImporter() {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Destructor, private as well IFCImporter::~IFCImporter() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. bool IFCImporter::CanRead( const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const { const std::string& extension = GetExtension(pFile); if (extension == "ifc") { return true; } else if ((!extension.length() || checkSig) && pIOHandler) { // note: this is the common identification for STEP-encoded files, so // it is only unambiguous as long as we don't support any further // file formats with STEP as their encoding. const char* tokens[] = {"ISO-10303-21"}; return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler,pFile,tokens,1); } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // List all extensions handled by this loader void IFCImporter::GetExtensionList(std::set& app) { app.insert("ifc"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup configuration properties for the loader void IFCImporter::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { settings.skipSpaceRepresentations = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_SKIP_SPACE_REPRESENTATIONS,true); settings.skipCurveRepresentations = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_SKIP_CURVE_REPRESENTATIONS,true); settings.useCustomTriangulation = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_CUSTOM_TRIANGULATION,true); settings.skipAnnotations = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Imports the given file into the given scene structure. void IFCImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { boost::shared_ptr stream(pIOHandler->Open(pFile)); if (!stream) { ThrowException("Could not open file for reading"); } boost::scoped_ptr db(STEP::ReadFileHeader(stream)); const STEP::HeaderInfo& head = const_cast(*db).GetHeader(); if(!head.fileSchema.size() || head.fileSchema.substr(0,3) != "IFC") { ThrowException("Unrecognized file schema: " + head.fileSchema); } if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) { LogDebug("File schema is \'" + head.fileSchema + '\''); if (head.timestamp.length()) { LogDebug("Timestamp \'" + head.timestamp + '\''); } if (head.app.length()) { LogDebug("Application/Exporter identline is \'" + head.app + '\''); } } // obtain a copy of the machine-generated IFC scheme EXPRESS::ConversionSchema schema; GetSchema(schema); // tell the reader which entity types to track with special care static const char* const types_to_track[] = { "ifcsite", "ifcbuilding", "ifcproject" }; // tell the reader for which types we need to simulate STEPs reverse indices static const char* const inverse_indices_to_track[] = { "ifcrelcontainedinspatialstructure", "ifcrelaggregates", "ifcrelvoidselement", "ifcstyleditem" }; // feed the IFC schema into the reader and pre-parse all lines STEP::ReadFile(*db, schema, types_to_track, inverse_indices_to_track); const STEP::LazyObject* proj = db->GetObject("ifcproject"); if (!proj) { ThrowException("missing IfcProject entity"); } ConversionData conv(*db,proj->To(),pScene,settings); SetUnits(conv); SetCoordinateSpace(conv); ProcessSpatialStructures(conv); MakeTreeRelative(conv); // NOTE - this is a stress test for the importer, but it works only // in a build with no entities disabled. See // scripts/IFCImporter/CPPGenerator.py // for more information. #ifdef ASSIMP_IFC_TEST db->EvaluateAll(); #endif // do final data copying if (conv.meshes.size()) { pScene->mNumMeshes = static_cast(conv.meshes.size()); pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[pScene->mNumMeshes](); std::copy(conv.meshes.begin(),conv.meshes.end(),pScene->mMeshes); // needed to keep the d'tor from burning us conv.meshes.clear(); } if (conv.materials.size()) { pScene->mNumMaterials = static_cast(conv.materials.size()); pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[pScene->mNumMaterials](); std::copy(conv.materials.begin(),conv.materials.end(),pScene->mMaterials); // needed to keep the d'tor from burning us conv.materials.clear(); } // apply world coordinate system (which includes the scaling to convert to meters and a -90 degrees rotation around x) aiMatrix4x4 scale, rot; aiMatrix4x4::Scaling(aiVector3D(conv.len_scale,conv.len_scale,conv.len_scale),scale); aiMatrix4x4::RotationX(-AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F,rot); pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = rot * scale * conv.wcs * pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation; // this must be last because objects are evaluated lazily as we process them if ( !DefaultLogger::isNullLogger() ){ LogDebug((Formatter::format(),"STEP: evaluated ",db->GetEvaluatedObjectCount()," object records")); } } namespace { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ConvertUnit(const IfcNamedUnit& unit,ConversionData& conv) { if(const IfcSIUnit* const si = unit.ToPtr()) { if(si->UnitType == "LENGTHUNIT") { conv.len_scale = si->Prefix ? ConvertSIPrefix(si->Prefix) : 1.f; IFCImporter::LogDebug("got units used for lengths"); } if(si->UnitType == "PLANEANGLEUNIT") { if (si->Name != "RADIAN") { IFCImporter::LogWarn("expected base unit for angles to be radian"); } } } else if(const IfcConversionBasedUnit* const convu = unit.ToPtr()) { if(convu->UnitType == "PLANEANGLEUNIT") { try { conv.angle_scale = convu->ConversionFactor->ValueComponent->To(); ConvertUnit(*convu->ConversionFactor->UnitComponent,conv); IFCImporter::LogDebug("got units used for angles"); } catch(std::bad_cast&) { IFCImporter::LogError("skipping unknown IfcConversionBasedUnit.ValueComponent entry - expected REAL"); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ConvertUnit(const EXPRESS::DataType& dt,ConversionData& conv) { try { const EXPRESS::ENTITY& e = dt.To(); const IfcNamedUnit& unit = e.ResolveSelect(conv.db); if(unit.UnitType != "LENGTHUNIT" && unit.UnitType != "PLANEANGLEUNIT") { return; } ConvertUnit(unit,conv); } catch(std::bad_cast&) { // not entity, somehow IFCImporter::LogError("skipping unknown IfcUnit entry - expected entity"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetUnits(ConversionData& conv) { // see if we can determine the coordinate space used to express. for(size_t i = 0; i < conv.proj.UnitsInContext->Units.size(); ++i ) { ConvertUnit(*conv.proj.UnitsInContext->Units[i],conv); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetCoordinateSpace(ConversionData& conv) { const IfcRepresentationContext* fav = NULL; BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcRepresentationContext& v, conv.proj.RepresentationContexts) { fav = &v; // Model should be the most suitable type of context, hence ignore the others if (v.ContextType && v.ContextType.Get() == "Model") { break; } } if (fav) { if(const IfcGeometricRepresentationContext* const geo = fav->ToPtr()) { ConvertAxisPlacement(conv.wcs, *geo->WorldCoordinateSystem, conv); IFCImporter::LogDebug("got world coordinate system"); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ResolveObjectPlacement(aiMatrix4x4& m, const IfcObjectPlacement& place, ConversionData& conv) { if (const IfcLocalPlacement* const local = place.ToPtr()){ ConvertAxisPlacement(m, *local->RelativePlacement, conv); if (local->PlacementRelTo) { aiMatrix4x4 tmp; ResolveObjectPlacement(tmp,local->PlacementRelTo.Get(),conv); m = tmp * m; } } else { IFCImporter::LogWarn("skipping unknown IfcObjectPlacement entity, type is " + place.GetClassName()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GetAbsTransform(aiMatrix4x4& out, const aiNode* nd, ConversionData& conv) { aiMatrix4x4 t; if (nd->mParent) { GetAbsTransform(t,nd->mParent,conv); } out = t*nd->mTransformation; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ProcessMappedItem(const IfcMappedItem& mapped, aiNode* nd_src, std::vector< aiNode* >& subnodes_src, ConversionData& conv) { // insert a custom node here, the cartesian transform operator is simply a conventional transformation matrix std::auto_ptr nd(new aiNode()); nd->mName.Set("IfcMappedItem"); // handle the cartesian operator aiMatrix4x4 m; ConvertTransformOperator(m, *mapped.MappingTarget); aiMatrix4x4 msrc; ConvertAxisPlacement(msrc,*mapped.MappingSource->MappingOrigin,conv); msrc = m*msrc; std::vector meshes; const size_t old_openings = conv.collect_openings ? conv.collect_openings->size() : 0; if (conv.apply_openings) { aiMatrix4x4 minv = msrc; minv.Inverse(); BOOST_FOREACH(TempOpening& open,*conv.apply_openings){ open.Transform(minv); } } const IfcRepresentation& repr = mapped.MappingSource->MappedRepresentation; bool got = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcRepresentationItem& item, repr.Items) { if(!ProcessRepresentationItem(item,meshes,conv)) { IFCImporter::LogWarn("skipping unknown mapped entity, type is " + item.GetClassName()); } else got = true; } if (!got) { return false; } AssignAddedMeshes(meshes,nd.get(),conv); if (conv.collect_openings) { // if this pass serves us only to collect opening geometry, // make sure we transform the TempMesh's which we need to // preserve as well. if(const size_t diff = conv.collect_openings->size() - old_openings) { for(size_t i = 0; i < diff; ++i) { (*conv.collect_openings)[old_openings+i].Transform(msrc); } } } nd->mTransformation = nd_src->mTransformation * msrc; subnodes_src.push_back(nd.release()); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct RateRepresentationPredicate { int Rate(const IfcRepresentation* r) const { // the smaller, the better if (! r->RepresentationIdentifier) { // neutral choice if no extra information is specified return 0; } const std::string& name = r->RepresentationIdentifier.Get(); if (name == "MappedRepresentation") { if (!r->Items.empty()) { // take the first item and base our choice on it const IfcMappedItem* const m = r->Items.front()->ToPtr(); if (m) { return Rate(m->MappingSource->MappedRepresentation); } } return 100; } return Rate(name); } int Rate(const std::string& r) const { if (r == "SolidModel") { return -3; } // give strong preference to extruded geometry if (r == "SweptSolid") { return -10; } if (r == "Clipping") { return -5; } // 'Brep' is difficult to get right due to possible voids in the // polygon boundaries, so take it only if we are forced to (i.e. // if the only alternative is (non-clipping) boolean operations, // which are not supported at all). if (r == "Brep") { return -2; } // Curves, bounding boxes - those will most likely not be loaded // as we can't make any use out of this data. So consider them // last. if (r == "BoundingBox" || r == "Curve2D") { return 100; } return 0; } bool operator() (const IfcRepresentation* a, const IfcRepresentation* b) const { return Rate(a) <= Rate(b); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ProcessProductRepresentation(const IfcProduct& el, aiNode* nd, std::vector< aiNode* >& subnodes, ConversionData& conv) { if(!el.Representation) { return; } std::vector meshes; // we want only one representation type, so bring them in a suitable order (i.e try those // that look as if we could read them quickly at first). This way of reading // representation is relatively generic and allows the concrete implementations // for the different representation types to make some sensible choices what // to load and what not to load. const STEP::ListOf< STEP::Lazy< IfcRepresentation >, 1, 0 >& src = el.Representation.Get()->Representations; std::vector repr_ordered(src.size()); std::copy(src.begin(),src.end(),repr_ordered.begin()); std::sort(repr_ordered.begin(),repr_ordered.end(),RateRepresentationPredicate()); BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcRepresentation* repr, repr_ordered) { bool res = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcRepresentationItem& item, repr->Items) { if(const IfcMappedItem* const geo = item.ToPtr()) { res = ProcessMappedItem(*geo,nd,subnodes,conv) || res; } else { res = ProcessRepresentationItem(item,meshes,conv) || res; } } // if we got something meaningful at this point, skip any further representations if(res) { break; } } AssignAddedMeshes(meshes,nd,conv); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ aiNode* ProcessSpatialStructure(aiNode* parent, const IfcProduct& el, ConversionData& conv, std::vector* collect_openings = NULL) { const STEP::DB::RefMap& refs = conv.db.GetRefs(); // skip over space and annotation nodes - usually, these have no meaning in Assimp's context if(conv.settings.skipSpaceRepresentations) { if(const IfcSpace* const space = el.ToPtr()) { IFCImporter::LogDebug("skipping IfcSpace entity due to importer settings"); return NULL; } } if(conv.settings.skipAnnotations) { if(const IfcAnnotation* const ann = el.ToPtr()) { IFCImporter::LogDebug("skipping IfcAnnotation entity due to importer settings"); return NULL; } } // add an output node for this spatial structure std::auto_ptr nd(new aiNode()); nd->mName.Set(el.GetClassName()+"_"+(el.Name?el.Name:el.GlobalId)); nd->mParent = parent; if(el.ObjectPlacement) { ResolveObjectPlacement(nd->mTransformation,el.ObjectPlacement.Get(),conv); } std::vector openings; aiMatrix4x4 myInv; bool didinv = false; // convert everything contained directly within this structure, // this may result in more nodes. std::vector< aiNode* > subnodes; try { // locate aggregates and 'contained-in-here'-elements of this spatial structure and add them in recursively // on our way, collect openings in *this* element STEP::DB::RefMapRange range = refs.equal_range(el.GetID()); for(STEP::DB::RefMapRange range2 = range; range2.first != range.second; ++range2.first) { const STEP::LazyObject& obj = conv.db.MustGetObject((*range2.first).second); // handle regularly-contained elements if(const IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure* const cont = obj->ToPtr()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcProduct& pro, cont->RelatedElements) { if(const IfcOpeningElement* const open = pro.ToPtr()) { // IfcOpeningElement is handled below. Sadly we can't use it here as is: // The docs say that opening elements are USUALLY attached to building storeys // but we want them for the building elements to which they belong to. continue; } aiNode* const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure(nd.get(),pro,conv,NULL); if(ndnew) { subnodes.push_back( ndnew ); } } } // handle openings, which we collect in a list rather than adding them to the node graph else if(const IfcRelVoidsElement* const fills = obj->ToPtr()) { if(fills->RelatingBuildingElement->GetID() == el.GetID()) { const IfcFeatureElementSubtraction& open = fills->RelatedOpeningElement; // move opening elements to a separate node since they are semantically different than elements that are just 'contained' std::auto_ptr nd_aggr(new aiNode()); nd_aggr->mName.Set("$RelVoidsElement"); nd_aggr->mParent = nd.get(); nd_aggr->mTransformation = nd->mTransformation; std::vector openings_local; aiNode* const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure( nd_aggr.get(),open, conv,&openings_local); if (ndnew) { nd_aggr->mNumChildren = 1; nd_aggr->mChildren = new aiNode*[1](); nd_aggr->mChildren[0] = ndnew; if(openings_local.size()) { if (!didinv) { myInv = aiMatrix4x4(nd->mTransformation ).Inverse(); didinv = true; } // we need all openings to be in the local space of *this* node, so transform them BOOST_FOREACH(TempOpening& op,openings_local) { op.Transform( myInv*nd_aggr->mChildren[0]->mTransformation); openings.push_back(op); } } subnodes.push_back( nd_aggr.release() ); } } } } for(;range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { if(const IfcRelAggregates* const aggr = conv.db.GetObject((*range.first).second)->ToPtr()) { // move aggregate elements to a separate node since they are semantically different than elements that are just 'contained' std::auto_ptr nd_aggr(new aiNode()); nd_aggr->mName.Set("$RelAggregates"); nd_aggr->mParent = nd.get(); nd_aggr->mTransformation = nd->mTransformation; nd_aggr->mChildren = new aiNode*[aggr->RelatedObjects.size()](); BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcObjectDefinition& def, aggr->RelatedObjects) { if(const IfcProduct* const prod = def.ToPtr()) { aiNode* const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure(nd_aggr.get(),*prod,conv,NULL); if(ndnew) { nd_aggr->mChildren[nd_aggr->mNumChildren++] = ndnew; } } } subnodes.push_back( nd_aggr.release() ); } } conv.collect_openings = collect_openings; if(!conv.collect_openings) { conv.apply_openings = &openings; } ProcessProductRepresentation(el,nd.get(),subnodes,conv); conv.apply_openings = conv.collect_openings = NULL; if (subnodes.size()) { nd->mChildren = new aiNode*[subnodes.size()](); BOOST_FOREACH(aiNode* nd2, subnodes) { nd->mChildren[nd->mNumChildren++] = nd2; nd2->mParent = nd.get(); } } } catch(...) { // it hurts, but I don't want to pull boost::ptr_vector into -noboost only for these few spots here std::for_each(subnodes.begin(),subnodes.end(),delete_fun()); throw; } return nd.release(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ProcessSpatialStructures(ConversionData& conv) { // XXX add support for multiple sites (i.e. IfcSpatialStructureElements with composition == COMPLEX) // process all products in the file. it is reasonable to assume that a // file that is relevant for us contains at least a site or a building. const STEP::DB::ObjectMapByType& map = conv.db.GetObjectsByType(); ai_assert(map.find("ifcsite") != map.end()); const STEP::DB::ObjectSet* range = &map.find("ifcsite")->second; if (range->empty()) { ai_assert(map.find("ifcbuilding") != map.end()); range = &map.find("ifcbuilding")->second; if (range->empty()) { // no site, no building - fail; IFCImporter::ThrowException("no root element found (expected IfcBuilding or preferably IfcSite)"); } } BOOST_FOREACH(const STEP::LazyObject* lz, *range) { const IfcSpatialStructureElement* const prod = lz->ToPtr(); if(!prod) { continue; } IFCImporter::LogDebug("looking at spatial structure `" + (prod->Name ? prod->Name.Get() : "unnamed") + "`" + (prod->ObjectType? " which is of type " + prod->ObjectType.Get():"")); // the primary site is referenced by an IFCRELAGGREGATES element which assigns it to the IFCPRODUCT const STEP::DB::RefMap& refs = conv.db.GetRefs(); STEP::DB::RefMapRange range = refs.equal_range(conv.proj.GetID()); for(;range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { if(const IfcRelAggregates* const aggr = conv.db.GetObject((*range.first).second)->ToPtr()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const IfcObjectDefinition& def, aggr->RelatedObjects) { // comparing pointer values is not sufficient, we would need to cast them to the same type first // as there is multiple inheritance in the game. if (def.GetID() == prod->GetID()) { IFCImporter::LogDebug("selecting this spatial structure as root structure"); // got it, this is the primary site. conv.out->mRootNode = ProcessSpatialStructure(NULL,*prod,conv,NULL); return; } } } } } IFCImporter::LogWarn("failed to determine primary site element, taking the first IfcSite"); BOOST_FOREACH(const STEP::LazyObject* lz, *range) { const IfcSpatialStructureElement* const prod = lz->ToPtr(); if(!prod) { continue; } conv.out->mRootNode = ProcessSpatialStructure(NULL,*prod,conv,NULL); return; } IFCImporter::ThrowException("failed to determine primary site element"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MakeTreeRelative(aiNode* start, const aiMatrix4x4& combined) { // combined is the parent's absolute transformation matrix aiMatrix4x4 old = start->mTransformation; if (!combined.IsIdentity()) { start->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4(combined).Inverse() * start->mTransformation; } // All nodes store absolute transformations right now, so we need to make them relative for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start->mNumChildren; ++i) { MakeTreeRelative(start->mChildren[i],old); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MakeTreeRelative(ConversionData& conv) { MakeTreeRelative(conv.out->mRootNode,aiMatrix4x4()); } } // !anon #endif