/** @file LDrawImporter.cpp * @brief Implementation of the LDraw importer. */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_LDR_IMPORTER #include "LDrawImporter.h" using namespace Assimp; using namespace LDraw; static const aiImporterDesc desc = { "LDraw Importer", "Tobias 'diiigle' Rittig", "", "ignoring Linetype 5 'optional lines'", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ldr dat mpd" }; LDrawImporter::LDrawImporter() { } LDrawImporter::~LDrawImporter() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file. bool LDrawImporter::CanRead(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool checkSig) const { const std::string extension = GetExtension(pFile); if (extension == "ldr" || extension == "dat" || extension == "mpd") { return true; } if (!extension.length() || checkSig) { const char* tokens[] = { "0 !LDRAW_ORG", "0 !LICENSE" }; return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, 2); } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const aiImporterDesc* LDrawImporter::GetInfo() const { return &desc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDrawImporter::SetupProperties(const Importer* pImp) { _libPath = pImp->GetPropertyString(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_LDRAW_LIB_PATH, ""); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDrawImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { this->pIOHandler = pIOHandler; std::string filepath = FindPath(pFile); // Check whether we can read from the file if (filepath == "") { ThrowException("Failed to open LDraw file " + pFile + "."); } char DS = pIOHandler->getOsSeparator(); //ensure _libPath points to a valid path if (_libPath == ""){ //use the models folder as root _libPath = GetFolderPath(pFile, DS); } else if (_libPath.find_last_of(DS) != (_libPath.size() - 1)) { _libPath += DS; } //Load the materials from /ldconfig.ldr std::string configPath = FindPath("ldconfig.ldr"); if (configPath == ""){ DefaultLogger::get()->info("LDraw: Could not find ldconfig.ldr, using assimp default material"); } else { ReadMaterials(configPath); } //Load the scene structure into our intermediate LDrawNode structure LDrawNode *root = new LDrawNode(); root->file.path = filepath; root->file.transformation = aiMatrix4x4(); root->file.color = UINT_MAX; ProcessNode(filepath, root, UINT_MAX); //convert the LDrawNode structure into assimps scene structure pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode(pFile); pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4(); pScene->mFlags = AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE; std::vector aiMeshes; std::vector aiMaterials; ConvertNode(pScene->mRootNode, root, &aiMeshes, &aiMaterials); if (aiMeshes.size()) { //copy the collected meshes pScene->mNumMeshes = aiMeshes.size(); pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[pScene->mNumMeshes]; std::copy(aiMeshes.begin(), aiMeshes.end(), pScene->mMeshes); } if (aiMaterials.size()) { //and the materials pScene->mNumMaterials = aiMaterials.size(); pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[pScene->mNumMaterials]; std::copy(aiMaterials.begin(), aiMaterials.end(), pScene->mMaterials); } } bool LDrawImporter::ReadNumFloats(const char* line, float* & out, unsigned int num) { out = new float[num]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i){ std::string token = GetNextToken(line); if (token == ""){ //unexpected end of line return false; } out[i] = fast_atof(token.c_str()); } return true; } void LDrawImporter::ReadMaterials(std::string filename){ if (!pIOHandler->Exists(filename)) return; boost::scoped_ptr stream(new StreamReaderLE(pIOHandler->Open(filename, "rb"))); for (LineSplitter splitter(*stream.get()); splitter; ++splitter) { const char* cmd = splitter[0]; //only read line type 0 (comments) if (IsNumeric(*cmd) && *cmd == '0'){ cmd = splitter[1]; if (*cmd != '!') continue; DefaultLogger::get()->debug(*splitter); if (TokenMatchI(cmd,"!colour",7)){ //name of the color SkipToken(cmd); SkipSpaces(&cmd); if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "code", 4)){ SkipSpaces(&cmd); ColorIndex code = strtoul10(cmd, &cmd); SkipSpaces(&cmd); if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "value", 5)){ SkipSpaces(&cmd); //skip the # before the hex values ++cmd; aiColor3D value; value.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; value.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; value.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; value = value * (1 / 255.0f); SkipSpaces(&cmd); if (TokenMatchI(cmd, "edge", 4)){ SkipSpaces(&cmd); //skip the # before the hex values ++cmd; aiColor3D edge; edge.r = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; edge.g = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; edge.b = HexOctetToDecimal(cmd); cmd += 2; edge = edge * (1 / 255.0f); //TODO ALPHA and LUMINANCE LDrawMaterial mat = LDrawMaterial(code, value, edge); materials.insert(std::pair(code, mat)); } } } } } } } std::string LDrawImporter::FindPath(std::string subpath){ char DS = pIOHandler->getOsSeparator(); //find the full path of the file std::string fullpath; if (pIOHandler->Exists(subpath)){ //we are lucky, file is full path referenced fullpath = subpath; } else { //test the specified directories of the LDraw Library static std::vector paths{ "parts", "p", "", "models"}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i){ if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath)){ fullpath = _libPath + paths[i] + DS + subpath; break; } else if (pIOHandler->Exists(_libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath)) { fullpath = _libPath + ".." + DS + paths[i] + DS + subpath; break; } } } return fullpath; } void LDrawImporter::ProcessNode(std::string file, LDrawNode* current, ColorIndex colorindex) { std::vector subfiles; std::map meshes; //iterate through file, collect subfilereferences and meshes boost::scoped_ptr fileStream(pIOHandler->Open(file, "rb")); std::vector vecBuffer; TextFileToBuffer(fileStream.get(), vecBuffer); const char * buffer = &vecBuffer[0]; //iterate line by line char line[4096]; while (GetNextLine(buffer, line)) { //line pointer, used as iterator through the line const char* lp = line; std::string wholeline = std::string(line); SkipSpaces(&lp); if (IsLineEnd(*lp))continue; if (IsNumeric(*lp)){ int command = ::atoi(lp); ++lp; if (command == 0){ //it's a comment continue; } else if (command == 1){ //it's a sub file reference, load it float * params = NULL; //read a colour constant and 12 floats of a 4x4 matrix if (!ReadNumFloats(lp, params, 13)){ ThrowException(Formatter::format("could not read ") << 13 << " command parameter floats from the line '" << line << "'"); } aiMatrix4x4 *mat = new aiMatrix4x4( params[4], params[5], params[6], params[1], params[7], params[8], params[9], params[2], params[10], params[11], params[12], params[3], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); //we read 13 tokens from lp, so we can safely skip them for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 13; ++i){ SkipToken(lp); } std::string subpath = GetNextToken(lp); if (subpath == ""){ ThrowException("sub-file reference with empty path/filename"); } SubFileReference ref; ref.transformation = *mat; ref.color = ColorIndex(params[0]); if (ref.color == 16) ref.variableColor = true; ref.path = FindPath(subpath); if (ref.path == ""){ //we can't find it ThrowException("Unable to find file '" + subpath + "'"); } subfiles.push_back(ref); continue; } else if (command == 2 || command == 3 || command == 4){ //it's a line or a triangle or a quad float * params = NULL; //read a colour constant and 2 (line) or 3 (triangle) or 4 (quad) vertices if (!ReadNumFloats(lp, params, 1 + (command * 3))){ ThrowException(Formatter::format("could not read ") << (1 + (command * 3)) << " command parameter floats from the line '" << line << "'"); } LDrawMesh * mesh = &meshes[ColorIndex(params[0])]; std::vector *vertices = &mesh->vertices; std::vector *faces = &mesh->faces; unsigned int index = vertices->size(); vertices->push_back(aiVector3D(params[1], params[2], params[3])); vertices->push_back(aiVector3D(params[4], params[5], params[6])); aiFace f = aiFace(); f.mNumIndices = command; f.mIndices = new unsigned int[command]; f.mIndices[0] = index; f.mIndices[1] = index + 1; if (command == 3 || command == 4){ vertices->push_back(aiVector3D(params[7], params[8], params[9])); f.mIndices[2] = index + 2; if (command == 3){ //it's a triangle mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; } else if (command == 4){ //it's a quad vertices->push_back(aiVector3D(params[10], params[11], params[12])); f.mIndices[3] = index + 3; mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON; } } else { //it's a line mesh->primitivesType = mesh->primitivesType | aiPrimitiveType_LINE; } faces->push_back(f); continue; } else { //it's an optional 'line' or an unknown command, ignore them continue; } } else { //Line starts not with an identifier ThrowException("Line not starting with an Command Identifier"); } } //load subfiles for (std::vector::iterator sb = subfiles.begin(); sb != subfiles.end(); ++sb) { LDrawNode* child = new LDrawNode; child->file = *sb; //check cache for already loaded files LDrawFile loadedFile; try { loadedFile = fileCache.at(sb->path); child->children.insert(child->children.end(), loadedFile.subtree.children.begin(), loadedFile.subtree.children.end()); } catch (std::out_of_range ex){ //not existing in cache, load it ProcessNode(sb->path, child, sb->color); loadedFile = fileCache.at(sb->path); } ColorNode(child, (child->file.variableColor)? colorindex : child->file.color); current->children.push_back(*child); ////merge the childs meshes with ours //for (std::map::iterator m = loadedFile.meshes.begin(); m != loadedFile.meshes.end(); ++m) //{ // //merge vertices // std::vector* v = &meshes[m->first].vertices; // v->reserve(v->size() + m->second.vertices.size()); // unsigned int offset = v->size(); // v->insert(v->end(), m->second.vertices.begin(), m->second.vertices.end()); // std::vector* f = &meshes[m->first].faces; // f->reserve(f->size() + m->second.faces.size()); // for (std::vector::iterator fnew = m->second.faces.begin(); fnew != m->second.faces.end(); ++fnew) // { // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fnew->mNumIndices; ++i) // { // fnew->mIndices[i] += offset; // } // f->push_back(*fnew); // } // meshes[m->first].primitivesType = meshes[m->first].primitivesType | m->second.primitivesType; //} } //cache file LDrawFile thisfile; thisfile.meshes = meshes; thisfile.subtree = *current; fileCache.insert(std::pair(file, thisfile)); } void LDrawImporter::ConvertNode(aiNode* node, LDrawNode* current, std::vector* aiMeshes, std::vector* aiMaterials) { node->mTransformation = current->file.transformation; node->mName = current->file.path; //check cache for loaded meshes LDrawFile loadedFile; try { loadedFile = fileCache.at(current->file.path); } catch (std::out_of_range ex){ //not existing in cache, something went wrong ThrowException("could not find the file in the cache: " + current->file.path); } std::map* meshes = &loadedFile.meshes; if (!meshes->empty()) { node->mNumMeshes = meshes->size(); node->mMeshes = new unsigned int[node->mNumMeshes]; unsigned int index = 0; for (std::map::iterator i = meshes->begin(); i != meshes->end(); ++i, ++index) { LDrawMesh * ldrMesh = &i->second; std::vector* vertices = &ldrMesh->vertices; std::vector* faces = &ldrMesh->faces; aiMesh* mesh = new aiMesh(); mesh->mNumFaces = faces->size(); mesh->mFaces = new aiFace[mesh->mNumFaces]; std::copy(faces->begin(), faces->end(), mesh->mFaces); mesh->mNumVertices = vertices->size(); mesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[mesh->mNumVertices]; std::copy(vertices->begin(), vertices->end(), mesh->mVertices); mesh->mPrimitiveTypes = ldrMesh->primitivesType; node->mMeshes[index] = aiMeshes->size(); aiMeshes->push_back(mesh); LDrawMaterial * rawMaterial; ColorIndex color = (i->first == 16 || i->first == 24) ? current->file.color : i->first; try{ rawMaterial = &materials.at(color); } catch (std::out_of_range ex){ //we don't know that material continue; } aiMaterial* material = new aiMaterial(); if (i->first == 24) material->AddProperty(&rawMaterial->edge, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); else material->AddProperty(&rawMaterial->color, 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); if (rawMaterial->alpha != 1.0f) material->AddProperty(&rawMaterial->alpha, 1, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY); if (rawMaterial->luminance != 0.0f) material->AddProperty(&(rawMaterial->color * rawMaterial->luminance), 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE); mesh->mMaterialIndex = aiMaterials->size(); aiMaterials->push_back(material); } } node->mNumChildren = current->children.size(); node->mChildren = new aiNode*[node->mNumChildren]; unsigned int nodeIndex = 0; for (std::vector::iterator child = current->children.begin(); child != current->children.end(); ++child, ++nodeIndex) { aiNode * nodeChild = new aiNode(); ConvertNode(nodeChild, &(*child), aiMeshes, aiMaterials); nodeChild->mParent = node; node->mChildren[nodeIndex] = nodeChild; } } void LDrawImporter::ColorNode(LDrawNode* current, ColorIndex color) { if (current->file.color == 16 || current->file.variableColor) current->file.color = color; //recursive for the children for (std::vector::iterator child = current->children.begin(); child != current->children.end(); ++child) { ColorNode(&(*child), color); } } #endif // !ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_LDR_IMPORTER