/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2019, assimp team Copyright (c) 2019 bzt All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER #define M3D_IMPLEMENTATION #define M3D_NOIMPORTER #define M3D_EXPORTER #define M3D_ASCII #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_IMPORTER #define M3D_NODUP #endif // Header files, standard library. #include // shared_ptr #include #include #include // aiGetVersion #include #include #include #include // StreamWriterLE #include // DeadlyExportError #include // aiTextureType #include #include #include "M3DExporter.h" #include "M3DMaterials.h" // RESOURCES: // https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/model3d/blob/master/docs/m3d_format.md // https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/model3d/blob/master/docs/a3d_format.md /* * Currently supports static meshes, vertex colors, materials, textures * * For animation, it would require the following conversions: * - aiNode (bones) -> m3d_t.bone (with parent id, position vector and oriantation quaternion) * - aiMesh.aiBone -> m3d_t.skin (per vertex, with bone id, weight pairs) * - aiAnimation -> m3d_action (frame with timestamp and list of bone id, position, orientation * triplets, instead of per bone timestamp + lists) */ using namespace Assimp; namespace Assimp { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Worker function for exporting a scene to binary M3D. // Prototyped and registered in Exporter.cpp void ExportSceneM3D ( const char* pFile, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* pProperties ){ // initialize the exporter M3DExporter exporter(pScene, pProperties); // perform binary export exporter.doExport(pFile, pIOSystem, false); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Worker function for exporting a scene to ASCII A3D. // Prototyped and registered in Exporter.cpp void ExportSceneA3D ( const char* pFile, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* pProperties ){ // initialize the exporter M3DExporter exporter(pScene, pProperties); // perform ascii export exporter.doExport(pFile, pIOSystem, true); } } // end of namespace Assimp // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M3DExporter::M3DExporter ( const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* pProperties ) : mScene(pScene) , mProperties(pProperties) , outfile() , m3d(nullptr) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void M3DExporter::doExport ( const char* pFile, IOSystem* pIOSystem, bool toAscii ){ // TODO: convert mProperties into M3D_EXP_* flags (void)mProperties; // open the indicated file for writing (in binary / ASCII mode) outfile.reset(pIOSystem->Open(pFile, toAscii ? "wt" : "wb")); if (!outfile) { throw DeadlyExportError( "could not open output .m3d file: " + std::string(pFile) ); } // use malloc() here because m3d_free() will call free() m3d = (m3d_t*)malloc(sizeof(m3d_t)); if(!m3d) { throw DeadlyExportError( "memory allocation error" ); } memset(m3d, 0, sizeof(m3d_t)); m3d->name = _m3d_safestr((char*)&mScene->mRootNode->mName.data, 2); // Create a model from assimp structures aiMatrix4x4 m; NodeWalk(mScene->mRootNode, m); // serialize the structures unsigned int size; unsigned char *output = m3d_save(m3d, M3D_EXP_FLOAT, M3D_EXP_EXTRA | (toAscii ? M3D_EXP_ASCII : 0), &size); m3d_free(m3d); if(!output || size < 8) { throw DeadlyExportError( "unable to serialize into Model 3D" ); } // Write out serialized model outfile->Write(output, size, 1); // explicitly release file pointer, // so we don't have to rely on class destruction. outfile.reset(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // recursive node walker void M3DExporter::NodeWalk(const aiNode* pNode, aiMatrix4x4 m) { unsigned int i, j, k, l, n, idx; aiMatrix4x4 nm = m * pNode->mTransformation; m3dv_t vertex; m3dti_t ti; for(i = 0; i < pNode->mNumMeshes; i++) { const aiMesh *mesh = mScene->mMeshes[pNode->mMeshes[i]]; unsigned int mi = (M3D_INDEX)-1U; if(mScene->mMaterials) { // get the material for this mesh mi = addMaterial(mScene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]); } // iterate through the mesh faces for(j = 0; j < mesh->mNumFaces; j++) { const aiFace* face = &(mesh->mFaces[j]); // only triangle meshes supported for now if(face->mNumIndices != 3) { throw DeadlyExportError( "use aiProcess_Triangulate before export" ); } // add triangle to the output n = m3d->numface++; m3d->face = (m3df_t*)M3D_REALLOC(m3d->face, m3d->numface * sizeof(m3df_t)); if(!m3d->face) { throw DeadlyExportError( "memory allocation error" ); } /* set all index to -1 by default */ memset(&m3d->face[n], 255, sizeof(m3df_t)); m3d->face[n].materialid = mi; for(k = 0; k < face->mNumIndices; k++) { // get the vertex's index l = face->mIndices[k]; // multiply the position vector by the transformation matrix aiVector3D v = mesh->mVertices[l]; v *= nm; memset(&vertex, 0, sizeof(m3dv_t)); vertex.x = v.x; vertex.y = v.y; vertex.z = v.z; vertex.w = 1.0; // add color if defined if(mesh->HasVertexColors(0)) vertex.color = mkColor(&mesh->mColors[0][l]); // save the vertex to the output m3d->vertex = _m3d_addvrtx(m3d->vertex, &m3d->numvertex, &vertex, &idx); m3d->face[n].vertex[k] = (M3D_INDEX)idx; // do we have texture coordinates? if(mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) { ti.u = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][l].x; ti.v = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][l].y; m3d->tmap = _m3d_addtmap(m3d->tmap, &m3d->numtmap, &ti, &idx); m3d->face[n].texcoord[k] = (M3D_INDEX)idx; } // do we have normal vectors? if(mesh->HasNormals()) { vertex.color = 0; vertex.x = mesh->mNormals[l].x; vertex.y = mesh->mNormals[l].y; vertex.z = mesh->mNormals[l].z; m3d->vertex = _m3d_addnorm(m3d->vertex, &m3d->numvertex, &vertex, &idx); m3d->face[n].normal[k] = (M3D_INDEX)idx; } } } } // repeat for the children nodes for (i = 0; i < pNode->mNumChildren; i++) { NodeWalk(pNode->mChildren[i], nm); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // convert aiColor4D into uint32_t uint32_t M3DExporter::mkColor(aiColor4D* c) { return ((uint8_t)(c->a*255) << 24L) | ((uint8_t)(c->b*255) << 16L) | ((uint8_t)(c->g*255) << 8L) | ((uint8_t)(c->r*255) << 0L); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a material to the output M3D_INDEX M3DExporter::addMaterial(const aiMaterial *mat) { unsigned int i, j, mi = -1U; aiColor4D c; aiString name; ai_real f; char *fn; if(mat && mat->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, name) == AI_SUCCESS && name.length && strcmp((char*)&name.data, AI_DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAME)) { // check if we have saved a material by this name. This has to be done // because only the referenced materials should be added to the output for(i = 0; i < m3d->nummaterial; i++) if(!strcmp((char*)&name.data, m3d->material[i].name)) { mi = i; break; } // if not found, add the material to the output if(mi == -1U) { mi = m3d->nummaterial++; m3d->material = (m3dm_t*)M3D_REALLOC(m3d->material, m3d->nummaterial * sizeof(m3dm_t)); if(!m3d->material) { throw DeadlyExportError( "memory allocation error" ); } m3d->material[mi].name = _m3d_safestr((char*)&name.data, 0); m3d->material[mi].numprop = 0; m3d->material[mi].prop = NULL; // iterate through the material property table and see what we got for(unsigned int k = 0; k < sizeof(m3d_propertytypes)/sizeof(m3d_propertytypes[0]); k++) { if(m3d_propertytypes[k].format == m3dpf_map) continue; if(aiProps[k].pKey) { switch(m3d_propertytypes[k].format) { case m3dpf_color: if(mat->Get(aiProps[k].pKey, aiProps[k].type, aiProps[k].index, c) == AI_SUCCESS) addProp(&m3d->material[mi], m3d_propertytypes[k].id, mkColor(&c)); break; case m3dpf_float: if(mat->Get(aiProps[k].pKey, aiProps[k].type, aiProps[k].index, f) == AI_SUCCESS) addProp(&m3d->material[mi], m3d_propertytypes[k].id, /* not (uint32_t)f, because we don't want to convert * it, we want to see it as 32 bits of memory */ *((uint32_t*)&f)); break; case m3dpf_uint8: if(mat->Get(aiProps[k].pKey, aiProps[k].type, aiProps[k].index, j) == AI_SUCCESS) { // special conversion for illumination model property if(m3d_propertytypes[k].id == m3dp_il) { switch(j) { case aiShadingMode_NoShading: j = 0; break; case aiShadingMode_Phong: j = 2; break; default: j = 1; break; } } addProp(&m3d->material[mi], m3d_propertytypes[k].id, j); } break; default: if(mat->Get(aiProps[k].pKey, aiProps[k].type, aiProps[k].index, j) == AI_SUCCESS) addProp(&m3d->material[mi], m3d_propertytypes[k].id, j); break; } } if(aiTxProps[k].pKey && mat->GetTexture((aiTextureType)aiTxProps[k].type, aiTxProps[k].index, &name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == AI_SUCCESS) { for(j = name.length-1; j > 0 && name.data[j]!='.'; j++); if(j && name.data[j]=='.' && (name.data[j+1]=='p' || name.data[j+1]=='P') && (name.data[j+1]=='n' || name.data[j+1]=='N') && (name.data[j+1]=='g' || name.data[j+1]=='G')) name.data[j]=0; // do we have this texture saved already? fn = _m3d_safestr((char*)&name.data, 0); for(j = 0, i = -1U; j < m3d->numtexture; j++) if(!strcmp(fn, m3d->texture[j].name)) { i = j; free(fn); break; } if(i == -1U) { i = m3d->numtexture++; m3d->texture = (m3dtx_t*)M3D_REALLOC( m3d->texture, m3d->numtexture * sizeof(m3dtx_t)); if(!m3d->texture) { throw DeadlyExportError( "memory allocation error" ); } // we don't need the texture itself, only its name m3d->texture[i].name = fn; m3d->texture[i].w = 0; m3d->texture[i].h = 0; m3d->texture[i].d = NULL; } addProp(&m3d->material[mi], m3d_propertytypes[k].id + 128, i); } } } } return mi; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // add a material property to the output void M3DExporter::addProp(m3dm_t *m, uint8_t type, uint32_t value) { unsigned int i; i = m->numprop++; m->prop = (m3dp_t*)M3D_REALLOC(m->prop, m->numprop * sizeof(m3dp_t)); if(!m->prop) { throw DeadlyExportError( "memory allocation error" ); } m->prop[i].type = type; m->prop[i].value.num = value; } #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_M3D_EXPORTER #endif // ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT