#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- Coding: UTF-8 -*- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2006-2020, ASSIMP Development Team # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, # with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior # written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Generate the C++ glue code needed to map EXPRESS to C++""" import sys, os, re if sys.version_info < (3, 0): print("must use python 3.0 or greater") sys.exit(-2) use_ifc_template = False input_step_template_h = 'StepReaderGen.h.template' input_step_template_cpp = 'StepReaderGen.cpp.template' input_ifc_template_h = 'IFCReaderGen.h.template' input_ifc_template_cpp = 'IFCReaderGen.cpp.template' cpp_keywords = "class" output_file_h = "" output_file_cpp = "" if (use_ifc_template ): input_template_h = input_ifc_template_h input_template_cpp = input_ifc_template_cpp output_file_h = os.path.join('..','..','code','IFCReaderGen.h') output_file_cpp = os.path.join('..','..','code','IFCReaderGen.cpp') else: input_template_h = input_step_template_h input_template_cpp = input_step_template_cpp output_file_h = os.path.join('..','..','code/Importer/StepFile','StepReaderGen.h') output_file_cpp = os.path.join('..','..','code/Importer/StepFile','StepReaderGen.cpp') template_entity_predef = '\tstruct {entity};\n' template_entity_predef_ni = '\ttypedef NotImplemented {entity}; // (not currently used by Assimp)\n' template_entity = r""" // C++ wrapper for {entity} struct {entity} : {parent} ObjectHelper<{entity},{argcnt}> {{ {entity}() : Object("{entity}") {{}} {fields} }};""" template_entity_ni = '' template_type = r""" // C++ wrapper type for {type} typedef {real_type} {type};""" template_stub_decl = '\tDECL_CONV_STUB({type});\n' template_schema = '\t\tSchemaEntry("{normalized_name}",&STEP::ObjectHelper<{type},{argcnt}>::Construct )\n' template_schema_type = '\t\tSchemaEntry("{normalized_name}",nullptr )\n' template_converter = r""" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <> size_t GenericFill<{type}>(const DB& db, const LIST& params, {type}* in) {{ {contents} }}""" template_converter_prologue_a = '\tsize_t base = GenericFill(db,params,static_cast<{parent}*>(in));\n' template_converter_prologue_b = '\tsize_t base = 0;\n' template_converter_check_argcnt = '\tif (params.GetSize() < {max_arg}) {{ throw STEP::TypeError("expected {max_arg} arguments to {name}"); }}' template_converter_code_per_field = r""" do {{ // convert the '{fieldname}' argument std::shared_ptr arg = params[base++];{handle_unset}{convert} }} while(0); """ template_allow_optional = r""" if (dynamic_cast(&*arg)) break;""" template_allow_derived = r""" if (dynamic_cast(&*arg)) {{ in->ObjectHelper::aux_is_derived[{argnum}]=true; break; }}""" template_convert_single = r""" try {{ GenericConvert( in->{name}, arg, db ); break; }} catch (const TypeError& t) {{ throw TypeError(t.what() + std::string(" - expected argument {argnum} to {classname} to be a `{full_type}`")); }}""" template_converter_omitted = '// this data structure is not used yet, so there is no code generated to fill its members\n' template_converter_epilogue = '\treturn base;' import ExpressReader def get_list_bounds(collection_spec): start,end = [(int(n) if n!='?' else 0) for n in re.findall(r'(\d+|\?)',collection_spec)] return start,end def get_cpp_type(field,schema): isobjref = field.type in schema.entities base = field.type if isobjref: base = 'Lazy< '+(base if base in schema.whitelist else 'NotImplemented')+' >' if field.collection: start,end = get_list_bounds(field.collection) base = 'ListOf< {0}, {1}, {2} >'.format(base,start,end) if not isobjref: base += '::Out' if field.optional: base = 'Maybe< '+base+' >' return base def generate_fields(entity,schema): fields = [] for e in entity.members: fields.append('\t\t{type} {name};'.format(type=get_cpp_type(e,schema),name=e.name)) return '\n'.join(fields) def handle_unset_args(field,entity,schema,argnum): n = '' # if someone derives from this class, check for derived fields. if any(entity.name==e.parent for e in schema.entities.values()): n += template_allow_derived.format(type=entity.name,argcnt=len(entity.members),argnum=argnum) if not field.optional: return n+'' return n+template_allow_optional.format() def get_single_conversion(field,schema,argnum=0,classname='?'): name = field.name return template_convert_single.format(name=name,argnum=argnum,classname=classname,full_type=field.fullspec) def count_args_up(entity,schema): return len(entity.members) + (count_args_up(schema.entities[entity.parent],schema) if entity.parent else 0) def resolve_base_type(base,schema): if base in ('INTEGER','REAL','STRING','ENUMERATION','BOOLEAN','NUMBER', 'SELECT','LOGICAL'): return base if base in schema.types: return resolve_base_type(schema.types[base].equals,schema) print(base) return None def gen_type_struct(typen,schema): base = resolve_base_type(typen.equals,schema) if not base: return '' if typen.aggregate: start,end = get_list_bounds(typen.aggregate) base = 'ListOf< {0}, {1}, {2} >'.format(base,start,end) return template_type.format(type=typen.name,real_type=base) def gen_converter(entity,schema): max_arg = count_args_up(entity,schema) arg_idx = arg_idx_ofs = max_arg - len(entity.members) code = template_converter_prologue_a.format(parent=entity.parent) if entity.parent else template_converter_prologue_b if entity.name in schema.blacklist_partial: return code+template_converter_omitted+template_converter_epilogue; if max_arg > 0: code +=template_converter_check_argcnt.format(max_arg=max_arg,name=entity.name) for field in entity.members: code += template_converter_code_per_field.format(fieldname=field.name, handle_unset=handle_unset_args(field,entity,schema,arg_idx-arg_idx_ofs), convert=get_single_conversion(field,schema,arg_idx,entity.name)) arg_idx += 1 return code+template_converter_epilogue def get_base_classes(e,schema): def addit(e,out): if e.parent: out.append(e.parent) addit(schema.entities[e.parent],out) res = [] addit(e,res) return list(reversed(res)) def get_derived(e,schema): def get_deriv(e,out): # bit slow, but doesn't matter here s = [ee for ee in schema.entities.values() if ee.parent == e.name] for sel in s: out.append(sel.name) get_deriv(sel,out) res = [] get_deriv(e,res) return res def get_hierarchy(e,schema): return get_derived(e, schema)+[e.name]+get_base_classes(e,schema) def sort_entity_list(schema): deps = [] entities = schema.entities for e in entities.values(): deps += get_base_classes(e,schema)+[e.name] checked = [] for e in deps: if e not in checked: checked.append(e) return [entities[e] for e in checked] def work(filename): schema = ExpressReader.read(filename,silent=True) entities, stub_decls, schema_table, converters, typedefs, predefs = '','',[],'','','' entitylist = 'ifc_entitylist.txt' if not use_ifc_template: entitylist = 'step_entitylist.txt' whitelist = [] with open(entitylist, 'rt') as inp: whitelist = [n.strip() for n in inp.read().split('\n') if n[:1]!='#' and n.strip()] schema.whitelist = set() schema.blacklist_partial = set() for ename in whitelist: try: e = schema.entities[ename] except KeyError: # type, not entity continue for base in [e.name]+get_base_classes(e,schema): schema.whitelist.add(base) for base in get_derived(e,schema): schema.blacklist_partial.add(base) schema.blacklist_partial -= schema.whitelist schema.whitelist |= schema.blacklist_partial # Generate list with reserved keywords from c++ cpp_types = cpp_keywords.split(',') # uncomment this to disable automatic code reduction based on whitelisting all used entities # (blacklisted entities are those who are in the whitelist and may be instanced, but will # only be accessed through a pointer to a base-class. #schema.whitelist = set(schema.entities.keys()) #schema.blacklist_partial = set() for ntype in schema.types.values(): typedefs += gen_type_struct(ntype,schema) schema_table.append(template_schema_type.format(normalized_name=ntype.name.lower())) sorted_entities = sort_entity_list(schema) for entity in sorted_entities: parent = entity.parent+',' if entity.parent else '' if ( entity.name in cpp_types ): entity.name = entity.name + "_t" print( "renaming " + entity.name) if entity.name in schema.whitelist: converters += template_converter.format(type=entity.name,contents=gen_converter(entity,schema)) schema_table.append(template_schema.format(type=entity.name,normalized_name=entity.name.lower(),argcnt=len(entity.members))) entities += template_entity.format(entity=entity.name,argcnt=len(entity.members),parent=parent,fields=generate_fields(entity,schema)) predefs += template_entity_predef.format(entity=entity.name) stub_decls += template_stub_decl.format(type=entity.name) else: entities += template_entity_ni.format(entity=entity.name) predefs += template_entity_predef_ni.format(entity=entity.name) schema_table.append(template_schema.format(type="NotImplemented",normalized_name=entity.name.lower(),argcnt=0)) schema_table = ','.join(schema_table) with open(input_template_h,'rt') as inp: with open(output_file_h,'wt') as outp: # can't use format() here since the C++ code templates contain single, unescaped curly brackets outp.write(inp.read().replace('{predefs}',predefs).replace('{types}',typedefs).replace('{entities}',entities).replace('{converter-decl}',stub_decls)) with open(input_template_cpp,'rt') as inp: with open(output_file_cpp,'wt') as outp: outp.write(inp.read().replace('{schema-static-table}',schema_table).replace('{converter-impl}',converters)) # Finished without error, so return 0 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(work(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else 'schema.exp'))