/* Copyright (c) 2013 Khaled Mammou - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #ifndef O3DGC_SC3DMC_ENCODER_INL #define O3DGC_SC3DMC_ENCODER_INL #include "o3dgcArithmeticCodec.h" #include "o3dgcTimer.h" #include "o3dgcVector.h" #include "o3dgcBinaryStream.h" #include "o3dgcCommon.h" //#define DEBUG_VERBOSE #ifdef _WIN32 # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4456) #endif // _WIN32 namespace o3dgc { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE FILE * g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc = NULL; #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::Encode(const SC3DMCEncodeParams & params, const IndexedFaceSet & ifs, BinaryStream & bstream) { // Encode header unsigned long start = bstream.GetSize(); EncodeHeader(params, ifs, bstream); // Encode payload EncodePayload(params, ifs, bstream); bstream.WriteUInt32(m_posSize, bstream.GetSize() - start, m_streamType); return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::EncodeHeader(const SC3DMCEncodeParams & params, const IndexedFaceSet & ifs, BinaryStream & bstream) { m_streamType = params.GetStreamType(); bstream.WriteUInt32(O3DGC_SC3DMC_START_CODE, m_streamType); m_posSize = bstream.GetSize(); bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); // to be filled later bstream.WriteUChar(O3DGC_SC3DMC_ENCODE_MODE_TFAN, m_streamType); bstream.WriteFloat32((float)ifs.GetCreaseAngle(), m_streamType); unsigned char mask = 0; bool markerBit0 = false; bool markerBit1 = false; bool markerBit2 = false; bool markerBit3 = false; mask += (ifs.GetCCW() ); mask += (ifs.GetSolid() << 1); mask += (ifs.GetConvex() << 2); mask += (ifs.GetIsTriangularMesh() << 3); mask += (markerBit0 << 4); mask += (markerBit1 << 5); mask += (markerBit2 << 6); mask += (markerBit3 << 7); bstream.WriteUChar(mask, m_streamType); bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNCoord(), m_streamType); bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNNormal(), m_streamType); bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNumFloatAttributes(), m_streamType); bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNumIntAttributes(), m_streamType); if (ifs.GetNCoord() > 0) { bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNCoordIndex(), m_streamType); for(int j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j) { bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetCoordMin(j), m_streamType); bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetCoordMax(j), m_streamType); } bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) params.GetCoordQuantBits(), m_streamType); } if (ifs.GetNNormal() > 0) { bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); for(int j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j) { bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetNormalMin(j), m_streamType); bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetNormalMax(j), m_streamType); } bstream.WriteUChar(true, m_streamType); //(unsigned char) ifs.GetNormalPerVertex() bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) params.GetNormalQuantBits(), m_streamType); } for(unsigned long a = 0; a < ifs.GetNumFloatAttributes(); ++a) { bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNFloatAttribute(a), m_streamType); if (ifs.GetNFloatAttribute(a) > 0) { assert(ifs.GetFloatAttributeDim(a) < (unsigned long) O3DGC_MAX_UCHAR8); bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); unsigned char d = (unsigned char) ifs.GetFloatAttributeDim(a); bstream.WriteUChar(d, m_streamType); for(unsigned char j = 0 ; j < d ; ++j) { bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetFloatAttributeMin(a, j), m_streamType); bstream.WriteFloat32((float) ifs.GetFloatAttributeMax(a, j), m_streamType); } bstream.WriteUChar(true, m_streamType); //(unsigned char) ifs.GetFloatAttributePerVertex(a) bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) ifs.GetFloatAttributeType(a), m_streamType); bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) params.GetFloatAttributeQuantBits(a), m_streamType); } } for(unsigned long a = 0; a < ifs.GetNumIntAttributes(); ++a) { bstream.WriteUInt32(ifs.GetNIntAttribute(a), m_streamType); if (ifs.GetNIntAttribute(a) > 0) { assert(ifs.GetFloatAttributeDim(a) < (unsigned long) O3DGC_MAX_UCHAR8); bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) ifs.GetIntAttributeDim(a), m_streamType); bstream.WriteUChar(true, m_streamType); // (unsigned char) ifs.GetIntAttributePerVertex(a) bstream.WriteUChar((unsigned char) ifs.GetIntAttributeType(a), m_streamType); } } return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::QuantizeFloatArray(const Real * const floatArray, unsigned long numFloatArray, unsigned long dimFloatArray, unsigned long stride, const Real * const minFloatArray, const Real * const maxFloatArray, unsigned long nQBits) { const unsigned long size = numFloatArray * dimFloatArray; Real delta[O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_DIM_ATTRIBUTES]; Real r; for(unsigned long d = 0; d < dimFloatArray; d++) { r = maxFloatArray[d] - minFloatArray[d]; if (r > 0.0f) { delta[d] = (float)((1 << nQBits) - 1) / r; } else { delta[d] = 1.0f; } } if (m_quantFloatArraySize < size) { delete [] m_quantFloatArray; m_quantFloatArraySize = size; m_quantFloatArray = new long [size]; } for(unsigned long v = 0; v < numFloatArray; ++v) { for(unsigned long d = 0; d < dimFloatArray; ++d) { m_quantFloatArray[v * stride + d] = (long)((floatArray[v * stride + d]-minFloatArray[d]) * delta[d] + 0.5f); } } return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::EncodeFloatArray(const Real * const floatArray, unsigned long numFloatArray, unsigned long dimFloatArray, unsigned long stride, const Real * const minFloatArray, const Real * const maxFloatArray, unsigned long nQBits, const IndexedFaceSet & ifs, O3DGCSC3DMCPredictionMode predMode, BinaryStream & bstream) { assert(dimFloatArray < O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_DIM_ATTRIBUTES); long predResidual, v, uPredResidual; unsigned long nPred; Arithmetic_Codec ace; Static_Bit_Model bModel0; Adaptive_Bit_Model bModel1; const AdjacencyInfo & v2T = m_triangleListEncoder.GetVertexToTriangle(); const long * const vmap = m_triangleListEncoder.GetVMap(); const long * const invVMap = m_triangleListEncoder.GetInvVMap(); const T * const triangles = ifs.GetCoordIndex(); const long nvert = (long) numFloatArray; unsigned long start = bstream.GetSize(); unsigned char mask = predMode & 7; const unsigned long M = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS - 1; unsigned long nSymbols = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS; unsigned long nPredictors = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS; Adaptive_Data_Model mModelValues(M+2); Adaptive_Data_Model mModelPreds(O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS+1); memset(m_freqSymbols, 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS); memset(m_freqPreds , 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS); if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { mask += (O3DGC_SC3DMC_BINARIZATION_ASCII & 7)<<4; m_predictors.Allocate(nvert); m_predictors.Clear(); } else { mask += (O3DGC_SC3DMC_BINARIZATION_AC_EGC & 7)<<4; const unsigned int NMAX = numFloatArray * dimFloatArray * 8 + 100; if ( m_sizeBufferAC < NMAX ) { delete [] m_bufferAC; m_sizeBufferAC = NMAX; m_bufferAC = new unsigned char [m_sizeBufferAC]; } ace.set_buffer(NMAX, m_bufferAC); ace.start_encoder(); ace.ExpGolombEncode(0, 0, bModel0, bModel1); ace.ExpGolombEncode(M, 0, bModel0, bModel1); } bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); bstream.WriteUChar(mask, m_streamType); #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("FloatArray (%i, %i)\n", numFloatArray, dimFloatArray); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "FloatArray (%i, %i)\n", numFloatArray, dimFloatArray); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE if (predMode == O3DGC_SC3DMC_SURF_NORMALS_PREDICTION) { const Real curMinFloatArray[2] = {(Real)(-2.0),(Real)(-2.0)}; const Real curMaxFloatArray[2] = {(Real)(2.0),(Real)(2.0)}; if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { for(unsigned long i = 0; i < numFloatArray; ++i) { bstream.WriteIntASCII(m_predictors[i]); } } else { Adaptive_Data_Model dModel(12); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < numFloatArray; ++i) { ace.encode(IntToUInt(m_predictors[i]), dModel); } } QuantizeFloatArray(floatArray, numFloatArray, dimFloatArray, stride, curMinFloatArray, curMaxFloatArray, nQBits + 1); } else { QuantizeFloatArray(floatArray, numFloatArray, dimFloatArray, stride, minFloatArray, maxFloatArray, nQBits); } for (long vm=0; vm < nvert; ++vm) { nPred = 0; v = invVMap[vm]; assert( v >= 0 && v < nvert); if ( v2T.GetNumNeighbors(v) > 0 && predMode != O3DGC_SC3DMC_NO_PREDICTION) { int u0 = v2T.Begin(v); int u1 = v2T.End(v); for (long u = u0; u < u1; u++) { long ta = v2T.GetNeighbor(u); if ( predMode == O3DGC_SC3DMC_PARALLELOGRAM_PREDICTION ) { long a,b; if ((long) triangles[ta*3] == v) { a = triangles[ta*3 + 1]; b = triangles[ta*3 + 2]; } else if ((long) triangles[ta*3 + 1] == v) { a = triangles[ta*3 + 0]; b = triangles[ta*3 + 2]; } else { a = triangles[ta*3 + 0]; b = triangles[ta*3 + 1]; } if ( vmap[a] < vm && vmap[b] < vm) { int u0 = v2T.Begin(a); int u1 = v2T.End(a); for (long u = u0; u < u1; u++) { long tb = v2T.GetNeighbor(u); long c = -1; bool foundB = false; for(long k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { long x = triangles[tb*3 + k]; if (x == b) { foundB = true; } if (vmap[x] < vm && x != a && x != b) { c = x; } } if (c != -1 && foundB) { SC3DMCTriplet id = {min(vmap[a], vmap[b]), max(vmap[a], vmap[b]), -vmap[c]-1}; unsigned long p = Insert(id, nPred, m_neighbors); if (p != 0xFFFFFFFF) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; i++) { m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i] = m_quantFloatArray[a*stride+i] + m_quantFloatArray[b*stride+i] - m_quantFloatArray[c*stride+i]; } } } } } } if ( predMode == O3DGC_SC3DMC_SURF_NORMALS_PREDICTION || predMode == O3DGC_SC3DMC_PARALLELOGRAM_PREDICTION || predMode == O3DGC_SC3DMC_DIFFERENTIAL_PREDICTION ) { for(long k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { long w = triangles[ta*3 + k]; if ( vmap[w] < vm ) { SC3DMCTriplet id = {-1, -1, vmap[w]}; unsigned long p = Insert(id, nPred, m_neighbors); if (p != 0xFFFFFFFF) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; i++) { m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i] = m_quantFloatArray[w*stride+i]; } } } } } } } if (nPred > 1) { // find best predictor unsigned long bestPred = 0xFFFFFFFF; double bestCost = O3DGC_MAX_DOUBLE; double cost; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t vm %i\n", vm); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t vm %i\n", vm); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE for (unsigned long p = 0; p < nPred; ++p) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t pred a = %i b = %i c = %i \n", m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_c); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t pred a = %i b = %i c = %i \n", m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_c); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE cost = -log2((m_freqPreds[p]+1.0) / nPredictors ); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; ++i) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t\t %i\n", m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t\t %i\n", m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE predResidual = (long) IntToUInt(m_quantFloatArray[v*stride+i] - m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); if (predResidual < (long) M) { cost += -log2((m_freqSymbols[predResidual]+1.0) / nSymbols ); } else { cost += -log2((m_freqSymbols[M] + 1.0) / nSymbols ) + log2((double) (predResidual-M)); } } if (cost < bestCost) { bestCost = cost; bestPred = p; } } if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { m_predictors.PushBack((unsigned char) bestPred); } else { ace.encode(bestPred, mModelPreds); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("best (%i, %i, %i) \t pos %i\n", m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_c, bestPred); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "best (%i, %i, %i) \t pos %i\n", m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_c, bestPred); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE // use best predictor for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; ++i) { predResidual = m_quantFloatArray[v*stride+i] - m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]; uPredResidual = IntToUInt(predResidual); ++m_freqSymbols[(uPredResidual < (long) M)? uPredResidual : M]; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i \t [%i]\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i \t [%i]\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } } ++m_freqPreds[bestPred]; nSymbols += dimFloatArray; ++nPredictors; } else if ( vm > 0 && predMode != O3DGC_SC3DMC_NO_PREDICTION) { long prev = invVMap[vm-1]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; i++) { predResidual = m_quantFloatArray[v*stride+i] - m_quantFloatArray[prev*stride+i]; if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE } } else { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimFloatArray; i++) { predResidual = m_quantFloatArray[v*stride+i]; if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteUIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeUIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i\n", vm*dimFloatArray+i, predResidual); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE } } } if (m_streamType != O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { unsigned long encodedBytes = ace.stop_encoder(); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < encodedBytes; ++i) { bstream.WriteUChar8Bin(m_bufferAC[i]); } } bstream.WriteUInt32(start, bstream.GetSize() - start, m_streamType); if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { unsigned long start = bstream.GetSize(); bstream.WriteUInt32ASCII(0); const unsigned long size = m_predictors.GetSize(); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bstream.WriteUCharASCII((unsigned char) m_predictors[i]); } bstream.WriteUInt32ASCII(start, bstream.GetSize() - start); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE fflush(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::EncodeIntArray(const long * const intArray, unsigned long numIntArray, unsigned long dimIntArray, unsigned long stride, const IndexedFaceSet & ifs, O3DGCSC3DMCPredictionMode predMode, BinaryStream & bstream) { assert(dimIntArray < O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_DIM_ATTRIBUTES); long predResidual, v, uPredResidual; unsigned long nPred; Arithmetic_Codec ace; Static_Bit_Model bModel0; Adaptive_Bit_Model bModel1; const AdjacencyInfo & v2T = m_triangleListEncoder.GetVertexToTriangle(); const long * const vmap = m_triangleListEncoder.GetVMap(); const long * const invVMap = m_triangleListEncoder.GetInvVMap(); const T * const triangles = ifs.GetCoordIndex(); const long nvert = (long) numIntArray; unsigned long start = bstream.GetSize(); unsigned char mask = predMode & 7; const unsigned long M = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS - 1; unsigned long nSymbols = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS; unsigned long nPredictors = O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS; Adaptive_Data_Model mModelValues(M+2); Adaptive_Data_Model mModelPreds(O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS+1); memset(m_freqSymbols, 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_SYMBOLS); memset(m_freqPreds , 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * O3DGC_SC3DMC_MAX_PREDICTION_NEIGHBORS); if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { mask += (O3DGC_SC3DMC_BINARIZATION_ASCII & 7)<<4; m_predictors.Allocate(nvert); m_predictors.Clear(); } else { mask += (O3DGC_SC3DMC_BINARIZATION_AC_EGC & 7)<<4; const unsigned int NMAX = numIntArray * dimIntArray * 8 + 100; if ( m_sizeBufferAC < NMAX ) { delete [] m_bufferAC; m_sizeBufferAC = NMAX; m_bufferAC = new unsigned char [m_sizeBufferAC]; } ace.set_buffer(NMAX, m_bufferAC); ace.start_encoder(); ace.ExpGolombEncode(0, 0, bModel0, bModel1); ace.ExpGolombEncode(M, 0, bModel0, bModel1); } bstream.WriteUInt32(0, m_streamType); bstream.WriteUChar(mask, m_streamType); #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("IntArray (%i, %i)\n", numIntArray, dimIntArray); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "IntArray (%i, %i)\n", numIntArray, dimIntArray); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE for (long vm=0; vm < nvert; ++vm) { nPred = 0; v = invVMap[vm]; assert( v >= 0 && v < nvert); if ( v2T.GetNumNeighbors(v) > 0 && predMode != O3DGC_SC3DMC_NO_PREDICTION) { int u0 = v2T.Begin(v); int u1 = v2T.End(v); for (long u = u0; u < u1; u++) { long ta = v2T.GetNeighbor(u); for(long k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { long w = triangles[ta*3 + k]; if ( vmap[w] < vm ) { SC3DMCTriplet id = {-1, -1, vmap[w]}; unsigned long p = Insert(id, nPred, m_neighbors); if (p != 0xFFFFFFFF) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimIntArray; i++) { m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i] = intArray[w*stride+i]; } } } } } } if (nPred > 1) { // find best predictor unsigned long bestPred = 0xFFFFFFFF; double bestCost = O3DGC_MAX_DOUBLE; double cost; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t vm %i\n", vm); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t vm %i\n", vm); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE for (unsigned long p = 0; p < nPred; ++p) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t pred a = %i b = %i c = %i \n", m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_c); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t pred a = %i b = %i c = %i \n", m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[p].m_id.m_c); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE cost = -log2((m_freqPreds[p]+1.0) / nPredictors ); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimIntArray; ++i) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("\t\t\t %i\n", m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "\t\t\t %i\n", m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE predResidual = (long) IntToUInt(intArray[v*stride+i] - m_neighbors[p].m_pred[i]); if (predResidual < (long) M) { cost += -log2((m_freqSymbols[predResidual]+1.0) / nSymbols ); } else { cost += -log2((m_freqSymbols[M] + 1.0) / nSymbols ) + log2((double) (predResidual-M)); } } if (cost < bestCost) { bestCost = cost; bestPred = p; } } if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { m_predictors.PushBack((unsigned char) bestPred); } else { ace.encode(bestPred, mModelPreds); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("best (%i, %i, %i) \t pos %i\n", m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_c, bestPred); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "best (%i, %i, %i) \t pos %i\n", m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_a, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_b, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_id.m_c, bestPred); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE // use best predictor for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimIntArray; ++i) { predResidual = intArray[v*stride+i] - m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]; uPredResidual = IntToUInt(predResidual); ++m_freqSymbols[(uPredResidual < (long) M)? uPredResidual : M]; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i \t [%i]\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i \t [%i]\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual, m_neighbors[bestPred].m_pred[i]); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } } ++m_freqPreds[bestPred]; nSymbols += dimIntArray; ++nPredictors; } else if ( vm > 0 && predMode != O3DGC_SC3DMC_NO_PREDICTION) { long prev = invVMap[vm-1]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimIntArray; i++) { predResidual = intArray[v*stride+i] - intArray[prev*stride+i]; if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE } } else { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimIntArray; i++) { predResidual = intArray[v*stride+i]; if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { bstream.WriteUIntASCII(predResidual); } else { EncodeUIntACEGC(predResidual, ace, mModelValues, bModel0, bModel1, M); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("%i \t %i\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "%i \t %i\n", vm*dimIntArray+i, predResidual); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE } } } if (m_streamType != O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { unsigned long encodedBytes = ace.stop_encoder(); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < encodedBytes; ++i) { bstream.WriteUChar8Bin(m_bufferAC[i]); } } bstream.WriteUInt32(start, bstream.GetSize() - start, m_streamType); if (m_streamType == O3DGC_STREAM_TYPE_ASCII) { unsigned long start = bstream.GetSize(); bstream.WriteUInt32ASCII(0); const unsigned long size = m_predictors.GetSize(); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bstream.WriteUCharASCII((unsigned char) m_predictors[i]); } bstream.WriteUInt32ASCII(start, bstream.GetSize() - start); } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE fflush(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::ProcessNormals(const IndexedFaceSet & ifs) { const long nvert = (long) ifs.GetNNormal(); const unsigned long normalSize = ifs.GetNNormal() * 2; if (m_normalsSize < normalSize) { delete [] m_normals; m_normalsSize = normalSize; m_normals = new Real [normalSize]; } const AdjacencyInfo & v2T = m_triangleListEncoder.GetVertexToTriangle(); const long * const invVMap = m_triangleListEncoder.GetInvVMap(); const T * const triangles = ifs.GetCoordIndex(); const Real * const originalNormals = ifs.GetNormal(); Vec3 p1, p2, p3, n0, nt; Vec3 n1; long na0 = 0, nb0 = 0; Real rna0, rnb0, na1 = 0, nb1 = 0, norm0, norm1; char ni0 = 0, ni1 = 0; long a, b, c, v; m_predictors.Clear(); for (long i=0; i < nvert; ++i) { v = invVMap[i]; n0.X() = 0; n0.Y() = 0; n0.Z() = 0; int u0 = v2T.Begin(v); int u1 = v2T.End(v); for (long u = u0; u < u1; u++) { long ta = v2T.GetNeighbor(u); a = triangles[ta*3 + 0]; b = triangles[ta*3 + 1]; c = triangles[ta*3 + 2]; p1.X() = m_quantFloatArray[3*a]; p1.Y() = m_quantFloatArray[3*a+1]; p1.Z() = m_quantFloatArray[3*a+2]; p2.X() = m_quantFloatArray[3*b]; p2.Y() = m_quantFloatArray[3*b+1]; p2.Z() = m_quantFloatArray[3*b+2]; p3.X() = m_quantFloatArray[3*c]; p3.Y() = m_quantFloatArray[3*c+1]; p3.Z() = m_quantFloatArray[3*c+2]; nt = (p2-p1)^(p3-p1); n0 += nt; } norm0 = (Real) n0.GetNorm(); if (norm0 == 0.0) { norm0 = 1.0; } SphereToCube(n0.X(), n0.Y(), n0.Z(), na0, nb0, ni0); rna0 = na0 / norm0; rnb0 = nb0 / norm0; n1.X() = originalNormals[3*v]; n1.Y() = originalNormals[3*v+1]; n1.Z() = originalNormals[3*v+2]; norm1 = (Real) n1.GetNorm(); if (norm1 != 0.0) { n1.X() /= norm1; n1.Y() /= norm1; n1.Z() /= norm1; } SphereToCube(n1.X(), n1.Y(), n1.Z(), na1, nb1, ni1); m_predictors.PushBack(ni1 - ni0); if ( (ni1 >> 1) != (ni0 >> 1) ) { rna0 = (Real)0.0; rnb0 = (Real)0.0; } m_normals[2*v] = na1 - rna0; m_normals[2*v+1] = nb1 - rnb0; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("n0 \t %i \t %i \t %i \t %i (%f, %f)\n", i, n0.X(), n0.Y(), n0.Z(), rna0, rnb0); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc,"n0 \t %i \t %i \t %i \t %i (%f, %f)\n", i, n0.X(), n0.Y(), n0.Z(), rna0, rnb0); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE1 printf("normal \t %i \t %f \t %f \t %f \t (%i, %f, %f) \t (%f, %f)\n", i, n1.X(), n1.Y(), n1.Z(), ni1, na1, nb1, rna0, rnb0); fprintf(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc, "normal \t %i \t %f \t %f \t %f \t (%i, %f, %f) \t (%f, %f)\n", i, n1.X(), n1.Y(), n1.Z(), ni1, na1, nb1, rna0, rnb0); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE } return O3DGC_OK; } template O3DGCErrorCode SC3DMCEncoder::EncodePayload(const SC3DMCEncodeParams & params, const IndexedFaceSet & ifs, BinaryStream & bstream) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc = fopen("tfans_enc_main.txt", "w"); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE // encode triangle list m_triangleListEncoder.SetStreamType(params.GetStreamType()); m_stats.m_streamSizeCoordIndex = bstream.GetSize(); Timer timer; timer.Tic(); m_triangleListEncoder.Encode(ifs.GetCoordIndex(), ifs.GetIndexBufferID(), ifs.GetNCoordIndex(), ifs.GetNCoord(), bstream); timer.Toc(); m_stats.m_timeCoordIndex = timer.GetElapsedTime(); m_stats.m_streamSizeCoordIndex = bstream.GetSize() - m_stats.m_streamSizeCoordIndex; // encode coord m_stats.m_streamSizeCoord = bstream.GetSize(); timer.Tic(); if (ifs.GetNCoord() > 0) { EncodeFloatArray(ifs.GetCoord(), ifs.GetNCoord(), 3, 3, ifs.GetCoordMin(), ifs.GetCoordMax(), params.GetCoordQuantBits(), ifs, params.GetCoordPredMode(), bstream); } timer.Toc(); m_stats.m_timeCoord = timer.GetElapsedTime(); m_stats.m_streamSizeCoord = bstream.GetSize() - m_stats.m_streamSizeCoord; // encode Normal m_stats.m_streamSizeNormal = bstream.GetSize(); timer.Tic(); if (ifs.GetNNormal() > 0) { if (params.GetNormalPredMode() == O3DGC_SC3DMC_SURF_NORMALS_PREDICTION) { ProcessNormals(ifs); EncodeFloatArray(m_normals, ifs.GetNNormal(), 2, 2, ifs.GetNormalMin(), ifs.GetNormalMax(), params.GetNormalQuantBits(), ifs, params.GetNormalPredMode(), bstream); } else { EncodeFloatArray(ifs.GetNormal(), ifs.GetNNormal(), 3, 3, ifs.GetNormalMin(), ifs.GetNormalMax(), params.GetNormalQuantBits(), ifs, params.GetNormalPredMode(), bstream); } } timer.Toc(); m_stats.m_timeNormal = timer.GetElapsedTime(); m_stats.m_streamSizeNormal = bstream.GetSize() - m_stats.m_streamSizeNormal; // encode FloatAttribute for(unsigned long a = 0; a < ifs.GetNumFloatAttributes(); ++a) { m_stats.m_streamSizeFloatAttribute[a] = bstream.GetSize(); timer.Tic(); EncodeFloatArray(ifs.GetFloatAttribute(a), ifs.GetNFloatAttribute(a), ifs.GetFloatAttributeDim(a), ifs.GetFloatAttributeDim(a), ifs.GetFloatAttributeMin(a), ifs.GetFloatAttributeMax(a), params.GetFloatAttributeQuantBits(a), ifs, params.GetFloatAttributePredMode(a), bstream); timer.Toc(); m_stats.m_timeFloatAttribute[a] = timer.GetElapsedTime(); m_stats.m_streamSizeFloatAttribute[a] = bstream.GetSize() - m_stats.m_streamSizeFloatAttribute[a]; } // encode IntAttribute for(unsigned long a = 0; a < ifs.GetNumIntAttributes(); ++a) { m_stats.m_streamSizeIntAttribute[a] = bstream.GetSize(); timer.Tic(); EncodeIntArray(ifs.GetIntAttribute(a), ifs.GetNIntAttribute(a), ifs.GetIntAttributeDim(a), ifs.GetIntAttributeDim(a), ifs, params.GetIntAttributePredMode(a), bstream); timer.Toc(); m_stats.m_timeIntAttribute[a] = timer.GetElapsedTime(); m_stats.m_streamSizeIntAttribute[a] = bstream.GetSize() - m_stats.m_streamSizeIntAttribute[a]; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE fclose(g_fileDebugSC3DMCEnc); #endif //DEBUG_VERBOSE return O3DGC_OK; } } // namespace o3dgc #ifdef _WIN32 # pragma warning(pop) #endif // _WIN32 #endif // O3DGC_SC3DMC_ENCODER_INL