/* Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file Defines the helper data structures for importing XFiles */ #ifndef AI_3DSFILEHELPER_H_INC #define AI_3DSFILEHELPER_H_INC #include #include #include #include "../include/aiTypes.h" #include "../include/aiQuaternion.h" #include "../include/aiMesh.h" #include "../include/aiAnim.h" #include "../include/aiMaterial.h" #include "SpatialSort.h" namespace Assimp { namespace Dot3DS { #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack(push,2) # define PACK_STRUCT #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) # define PACK_STRUCT __attribute__((packed)) #else # error Compiler not supported #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Dot3DSFile class: Helper class for loading 3ds files. Defines chunks * and data structures. */ class Dot3DSFile { public: inline Dot3DSFile() {} //! data structure for a single chunk in a .3ds file struct Chunk { unsigned short Flag; long Size; } PACK_STRUCT; //! source for this used own structures, //! replaced it with out standard math helpers typedef aiMatrix3x3 MatTransform; typedef aiVector3D MatTranslate; //! Used for shading field in material3ds structure //! From AutoDesk 3ds SDK typedef enum { // translated to gouraud shading with wireframe active Wire = 0, // if this material is set, no vertex normals will // be calculated for the model. Face normals + gouraud Flat = 1, // standard gouraud shading Gouraud = 2, // phong shading Phong = 3, // cooktorrance or anistropic phong shading ... // the exact meaning is unknown, if you know it // feel free to tell me ;-) Metal = 4, // required by the ASE loader Blinn = 5 } shadetype3ds; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // enum for all chunks in 3ds files. Unused // ones are commented, list is not complete since // there are many undocumented chunks. // // Links: http://www.jalix.org/ressources/graphics/3DS/_unofficials/3ds-unofficial.txt // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ enum { // ************************************************************** // Base chunks which can be found everywhere in the file CHUNK_VERSION = 0x0002, CHUNK_RGBF = 0x0010, // float4 R; float4 G; float4 B CHUNK_RGBB = 0x0011, // int1 R; int1 G; int B // Linear color values (gamma = 2.2?) CHUNK_LINRGBF = 0x0013, // float4 R; float4 G; float4 B CHUNK_LINRGBB = 0x0012, // int1 R; int1 G; int B CHUNK_PERCENTW = 0x0030, // int2 percentage CHUNK_PERCENTF = 0x0031, // float4 percentage // ************************************************************** // Unknown and ignored. Possibly a chunk used by PROJ ( // Discreet 3DS max Project File)? CHUNK_PRJ = 0xC23D, // Unknown. Possibly a reference to an external .mli file? CHUNK_MLI = 0x3DAA, // Primary main chunk of the .3ds file CHUNK_MAIN = 0x4D4D, // Mesh main chunk CHUNK_OBJMESH = 0x3D3D, // Specifies the background color of the .3ds file // This is passed through the material system for // viewing purposes. CHUNK_BKGCOLOR = 0x1200, // Specifies the ambient base color of the scene. // This is added to all materials in the file CHUNK_AMBCOLOR = 0x2100, // Specifies the background image for the whole scene // This value is passed through the material system // to the viewer CHUNK_BIT_MAP = 0x1100, CHUNK_BIT_MAP_EXISTS = 0x1101, // ************************************************************** // Viewport related stuff. Ignored CHUNK_DEFAULT_VIEW = 0x3000, CHUNK_VIEW_TOP = 0x3010, CHUNK_VIEW_BOTTOM = 0x3020, CHUNK_VIEW_LEFT = 0x3030, CHUNK_VIEW_RIGHT = 0x3040, CHUNK_VIEW_FRONT = 0x3050, CHUNK_VIEW_BACK = 0x3060, CHUNK_VIEW_USER = 0x3070, CHUNK_VIEW_CAMERA = 0x3080, // ************************************************************** // Mesh chunks CHUNK_OBJBLOCK = 0x4000, CHUNK_TRIMESH = 0x4100, CHUNK_VERTLIST = 0x4110, CHUNK_VERTFLAGS = 0x4111, CHUNK_FACELIST = 0x4120, CHUNK_FACEMAT = 0x4130, CHUNK_MAPLIST = 0x4140, CHUNK_SMOOLIST = 0x4150, CHUNK_TRMATRIX = 0x4160, CHUNK_MESHCOLOR = 0x4165, CHUNK_TXTINFO = 0x4170, CHUNK_LIGHT = 0x4600, CHUNK_SPOTLIGHT = 0x4610, CHUNK_CAMERA = 0x4700, CHUNK_HIERARCHY = 0x4F00, // Specifies the global scaling factor. This is applied // to the root node's transformation matrix CHUNK_MASTER_SCALE = 0x0100, // ************************************************************** // Material chunks CHUNK_MAT_MATERIAL = 0xAFFF, // asciiz containing the name of the material CHUNK_MAT_MATNAME = 0xA000, CHUNK_MAT_AMBIENT = 0xA010, // followed by color chunk CHUNK_MAT_DIFFUSE = 0xA020, // followed by color chunk CHUNK_MAT_SPECULAR = 0xA030, // followed by color chunk // Specifies the shininess of the material // followed by percentage chunk CHUNK_MAT_SHININESS = 0xA040, CHUNK_MAT_SHININESS_PERCENT = 0xA041 , // Specifies the shading mode to be used // followed by a short CHUNK_MAT_SHADING = 0xA100, // NOTE: Emissive color (self illumination) seems not // to be a color but a single value, type is unknown. // Make the parser accept both of them. // followed by percentage chunk (?) CHUNK_MAT_SELF_ILLUM = 0xA080, // Always followed by percentage chunk (?) CHUNK_MAT_SELF_ILPCT = 0xA084, // Always followed by percentage chunk CHUNK_MAT_TRANSPARENCY = 0xA050, // Diffuse texture channel 0 CHUNK_MAT_TEXTURE = 0xA200, // Contains opacity information for each texel CHUNK_MAT_OPACMAP = 0xA210, // Contains a reflection map to be used to reflect // the environment. This is partially supported. CHUNK_MAT_REFLMAP = 0xA220, // Self Illumination map (emissive colors) CHUNK_MAT_SELFIMAP = 0xA33d, // Bumpmap. Not specified whether it is a heightmap // or a normal map. Assme it is a heightmap since // artist normally prefer this format. CHUNK_MAT_BUMPMAP = 0xA230, // Specular map. Seems to influence the specular color CHUNK_MAT_SPECMAP = 0xA204, // Holds shininess data. I assume the specular exponent is // calculated like this: // // s[x,y] = stex[x,y] * base_shininess; // I also assume the data in the texture must be renormalized // (normally by dividing / 255) after loading. CHUNK_MAT_MAT_SHINMAP = 0xA33C, // Scaling in U/V direction. // (need to gen separate UV coordinate set // and do this by hand) CHUNK_MAT_MAP_USCALE = 0xA354, CHUNK_MAT_MAP_VSCALE = 0xA356, // Translation in U/V direction. // (need to gen separate UV coordinate set // and do this by hand) CHUNK_MAT_MAP_UOFFSET = 0xA358, CHUNK_MAT_MAP_VOFFSET = 0xA35a, // UV-coordinates rotation around the z-axis // Assumed to be in radians. CHUNK_MAT_MAP_ANG = 0xA35C, // Tiling flags for 3DS files CHUNK_MAT_MAP_TILING = 0xa351, // Specifies the file name of a texture CHUNK_MAPFILE = 0xA300, // Specifies whether a materail requires two-sided rendering CHUNK_MAT_TWO_SIDE = 0xA081, // ************************************************************** // Main keyframer chunk. Contains translation/rotation/scaling data CHUNK_KEYFRAMER = 0xB000, // Supported sub chunks CHUNK_TRACKINFO = 0xB002, CHUNK_TRACKOBJNAME = 0xB010, CHUNK_TRACKPIVOT = 0xB013, CHUNK_TRACKPOS = 0xB020, CHUNK_TRACKROTATE = 0xB021, CHUNK_TRACKSCALE = 0xB022, // ************************************************************** // Keyframes for various other stuff in the file // Ignored CHUNK_AMBIENTKEY = 0xB001, CHUNK_TRACKMORPH = 0xB026, CHUNK_TRACKHIDE = 0xB029, CHUNK_OBJNUMBER = 0xB030, CHUNK_TRACKCAMERA = 0xB003, CHUNK_TRACKFOV = 0xB023, CHUNK_TRACKROLL = 0xB024, CHUNK_TRACKCAMTGT = 0xB004, CHUNK_TRACKLIGHT = 0xB005, CHUNK_TRACKLIGTGT = 0xB006, CHUNK_TRACKSPOTL = 0xB007, CHUNK_FRAMES = 0xB008 // ************************************************************** }; }; #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack( pop ) #endif #undef PACK_STRUCT // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure representing a 3ds mesh face */ struct Face { Face() : iSmoothGroup(0), bFlipped(false) { // let the rest uninitialized for performance this->mIndices[0] = 0; this->mIndices[1] = 0; this->mIndices[2] = 0; } //! Indices. .3ds is using uint16. However, after //! an unique vrtex set has been geneerated it might //! be an index becomes > 2^16 uint32_t mIndices[3]; //! specifies to which smoothing group the face belongs to uint32_t iSmoothGroup; //! Specifies that the face normal must be flipped bool bFlipped; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure representing a texture */ struct Texture { //! Default constructor Texture() : mScaleU(1.0f), mScaleV(1.0f), mOffsetU(0.0f), mOffsetV(0.0f), mRotation(0.0f), iUVSrc(0), mMapMode(aiTextureMapMode_Wrap) { mTextureBlend = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } //! Specifies the blending factor for the texture float mTextureBlend; //! Specifies the filename of the texture std::string mMapName; //! Specifies texture coordinate offsets/scaling/rotations float mScaleU; float mScaleV; float mOffsetU; float mOffsetV; float mRotation; //! Specifies the mapping mode to be used for the texture aiTextureMapMode mMapMode; //! Used internally bool bPrivate; int iUVSrc; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure representing a 3ds material */ struct Material { //! Default constructor. Builds a default name for the material Material() : mSpecularExponent (0.0f), mShading(Dot3DSFile::Gouraud), mTransparency (1.0f), mBumpHeight (1.0f), iBakeUVTransform (0), pcSingleTexture (NULL), mShininessStrength (1.0f), mTwoSided (false) { static int iCnt = 0; char szTemp[128]; sprintf(szTemp,"$$_UNNAMED_%i_$$",iCnt++); mName = szTemp; } //! Name of the material std::string mName; //! Diffuse color of the material aiColor3D mDiffuse; //! Specular exponent float mSpecularExponent; //! Shininess strength, in percent float mShininessStrength; //! Specular color of the material aiColor3D mSpecular; //! Ambient color of the material aiColor3D mAmbient; //! Shading type to be used Dot3DSFile::shadetype3ds mShading; //! Opacity of the material float mTransparency; //! Diffuse texture channel Texture sTexDiffuse; //! Opacity texture channel Texture sTexOpacity; //! Specular texture channel Texture sTexSpecular; //! Bump texture channel Texture sTexBump; //! Emissive texture channel Texture sTexEmissive; //! Shininess texture channel Texture sTexShininess; //! Scaling factor for the bump values float mBumpHeight; //! Emissive color aiColor3D mEmissive; //! Ambient texture channel //! (used by the ASE format) Texture sTexAmbient; //! True if the material must be rendered from two sides bool mTwoSided; //! Used internally unsigned int iBakeUVTransform; Texture* pcSingleTexture; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure to represent a 3ds file mesh */ struct Mesh { //! Default constructor Mesh() { static int iCnt = 0; char szTemp[128]; #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 ::sprintf_s(szTemp,"$$_UNNAMED_%i_$$",iCnt++); #else ::sprintf(szTemp,"$$_UNNAMED_%i_$$",iCnt++); #endif mName = szTemp; } //! Name of the mesh std::string mName; //! Vertex positions std::vector mPositions; //! Face lists std::vector mFaces; //! Texture coordinates std::vector mTexCoords; //! Face materials std::vector mFaceMaterials; //! Normal vectors std::vector mNormals; //! Local transformation matrix aiMatrix4x4 mMat; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure to represent a 3ds file node */ struct Node { Node() : mHierarchyPos(0),mHierarchyIndex(0) { static int iCnt = 0; char szTemp[128]; #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 ::sprintf_s(szTemp,"$$_UNNAMED_%i_$$",iCnt++); #else ::sprintf(szTemp,"$$_UNNAMED_%i_$$",iCnt++); #endif mName = szTemp; #ifdef AI_3DS_KEYFRAME_ANIMATION aRotationKeys.reserve(10); aPositionKeys.reserve(10); aScalingKeys.reserve(10); #endif } //! Pointer to the parent node Node* mParent; //! Holds all child nodes std::vector mChildren; //! Name of the node std::string mName; //! Position of the node in the hierarchy (tree depth) int16_t mHierarchyPos; //! Index of the node int16_t mHierarchyIndex; #ifdef AI_3DS_KEYFRAME_ANIMATION //! Rotation keys loaded from the file std::vector aRotationKeys; //! Position keys loaded from the file std::vector aPositionKeys; //! Scaling keys loaded from the file std::vector aScalingKeys; #endif //! Pivot position loaded from the file aiVector3D vPivot; //! Add a child node, setup the right parent node for it //! \param pc Node to be 'adopted' inline Node& push_back(Node* pc) { mChildren.push_back(pc); pc->mParent = this; //pc->mHierarchyPos = this->mHierarchyPos+1; return *this; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper structure analogue to aiScene */ struct Scene { //! List of all materials loaded //! NOTE: 3ds references materials globally std::vector mMaterials; //! List of all meshes loaded std::vector mMeshes; //! Pointer to the root node of the scene Node* pcRootNode; }; } // end of namespace Dot3DS } // end of namespace Assimp #endif // AI_XFILEHELPER_H_INC