// ImageLib Utility Sources
// Copyright (C) 2000-2009 by Denton Woods
// Last modified: 03/07/2009
// Filename: IL/ilu.h
// Description: The main include file for ILU

// Doxygen comment
/*! \file ilu.h
    The main include file for ILU

#ifndef __ilu_h_
#ifndef __ILU_H__

#define __ilu_h_
#define __ILU_H__

#include <IL/il.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifdef _WIN32
	#if (defined(IL_USE_PRAGMA_LIBS)) && (!defined(_IL_BUILD_LIBRARY))
		#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
			#pragma comment(lib, "ILU.lib")

#define ILU_VERSION_1_7_8 1
#define ILU_VERSION       178

#define ILU_FILTER         0x2600
#define ILU_NEAREST        0x2601
#define ILU_LINEAR         0x2602
#define ILU_BILINEAR       0x2603
#define ILU_SCALE_BOX      0x2604
#define ILU_SCALE_TRIANGLE 0x2605
#define ILU_SCALE_BELL     0x2606
#define ILU_SCALE_BSPLINE  0x2607
#define ILU_SCALE_LANCZOS3 0x2608
#define ILU_SCALE_MITCHELL 0x2609

// Error types
#define ILU_INVALID_ENUM      0x0501
#define ILU_OUT_OF_MEMORY     0x0502
#define ILU_INTERNAL_ERROR    0x0504
#define ILU_INVALID_VALUE     0x0505
#define ILU_INVALID_PARAM     0x0509

// Values
#define ILU_PLACEMENT          0x0700
#define ILU_LOWER_LEFT         0x0701
#define ILU_LOWER_RIGHT        0x0702
#define ILU_UPPER_LEFT         0x0703
#define ILU_UPPER_RIGHT        0x0704
#define ILU_CENTER             0x0705

// Languages
#define ILU_ENGLISH            0x0800
#define ILU_ARABIC             0x0801
#define ILU_DUTCH              0x0802
#define ILU_JAPANESE           0x0803
#define ILU_SPANISH            0x0804
#define ILU_GERMAN             0x0805
#define ILU_FRENCH             0x0806

// Filters
#define ILU_FILTER_BLUR         0x0803
#define ILU_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_3x3 0x0804
#define ILU_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_5X5 0x0805
#define ILU_FILTER_EMBOSS1      0x0807
#define ILU_FILTER_EMBOSS2      0x0808
#define ILU_FILTER_LAPLACIAN1   0x080A
#define ILU_FILTER_LAPLACIAN2   0x080B
#define ILU_FILTER_LAPLACIAN3   0x080C
#define ILU_FILTER_LAPLACIAN4   0x080D
#define ILU_FILTER_SHARPEN1     0x080E
#define ILU_FILTER_SHARPEN2     0x080F
#define ILU_FILTER_SHARPEN3     0x0810

typedef struct ILinfo
	ILuint  Id;         // the image's id
	ILubyte *Data;      // the image's data
	ILuint  Width;      // the image's width
	ILuint  Height;     // the image's height
	ILuint  Depth;      // the image's depth
	ILubyte Bpp;        // bytes per pixel (not bits) of the image
	ILuint  SizeOfData; // the total size of the data (in bytes)
	ILenum  Format;     // image format (in IL enum style)
	ILenum  Type;       // image type (in IL enum style)
	ILenum  Origin;     // origin of the image
	ILubyte *Palette;   // the image's palette
	ILenum  PalType;    // palette type
	ILuint  PalSize;    // palette size
	ILenum  CubeFlags;  // flags for what cube map sides are present
	ILuint  NumNext;    // number of images following
	ILuint  NumMips;    // number of mipmaps
	ILuint  NumLayers;  // number of layers
} ILinfo;

typedef struct ILpointf {
	ILfloat x;
	ILfloat y;
} ILpointf;

typedef struct ILpointi {
	ILint x;
	ILint y;
} ILpointi;

ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluAlienify(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluBlurAvg(ILuint Iter);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluBlurGaussian(ILuint Iter);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluBuildMipmaps(void);
ILAPI ILuint         ILAPIENTRY iluColoursUsed(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluCompareImage(ILuint Comp);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluContrast(ILfloat Contrast);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluCrop(ILuint XOff, ILuint YOff, ILuint ZOff, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluDeleteImage(ILuint Id); // Deprecated
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEdgeDetectE(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEdgeDetectP(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEdgeDetectS(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEmboss(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEnlargeCanvas(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEnlargeImage(ILfloat XDim, ILfloat YDim, ILfloat ZDim);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluEqualize(void);
ILAPI ILconst_string 		 ILAPIENTRY iluErrorString(ILenum Error);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluConvolution(ILint *matrix, ILint scale, ILint bias);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluFlipImage(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluGammaCorrect(ILfloat Gamma);
ILAPI ILuint         ILAPIENTRY iluGenImage(void); // Deprecated
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluGetImageInfo(ILinfo *Info);
ILAPI ILint          ILAPIENTRY iluGetInteger(ILenum Mode);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluGetIntegerv(ILenum Mode, ILint *Param);
ILAPI ILstring 		 ILAPIENTRY iluGetString(ILenum StringName);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluImageParameter(ILenum PName, ILenum Param);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluInit(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluInvertAlpha(void);
ILAPI ILuint         ILAPIENTRY iluLoadImage(ILconst_string FileName);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluMirror(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluNegative(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluNoisify(ILclampf Tolerance);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluPixelize(ILuint PixSize);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluRegionfv(ILpointf *Points, ILuint n);
ILAPI void           ILAPIENTRY iluRegioniv(ILpointi *Points, ILuint n);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluReplaceColour(ILubyte Red, ILubyte Green, ILubyte Blue, ILfloat Tolerance);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluRotate(ILfloat Angle);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluRotate3D(ILfloat x, ILfloat y, ILfloat z, ILfloat Angle);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluSaturate1f(ILfloat Saturation);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluSaturate4f(ILfloat r, ILfloat g, ILfloat b, ILfloat Saturation);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluScale(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluScaleAlpha(ILfloat scale);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluScaleColours(ILfloat r, ILfloat g, ILfloat b);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluSetLanguage(ILenum Language);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluSharpen(ILfloat Factor, ILuint Iter);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluSwapColours(void);
ILAPI ILboolean      ILAPIENTRY iluWave(ILfloat Angle);

#define iluColorsUsed   iluColoursUsed
#define iluSwapColors   iluSwapColours
#define iluReplaceColor iluReplaceColour
#define iluScaleColor   iluScaleColour

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // __ILU_H__
#endif // __ilu_h_