/* * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "zip.h" #include "miniz.h" #include #include #include #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ /* Win32, DOS */ #include #define MKDIR(DIRNAME) _mkdir(DIRNAME) #define STRCLONE(STR) ((STR) ? _strdup(STR) : NULL) #define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) && \ (P)[1] == ':') #define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) (HAS_DEVICE(P) ? 2 : 0) #define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') #else #define MKDIR(DIRNAME) mkdir(DIRNAME, 0755) #define STRCLONE(STR) ((STR) ? strdup(STR) : NULL) #endif #ifndef FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN #define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) 0 #endif #ifndef ISSLASH #define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') #endif #define CLEANUP(ptr) \ do { \ if (ptr) { \ free((void *)ptr); \ ptr = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) static char *basename(const char *name) { char const *p; char const *base = name += FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(name); int all_slashes = 1; for (p = name; *p; p++) { if (ISSLASH(*p)) base = p + 1; else all_slashes = 0; } /* If NAME is all slashes, arrange to return `/'. */ if (*base == '\0' && ISSLASH(*name) && all_slashes) --base; return (char *)base; } static int mkpath(const char *path) { char const *p; char npath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; int len = 0; for (p = path; *p && len < MAX_PATH; p++) { if (ISSLASH(*p) && len > 0) { if (MKDIR(npath) == -1) if (errno != EEXIST) return -1; } npath[len++] = *p; } return 0; } static char *strrpl(const char *str, char oldchar, char newchar) { char *rpl = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (1 + strlen(str))); char *begin = rpl; char c; while((c = *str++)) { if (c == oldchar) { c = newchar; } *rpl++ = c; } *rpl = '\0'; return begin; } struct zip_entry_t { int index; const char *name; mz_uint64 uncomp_size; mz_uint64 comp_size; mz_uint32 uncomp_crc32; mz_uint64 offset; mz_uint8 header[MZ_ZIP_LOCAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE]; mz_uint64 header_offset; mz_uint16 method; mz_zip_writer_add_state state; tdefl_compressor comp; }; struct zip_t { mz_zip_archive archive; mz_uint level; struct zip_entry_t entry; char mode; }; struct zip_t *zip_open(const char *zipname, int level, char mode) { struct zip_t *zip = NULL; if (!zipname || strlen(zipname) < 1) { // zip_t archive name is empty or NULL goto cleanup; } if (level < 0) level = MZ_DEFAULT_LEVEL; if ((level & 0xF) > MZ_UBER_COMPRESSION) { // Wrong compression level goto cleanup; } zip = (struct zip_t *)calloc((size_t)1, sizeof(struct zip_t)); if (!zip) goto cleanup; zip->level = level; zip->mode = mode; switch (mode) { case 'w': // Create a new archive. if (!mz_zip_writer_init_file(&(zip->archive), zipname, 0)) { // Cannot initialize zip_archive writer goto cleanup; } break; case 'r': case 'a': if (!mz_zip_reader_init_file( &(zip->archive), zipname, level | MZ_ZIP_FLAG_DO_NOT_SORT_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY)) { // An archive file does not exist or cannot initialize // zip_archive reader goto cleanup; } if (mode == 'a' && !mz_zip_writer_init_from_reader(&(zip->archive), zipname)) { mz_zip_reader_end(&(zip->archive)); goto cleanup; } break; default: goto cleanup; } return zip; cleanup: CLEANUP(zip); return NULL; } void zip_close(struct zip_t *zip) { if (zip) { // Always finalize, even if adding failed for some reason, so we have a // valid central directory. mz_zip_writer_finalize_archive(&(zip->archive)); mz_zip_writer_end(&(zip->archive)); mz_zip_reader_end(&(zip->archive)); CLEANUP(zip); } } int zip_entry_open(struct zip_t *zip, const char *entryname) { char *locname = NULL; size_t entrylen = 0; mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint num_alignment_padding_bytes, level; if (!zip || !entryname) { return -1; } entrylen = strlen(entryname); if (entrylen < 1) { return -1; } pzip = &(zip->archive); /* .ZIP File Format Specification Version: 6.3.3 The name of the file, with optional relative path. The path stored MUST not contain a drive or device letter, or a leading slash. All slashes MUST be forward slashes '/' as opposed to backwards slashes '\' for compatibility with Amiga and UNIX file systems etc. If input came from standard input, there is no file name field. */ locname = strrpl(entryname, '\\', '/'); if (zip->mode == 'r') { zip->entry.index = mz_zip_reader_locate_file(pzip, locname, NULL, 0); CLEANUP(locname); return (zip->entry.index < 0) ? -1 : 0; } zip->entry.index = zip->archive.m_total_files; zip->entry.name = locname; if (!zip->entry.name) { // Cannot parse zip entry name return -1; } zip->entry.comp_size = 0; zip->entry.uncomp_size = 0; zip->entry.uncomp_crc32 = MZ_CRC32_INIT; zip->entry.offset = zip->archive.m_archive_size; zip->entry.header_offset = zip->archive.m_archive_size; memset(zip->entry.header, 0, MZ_ZIP_LOCAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE * sizeof(mz_uint8)); zip->entry.method = 0; num_alignment_padding_bytes = mz_zip_writer_compute_padding_needed_for_file_alignment(pzip); if (!pzip->m_pState || (pzip->m_zip_mode != MZ_ZIP_MODE_WRITING)) { // Wrong zip mode return -1; } if (zip->level & MZ_ZIP_FLAG_COMPRESSED_DATA) { // Wrong zip compression level return -1; } // no zip64 support yet if ((pzip->m_total_files == 0xFFFF) || ((pzip->m_archive_size + num_alignment_padding_bytes + MZ_ZIP_LOCAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE + MZ_ZIP_CENTRAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE + entrylen) > 0xFFFFFFFF)) { // No zip64 support yet return -1; } if (!mz_zip_writer_write_zeros( pzip, zip->entry.offset, num_alignment_padding_bytes + sizeof(zip->entry.header))) { // Cannot memset zip entry header return -1; } zip->entry.header_offset += num_alignment_padding_bytes; if (pzip->m_file_offset_alignment) { MZ_ASSERT((zip->entry.header_offset & (pzip->m_file_offset_alignment - 1)) == 0); } zip->entry.offset += num_alignment_padding_bytes + sizeof(zip->entry.header); if (pzip->m_pWrite(pzip->m_pIO_opaque, zip->entry.offset, zip->entry.name, entrylen) != entrylen) { // Cannot write data to zip entry return -1; } zip->entry.offset += entrylen; level = zip->level & 0xF; if (level) { zip->entry.state.m_pZip = pzip; zip->entry.state.m_cur_archive_file_ofs = zip->entry.offset; zip->entry.state.m_comp_size = 0; if (tdefl_init(&(zip->entry.comp), mz_zip_writer_add_put_buf_callback, &(zip->entry.state), tdefl_create_comp_flags_from_zip_params( level, -15, MZ_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)) != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { // Cannot initialize the zip compressor return -1; } } return 0; } int zip_entry_close(struct zip_t *zip) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint level; tdefl_status done; mz_uint16 entrylen; time_t t; struct tm *tm; mz_uint16 dos_time, dos_date; int status = -1; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } if (zip->mode == 'r') { return 0; } pzip = &(zip->archive); level = zip->level & 0xF; if (level) { done = tdefl_compress_buffer(&(zip->entry.comp), "", 0, TDEFL_FINISH); if (done != TDEFL_STATUS_DONE && done != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { // Cannot flush compressed buffer goto cleanup; } zip->entry.comp_size = zip->entry.state.m_comp_size; zip->entry.offset = zip->entry.state.m_cur_archive_file_ofs; zip->entry.method = MZ_DEFLATED; } entrylen = (mz_uint16)strlen(zip->entry.name); t = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&t); dos_time = (mz_uint16)(((tm->tm_hour) << 11) + ((tm->tm_min) << 5) + ((tm->tm_sec) >> 1)); dos_date = (mz_uint16)(((tm->tm_year + 1900 - 1980) << 9) + ((tm->tm_mon + 1) << 5) + tm->tm_mday); // no zip64 support yet if ((zip->entry.comp_size > 0xFFFFFFFF) || (zip->entry.offset > 0xFFFFFFFF)) { // No zip64 support, yet goto cleanup; } if (!mz_zip_writer_create_local_dir_header( pzip, zip->entry.header, entrylen, 0, zip->entry.uncomp_size, zip->entry.comp_size, zip->entry.uncomp_crc32, zip->entry.method, 0, dos_time, dos_date)) { // Cannot create zip entry header goto cleanup; } if (pzip->m_pWrite(pzip->m_pIO_opaque, zip->entry.header_offset, zip->entry.header, sizeof(zip->entry.header)) != sizeof(zip->entry.header)) { // Cannot write zip entry header goto cleanup; } if (!mz_zip_writer_add_to_central_dir( pzip, zip->entry.name, entrylen, NULL, 0, "", 0, zip->entry.uncomp_size, zip->entry.comp_size, zip->entry.uncomp_crc32, zip->entry.method, 0, dos_time, dos_date, zip->entry.header_offset, 0)) { // Cannot write to zip central dir goto cleanup; } pzip->m_total_files++; pzip->m_archive_size = zip->entry.offset; status = 0; cleanup: CLEANUP(zip->entry.name); return status; } int zip_entry_write(struct zip_t *zip, const void *buf, size_t bufsize) { mz_uint level; mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; tdefl_status status; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } pzip = &(zip->archive); if (buf && bufsize > 0) { zip->entry.uncomp_size += bufsize; zip->entry.uncomp_crc32 = (mz_uint32)mz_crc32( zip->entry.uncomp_crc32, (const mz_uint8 *)buf, bufsize); level = zip->level & 0xF; if (!level) { if ((pzip->m_pWrite(pzip->m_pIO_opaque, zip->entry.offset, buf, bufsize) != bufsize)) { // Cannot write buffer return -1; } zip->entry.offset += bufsize; zip->entry.comp_size += bufsize; } else { status = tdefl_compress_buffer(&(zip->entry.comp), buf, bufsize, TDEFL_NO_FLUSH); if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_DONE && status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { // Cannot compress buffer return -1; } } } return 0; } int zip_entry_fwrite(struct zip_t *zip, const char *filename) { int status = 0; size_t n = 0; FILE *stream = NULL; mz_uint8 buf[MZ_ZIP_MAX_IO_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } stream = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!stream) { // Cannot open filename return -1; } while ((n = fread(buf, sizeof(mz_uint8), MZ_ZIP_MAX_IO_BUF_SIZE, stream)) > 0) { if (zip_entry_write(zip, buf, n) < 0) { status = -1; break; } } fclose(stream); return status; } int zip_entry_read(struct zip_t *zip, void **buf, size_t *bufsize) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint idx; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } if (zip->mode != 'r' || zip->entry.index < 0) { // the entry is not found or we do not have read access return -1; } pzip = &(zip->archive); idx = (mz_uint)zip->entry.index; if (mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(pzip, idx)) { // the entry is a directory return -1; } *buf = mz_zip_reader_extract_to_heap(pzip, idx, bufsize, 0); return (*buf) ? 0 : -1; } int zip_entry_fread(struct zip_t *zip, const char *filename) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint idx; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } if (zip->mode != 'r' || zip->entry.index < 0) { // the entry is not found or we do not have read access return -1; } pzip = &(zip->archive); idx = (mz_uint)zip->entry.index; if (mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(pzip, idx)) { // the entry is a directory return -1; } return (mz_zip_reader_extract_to_file(pzip, idx, filename, 0)) ? 0 : -1; } int zip_entry_extract(struct zip_t *zip, size_t (*on_extract)(void *arg, unsigned long long offset, const void *buf, size_t bufsize), void *arg) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint idx; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return -1; } if (zip->mode != 'r' || zip->entry.index < 0) { // the entry is not found or we do not have read access return -1; } pzip = &(zip->archive); idx = (mz_uint)zip->entry.index; return (mz_zip_reader_extract_to_callback(pzip, idx, on_extract, arg, 0)) ? 0 : -1; } int zip_create(const char *zipname, const char *filenames[], size_t len) { int status = 0; size_t i; mz_zip_archive zip_archive; if (!zipname || strlen(zipname) < 1) { // zip_t archive name is empty or NULL return -1; } // Create a new archive. if (!memset(&(zip_archive), 0, sizeof(zip_archive))) { // Cannot memset zip archive return -1; } if (!mz_zip_writer_init_file(&zip_archive, zipname, 0)) { // Cannot initialize zip_archive writer return -1; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const char *name = filenames[i]; if (!name) { status = -1; break; } if (!mz_zip_writer_add_file(&zip_archive, basename(name), name, "", 0, ZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)) { // Cannot add file to zip_archive status = -1; break; } } mz_zip_writer_finalize_archive(&zip_archive); mz_zip_writer_end(&zip_archive); return status; } int zip_extract(const char *zipname, const char *dir, int (*on_extract)(const char *filename, void *arg), void *arg) { int status = -1; mz_uint i, n; char path[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; mz_zip_archive zip_archive; mz_zip_archive_file_stat info; size_t dirlen = 0; if (!memset(&(zip_archive), 0, sizeof(zip_archive))) { // Cannot memset zip archive return -1; } if (!zipname || !dir) { // Cannot parse zip archive name return -1; } dirlen = strlen(dir); if (dirlen + 1 > MAX_PATH) { return -1; } // Now try to open the archive. if (!mz_zip_reader_init_file(&zip_archive, zipname, 0)) { // Cannot initialize zip_archive reader return -1; } strcpy(path, dir); if (!ISSLASH(path[dirlen - 1])) { #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ path[dirlen] = '\\'; #else path[dirlen] = '/'; #endif ++dirlen; } // Get and print information about each file in the archive. n = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&zip_archive); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&zip_archive, i, &info)) { // Cannot get information about zip archive; goto out; } strncpy(&path[dirlen], info.m_filename, MAX_PATH - dirlen); if (mkpath(path) < 0) { // Cannot make a path goto out; } if (!mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(&zip_archive, i)) { if (!mz_zip_reader_extract_to_file(&zip_archive, i, path, 0)) { // Cannot extract zip archive to file goto out; } } if (on_extract) { if (on_extract(path, arg) < 0) { goto out; } } } status = 0; out: // Close the archive, freeing any resources it was using if (!mz_zip_reader_end(&zip_archive)) { // Cannot end zip reader status = -1; } return status; }