/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2012, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_OGRE_IMPORTER #include "OgreImporter.hpp" #include "TinyFormatter.h" using namespace std; namespace Assimp { namespace Ogre { void OgreImporter::ReadSubMesh(const unsigned int submeshIndex, SubMesh &submesh, XmlReader *reader) { if (reader->getAttributeValue("material")) submesh.MaterialName = GetAttribute(reader, "material"); if (reader->getAttributeValue("use32bitindexes")) submesh.Use32bitIndexes = GetAttribute(reader, "use32bitindexes"); if (reader->getAttributeValue("usesharedvertices")) submesh.UseSharedGeometry = GetAttribute(reader, "usesharedvertices"); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << "Reading submesh " << submeshIndex); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << " - Material '" << submesh.MaterialName << "'"); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << " - Shader geometry = " << (submesh.UseSharedGeometry ? "true" : "false") << ", 32bit indexes = " << (submesh.Use32bitIndexes ? "true" : "false")); //TODO: maybe we have alsways just 1 faces and 1 geometry and always in this order. this loop will only work correct, when the order //of faces and geometry changed, and not if we have more than one of one /// @todo Fix above comment with better read logic below NextNode(reader); string currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); const string nnFaces = "faces"; const string nnFace = "face"; const string nnGeometry = "geometry"; const string nnBoneAssignments = "boneassignments"; const string nnVertexBuffer = "vertexbuffer"; bool quadWarned = false; while(currentNodeName == nnFaces || currentNodeName == nnGeometry || currentNodeName == nnBoneAssignments) { if (currentNodeName == nnFaces) { unsigned int numFaces = GetAttribute(reader, "count"); NextNode(reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); while(currentNodeName == nnFace) { Face NewFace; NewFace.VertexIndices[0] = GetAttribute(reader, "v1"); NewFace.VertexIndices[1] = GetAttribute(reader, "v2"); NewFace.VertexIndices[2] = GetAttribute(reader, "v3"); /// @todo Support quads if (!quadWarned && reader->getAttributeValue("v4")) DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Submesh has quads, only triangles are supported at the moment!"); submesh.Faces.push_back(NewFace); // Advance NextNode(reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); } if (submesh.Faces.size() == numFaces) DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << " - Faces " << numFaces); else throw DeadlyImportError(Formatter::format() << "Read only " << submesh.Faces.size() << " faces when should have read " << numFaces); } else if (currentNodeName == nnGeometry) { unsigned int numVertices = GetAttribute(reader, "vertexcount"); NextNode(reader); while(string(reader->getNodeName()) == nnVertexBuffer) ReadVertexBuffer(submesh, reader, numVertices); } else if (reader->getNodeName() == nnBoneAssignments) ReadBoneWeights(submesh, reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); } } void OgreImporter::ReadVertexBuffer(SubMesh &submesh, XmlReader *reader, const unsigned int numVertices) { DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << "Reading vertex buffer with " << numVertices << " vertices"); submesh.HasGeometry = true; if (reader->getAttributeValue("positions") && GetAttribute(reader, "positions")) { submesh.HasPositions = true; submesh.Positions.reserve(numVertices); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(" - Has positions"); } if (reader->getAttributeValue("normals") && GetAttribute(reader, "normals")) { submesh.HasNormals = true; submesh.Normals.reserve(numVertices); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(" - Has normals"); } if (reader->getAttributeValue("tangents") && GetAttribute(reader, "tangents")) { submesh.HasTangents = true; submesh.Tangents.reserve(numVertices); DefaultLogger::get()->debug(" - Has tangents"); } if (reader->getAttributeValue("texture_coords")) { submesh.Uvs.resize(GetAttribute(reader, "texture_coords")); for(size_t i=0, len=submesh.Uvs.size(); idebug(Formatter::format() << " - Has " << submesh.Uvs.size() << " texture coords"); } if (!submesh.HasPositions) throw DeadlyImportError("Vertex buffer does not contain positions!"); const string nnVertex = "vertex"; const string nnPosition = "position"; const string nnNormal = "normal"; const string nnTangent = "tangent"; const string nnBinormal = "binormal"; const string nnTexCoord = "texcoord"; const string nnColorDiffuse = "colour_diffuse"; const string nnColorSpecular = "colour_specular"; bool warnBinormal = true; bool warnColorDiffuse = true; bool warnColorSpecular = true; NextNode(reader); string currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); /// @todo Make this loop nicer. while(currentNodeName == nnVertex || currentNodeName == nnPosition || currentNodeName == nnNormal || currentNodeName == nnTangent || currentNodeName == nnBinormal || currentNodeName == nnTexCoord || currentNodeName == nnColorDiffuse || currentNodeName == nnColorSpecular) { if (currentNodeName == nnVertex) { NextNode(reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); } /// @todo Implement nnBinormal, nnColorDiffuse and nnColorSpecular if (submesh.HasPositions && currentNodeName == nnPosition) { aiVector3D NewPos; NewPos.x = GetAttribute(reader, "x"); NewPos.y = GetAttribute(reader, "y"); NewPos.z = GetAttribute(reader, "z"); submesh.Positions.push_back(NewPos); } else if (submesh.HasNormals && currentNodeName == nnNormal) { aiVector3D NewNormal; NewNormal.x = GetAttribute(reader, "x"); NewNormal.y = GetAttribute(reader, "y"); NewNormal.z = GetAttribute(reader, "z"); submesh.Normals.push_back(NewNormal); } else if (submesh.HasTangents && currentNodeName == nnTangent) { aiVector3D NewTangent; NewTangent.x = GetAttribute(reader, "x"); NewTangent.y = GetAttribute(reader, "y"); NewTangent.z = GetAttribute(reader, "z"); submesh.Tangents.push_back(NewTangent); } else if (submesh.Uvs.size() > 0 && currentNodeName == nnTexCoord) { for(size_t i=0, len=submesh.Uvs.size(); i(reader, "u"); NewUv.y = GetAttribute(reader, "v") * (-1)+1; //flip the uv vertikal, blender exports them so! (ahem... @todo ????) submesh.Uvs[i].push_back(NewUv); NextNode(reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); } // Continue main loop as above already read next node continue; } else { /// @todo Remove this stuff once implemented. We only want to log warnings once per element. bool warn = true; if (currentNodeName == nnBinormal) { if (warnBinormal) warnBinormal = false; else warn = false; } else if (currentNodeName == nnColorDiffuse) { if (warnColorDiffuse) warnColorDiffuse = false; else warn = false; } else if (currentNodeName == nnColorSpecular) { if (warnColorSpecular) warnColorSpecular = false; else warn = false; } if (warn) DefaultLogger::get()->warn(string("Vertex buffer attribute read not implemented for element: ") + currentNodeName); } // Advance NextNode(reader); currentNodeName = reader->getNodeName(); } DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << " - Positions " << submesh.Positions.size() << " Normals " << submesh.Normals.size() << " TexCoords " << submesh.Uvs.size() << " Tangents " << submesh.Tangents.size()); // Sanity checks if (submesh.HasNormals && submesh.Normals.size() != numVertices) throw DeadlyImportError(Formatter::format() << "Read only " << submesh.Normals.size() << " normals when should have read " << numVertices); if (submesh.HasTangents && submesh.Tangents.size() != numVertices) throw DeadlyImportError(Formatter::format() << "Read only " << submesh.Tangents.size() << " tangents when should have read " << numVertices); for(unsigned int i=0; i(reader, "boneindex"); weight.Value = GetAttribute(reader, "weight"); //calculate the number of bones used (this is the highest id +1 becuase bone ids start at 0) /// @todo This can probably be refactored to something else. submesh.BonesUsed = max(submesh.BonesUsed, weight.Id+1); const unsigned int vertexId = GetAttribute(reader, "vertexindex"); submesh.Weights[vertexId].push_back(weight); NextNode(reader); } DefaultLogger::get()->debug(Formatter::format() << " - Bone weights " << numRead); } void OgreImporter::ProcessSubMesh(SubMesh &submesh, SubMesh &sharedGeometry) { //---------------Make all Vertexes unique: (this is required by assimp)----------------------- vector UniqueFaceList(submesh.Faces.size()); unsigned int UniqueVertexCount=submesh.Faces.size()*3;//*3 because each face consists of 3 vertexes, because we only support triangles^^ vector UniquePositions(UniqueVertexCount); vector UniqueNormals(UniqueVertexCount); vector UniqueTangents(UniqueVertexCount); vector< vector > UniqueWeights(UniqueVertexCount); vector< vector > UniqueUvs(submesh.Uvs.size()); for(unsigned int i=0; i0) { for(unsigned int j=0; j 0) { UniqueWeights[3*i+0]=VertexSource.Weights[Vertex1]; UniqueWeights[3*i+1]=VertexSource.Weights[Vertex2]; UniqueWeights[3*i+2]=VertexSource.Weights[Vertex3]; } //The indexvalues a just continuous numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...) UniqueFaceList[i].VertexIndices[0]=3*i+0; UniqueFaceList[i].VertexIndices[1]=3*i+1; UniqueFaceList[i].VertexIndices[2]=3*i+2; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ //now we have the unique datas, but want them in the SubMesh, so we swap all the containers: //if we don't have one of them, we just swap empty containers, so everything is ok submesh.Faces.swap(UniqueFaceList); submesh.Positions.swap(UniquePositions); submesh.Normals.swap(UniqueNormals); submesh.Tangents.swap(UniqueTangents); submesh.Uvs.swap(UniqueUvs); submesh.Weights.swap(UniqueWeights); //------------- normalize weights ----------------------------- //The Blender exporter doesn't care about whether the sum of all boneweights for a single vertex equals 1 or not, //so we have to make this sure: for(unsigned int VertexId=0; VertexId1.0f+0.05f) { //normalize all weights: for(unsigned int BoneId=0; BoneId& bones) const { const aiScene* const m_CurrentScene=this->m_CurrentScene;//make sure, that we can access but not change the scene (void)m_CurrentScene; aiMesh* NewAiMesh=new aiMesh(); //Positions NewAiMesh->mVertices=new aiVector3D[submesh.Positions.size()]; memcpy(NewAiMesh->mVertices, &submesh.Positions[0], submesh.Positions.size()*sizeof(aiVector3D)); NewAiMesh->mNumVertices=submesh.Positions.size(); //Normals if(submesh.HasNormals) { NewAiMesh->mNormals=new aiVector3D[submesh.Normals.size()]; memcpy(NewAiMesh->mNormals, &submesh.Normals[0], submesh.Normals.size()*sizeof(aiVector3D)); } //until we have support for bitangents, no tangents will be written /* //Tangents if(submesh.HasTangents) { NewAiMesh->mTangents=new aiVector3D[submesh.Tangents.size()]; memcpy(NewAiMesh->mTangents, &submesh.Tangents[0], submesh.Tangents.size()*sizeof(aiVector3D)); } */ //Uvs if(submesh.Uvs.size()>0) { for(unsigned int i=0; imNumUVComponents[i]=2; NewAiMesh->mTextureCoords[i]=new aiVector3D[submesh.Uvs[i].size()]; memcpy(NewAiMesh->mTextureCoords[i], &(submesh.Uvs[i][0]), submesh.Uvs[i].size()*sizeof(aiVector3D)); } } //---------------------------------------- bones -------------------------------------------- //Copy the weights in in Bone-Vertices Struktur //(we have them in a Vertex-bones Structur, this is much easier for making them unique, which is required by assimp vector< vector > aiWeights(submesh.BonesUsed);//now the outer list are the bones, and the inner vector the vertices for(unsigned int VertexId=0; VertexId aiBones; aiBones.reserve(submesh.BonesUsed);//the vector might be smaller, because there might be empty bones (bones that are not attached to any vertex) //create all the bones and fill them with informations for(unsigned int i=0; i0) { aiBone* NewBone=new aiBone(); NewBone->mNumWeights=aiWeights[i].size(); NewBone->mWeights=new aiVertexWeight[aiWeights[i].size()]; memcpy(NewBone->mWeights, &(aiWeights[i][0]), sizeof(aiVertexWeight)*aiWeights[i].size()); NewBone->mName=bones[i].Name;//The bone list should be sorted after its id's, this was done in LoadSkeleton NewBone->mOffsetMatrix=bones[i].BoneToWorldSpace; aiBones.push_back(NewBone); } } NewAiMesh->mNumBones=aiBones.size(); // mBones must be NULL if mNumBones is non 0 or the validation fails. if (aiBones.size()) { NewAiMesh->mBones=new aiBone* [aiBones.size()]; memcpy(NewAiMesh->mBones, &(aiBones[0]), aiBones.size()*sizeof(aiBone*)); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ //Faces NewAiMesh->mFaces=new aiFace[submesh.Faces.size()]; for(unsigned int i=0; imFaces[i].mNumIndices=3; NewAiMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices=new unsigned int[3]; NewAiMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices[0]=submesh.Faces[i].VertexIndices[0]; NewAiMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices[1]=submesh.Faces[i].VertexIndices[1]; NewAiMesh->mFaces[i].mIndices[2]=submesh.Faces[i].VertexIndices[2]; } NewAiMesh->mNumFaces=submesh.Faces.size(); //Link the material: NewAiMesh->mMaterialIndex=submesh.MaterialIndex;//the index is set by the function who called ReadSubMesh return NewAiMesh; } }//namespace Ogre }//namespace Assimp #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_OGRE_IMPORTER