# Dummy value.
#  No texture, but the value to be used as 'texture semantic'
#  (#aiMaterialProperty::mSemantic) for all material properties
# # not* related to textures.
aiTextureType_NONE = 0x0

# The texture is combined with the result of the diffuse
#  lighting equation.
aiTextureType_DIFFUSE = 0x1

# The texture is combined with the result of the specular
#  lighting equation.
aiTextureType_SPECULAR = 0x2

# The texture is combined with the result of the ambient
#  lighting equation.
aiTextureType_AMBIENT = 0x3

# The texture is added to the result of the lighting
#  calculation. It isn't influenced by incoming light.
aiTextureType_EMISSIVE = 0x4

# The texture is a height map.
#  By convention, higher gray-scale values stand for
#  higher elevations from the base height.
aiTextureType_HEIGHT = 0x5

# The texture is a (tangent space) normal-map.
#  Again, there are several conventions for tangent-space
#  normal maps. Assimp does (intentionally) not
#  distinguish here.
aiTextureType_NORMALS = 0x6

# The texture defines the glossiness of the material.
#  The glossiness is in fact the exponent of the specular
#  (phong) lighting equation. Usually there is a conversion
#  function defined to map the linear color values in the
#  texture to a suitable exponent. Have fun.
aiTextureType_SHININESS = 0x7

# The texture defines per-pixel opacity.
#  Usually 'white' means opaque and 'black' means
#  'transparency'. Or quite the opposite. Have fun.
aiTextureType_OPACITY = 0x8

# Displacement texture
#  The exact purpose and format is application-dependent.
#  Higher color values stand for higher vertex displacements.
aiTextureType_DISPLACEMENT = 0x9

# Lightmap texture (aka Ambient Occlusion)
#  Both 'Lightmaps' and dedicated 'ambient occlusion maps' are
#  covered by this material property. The texture contains a
#  scaling value for the final color value of a pixel. Its
#  intensity is not affected by incoming light.
aiTextureType_LIGHTMAP = 0xA

# Reflection texture
# Contains the color of a perfect mirror reflection.
# Rarely used, almost never for real-time applications.
aiTextureType_REFLECTION = 0xB

# Unknown texture
#  A texture reference that does not match any of the definitions
#  above is considered to be 'unknown'. It is still imported
#  but is excluded from any further postprocessing.
aiTextureType_UNKNOWN = 0xC