#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ PyAssimp This is the main-module of PyAssimp. """ import sys if sys.version_info < (2,6): raise 'pyassimp: need python 2.6 or newer' import ctypes import os import numpy import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("pyassimp") # Attach a default, null handler, to the logger. # applications can easily get log messages from pyassimp # by calling for instance # >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # before importing pyassimp class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass h = NullHandler() logger.addHandler(h) from . import structs from .errors import AssimpError from . import helper assimp_structs_as_tuple = ( structs.Matrix4x4, structs.Matrix3x3, structs.Vector2D, structs.Vector3D, structs.Color3D, structs.Color4D, structs.Quaternion, structs.Plane, structs.Texel) def make_tuple(ai_obj, type = None): res = None if isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix4x4): res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((4,4)) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() elif isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix3x3): res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((3,3)) else: res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]) return res def call_init(obj, caller = None): # init children if helper.hasattr_silent(obj, '_init'): obj._init(parent = caller) # pointers elif helper.hasattr_silent(obj, 'contents'): if helper.hasattr_silent(obj.contents, '_init'): obj.contents._init(target = obj, parent = caller) def _init(self, target = None, parent = None): """ Custom initialize() for C structs, adds safely accessable member functionality. :param target: set the object which receive the added methods. Useful when manipulating pointers, to skip the intermediate 'contents' deferencing. """ if helper.hasattr_silent(self, '_is_init'): return self self._is_init = True if not target: target = self for m in dir(self): name = m[1:].lower() if m.startswith("_"): continue obj = getattr(self, m) if m.startswith('mNum'): if 'm' + m[4:] in dir(self): continue # will be processed later on else: setattr(target, name, obj) # Create tuples if isinstance(obj, assimp_structs_as_tuple): setattr(target, name, make_tuple(obj)) logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added array " + str(getattr(target, name)) + " as self." + name.lower()) continue if isinstance(obj, structs.String): setattr(target, 'name', obj.data.decode("utf-8")) setattr(target.__class__, '__repr__', lambda x: str(x.__class__) + "(" + x.name + ")") setattr(target.__class__, '__str__', lambda x: x.name) continue if m.startswith('m'): if name == "parent": setattr(target, name, parent) logger.debug("Added a parent as self." + name) continue if helper.hasattr_silent(self, 'mNum' + m[1:]): length = getattr(self, 'mNum' + m[1:]) # -> special case: properties are # stored as a dict. if m == 'mProperties': setattr(target, name, _get_properties(obj, length)) continue if not length: # empty! setattr(target, name, []) logger.debug(str(self) + ": " + name + " is an empty list.") continue try: if obj._type_ in assimp_structs_as_tuple: setattr(target, name, numpy.array([make_tuple(obj[i]) for i in range(length)], dtype=numpy.float32)) logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added an array of numpy arrays (type "+ str(type(obj)) + ") as self." + name) else: setattr(target, name, [obj[i] for i in range(length)]) #TODO: maybe not necessary to recreate an array? logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added list of " + str(obj) + " " + name + " as self." + name + " (type: " + str(type(obj)) + ")") # initialize array elements for e in getattr(target, name): call_init(e, caller = target) except IndexError: logger.error("in " + str(self) +" : mismatch between mNum" + name + " and the actual amount of data in m" + name + ". This may be due to version mismatch between libassimp and pyassimp. Quitting now.") sys.exit(1) except ValueError as e: logger.error("In " + str(self) + "->" + name + ": " + str(e) + ". Quitting now.") if "setting an array element with a sequence" in str(e): logger.error("Note that pyassimp does not currently " "support meshes with mixed triangles " "and quads. Try to load your mesh with" " a post-processing to triangulate your" " faces.") sys.exit(1) else: # starts with 'm' but not iterable setattr(target, name, obj) logger.debug("Added " + name + " as self." + name + " (type: " + str(type(obj)) + ")") call_init(obj, caller = target) if isinstance(self, structs.Mesh): _finalize_mesh(self, target) if isinstance(self, structs.Texture): _finalize_texture(self, target) return self """ Python magic to add the _init() function to all C struct classes. """ for struct in dir(structs): if not (struct.startswith('_') or struct.startswith('c_') or struct == "Structure" or struct == "POINTER") and not isinstance(getattr(structs, struct),int): setattr(getattr(structs, struct), '_init', _init) class AssimpLib(object): """ Assimp-Singleton """ load, release, dll = helper.search_library() #the loader as singleton _assimp_lib = AssimpLib() def pythonize_assimp(type, obj, scene): """ This method modify the Assimp data structures to make them easier to work with in Python. Supported operations: - MESH: replace a list of mesh IDs by reference to these meshes - ADDTRANSFORMATION: add a reference to an object's transformation taken from their associated node. :param type: the type of modification to operate (cf above) :param obj: the input object to modify :param scene: a reference to the whole scene """ if type == "MESH": meshes = [] for i in obj: meshes.append(scene.meshes[i]) return meshes if type == "ADDTRANSFORMATION": def getnode(node, name): if node.name == name: return node for child in node.children: n = getnode(child, name) if n: return n node = getnode(scene.rootnode, obj.name) if not node: raise AssimpError("Object " + str(obj) + " has no associated node!") setattr(obj, "transformation", node.transformation) def recur_pythonize(node, scene): """ Recursively call pythonize_assimp on nodes tree to apply several post-processing to pythonize the assimp datastructures. """ node.meshes = pythonize_assimp("MESH", node.meshes, scene) for mesh in node.meshes: mesh.material = scene.materials[mesh.materialindex] for cam in scene.cameras: pythonize_assimp("ADDTRANSFORMATION", cam, scene) #for light in scene.lights: # pythonize_assimp("ADDTRANSFORMATION", light, scene) for c in node.children: recur_pythonize(c, scene) def load(filename, processing=0): """ Loads the model with some specific processing parameters. filename - file to load model from processing - processing parameters result Scene-object with model-data throws AssimpError - could not open file """ #read pure data #from ctypes import c_char_p, c_uint #model = _assimp_lib.load(c_char_p(filename), c_uint(processing)) model = _assimp_lib.load(filename.encode("ascii"), processing) if not model: #Uhhh, something went wrong! raise AssimpError("could not import file: %s" % filename) scene = model.contents._init() recur_pythonize(scene.rootnode, scene) return scene def release(scene): from ctypes import pointer _assimp_lib.release(pointer(scene)) def _finalize_texture(tex, target): setattr(target, "achformathint", tex.achFormatHint) data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(tex, "pcData")[i]) for i in range(tex.mWidth * tex.mHeight)]) setattr(target, "data", data) def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target): """ Building of meshes is a bit specific. We override here the various datasets that can not be process as regular fields. For instance, the length of the normals array is mNumVertices (no mNumNormals is available) """ nb_vertices = getattr(mesh, "mNumVertices") def fill(name): mAttr = getattr(mesh, name) if mAttr: data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)], dtype=numpy.float32) setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data) else: setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array([], dtype="float32")) def fillarray(name): mAttr = getattr(mesh, name) data = [] for index, mSubAttr in enumerate(mAttr): if mSubAttr: data.append([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[index][i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)]) setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32)) fill("mNormals") fill("mTangents") fill("mBitangents") fillarray("mColors") fillarray("mTextureCoords") # prepare faces faces = numpy.array([f.indices for f in target.faces], dtype=numpy.int32) setattr(target, 'faces', faces) class PropertyGetter(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): semantic = 0 if isinstance(key, tuple): key, semantic = key return dict.__getitem__(self, (key, semantic)) def keys(self): for k in dict.keys(self): yield k[0] def __iter__(self): return self.keys() def items(self): for k, v in dict.items(self): yield k[0], v def _get_properties(properties, length): """ Convenience Function to get the material properties as a dict and values in a python format. """ result = {} #read all properties for p in [properties[i] for i in range(length)]: #the name p = p.contents key = (str(p.mKey.data.decode("utf-8")).split('.')[1], p.mSemantic) #the data from ctypes import POINTER, cast, c_int, c_float, sizeof if p.mType == 1: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_float * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_float)) )).contents value = [x for x in arr] elif p.mType == 3: #string can't be an array value = cast(p.mData, POINTER(structs.MaterialPropertyString)).contents.data.decode("utf-8") elif p.mType == 4: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_int * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_int)) )).contents value = [x for x in arr] else: value = p.mData[:p.mDataLength] if len(value) == 1: [value] = value result[key] = value return PropertyGetter(result) def decompose_matrix(matrix): if not isinstance(matrix, structs.Matrix4x4): raise AssimpError("pyassimp.decompose_matrix failed: Not a Matrix4x4!") scaling = structs.Vector3D() rotation = structs.Quaternion() position = structs.Vector3D() from ctypes import byref, pointer _assimp_lib.dll.aiDecomposeMatrix(pointer(matrix), byref(scaling), byref(rotation), byref(position)) return scaling._init(), rotation._init(), position._init()