/// \file AMFImporter.cpp /// \brief AMF-format files importer for Assimp: main algorithm implementation. /// \date 2016 /// \author smal.root@gmail.com #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_AMF_IMPORTER // Header files, Assimp. #include "AMFImporter.hpp" #include "AMFImporter_Macro.hpp" #include "fast_atof.h" #include "DefaultIOSystem.h" // Header files, Boost. #include // Header files, stdlib. #include namespace Assimp { /// \var aiImporterDesc AMFImporter::Description /// Conastant which hold importer description const aiImporterDesc AMFImporter::Description = { "Additive manufacturing file format(AMF) Importer", "smalcom", "", "See documentation in source code. Chapter: Limitations.", aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour | aiImporterFlags_LimitedSupport | aiImporterFlags_Experimental, 0, 0, 0, 0, "amf" }; void AMFImporter::Clear() { mNodeElement_Cur = nullptr; mUnit.clear(); mMaterial_Converted.clear(); mTexture_Converted.clear(); // Delete all elements if(mNodeElement_List.size()) { for(CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne: mNodeElement_List) { delete ne; } mNodeElement_List.clear(); } } AMFImporter::~AMFImporter() { if(mReader != nullptr) delete mReader; // Clear() is accounting if data already is deleted. So, just check again if all data is deleted. Clear(); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: find set ************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ bool AMFImporter::Find_NodeElement(const std::string& pID, const CAMFImporter_NodeElement::EType pType, CAMFImporter_NodeElement** pNodeElement) const { for(CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne: mNodeElement_List) { if((ne->ID == pID) && (ne->Type == pType)) { if(pNodeElement != nullptr) *pNodeElement = ne; return true; } }// for(CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne: mNodeElement_List) return false; } bool AMFImporter::Find_ConvertedNode(const std::string& pID, std::list& pNodeList, aiNode** pNode) const { aiString node_name(pID.c_str()); for(aiNode* node: pNodeList) { if(node->mName == node_name) { if(pNode != nullptr) *pNode = node; return true; } }// for(aiNode* node: pNodeList) return false; } bool AMFImporter::Find_ConvertedMaterial(const std::string& pID, const SPP_Material** pConvertedMaterial) const { for(const SPP_Material& mat: mMaterial_Converted) { if(mat.ID == pID) { if(pConvertedMaterial != nullptr) *pConvertedMaterial = &mat; return true; } }// for(const SPP_Material& mat: mMaterial_Converted) return false; } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: throw set ***********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void AMFImporter::Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string& pNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("Close tag for node <" + pNode + "> not found. Seems file is corrupt."); } void AMFImporter::Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string& pAttrName) { throw DeadlyImportError("Node <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + "> has incorrect attribute \"" + pAttrName + "\"."); } void AMFImporter::Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string& pAttrName) { throw DeadlyImportError("Attribute \"" + pAttrName + "\" in node <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + "> has incorrect value."); } void AMFImporter::Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string& pNodeType, const std::string& pDescription) { throw DeadlyImportError("\"" + pNodeType + "\" node can be used only once in " + mReader->getNodeName() + ". Description: " + pDescription); } void AMFImporter::Throw_ID_NotFound(const std::string& pID) const { throw DeadlyImportError("Not found node with name \"" + pID + "\"."); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************* Functions: XML set ************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void AMFImporter::XML_CheckNode_MustHaveChildren() { if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) throw DeadlyImportError(std::string("Node <") + mReader->getNodeName() + "> must have children."); } void AMFImporter::XML_CheckNode_SkipUnsupported(const std::string& pParentNodeName) { const size_t Uns_Skip_Len = 3; const char* Uns_Skip[Uns_Skip_Len] = { "composite", "edge", "normal" }; static bool skipped_before[Uns_Skip_Len] = { false, false, false }; std::string nn(mReader->getNodeName()); bool found = false; bool close_found = false; size_t sk_idx; for(sk_idx = 0; sk_idx < Uns_Skip_Len; sk_idx++) { if(nn != Uns_Skip[sk_idx]) continue; found = true; if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) { close_found = true; goto casu_cres; } while(mReader->read()) { if((mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) && (nn == mReader->getNodeName())) { close_found = true; goto casu_cres; } } }// for(sk_idx = 0; sk_idx < Uns_Skip_Len; sk_idx++) casu_cres: if(!found) throw DeadlyImportError("Unknown node \"" + nn + "\" in " + pParentNodeName + "."); if(!close_found) Throw_CloseNotFound(nn); if(!skipped_before[sk_idx]) { skipped_before[sk_idx] = true; LogWarning("Skipping node \"" + nn + "\" in " + pParentNodeName + "."); } } bool AMFImporter::XML_SearchNode(const std::string& pNodeName) { while(mReader->read()) { if((mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) && XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(pNodeName)) return true; } return false; } bool AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsBool(const int pAttrIdx) { std::string val(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); if((val == "false") || (val == "0")) return false; else if((val == "true") || (val == "1")) return true; else throw DeadlyImportError("Bool attribute value can contain \"false\"/\"0\" or \"true\"/\"1\" not the \"" + val + "\""); } float AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsFloat(const int pAttrIdx) { std::string val; float tvalf; ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx), val); fast_atoreal_move(val.c_str(), tvalf, false); return tvalf; } uint32_t AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsU32(const int pAttrIdx) { return strtoul10(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); } float AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsFloat() { std::string val; float tvalf; if(!mReader->read()) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsFloat. No data, seems file is corrupt."); if(mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_TEXT) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsFloat. Invalid type of XML element, seems file is corrupt."); ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(mReader->getNodeData(), val); fast_atoreal_move(val.c_str(), tvalf, false); return tvalf; } uint32_t AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsU32() { if(!mReader->read()) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsU32. No data, seems file is corrupt."); if(mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_TEXT) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsU32. Invalid type of XML element, seems file is corrupt."); return strtoul10(mReader->getNodeData()); } void AMFImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsString(std::string& pValue) { if(!mReader->read()) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsString. No data, seems file is corrupt."); if(mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_TEXT) throw DeadlyImportError("XML_ReadNode_GetVal_AsString. Invalid type of XML element, seems file is corrupt."); pValue = mReader->getNodeData(); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: parse set ***********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void AMFImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Enter(CAMFImporter_NodeElement* pNode) { mNodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(pNode);// add new element to current element child list. mNodeElement_Cur = pNode;// switch current element to new one. } void AMFImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Exit() { // check if we can walk up. if(mNodeElement_Cur != nullptr) mNodeElement_Cur = mNodeElement_Cur->Parent; } void AMFImporter::ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(const char* pInStr, std::string& pOutString) { size_t instr_len; pOutString.clear(); instr_len = strlen(pInStr); if(!instr_len) return; pOutString.reserve(instr_len * 3 / 2); // check and correct floats in format ".x". Must be "x.y". if(pInStr[0] == '.') pOutString.push_back('0'); pOutString.push_back(pInStr[0]); for(size_t ci = 1; ci < instr_len; ci++) { if((pInStr[ci] == '.') && ((pInStr[ci - 1] == ' ') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '-') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '+') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '\t'))) { pOutString.push_back('0'); pOutString.push_back('.'); } else { pOutString.push_back(pInStr[ci]); } } } static bool ParseHelper_Decode_Base64_IsBase64(const char pChar) { return (isalnum(pChar) || (pChar == '+') || (pChar == '/')); } void AMFImporter::ParseHelper_Decode_Base64(const std::string& pInputBase64, std::vector& pOutputData) const { // With help from // RenИ Nyffenegger http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/cpp/common/base64.html const std::string base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; uint8_t tidx = 0; uint8_t arr4[4], arr3[3]; // check input data if(pInputBase64.size() % 4) throw DeadlyImportError("Base64-encoded data must have size multiply of four."); // prepare output place pOutputData.clear(); pOutputData.reserve(pInputBase64.size() / 4 * 3); for(size_t in_len = pInputBase64.size(), in_idx = 0; (in_len > 0) && (pInputBase64[in_idx] != '='); in_len--) { if(ParseHelper_Decode_Base64_IsBase64(pInputBase64[in_idx])) { arr4[tidx++] = pInputBase64[in_idx++]; if(tidx == 4) { for(tidx = 0; tidx < 4; tidx++) arr4[tidx] = (uint8_t)base64_chars.find(arr4[tidx]); arr3[0] = (arr4[0] << 2) + ((arr4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); arr3[1] = ((arr4[1] & 0x0F) << 4) + ((arr4[2] & 0x3C) >> 2); arr3[2] = ((arr4[2] & 0x03) << 6) + arr4[3]; for(tidx = 0; tidx < 3; tidx++) pOutputData.push_back(arr3[tidx]); tidx = 0; }// if(tidx == 4) }// if(ParseHelper_Decode_Base64_IsBase64(pInputBase64[in_idx])) else { in_idx++; }// if(ParseHelper_Decode_Base64_IsBase64(pInputBase64[in_idx])) else } if(tidx) { for(uint8_t i = tidx; i < 4; i++) arr4[i] = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) arr4[i] = (uint8_t)(base64_chars.find(arr4[i])); arr3[0] = (arr4[0] << 2) + ((arr4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); arr3[1] = ((arr4[1] & 0x0F) << 4) + ((arr4[2] & 0x3C) >> 2); arr3[2] = ((arr4[2] & 0x03) << 6) + arr4[3]; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < (tidx - 1); i++) pOutputData.push_back(arr3[i]); } } void AMFImporter::ParseFile(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { irr::io::IrrXMLReader* OldReader = mReader;// store current XMLreader. boost::scoped_ptr file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile, "rb")); // Check whether we can read from the file if(file.get() == NULL) throw DeadlyImportError("Failed to open AMF file " + pFile + "."); // generate a XML reader for it boost::scoped_ptr mIOWrapper(new CIrrXML_IOStreamReader(file.get())); mReader = irr::io::createIrrXMLReader(mIOWrapper.get()); if(!mReader) throw DeadlyImportError("Failed to create XML reader for file" + pFile + "."); // // start reading // search for root tag if(XML_SearchNode("amf")) ParseNode_Root(); else throw DeadlyImportError("Root node \"amf\" not found."); delete mReader; // restore old XMLreader mReader = OldReader; } // // // Root XML element. // Multi elements - No. void AMFImporter::ParseNode_Root() { std::string unit, version; CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne; // Read attributes for node . MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPBEG; MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("unit", unit, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("version", version, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPEND_WSKIP; // Check attributes if(!mUnit.empty()) { if((mUnit != "inch") && (mUnit != "millimeter") && (mUnit != "meter") && (mUnit != "feet") && (mUnit != "micron")) Throw_IncorrectAttrValue("unit"); } // create root node element. ne = new CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Root(nullptr); mNodeElement_Cur = ne;// set first "current" element // and assign attribute's values ((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Root*)ne)->Unit = unit; ((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Root*)ne)->Version = version; // Check for child nodes if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) { MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPBEGIN("amf"); if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("object")) { ParseNode_Object(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("material")) { ParseNode_Material(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("texture")) { ParseNode_Texture(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("constellation")) { ParseNode_Constellation(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("metadata")) { ParseNode_Metadata(); continue; } MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPEND("amf"); mNodeElement_Cur = ne;// force restore "current" element }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) mNodeElement_List.push_back(ne);// add to node element list because its a new object in graph. } // // // A collection of objects or constellations with specific relative locations. // Multi elements - Yes. // Parent element - . void AMFImporter::ParseNode_Constellation() { std::string id; CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne; // Read attributes for node . MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPBEG; MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("id", id, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPEND; // create and if needed - define new grouping object. ne = new CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Constellation(mNodeElement_Cur); CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Constellation& als = *((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Constellation*)ne);// alias for convenience if(!id.empty()) als.ID = id; // Check for child nodes if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) { ParseHelper_Node_Enter(ne); MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPBEGIN("constellation"); if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("instance")) { ParseNode_Instance(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("metadata")) { ParseNode_Metadata(); continue; } MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPEND("constellation"); ParseHelper_Node_Exit(); }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else { mNodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(ne);// Add element to child list of current element }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else mNodeElement_List.push_back(ne);// and to node element list because its a new object in graph. } // // // A collection of objects or constellations with specific relative locations. // Multi elements - Yes. // Parent element - . void AMFImporter::ParseNode_Instance() { std::string objectid; CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne; // Read attributes for node . MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPBEG; MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("objectid", objectid, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPEND; // used object id must be defined, check that. if(objectid.empty()) throw DeadlyImportError("\"objectid\" in must be defined."); // create and define new grouping object. ne = new CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Instance(mNodeElement_Cur); CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Instance& als = *((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Instance*)ne);// alias for convenience als.ObjectID = objectid; // Check for child nodes if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) { bool read_flag[6] = { false, false, false, false, false, false }; als.Delta.Set(0, 0, 0); als.Rotation.Set(0, 0, 0); ParseHelper_Node_Enter(ne); MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPBEGIN("instance"); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("deltax", read_flag[0], als.Delta.x); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("deltay", read_flag[1], als.Delta.y); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("deltaz", read_flag[2], als.Delta.z); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("rx", read_flag[3], als.Rotation.x); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("ry", read_flag[4], als.Rotation.y); MACRO_NODECHECK_READCOMP_F("rz", read_flag[5], als.Rotation.z); MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPEND("instance"); ParseHelper_Node_Exit(); // also convert degrees to radians. als.Rotation.x = AI_MATH_PI_F * als.Rotation.x / 180.0f; als.Rotation.y = AI_MATH_PI_F * als.Rotation.y / 180.0f; als.Rotation.z = AI_MATH_PI_F * als.Rotation.z / 180.0f; }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else { mNodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(ne);// Add element to child list of current element }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else mNodeElement_List.push_back(ne);// and to node element list because its a new object in graph. } // // // An object definition. // Multi elements - Yes. // Parent element - . void AMFImporter::ParseNode_Object() { std::string id; CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne; // Read attributes for node . MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPBEG; MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("id", id, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPEND; // create and if needed - define new geometry object. ne = new CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Object(mNodeElement_Cur); CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Object& als = *((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Object*)ne);// alias for convenience if(!id.empty()) als.ID = id; // Check for child nodes if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) { bool col_read = false; ParseHelper_Node_Enter(ne); MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPBEGIN("object"); if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("color")) { // Check if color already defined for object. if(col_read) Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined("color", "Only one color can be defined for ."); // read data and set flag about it ParseNode_Color(); col_read = true; continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("mesh")) { ParseNode_Mesh(); continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("metadata")) { ParseNode_Metadata(); continue; } MACRO_NODECHECK_LOOPEND("object"); ParseHelper_Node_Exit(); }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else { mNodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(ne);// Add element to child list of current element }// if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) else mNodeElement_List.push_back(ne);// and to node element list because its a new object in graph. } // // // Specify additional information about an entity. // Multi elements - Yes. // Parent element - , , , , . // // Reserved types are: // "Name" - The alphanumeric label of the entity, to be used by the interpreter if interacting with the user. // "Description" - A description of the content of the entity // "URL" - A link to an external resource relating to the entity // "Author" - Specifies the name(s) of the author(s) of the entity // "Company" - Specifying the company generating the entity // "CAD" - specifies the name of the originating CAD software and version // "Revision" - specifies the revision of the entity // "Tolerance" - specifies the desired manufacturing tolerance of the entity in entity's unit system // "Volume" - specifies the total volume of the entity, in the entity's unit system, to be used for verification (object and volume only) void AMFImporter::ParseNode_Metadata() { std::string type, value; CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne; // read attribute MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPBEG; MACRO_ATTRREAD_CHECK_RET("type", type, mReader->getAttributeValue); MACRO_ATTRREAD_LOOPEND; // and value of node. value = mReader->getNodeData(); // Create node element and assign read data. ne = new CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Metadata(mNodeElement_Cur); ((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Metadata*)ne)->Type = type; ((CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Metadata*)ne)->Value = value; mNodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(ne);// Add element to child list of current element mNodeElement_List.push_back(ne);// and to node element list because its a new object in graph. } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************** Functions: BaseImporter set ********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ bool AMFImporter::CanRead(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool pCheckSig) const { const std::string extension = GetExtension(pFile); if(extension == "amf") return true; if(!extension.length() || pCheckSig) { const char* tokens[] = { "& pExtensionList) { pExtensionList.insert("amf"); } const aiImporterDesc* AMFImporter::GetInfo () const { return &Description; } void AMFImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { Clear();// delete old graph. ParseFile(pFile, pIOHandler); Postprocess_BuildScene(pScene); // scene graph is ready, exit. } }// namespace Assimp #endif // !ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_AMF_IMPORTER