Open Asset Import Library (assimp) INSTALL 

Getting the documentation

A regularly-updated copy is available at 

A CHM file is included in the SVN repos: ./doc/AssimpDoc_Html/AssimpDoc.chm.
To build the doxygen documentation on your own, follow these steps:

a) download & install latest doxygen 
b) make sure doxygen is in the executable search path
c) navigate to ./doc
d) and run 'doxygen'

Open the generated HTML (AssimpDoc_Html/index.html) in the browser of your choice.
Windows only: To generate the CHM doc, install 'Microsoft HTML Workshop'
and configure the path to it in the DOXYFILE first. 

Building Assimp 

More detailed build instructions can be found in the documentation,
this section is just for the inpatient among you.

CMake is the preferred build system for Assimp. The minimum required version 
is 2.6. If you don't have it yet, downloads for CMake can be found on

For Unix:

1. cmake CMakeLists.txt -G 'Unix Makefiles'
2. make

For Windows:
1. Open a command prompt
2. cmake CMakeLists.txt
2. Open your default IDE and build it

For iOS:
Just check the following project, which deploys a compiler toolchain for different iOS-versions: https://github.com/assimp/assimp/tree/master/port/iOS