/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2015, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_COLLADA_EXPORTER #include "ColladaExporter.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "fast_atof.h" #include "SceneCombiner.h" #include "DefaultIOSystem.h" #include "XMLTools.h" #include "../include/assimp/IOSystem.hpp" #include "../include/assimp/Exporter.hpp" #include "../include/assimp/scene.h" #include "Exceptional.h" #include #include #include using namespace Assimp; namespace Assimp { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Worker function for exporting a scene to Collada. Prototyped and registered in Exporter.cpp void ExportSceneCollada(const char* pFile, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const aiScene* pScene, const ExportProperties* pProperties) { std::string path = DefaultIOSystem::absolutePath(std::string(pFile)); std::string file = DefaultIOSystem::completeBaseName(std::string(pFile)); // invoke the exporter ColladaExporter iDoTheExportThing( pScene, pIOSystem, path, file); // we're still here - export successfully completed. Write result to the given IOSYstem boost::scoped_ptr outfile (pIOSystem->Open(pFile,"wt")); if(outfile == NULL) { throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output .dae file: " + std::string(pFile)); } // XXX maybe use a small wrapper around IOStream that behaves like std::stringstream in order to avoid the extra copy. outfile->Write( iDoTheExportThing.mOutput.str().c_str(), static_cast(iDoTheExportThing.mOutput.tellp()),1); } } // end of namespace Assimp // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor for a specific scene to export ColladaExporter::ColladaExporter( const aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOSystem, const std::string& path, const std::string& file) : mIOSystem(pIOSystem), mPath(path), mFile(file) { // make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale mOutput.imbue( std::locale("C") ); mScene = pScene; mSceneOwned = false; // set up strings endstr = "\n"; // start writing WriteFile(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Destructor ColladaExporter::~ColladaExporter() { if(mSceneOwned) { delete mScene; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Starts writing the contents void ColladaExporter::WriteFile() { // write the DTD mOutput << "" << endstr; // COLLADA element start mOutput << "" << endstr; PushTag(); WriteTextures(); WriteHeader(); WriteCamerasLibrary(); WriteLightsLibrary(); WriteMaterials(); WriteGeometryLibrary(); WriteSceneLibrary(); // useless Collada fu at the end, just in case we haven't had enough indirections, yet. mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "mRootNode->mName.C_Str()) + "\" />" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the asset header void ColladaExporter::WriteHeader() { static const float epsilon = 0.00001f; static const aiQuaternion x_rot(aiMatrix3x3( 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)); static const aiQuaternion y_rot(aiMatrix3x3( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)); static const aiQuaternion z_rot(aiMatrix3x3( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)); static const unsigned int date_nb_chars = 20; char date_str[date_nb_chars]; std::time_t date = std::time(NULL); std::strftime(date_str, date_nb_chars, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", std::localtime(&date)); aiVector3D scaling; aiQuaternion rotation; aiVector3D position; mScene->mRootNode->mTransformation.Decompose(scaling, rotation, position); rotation.Normalize(); bool add_root_node = false; float scale = 1.0; if(std::abs(scaling.x - scaling.y) <= epsilon && std::abs(scaling.x - scaling.z) <= epsilon && std::abs(scaling.y - scaling.z) <= epsilon) { scale = (float) ((((double) scaling.x) + ((double) scaling.y) + ((double) scaling.z)) / 3.0); } else { add_root_node = true; } std::string up_axis = "Y_UP"; if(rotation.Equal(x_rot, epsilon)) { up_axis = "X_UP"; } else if(rotation.Equal(y_rot, epsilon)) { up_axis = "Y_UP"; } else if(rotation.Equal(z_rot, epsilon)) { up_axis = "Z_UP"; } else { add_root_node = true; } if(! position.Equal(aiVector3D(0, 0, 0))) { add_root_node = true; } if(mScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren == 0) { add_root_node = true; } if(add_root_node) { aiScene* scene; SceneCombiner::CopyScene(&scene, mScene); aiNode* root = new aiNode("Scene"); root->mNumChildren = 1; root->mChildren = new aiNode*[root->mNumChildren]; root->mChildren[0] = scene->mRootNode; scene->mRootNode->mParent = root; scene->mRootNode = root; mScene = scene; mSceneOwned = true; up_axis = "Y_UP"; scale = 1.0; } mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); aiMetadata* meta = mScene->mRootNode->mMetaData; aiString value; if (!meta || !meta->Get("Author", value)) mOutput << startstr << "" << "Assimp" << "" << endstr; else mOutput << startstr << "" << XMLEscape(value.C_Str()) << "" << endstr; if (!meta || !meta->Get("AuthoringTool", value)) mOutput << startstr << "" << "Assimp Exporter" << "" << endstr; else mOutput << startstr << "" << XMLEscape(value.C_Str()) << "" << endstr; //mOutput << startstr << "" << mScene->author.C_Str() << "" << endstr; //mOutput << startstr << "" << mScene->authoringTool.C_Str() << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << date_str << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << date_str << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << up_axis << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Write the embedded textures void ColladaExporter::WriteTextures() { static const unsigned int buffer_size = 1024; char str[buffer_size]; if(mScene->HasTextures()) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mScene->mNumTextures; i++) { // It would be great to be able to create a directory in portable standard C++, but it's not the case, // so we just write the textures in the current directory. aiTexture* texture = mScene->mTextures[i]; ASSIMP_itoa10(str, buffer_size, i + 1); std::string name = mFile + "_texture_" + (i < 1000 ? "0" : "") + (i < 100 ? "0" : "") + (i < 10 ? "0" : "") + str + "." + ((const char*) texture->achFormatHint); boost::scoped_ptr outfile(mIOSystem->Open(mPath + name, "wb")); if(outfile == NULL) { throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output texture file: " + mPath + name); } if(texture->mHeight == 0) { outfile->Write((void*) texture->pcData, texture->mWidth, 1); } else { Bitmap::Save(texture, outfile.get()); } outfile->Flush(); textures.insert(std::make_pair(i, name)); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Write the embedded textures void ColladaExporter::WriteCamerasLibrary() { if(mScene->HasCameras()) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( size_t a = 0; a < mScene->mNumCameras; ++a) WriteCamera( a); PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } void ColladaExporter::WriteCamera(size_t pIndex){ const aiCamera *cam = mScene->mCameras[pIndex]; const std::string idstrEscaped = XMLEscape(cam->mName.C_Str()); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); //assimp doesn't support the import of orthographic cameras! se we write //always perspective mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << ""<< AI_RAD_TO_DEG(cam->mHorizontalFOV) <<"" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << cam->mAspect << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << cam->mClipPlaneNear << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << cam->mClipPlaneFar << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Write the embedded textures void ColladaExporter::WriteLightsLibrary() { if(mScene->HasLights()) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( size_t a = 0; a < mScene->mNumLights; ++a) WriteLight( a); PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } void ColladaExporter::WriteLight(size_t pIndex){ const aiLight *light = mScene->mLights[pIndex]; const std::string idstrEscaped = XMLEscape(light->mName.C_Str()); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); switch(light->mType){ case aiLightSource_AMBIENT: WriteAmbienttLight(light); break; case aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL: WriteDirectionalLight(light); break; case aiLightSource_POINT: WritePointLight(light); break; case aiLightSource_SPOT: WriteSpotLight(light); break; case aiLightSource_UNDEFINED: case _aiLightSource_Force32Bit: break; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } void ColladaExporter::WritePointLight(const aiLight *const light){ const aiColor3D &color= light->mColorDiffuse; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << color.r<<" "<" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationConstant <<"" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationLinear <<"" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationQuadratic <<"" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } void ColladaExporter::WriteDirectionalLight(const aiLight *const light){ const aiColor3D &color= light->mColorDiffuse; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << color.r<<" "<" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } void ColladaExporter::WriteSpotLight(const aiLight *const light){ const aiColor3D &color= light->mColorDiffuse; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << color.r<<" "<" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationConstant <<"" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationLinear <<"" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << light->mAttenuationQuadratic <<"" << endstr; /* out->mAngleOuterCone = AI_DEG_TO_RAD (std::acos(std::pow(0.1f,1.f/srcLight->mFalloffExponent))+ srcLight->mFalloffAngle); */ const float fallOffAngle = AI_RAD_TO_DEG(light->mAngleInnerCone); mOutput << startstr <<"" << fallOffAngle <<"" << endstr; double temp = light->mAngleOuterCone-light->mAngleInnerCone; temp = std::cos(temp); temp = std::log(temp)/std::log(0.1); temp = 1/temp; mOutput << startstr << "" << temp <<"" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } void ColladaExporter::WriteAmbienttLight(const aiLight *const light){ const aiColor3D &color= light->mColorAmbient; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << color.r<<" "<" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads a single surface entry from the given material keys void ColladaExporter::ReadMaterialSurface( Surface& poSurface, const aiMaterial* pSrcMat, aiTextureType pTexture, const char* pKey, size_t pType, size_t pIndex) { if( pSrcMat->GetTextureCount( pTexture) > 0 ) { aiString texfile; unsigned int uvChannel = 0; pSrcMat->GetTexture( pTexture, 0, &texfile, NULL, &uvChannel); std::string index_str(texfile.C_Str()); if(index_str.size() != 0 && index_str[0] == '*') { unsigned int index; index_str = index_str.substr(1, std::string::npos); try { index = (unsigned int) strtoul10_64(index_str.c_str()); } catch(std::exception& error) { throw DeadlyExportError(error.what()); } std::map::const_iterator name = textures.find(index); if(name != textures.end()) { poSurface.texture = name->second; } else { throw DeadlyExportError("could not find embedded texture at index " + index_str); } } else { poSurface.texture = texfile.C_Str(); } poSurface.channel = uvChannel; poSurface.exist = true; } else { if( pKey ) poSurface.exist = pSrcMat->Get( pKey, pType, pIndex, poSurface.color) == aiReturn_SUCCESS; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes an image entry for the given surface void ColladaExporter::WriteImageEntry( const Surface& pSurface, const std::string& pNameAdd) { if( !pSurface.texture.empty() ) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << ""; // URL encode image file name first, then XML encode on top std::stringstream imageUrlEncoded; for( std::string::const_iterator it = pSurface.texture.begin(); it != pSurface.texture.end(); ++it ) { if( isalnum( *it) || *it == '_' || *it == '.' || *it == '/' || *it == '\\' ) imageUrlEncoded << *it; else imageUrlEncoded << '%' << std::hex << size_t( (unsigned char) *it) << std::dec; } mOutput << XMLEscape(imageUrlEncoded.str()); mOutput << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes a color-or-texture entry into an effect definition void ColladaExporter::WriteTextureColorEntry( const Surface& pSurface, const std::string& pTypeName, const std::string& pImageName) { if(pSurface.exist) { mOutput << startstr << "<" << pTypeName << ">" << endstr; PushTag(); if( pSurface.texture.empty() ) { mOutput << startstr << "" << pSurface.color.r << " " << pSurface.color.g << " " << pSurface.color.b << " " << pSurface.color.a << "" << endstr; } else { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the two parameters necessary for referencing a texture in an effect entry void ColladaExporter::WriteTextureParamEntry( const Surface& pSurface, const std::string& pTypeName, const std::string& pMatName) { // if surface is a texture, write out the sampler and the surface parameters necessary to reference the texture if( !pSurface.texture.empty() ) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << XMLEscape(pMatName) << "-" << pTypeName << "-image" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << XMLEscape(pMatName) << "-" << pTypeName << "-surface" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes a scalar property void ColladaExporter::WriteFloatEntry( const Property& pProperty, const std::string& pTypeName) { if(pProperty.exist) { mOutput << startstr << "<" << pTypeName << ">" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << pProperty.value << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the material setup void ColladaExporter::WriteMaterials() { materials.resize( mScene->mNumMaterials); /// collect all materials from the scene size_t numTextures = 0; for( size_t a = 0; a < mScene->mNumMaterials; ++a ) { const aiMaterial* mat = mScene->mMaterials[a]; aiString name; if( mat->Get( AI_MATKEY_NAME, name) != aiReturn_SUCCESS ) name = "mat"; materials[a].name = std::string( "m") + boost::lexical_cast (a) + name.C_Str(); for( std::string::iterator it = materials[a].name.begin(); it != materials[a].name.end(); ++it ) { // isalnum on MSVC asserts for code points outside [0,255]. Thus prevent unwanted promotion // of char to signed int and take the unsigned char value. if( !isalnum( static_cast(*it) ) ) { *it = '_'; } } aiShadingMode shading = aiShadingMode_Flat; materials[a].shading_model = "phong"; if(mat->Get( AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL, shading) == aiReturn_SUCCESS) { if(shading == aiShadingMode_Phong) { materials[a].shading_model = "phong"; } else if(shading == aiShadingMode_Blinn) { materials[a].shading_model = "blinn"; } else if(shading == aiShadingMode_NoShading) { materials[a].shading_model = "constant"; } else if(shading == aiShadingMode_Gouraud) { materials[a].shading_model = "lambert"; } } ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].ambient, mat, aiTextureType_AMBIENT, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT); if( !materials[a].ambient.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].diffuse, mat, aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE); if( !materials[a].diffuse.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].specular, mat, aiTextureType_SPECULAR, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR); if( !materials[a].specular.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].emissive, mat, aiTextureType_EMISSIVE, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE); if( !materials[a].emissive.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].reflective, mat, aiTextureType_REFLECTION, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_REFLECTIVE); if( !materials[a].reflective.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].transparent, mat, aiTextureType_OPACITY, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); if( !materials[a].transparent.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; ReadMaterialSurface( materials[a].normal, mat, aiTextureType_NORMALS, NULL, 0, 0); if( !materials[a].normal.texture.empty() ) numTextures++; materials[a].shininess.exist = mat->Get( AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, materials[a].shininess.value) == aiReturn_SUCCESS; materials[a].transparency.exist = mat->Get( AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, materials[a].transparency.value) == aiReturn_SUCCESS; materials[a].transparency.value = 1 - materials[a].transparency.value; materials[a].index_refraction.exist = mat->Get( AI_MATKEY_REFRACTI, materials[a].index_refraction.value) == aiReturn_SUCCESS; } // output textures if present if( numTextures > 0 ) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( std::vector::const_iterator it = materials.begin(); it != materials.end(); ++it ) { const Material& mat = *it; WriteImageEntry( mat.ambient, mat.name + "-ambient-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.diffuse, mat.name + "-diffuse-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.specular, mat.name + "-specular-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.emissive, mat.name + "-emission-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.reflective, mat.name + "-reflective-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.transparent, mat.name + "-transparent-image"); WriteImageEntry( mat.normal, mat.name + "-normal-image"); } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // output effects - those are the actual carriers of information if( !materials.empty() ) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( std::vector::const_iterator it = materials.begin(); it != materials.end(); ++it ) { const Material& mat = *it; // this is so ridiculous it must be right mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); // write sampler- and surface params for the texture entries WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.emissive, "emission", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.ambient, "ambient", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.diffuse, "diffuse", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.specular, "specular", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.reflective, "reflective", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.transparent, "transparent", mat.name); WriteTextureParamEntry( mat.normal, "normal", mat.name); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "<" << mat.shading_model << ">" << endstr; PushTag(); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.emissive, "emission", mat.name + "-emission-sampler"); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.ambient, "ambient", mat.name + "-ambient-sampler"); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.diffuse, "diffuse", mat.name + "-diffuse-sampler"); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.specular, "specular", mat.name + "-specular-sampler"); WriteFloatEntry(mat.shininess, "shininess"); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.reflective, "reflective", mat.name + "-reflective-sampler"); WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.transparent, "transparent", mat.name + "-transparent-sampler"); WriteFloatEntry(mat.transparency, "transparency"); WriteFloatEntry(mat.index_refraction, "index_of_refraction"); if(! mat.normal.texture.empty()) { WriteTextureColorEntry( mat.normal, "bump", mat.name + "-normal-sampler"); } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; // write materials - they're just effect references mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( std::vector::const_iterator it = materials.begin(); it != materials.end(); ++it ) { const Material& mat = *it; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the geometry library void ColladaExporter::WriteGeometryLibrary() { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); for( size_t a = 0; a < mScene->mNumMeshes; ++a) WriteGeometry( a); PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the given mesh void ColladaExporter::WriteGeometry( size_t pIndex) { const aiMesh* mesh = mScene->mMeshes[pIndex]; const std::string idstr = GetMeshId( pIndex); const std::string idstrEscaped = XMLEscape(idstr); if( mesh->mNumFaces == 0 || mesh->mNumVertices == 0 ) return; // opening tag mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); // Positions WriteFloatArray( idstr + "-positions", FloatType_Vector, (float*) mesh->mVertices, mesh->mNumVertices); // Normals, if any if( mesh->HasNormals() ) WriteFloatArray( idstr + "-normals", FloatType_Vector, (float*) mesh->mNormals, mesh->mNumVertices); // texture coords for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++a) { if( mesh->HasTextureCoords( a) ) { WriteFloatArray( idstr + "-tex" + boost::lexical_cast (a), mesh->mNumUVComponents[a] == 3 ? FloatType_TexCoord3 : FloatType_TexCoord2, (float*) mesh->mTextureCoords[a], mesh->mNumVertices); } } // vertex colors for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++a) { if( mesh->HasVertexColors( a) ) WriteFloatArray( idstr + "-color" + boost::lexical_cast (a), FloatType_Color, (float*) mesh->mColors[a], mesh->mNumVertices); } // assemble vertex structure mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; if( mesh->HasNormals() ) mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS; ++a ) { if( mesh->HasTextureCoords( a) ) mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } for( size_t a = 0; a < AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS; ++a ) { if( mesh->HasVertexColors( a) ) mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; // count the number of lines, triangles and polygon meshes int countLines = 0; int countPoly = 0; for( size_t a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a ) { if (mesh->mFaces[a].mNumIndices == 2) countLines++; else if (mesh->mFaces[a].mNumIndices >= 3) countPoly++; } // lines if (countLines) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "

"; for( size_t a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a ) { const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[a]; if (face.mNumIndices != 2) continue; for( size_t b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; ++b ) mOutput << face.mIndices[b] << " "; } mOutput << "

" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "
" << endstr; } // triangle - dont use it, because compatibility problems // polygons if (countPoly) { mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << ""; for( size_t a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a ) { if (mesh->mFaces[a].mNumIndices < 3) continue; mOutput << mesh->mFaces[a].mNumIndices << " "; } mOutput << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "

"; for( size_t a = 0; a < mesh->mNumFaces; ++a ) { const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[a]; if (face.mNumIndices < 3) continue; for( size_t b = 0; b < face.mNumIndices; ++b ) mOutput << face.mIndices[b] << " "; } mOutput << "

" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "
" << endstr; } // closing tags PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "
" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "
" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes a float array of the given type void ColladaExporter::WriteFloatArray( const std::string& pIdString, FloatDataType pType, const float* pData, size_t pElementCount) { size_t floatsPerElement = 0; switch( pType ) { case FloatType_Vector: floatsPerElement = 3; break; case FloatType_TexCoord2: floatsPerElement = 2; break; case FloatType_TexCoord3: floatsPerElement = 3; break; case FloatType_Color: floatsPerElement = 3; break; default: return; } std::string arrayId = pIdString + "-array"; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); // source array mOutput << startstr << " "; PushTag(); if( pType == FloatType_TexCoord2 ) { for( size_t a = 0; a < pElementCount; ++a ) { mOutput << pData[a*3+0] << " "; mOutput << pData[a*3+1] << " "; } } else if( pType == FloatType_Color ) { for( size_t a = 0; a < pElementCount; ++a ) { mOutput << pData[a*4+0] << " "; mOutput << pData[a*4+1] << " "; mOutput << pData[a*4+2] << " "; } } else { for( size_t a = 0; a < pElementCount * floatsPerElement; ++a ) mOutput << pData[a] << " "; } mOutput << "" << endstr; PopTag(); // the usual Collada fun. Let's bloat it even more! mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); switch( pType ) { case FloatType_Vector: mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; break; case FloatType_TexCoord2: mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; break; case FloatType_TexCoord3: mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; break; case FloatType_Color: mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; break; } PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Writes the scene library void ColladaExporter::WriteSceneLibrary() { const std::string scene_name_escaped = XMLEscape(mScene->mRootNode->mName.C_Str()); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); // start recursive write at the root node for( size_t a = 0; a < mScene->mRootNode->mNumChildren; ++a ) WriteNode( mScene->mRootNode->mChildren[a]); PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Recursively writes the given node void ColladaExporter::WriteNode(aiNode* pNode) { // the must have a name if (pNode->mName.length == 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Node_" << pNode; pNode->mName.Set(ss.str()); } const std::string node_name_escaped = XMLEscape(pNode->mName.data); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); // write transformation - we can directly put the matrix there // TODO: (thom) decompose into scale - rot - quad to allow adressing it by animations afterwards const aiMatrix4x4& mat = pNode->mTransformation; mOutput << startstr << ""; mOutput << mat.a1 << " " << mat.a2 << " " << mat.a3 << " " << mat.a4 << " "; mOutput << mat.b1 << " " << mat.b2 << " " << mat.b3 << " " << mat.b4 << " "; mOutput << mat.c1 << " " << mat.c2 << " " << mat.c3 << " " << mat.c4 << " "; mOutput << mat.d1 << " " << mat.d2 << " " << mat.d3 << " " << mat.d4; mOutput << "" << endstr; if(pNode->mNumMeshes==0){ //check if it is a camera node for(size_t i=0; imNumCameras; i++){ if(mScene->mCameras[i]->mName == pNode->mName){ mOutput << startstr <<"" << endstr; break; } } //check if it is a light node for(size_t i=0; imNumLights; i++){ if(mScene->mLights[i]->mName == pNode->mName){ mOutput << startstr <<"" << endstr; break; } } }else // instance every geometry for( size_t a = 0; a < pNode->mNumMeshes; ++a ) { const aiMesh* mesh = mScene->mMeshes[pNode->mMeshes[a]]; // do not instanciate mesh if empty. I wonder how this could happen if( mesh->mNumFaces == 0 || mesh->mNumVertices == 0 ) continue; mOutput << startstr << "mMeshes[a])) << "\">" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PushTag(); mOutput << startstr << "mMaterialIndex].name) << "\" />" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } // recurse into subnodes for( size_t a = 0; a < pNode->mNumChildren; ++a ) WriteNode( pNode->mChildren[a]); PopTag(); mOutput << startstr << "" << endstr; } #endif #endif