/* Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2010, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** MACHINE-GENERATED by scripts/ICFImporter/CppGenerator.py */ #ifndef INCLUDED_IFC_READER_GEN_H #define INCLUDED_IFC_READER_GEN_H #include "STEPFile.h" namespace Assimp { namespace IFC { using namespace STEP; using namespace STEP::EXPRESS; struct NotImplemented : public ObjectHelper { }; // ****************************************************************************** // IFC Custom data types // ****************************************************************************** // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundPowerMeasure typedef REAL IfcSoundPowerMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure typedef REAL IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCharacterStyleSelect typedef SELECT IfcCharacterStyleSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSequenceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSequenceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure typedef REAL IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatingValueMeasure typedef REAL IfcHeatingValueMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRibPlateDirectionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRibPlateDirectionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSensorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSensorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectiveEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcObjectiveEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextStyleSelect typedef SELECT IfcTextStyleSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcColumnTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcColumnTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassDensityMeasure typedef REAL IfcMassDensityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSimpleValue typedef SELECT IfcSimpleValue; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricConductanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricConductanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure typedef REAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcActionSourceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcActionSourceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSIUnitName typedef ENUMERATION IfcSIUnitName; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalMassMeasure typedef REAL IfcRotationalMassMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMemberTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcMemberTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextDecoration typedef STRING IfcTextDecoration; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositiveLengthMeasure typedef REAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAngularVelocityMeasure typedef REAL IfcAngularVelocityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDirectionSenseEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDirectionSenseEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcNullStyle typedef ENUMERATION IfcNullStyle; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMonthInYearNumber typedef INTEGER IfcMonthInYearNumber; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRampFlightTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRampFlightTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurvatureMeasure typedef REAL IfcCurvatureMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBooleanOperator typedef ENUMERATION IfcBooleanOperator; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurrencyEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCurrencyEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcObjectTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcIonConcentrationMeasure typedef REAL IfcIonConcentrationMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectReferenceSelect typedef SELECT IfcObjectReferenceSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcClassificationNotationSelect typedef SELECT IfcClassificationNotationSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBSplineCurveForm typedef ENUMERATION IfcBSplineCurveForm; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElementCompositionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElementCompositionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDraughtingCalloutElement typedef SELECT IfcDraughtingCalloutElement; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFillStyleSelect typedef SELECT IfcFillStyleSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure typedef REAL IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcGeometricProjectionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcGeometricProjectionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontVariant typedef STRING IfcFontVariant; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalResistanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermalResistanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcReflectanceMethodEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcReflectanceMethodEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSlabTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSlabTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositiveRatioMeasure typedef REAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcInternalOrExternalEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcInternalOrExternalEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDimensionExtentUsage typedef ENUMERATION IfcDimensionExtentUsage; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMinuteInHour typedef INTEGER IfcMinuteInHour; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWallTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWallTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMolecularWeightMeasure typedef REAL IfcMolecularWeightMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProcedureTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProcedureTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextPath typedef ENUMERATION IfcTextPath; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcShell typedef SELECT IfcShell; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearMomentMeasure typedef REAL IfcLinearMomentMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCurrentMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricCurrentMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDaylightSavingHour typedef INTEGER IfcDaylightSavingHour; // C++ wrapper type for IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure typedef REAL IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFanTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFanTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcContextDependentMeasure typedef REAL IfcContextDependentMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAheadOrBehind typedef ENUMERATION IfcAheadOrBehind; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontStyle typedef STRING IfcFontStyle; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect typedef SELECT IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcYearNumber typedef INTEGER IfcYearNumber; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLabel typedef STRING IfcLabel; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeStamp typedef INTEGER IfcTimeStamp; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcColourOrFactor typedef SELECT IfcColourOrFactor; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcNumericMeasure typedef NUMBER IfcNumericMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDerivedUnitEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDerivedUnitEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveOrEdgeCurve typedef SELECT IfcCurveOrEdgeCurve; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure typedef REAL IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoxAlignment typedef STRING IfcBoxAlignment; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentSelect typedef SELECT IfcDocumentSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPumpTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPumpTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHourInDay typedef INTEGER IfcHourInDay; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPresentationStyleSelect typedef SELECT IfcPresentationStyleSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure typedef REAL IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcIdentifier typedef STRING IfcIdentifier; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRadioActivityMeasure typedef REAL IfcRadioActivityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSymbolStyleSelect typedef SELECT IfcSymbolStyleSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRoofTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRoofTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcReal typedef REAL IfcReal; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRoleEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRoleEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMeasureValue typedef SELECT IfcMeasureValue; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPileTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPileTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCurrentEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricCurrentEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextTransformation typedef STRING IfcTextTransformation; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFilterTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFilterTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransformerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransformerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceSide typedef ENUMERATION IfcSurfaceSide; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcInductanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcInductanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcOutletTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcOutletTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWorkControlTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWorkControlTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWarpingMomentMeasure typedef REAL IfcWarpingMomentMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure typedef REAL IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnergySequenceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcEnergySequenceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect typedef SELECT IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPointOrVertexPoint typedef SELECT IfcPointOrVertexPoint; // C++ wrapper type for IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTankTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTankTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceTextureEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSurfaceTextureEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAddressTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAddressTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcChillerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcChillerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcResourceConsumptionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcResourceConsumptionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCsgSelect typedef SELECT IfcCsgSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure typedef REAL IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDayInMonthNumber typedef INTEGER IfcDayInMonthNumber; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalConductivityMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermalConductivityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnergyMeasure typedef REAL IfcEnergyMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure typedef REAL IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDerivedMeasureValue typedef SELECT IfcDerivedMeasureValue; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveStyleFontSelect typedef SELECT IfcCurveStyleFontSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDataOriginEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDataOriginEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStairTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStairTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRailingTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRailingTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPowerMeasure typedef REAL IfcPowerMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect typedef SELECT IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTrimmingSelect typedef SELECT IfcTrimmingSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect typedef SELECT IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTorqueMeasure typedef REAL IfcTorqueMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassPerLengthMeasure typedef REAL IfcMassPerLengthMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcValveTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcValveTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface typedef SELECT IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPropertySourceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPropertySourceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCountMeasure typedef NUMBER IfcCountMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontWeight typedef STRING IfcFontWeight; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpaceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSpaceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure typedef REAL IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousFluxMeasure typedef REAL IfcLuminousFluxMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLayeredItem typedef SELECT IfcLayeredItem; // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure typedef REAL IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDamperTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDamperTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcControllerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcControllerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassFlowRateMeasure typedef REAL IfcMassFlowRateMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAreaMeasure typedef REAL IfcAreaMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcServiceLifeFactorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcServiceLifeFactorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcVolumeMeasure typedef REAL IfcVolumeMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBeamTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcBeamTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStateEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStateEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSectionTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFootingTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFootingTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMonetaryMeasure typedef REAL IfcMonetaryMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMaterialSelect typedef SELECT IfcMaterialSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure typedef REAL IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure typedef REAL IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcColour typedef SELECT IfcColour; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMetricValueSelect typedef SELECT IfcMetricValueSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextAlignment typedef STRING IfcTextAlignment; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlateTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPlateTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure typedef REAL IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPresentableText typedef STRING IfcPresentableText; // C++ wrapper type for IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure typedef REAL IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearVelocityMeasure typedef REAL IfcLinearVelocityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure typedef INTEGER IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentStatusEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDocumentStatusEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLengthMeasure typedef REAL IfcLengthMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlanarForceMeasure typedef REAL IfcPlanarForceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBooleanOperand typedef SELECT IfcBooleanOperand; // C++ wrapper type for IfcInteger typedef INTEGER IfcInteger; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRampTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcRampTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcActorSelect typedef SELECT IfcActorSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricChargeMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricChargeMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcGeometricSetSelect typedef SELECT IfcGeometricSetSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcConnectionTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcConnectionTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcValue typedef SELECT IfcValue; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlaneAngleMeasure typedef REAL IfcPlaneAngleMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowDirectionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowDirectionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextFontSelect typedef SELECT IfcTextFontSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularHighlightSelect typedef SELECT IfcSpecularHighlightSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextFontName typedef STRING IfcTextFontName; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricVoltageMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricVoltageMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTendonTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTendonTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundPressureMeasure typedef REAL IfcSoundPressureMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularRoughness typedef REAL IfcSpecularRoughness; // C++ wrapper type for IfcActionTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcActionTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcHumidifierTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcHumidifierTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcIlluminanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcIlluminanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLibrarySelect typedef SELECT IfcLibrarySelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcText typedef STRING IfcText; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoilerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcBoilerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeMeasure typedef REAL IfcTimeMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAccelerationMeasure typedef REAL IfcAccelerationMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure typedef REAL IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDefinedSymbolSelect typedef SELECT IfcDefinedSymbolSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnitEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcUnitEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcInventoryTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcInventoryTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect typedef SELECT IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoveringTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoveringTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStairFlightTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStairFlightTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSIPrefix typedef ENUMERATION IfcSIPrefix; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcGloballyUniqueId typedef STRING IfcGloballyUniqueId; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLampTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLampTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMagneticFluxMeasure typedef REAL IfcMagneticFluxMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSolidAngleMeasure typedef REAL IfcSolidAngleMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcFrequencyMeasure typedef REAL IfcFrequencyMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransportElementTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransportElementTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundScaleEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcSoundScaleEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPHMeasure typedef REAL IfcPHMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcActuatorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcActuatorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure typedef REAL IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAppliedValueSelect typedef SELECT IfcAppliedValueSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSecondInMinute typedef REAL IfcSecondInMinute; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularExponent typedef REAL IfcSpecularExponent; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDateTimeSelect typedef SELECT IfcDateTimeSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransitionCode typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransitionCode; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDimensionCount typedef INTEGER IfcDimensionCount; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure typedef REAL IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure typedef ListOf< INTEGER, 3, 3 > IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProfileTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProfileTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect typedef SELECT IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure typedef REAL IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcParameterValue typedef REAL IfcParameterValue; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPileConstructionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPileConstructionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcOccupantTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcOccupantTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnit typedef SELECT IfcUnit; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearForceMeasure typedef REAL IfcLinearForceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCondenserTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCondenserTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDescriptiveMeasure typedef STRING IfcDescriptiveMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure typedef REAL IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure typedef REAL IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcOrientationSelect typedef SELECT IfcOrientationSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLogical typedef LOGICAL IfcLogical; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSizeSelect typedef SELECT IfcSizeSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnvironmentalImpactCategoryEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcEnvironmentalImpactCategoryEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLogicalOperatorEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcLogicalOperatorEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCompressorTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCompressorTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBenchmarkEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcBenchmarkEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcRatioMeasure typedef REAL IfcRatioMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcVectorOrDirection typedef SELECT IfcVectorOrDirection; // C++ wrapper type for IfcConstraintEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcConstraintEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAlarmTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcAlarmTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure typedef REAL IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcAxis2Placement typedef SELECT IfcAxis2Placement; // C++ wrapper type for IfcForceMeasure typedef REAL IfcForceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcTrimmingPreference typedef ENUMERATION IfcTrimmingPreference; // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricResistanceMeasure typedef REAL IfcElectricResistanceMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcWarpingConstantMeasure typedef REAL IfcWarpingConstantMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcConditionCriterionSelect typedef SELECT IfcConditionCriterionSelect; // C++ wrapper type for IfcShearModulusMeasure typedef REAL IfcShearModulusMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPressureMeasure typedef REAL IfcPressureMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoolean typedef BOOLEAN IfcBoolean; // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionModulusMeasure typedef REAL IfcSectionModulusMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcChangeActionEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcChangeActionEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoilTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoilTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassMeasure typedef REAL IfcMassMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum typedef ENUMERATION IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure typedef REAL IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure; // C++ wrapper type for IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure typedef REAL IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure; // ****************************************************************************** // IFC Entities // ****************************************************************************** struct IfcRoot; struct IfcObjectDefinition; struct IfcTypeObject; struct IfcTypeProduct; struct IfcElementType; struct IfcFurnishingElementType; struct IfcFurnitureType; struct IfcObject; struct IfcProduct; struct IfcGrid; struct IfcRepresentationItem; struct IfcGeometricRepresentationItem; struct IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor; struct IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor; struct IfcElement; struct IfcElementComponent; typedef NotImplemented IfcLocalTime; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSpatialStructureElementType; struct IfcControl; struct IfcActionRequest; typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureVertex; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyDefinition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertySetDefinition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcFluidFlowProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentInformation; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcCalendarDate; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDistributionElementType; struct IfcDistributionFlowElementType; struct IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType; struct IfcCooledBeamType; struct IfcCsgPrimitive3D; struct IfcRectangularPyramid; typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoad; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadStatic; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSurface; struct IfcBoundedSurface; struct IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface; typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityVolume; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityArea; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcGroup; struct IfcRelationship; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssigns; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToActor; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcHalfSpaceSolid; struct IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace; typedef NotImplemented IfcEnergyProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType; struct IfcFlowFittingType; struct IfcPipeFittingType; struct IfcRepresentation; struct IfcStyleModel; struct IfcStyledRepresentation; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToControl; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProjectOrder; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionalExponents; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBooleanResult; typedef NotImplemented IfcSoundProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFeatureElement; struct IfcFeatureElementSubtraction; struct IfcOpeningElement; struct IfcConditionCriterion; struct IfcFlowTerminalType; struct IfcFlowControllerType; struct IfcSwitchingDeviceType; struct IfcSystem; struct IfcElectricalCircuit; typedef NotImplemented IfcActorRole; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDateAndTime; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingCalloutRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionCalloutRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDerivedUnitElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcExternalReference; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationReference; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcUnitaryEquipmentType; typedef NotImplemented IfcProperty; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPort; typedef NotImplemented IfcAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPlacement; typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedItem; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedColour; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcProfileDef; struct IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef; struct IfcCurve; struct IfcConic; struct IfcCircle; typedef NotImplemented IfcAppliedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcEnvironmentalImpactValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcSimpleProperty; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertySingleValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElementarySurface; struct IfcPlane; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyBoundedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCostSchedule; typedef NotImplemented IfcMonetaryUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionCurveGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRightCircularCone; struct IfcElementAssembly; struct IfcBuildingElement; struct IfcMember; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBuildingElementProxy; struct IfcStructuralActivity; struct IfcStructuralAction; struct IfcStructuralPlanarAction; struct IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem; struct IfcConnectedFaceSet; struct IfcSweptSurface; struct IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion; struct IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids; struct IfcProcess; struct IfcProcedure; typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFontPattern; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcVector; struct IfcFaceBound; struct IfcFaceOuterBound; struct IfcFeatureElementAddition; struct IfcNamedUnit; typedef NotImplemented IfcConversionBasedUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcHeatExchangerType; struct IfcPresentationStyleAssignment; struct IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType; struct IfcFilterType; struct IfcResource; struct IfcEvaporativeCoolerType; typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureCoordinate; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcOffsetCurve2D; struct IfcEdge; struct IfcSubedge; struct IfcProxy; struct IfcLine; struct IfcColumn; typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationNotationFacet; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcObjectPlacement; struct IfcGridPlacement; struct IfcDistributionControlElementType; typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRelConnects; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsElements; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintClassificationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAnnotation; struct IfcPlate; struct IfcSolidModel; struct IfcManifoldSolidBrep; typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedCurveFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryFaceCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFlowStorageDeviceType; struct IfcStructuralItem; struct IfcStructuralMember; struct IfcStructuralCurveMember; struct IfcStructuralConnection; struct IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection; struct IfcCoilType; struct IfcDuctFittingType; struct IfcStyledItem; struct IfcAnnotationOccurrence; struct IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence; struct IfcDimensionCurve; struct IfcBoundedCurve; struct IfcAxis1Placement; typedef NotImplemented IfcLightIntensityDistribution; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcStructuralPointAction; struct IfcSpatialStructureElement; struct IfcSpace; typedef NotImplemented IfcContextDependentUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcVirtualGridIntersection; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociates; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesClassification; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCoolingTowerType; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcGeneralMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids; typedef NotImplemented IfcProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcGeneralProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcValveType; struct IfcSystemFurnitureElementType; struct IfcDiscreteAccessory; typedef NotImplemented IfcPerson; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBuildingElementType; struct IfcRailingType; struct IfcGasTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcIrregularTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSpaceProgram; struct IfcCovering; typedef NotImplemented IfcShapeAspect; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPresentationStyle; typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationItemRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricHeaterType; struct IfcBuildingStorey; struct IfcVertex; struct IfcVertexPoint; struct IfcFlowInstrumentType; struct IfcParameterizedProfileDef; struct IfcUShapeProfileDef; struct IfcRamp; typedef NotImplemented IfcFillAreaStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCompositeCurve; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelServicesBuildings; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRampFlightType; struct IfcDraughtingCallout; struct IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout; struct IfcRadiusDimension; struct IfcEdgeFeature; struct IfcSweptAreaSolid; struct IfcExtrudedAreaSolid; typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityCount; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence; typedef NotImplemented IfcReferencesValueDocument; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcStair; typedef NotImplemented IfcSymbolStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle; struct IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence; struct IfcTerminatorSymbol; struct IfcDimensionCurveTerminator; struct IfcRectangleProfileDef; struct IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesLibrary; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLocalPlacement; typedef NotImplemented IfcOpticalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcServiceLifeFactor; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsTasks; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcTask; struct IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence; struct IfcFace; struct IfcFlowSegmentType; struct IfcDuctSegmentType; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyEnumeration; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcConstructionResource; struct IfcConstructionEquipmentResource; struct IfcSanitaryTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedDimensionSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcOrganization; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCircleProfileDef; struct IfcStructuralReaction; struct IfcStructuralPointReaction; struct IfcRailing; struct IfcTextLiteral; struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator; typedef NotImplemented IfcCostValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLinearDimension; struct IfcDamperType; struct IfcSIUnit; typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceStyleLighting; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcMeasureWithUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayerSet; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDistributionElement; struct IfcDistributionControlElement; struct IfcTransformerType; struct IfcLaborResource; typedef NotImplemented IfcDerivedProfileDef; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFurnitureStandard; struct IfcStairFlightType; struct IfcWorkControl; struct IfcWorkPlan; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelDefines; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelDefinesByProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCondition; typedef NotImplemented IfcGridAxis; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelVoidsElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcWindow; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelFlowControlElements; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPortToElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcProtectiveDeviceType; struct IfcJunctionBoxType; struct IfcStructuralAnalysisModel; struct IfcAxis2Placement2D; struct IfcSpaceType; struct IfcEllipseProfileDef; struct IfcDistributionFlowElement; struct IfcFlowMovingDevice; struct IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures; struct IfcGeometricSet; typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalConcreteMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRibPlateProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentInformationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcProjectOrder; struct IfcBSplineCurve; struct IfcBezierCurve; struct IfcStructuralPointConnection; struct IfcFlowController; struct IfcElectricDistributionPoint; struct IfcSite; struct IfcOffsetCurve3D; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertySet; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcVirtualElement; struct IfcConstructionProductResource; typedef NotImplemented IfcWaterProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid; typedef NotImplemented IfcPermeableCoveringProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D; struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform; struct IfcCrewResource; struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMember; struct Ifc2DCompositeCurve; struct IfcRepresentationContext; struct IfcGeometricRepresentationContext; struct IfcFlowTreatmentDevice; typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRightCircularCylinder; struct IfcWasteTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBuildingElementComponent; struct IfcBuildingElementPart; struct IfcWall; struct IfcWallStandardCase; typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalActorRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPath; struct IfcDefinedSymbol; struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying; struct IfcPoint; struct IfcSurfaceOfRevolution; struct IfcFlowTerminal; struct IfcFurnishingElement; typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSurfaceStyleShading; struct IfcSurfaceStyleRendering; typedef NotImplemented IfcCoordinatedUniversalTimeOffset; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCircleHollowProfileDef; struct IfcFlowMovingDeviceType; struct IfcFanType; struct IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying; struct IfcProductRepresentation; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelDefinesByType; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleFontModel; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcStackTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalPropertyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcReinforcingElement; struct IfcReinforcingMesh; struct IfcOrderAction; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelCoversBldgElements; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLightSource; struct IfcLightSourceDirectional; struct IfcLoop; struct IfcVertexLoop; struct IfcChamferEdgeFeature; typedef NotImplemented IfcWindowPanelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcClassification; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElementComponentType; struct IfcFastenerType; struct IfcMechanicalFastenerType; struct IfcScheduleTimeControl; struct IfcSurfaceStyle; typedef NotImplemented IfcReinforcementBarProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcOpenShell; typedef NotImplemented IfcLibraryReference; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSubContractResource; typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeriesReferenceRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSweptDiskSolid; typedef NotImplemented IfcCompositeProfileDef; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcElectricalBaseProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedPointMarkerSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcTankType; typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryNodeCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToGroup; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPresentationLayerAssignment; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSphere; struct IfcPolyLoop; struct IfcCableCarrierFittingType; struct IfcHumidifierType; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyListValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPerformanceHistory; struct IfcShapeModel; struct IfcTopologyRepresentation; struct IfcBuilding; struct IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef; struct IfcStairFlight; typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelInteractionRequirements; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraint; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcObjective; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPortGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDistributionChamberElement; typedef NotImplemented IfcPersonAndOrganization; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcShapeRepresentation; struct IfcRampFlight; struct IfcBeamType; struct IfcRelDecomposes; struct IfcRoof; struct IfcFooting; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelCoversSpaces; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLightSourceAmbient; typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeriesValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcWindowStyle; typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyReferenceValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcApproval; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBuildingElementProxyType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAxis2Placement3D; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPorts; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcEdgeCurve; struct IfcClosedShell; struct IfcTendonAnchor; struct IfcCondenserType; typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityTime; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPixelTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcFailureConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentReference; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalSteelMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPipeSegmentType; struct IfcPointOnSurface; typedef NotImplemented IfcTable; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcLightDistributionData; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyTableValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAsset; struct IfcLightSourcePositional; typedef NotImplemented IfcLibraryInformation; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleTextModel; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcProjectionCurve; struct IfcFillAreaStyleTiles; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelFillsElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricMotorType; struct IfcTendon; struct IfcDistributionChamberElementType; struct IfcMemberType; struct IfcStructuralLinearAction; struct IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying; struct IfcProductDefinitionShape; struct IfcFastener; struct IfcMechanicalFastener; typedef NotImplemented IfcFuelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcEvaporatorType; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDiscreteAccessoryType; struct IfcStructuralCurveConnection; struct IfcProjectionElement; typedef NotImplemented IfcImageTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCoveringType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesAppliedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPumpType; struct IfcPile; struct IfcUnitAssignment; struct IfcBoundingBox; struct IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel; struct IfcFacetedBrep; struct IfcTextLiteralWithExtent; typedef NotImplemented IfcApplication; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcExtendedMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricApplianceType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelOccupiesSpaces; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcTrapeziumProfileDef; typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityWeight; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure; struct IfcEdgeLoop; struct IfcProject; struct IfcCartesianPoint; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterial; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCurveBoundedPlane; struct IfcWallType; struct IfcFillAreaStyleHatching; struct IfcEquipmentStandard; typedef NotImplemented IfcHygroscopicMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDoorPanelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDiameterDimension; struct IfcStructuralLoadGroup; typedef NotImplemented IfcTelecomAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcConstructionMaterialResource; typedef NotImplemented IfcBlobTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRelAggregates; struct IfcBoilerType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelProjectsElement; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcColourSpecification; struct IfcColourRgb; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDoorStyle; typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProcess; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDuctSilencerType; struct IfcLightSourceGoniometric; struct IfcActuatorType; struct IfcSensorType; struct IfcAirTerminalBoxType; struct IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence; struct IfcZShapeProfileDef; typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationNotation; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRationalBezierCurve; struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D; struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform; struct IfcMove; typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDoorLiningProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCableCarrierSegmentType; typedef NotImplemented IfcPostalAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPathElements; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricalElement; typedef NotImplemented IfcOwnerHistory; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadTemperature; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcChillerType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSchedulesCostItems; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcReinforcingBar; typedef NotImplemented IfcCurrencyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcSoundValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCShapeProfileDef; struct IfcPermit; struct IfcSlabType; typedef NotImplemented IfcSlippageConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLampType; struct IfcPlanarExtent; struct IfcAlarmType; typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentElectronicFormat; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType; struct IfcEquipmentElement; struct IfcLightFixtureType; typedef NotImplemented IfcMetric; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelNests; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCurtainWall; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesDocument; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcComplexProperty; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcVertexBasedTextureMap; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcSlab; struct IfcCurtainWallType; struct IfcOutletType; struct IfcCompressorType; struct IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef; struct IfcFlowSegment; struct IfcSectionedSpine; typedef NotImplemented IfcTableRow; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricTimeControlType; struct IfcFaceSurface; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialList; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcMotorConnectionType; struct IfcFlowFitting; struct IfcPointOnCurve; struct IfcTransportElementType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRegularTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesConstraint; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralSteelProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCableSegmentType; typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAnnotationSurface; struct IfcCompositeCurveSegment; struct IfcServiceLife; struct IfcPlateType; typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcSectionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcVibrationIsolatorType; typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureMap; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcTrimmedCurve; struct IfcMappedItem; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayer; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDirection; struct IfcBlock; struct IfcProjectOrderRecord; struct IfcFlowMeterType; struct IfcControllerType; struct IfcBeam; struct IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef; struct IfcCenterLineProfileDef; typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcTimeSeriesSchedule; struct IfcRoundedEdgeFeature; typedef NotImplemented IfcWindowLiningProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelOverridesProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcIShapeProfileDef; struct IfcSpaceHeaterType; typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDerivedUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFlowStorageDevice; typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationItem; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcRevolvedAreaSolid; typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPointGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDoor; struct IfcEllipse; struct IfcTubeBundleType; struct IfcAngularDimension; typedef NotImplemented IfcThermalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel; struct IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef; struct IfcColumnType; struct IfcTShapeProfileDef; struct IfcEnergyConversionDevice; typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPointEccentricity; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcWorkSchedule; typedef NotImplemented IfcOrganizationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcZone; struct IfcTransportElement; typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext; struct IfcLShapeProfileDef; struct IfcGeometricCurveSet; struct IfcActor; struct IfcOccupant; typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcBooleanClippingResult; typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedTerminatorSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcAnnotationFillArea; typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintAggregationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesApproval; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesMaterial; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProduct; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcAppliedValueRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcLightSourceSpot; struct IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcElementQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionPair; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcElectricGeneratorType; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSequence; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcInventory; struct IfcPolyline; struct IfcBoxedHalfSpace; struct IfcAirTerminalType; typedef NotImplemented IfcSectionReinforcementProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcDistributionPort; struct IfcCostItem; struct IfcStructuredDimensionCallout; struct IfcStructuralResultGroup; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSpaceBoundary; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcOrientedEdge; typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToResource; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcCsgSolid; typedef NotImplemented IfcProductsOfCombustionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp) typedef NotImplemented IfcRelaxation; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcPlanarBox; typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityLength; // (not currently used by Assimp) struct IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation; struct IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef; struct IfcRepresentationMap; // C++ wrapper for IfcRoot struct IfcRoot : ObjectHelper { IfcGloballyUniqueId::Out GlobalId; Lazy< NotImplemented > OwnerHistory; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; Maybe< IfcText::Out > Description; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcObjectDefinition struct IfcObjectDefinition : IfcRoot, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTypeObject struct IfcTypeObject : IfcObjectDefinition, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ApplicableOccurrence; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > > HasPropertySets; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTypeProduct struct IfcTypeProduct : IfcTypeObject, ObjectHelper { Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationMap >, 1, 0 > > RepresentationMaps; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Tag; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElementType struct IfcElementType : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ElementType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnishingElementType struct IfcFurnishingElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnitureType struct IfcFurnitureType : IfcFurnishingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum::Out AssemblyPlace; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcObject struct IfcObject : IfcObjectDefinition, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ObjectType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProduct struct IfcProduct : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcObjectPlacement > > ObjectPlacement; Maybe< Lazy< IfcProductRepresentation > > Representation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGrid struct IfcGrid : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > UAxes; ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > VAxes; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > > WAxes; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationItem struct IfcRepresentationItem : ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationItem struct IfcGeometricRepresentationItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor struct IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcVector > RepeatFactor; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor struct IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor : IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcVector > SecondRepeatFactor; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElement struct IfcElement : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > Tag; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElementComponent struct IfcElementComponent : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpatialStructureElementType struct IfcSpatialStructureElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcControl struct IfcControl : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcActionRequest struct IfcActionRequest : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out RequestID; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionElementType struct IfcDistributionElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionFlowElementType struct IfcDistributionFlowElementType : IfcDistributionElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType struct IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCooledBeamType struct IfcCooledBeamType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCsgPrimitive3D struct IfcCsgPrimitive3D : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangularPyramid struct IfcRectangularPyramid : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XLength; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YLength; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurface struct IfcSurface : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundedSurface struct IfcBoundedSurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface struct IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface : IfcBoundedSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcSurface > BasisSurface; IfcParameterValue::Out U1; IfcParameterValue::Out V1; IfcParameterValue::Out U2; IfcParameterValue::Out V2; BOOLEAN::Out Usense; BOOLEAN::Out Vsense; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGroup struct IfcGroup : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRelationship struct IfcRelationship : IfcRoot, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcHalfSpaceSolid struct IfcHalfSpaceSolid : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcSurface > BaseSurface; BOOLEAN::Out AgreementFlag; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace struct IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace : IfcHalfSpaceSolid, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; Lazy< IfcBoundedCurve > PolygonalBoundary; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType struct IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowFittingType struct IfcFlowFittingType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPipeFittingType struct IfcPipeFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper { IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentation struct IfcRepresentation : ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcRepresentationContext > ContextOfItems; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > RepresentationIdentifier; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > RepresentationType; ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationItem >, 1, 0 > Items; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStyleModel struct IfcStyleModel : IfcRepresentation, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStyledRepresentation struct IfcStyledRepresentation : IfcStyleModel, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBooleanResult struct IfcBooleanResult : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { IfcBooleanOperator::Out Operator; IfcBooleanOperand::Out FirstOperand; IfcBooleanOperand::Out SecondOperand; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElement struct IfcFeatureElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElementSubtraction struct IfcFeatureElementSubtraction : IfcFeatureElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOpeningElement struct IfcOpeningElement : IfcFeatureElementSubtraction, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConditionCriterion struct IfcConditionCriterion : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcConditionCriterionSelect::Out Criterion; IfcDateTimeSelect::Out CriterionDateTime; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTerminalType struct IfcFlowTerminalType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowControllerType struct IfcFlowControllerType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSwitchingDeviceType struct IfcSwitchingDeviceType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSystem struct IfcSystem : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricalCircuit struct IfcElectricalCircuit : IfcSystem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcUnitaryEquipmentType struct IfcUnitaryEquipmentType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPort struct IfcPort : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlacement struct IfcPlacement : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Location; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProfileDef struct IfcProfileDef : ObjectHelper { IfcProfileTypeEnum::Out ProfileType; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ProfileName; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef struct IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterCurve; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCurve struct IfcCurve : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConic struct IfcConic : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper { IfcAxis2Placement::Out Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCircle struct IfcCircle : IfcConic, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElementarySurface struct IfcElementarySurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlane struct IfcPlane : IfcElementarySurface, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCostSchedule struct IfcCostSchedule : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > SubmittedBy; Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > PreparedBy; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > SubmittedOn; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status; Maybe< ListOf< IfcActorSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > TargetUsers; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > UpdateDate; IfcIdentifier::Out ID; IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRightCircularCone struct IfcRightCircularCone : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BottomRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElementAssembly struct IfcElementAssembly : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum::Out > AssemblyPlace; IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElement struct IfcBuildingElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMember struct IfcMember : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementProxy struct IfcBuildingElementProxy : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcElementCompositionEnum::Out > CompositionType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralActivity struct IfcStructuralActivity : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > AppliedLoad; IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum::Out GlobalOrLocal; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralAction struct IfcStructuralAction : IfcStructuralActivity, ObjectHelper { BOOLEAN::Out DestabilizingLoad; Maybe< Lazy< IfcStructuralReaction > > CausedBy; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPlanarAction struct IfcStructuralPlanarAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper { IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum::Out ProjectedOrTrue; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem struct IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConnectedFaceSet struct IfcConnectedFaceSet : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcFace >, 1, 0 > CfsFaces; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptSurface struct IfcSweptSurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcProfileDef > SweptCurve; Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion struct IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion : IfcSweptSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcDirection > ExtrudedDirection; IfcLengthMeasure::Out Depth; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids struct IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids : IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 1, 0 > InnerCurves; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProcess struct IfcProcess : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProcedure struct IfcProcedure : IfcProcess, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out ProcedureID; IfcProcedureTypeEnum::Out ProcedureType; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedProcedureType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVector struct IfcVector : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation; IfcLengthMeasure::Out Magnitude; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceBound struct IfcFaceBound : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcLoop > Bound; BOOLEAN::Out Orientation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceOuterBound struct IfcFaceOuterBound : IfcFaceBound, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElementAddition struct IfcFeatureElementAddition : IfcFeatureElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcNamedUnit struct IfcNamedUnit : ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > Dimensions; IfcUnitEnum::Out UnitType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcHeatExchangerType struct IfcHeatExchangerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPresentationStyleAssignment struct IfcPresentationStyleAssignment : ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcPresentationStyleSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Styles; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType struct IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFilterType struct IfcFilterType : IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcFilterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcResource struct IfcResource : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEvaporativeCoolerType struct IfcEvaporativeCoolerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOffsetCurve2D struct IfcOffsetCurve2D : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve; IfcLengthMeasure::Out Distance; LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEdge struct IfcEdge : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcVertex > EdgeStart; Lazy< IfcVertex > EdgeEnd; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSubedge struct IfcSubedge : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcEdge > ParentEdge; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProxy struct IfcProxy : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { IfcObjectTypeEnum::Out ProxyType; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Tag; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLine struct IfcLine : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Pnt; Lazy< IfcVector > Dir; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcColumn struct IfcColumn : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcObjectPlacement struct IfcObjectPlacement : ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGridPlacement struct IfcGridPlacement : IfcObjectPlacement, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > PlacementLocation; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > PlacementRefDirection; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionControlElementType struct IfcDistributionControlElementType : IfcDistributionElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRelConnects struct IfcRelConnects : IfcRelationship, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotation struct IfcAnnotation : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlate struct IfcPlate : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSolidModel struct IfcSolidModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcManifoldSolidBrep struct IfcManifoldSolidBrep : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcClosedShell > Outer; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowStorageDeviceType struct IfcFlowStorageDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralItem struct IfcStructuralItem : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralMember struct IfcStructuralMember : IfcStructuralItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveMember struct IfcStructuralCurveMember : IfcStructuralMember, ObjectHelper { IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralConnection struct IfcStructuralConnection : IfcStructuralItem, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > AppliedCondition; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection struct IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCoilType struct IfcCoilType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcCoilTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctFittingType struct IfcDuctFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper { IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStyledItem struct IfcStyledItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcRepresentationItem > > Item; ListOf< Lazy< IfcPresentationStyleAssignment >, 1, 0 > Styles; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationOccurrence : IfcStyledItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurve struct IfcDimensionCurve : IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundedCurve struct IfcBoundedCurve : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis1Placement struct IfcAxis1Placement : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointAction struct IfcStructuralPointAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpatialStructureElement struct IfcSpatialStructureElement : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LongName; IfcElementCompositionEnum::Out CompositionType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpace struct IfcSpace : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper { IfcInternalOrExternalEnum::Out InteriorOrExteriorSpace; Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationWithFlooring; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCoolingTowerType struct IfcCoolingTowerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids struct IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids : IfcManifoldSolidBrep, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcClosedShell >, 1, 0 > Voids; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcValveType struct IfcValveType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcValveTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSystemFurnitureElementType struct IfcSystemFurnitureElementType : IfcFurnishingElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDiscreteAccessory struct IfcDiscreteAccessory : IfcElementComponent, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementType struct IfcBuildingElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRailingType struct IfcRailingType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcRailingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGasTerminalType struct IfcGasTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceProgram struct IfcSpaceProgram : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out SpaceProgramIdentifier; Maybe< IfcAreaMeasure::Out > MaxRequiredArea; Maybe< IfcAreaMeasure::Out > MinRequiredArea; Maybe< Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > > RequestedLocation; IfcAreaMeasure::Out StandardRequiredArea; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCovering struct IfcCovering : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcCoveringTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPresentationStyle struct IfcPresentationStyle : ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricHeaterType struct IfcElectricHeaterType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingStorey struct IfcBuildingStorey : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > Elevation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVertex struct IfcVertex : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVertexPoint struct IfcVertexPoint : IfcVertex, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcPoint > VertexGeometry; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowInstrumentType struct IfcFlowInstrumentType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcParameterizedProfileDef struct IfcParameterizedProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement2D > Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcUShapeProfileDef struct IfcUShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius; Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > FlangeSlope; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRamp struct IfcRamp : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcRampTypeEnum::Out ShapeType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCompositeCurve struct IfcCompositeCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcCompositeCurveSegment >, 1, 0 > Segments; LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying struct IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying : IfcStructuralCurveMember, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRampFlightType struct IfcRampFlightType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcRampFlightTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDraughtingCallout struct IfcDraughtingCallout : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcDraughtingCalloutElement, 1, 0 >::Out Contents; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout struct IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout : IfcDraughtingCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRadiusDimension struct IfcRadiusDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeFeature struct IfcEdgeFeature : IfcFeatureElementSubtraction, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FeatureLength; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptAreaSolid struct IfcSweptAreaSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcProfileDef > SweptArea; Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcExtrudedAreaSolid struct IfcExtrudedAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcDirection > ExtrudedDirection; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStair struct IfcStair : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcStairTypeEnum::Out ShapeType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle struct IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence > Symbol; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTerminatorSymbol struct IfcTerminatorSymbol : IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence > AnnotatedCurve; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurveTerminator struct IfcDimensionCurveTerminator : IfcTerminatorSymbol, ObjectHelper { IfcDimensionExtentUsage::Out Role; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangleProfileDef struct IfcRectangleProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XDim; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef struct IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef : IfcRectangleProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InnerFilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OuterFilletRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLocalPlacement struct IfcLocalPlacement : IfcObjectPlacement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcObjectPlacement > > PlacementRelTo; IfcAxis2Placement::Out RelativePlacement; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTask struct IfcTask : IfcProcess, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out TaskId; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > WorkMethod; BOOLEAN::Out IsMilestone; Maybe< INTEGER::Out > Priority; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcPoint > > FillStyleTarget; Maybe< IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum::Out > GlobalOrLocal; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFace struct IfcFace : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcFaceBound >, 1, 0 > Bounds; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowSegmentType struct IfcFlowSegmentType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctSegmentType struct IfcDuctSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper { IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionResource struct IfcConstructionResource : IfcResource, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > ResourceIdentifier; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ResourceGroup; Maybe< IfcResourceConsumptionEnum::Out > ResourceConsumption; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > BaseQuantity; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionEquipmentResource struct IfcConstructionEquipmentResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSanitaryTerminalType struct IfcSanitaryTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCircleProfileDef struct IfcCircleProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralReaction struct IfcStructuralReaction : IfcStructuralActivity, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointReaction struct IfcStructuralPointReaction : IfcStructuralReaction, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRailing struct IfcRailing : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcRailingTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTextLiteral struct IfcTextLiteral : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { IfcPresentableText::Out Literal; IfcAxis2Placement::Out Placement; IfcTextPath::Out Path; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis1; Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis2; Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > LocalOrigin; Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLinearDimension struct IfcLinearDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDamperType struct IfcDamperType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcDamperTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSIUnit struct IfcSIUnit : IfcNamedUnit, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcSIPrefix::Out > Prefix; IfcSIUnitName::Out Name; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionElement struct IfcDistributionElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionControlElement struct IfcDistributionControlElement : IfcDistributionElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > ControlElementId; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTransformerType struct IfcTransformerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcTransformerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLaborResource struct IfcLaborResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcText::Out > SkillSet; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnitureStandard struct IfcFurnitureStandard : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStairFlightType struct IfcStairFlightType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcStairFlightTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkControl struct IfcWorkControl : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out Identifier; IfcDateTimeSelect::Out CreationDate; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > > Creators; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Purpose; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > Duration; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > TotalFloat; IfcDateTimeSelect::Out StartTime; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > FinishTime; Maybe< IfcWorkControlTypeEnum::Out > WorkControlType; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedControlType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkPlan struct IfcWorkPlan : IfcWorkControl, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCondition struct IfcCondition : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWindow struct IfcWindow : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallHeight; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallWidth; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProtectiveDeviceType struct IfcProtectiveDeviceType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcJunctionBoxType struct IfcJunctionBoxType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper { IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralAnalysisModel struct IfcStructuralAnalysisModel : IfcSystem, ObjectHelper { IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; Maybe< Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > > OrientationOf2DPlane; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcStructuralLoadGroup >, 1, 0 > > LoadedBy; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcStructuralResultGroup >, 1, 0 > > HasResults; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis2Placement2D struct IfcAxis2Placement2D : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > RefDirection; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceType struct IfcSpaceType : IfcSpatialStructureElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcSpaceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEllipseProfileDef struct IfcEllipseProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis1; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis2; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionFlowElement struct IfcDistributionFlowElement : IfcDistributionElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMovingDevice struct IfcFlowMovingDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures struct IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures : ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > Textures; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricSet struct IfcGeometricSet : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcGeometricSetSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Elements; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectOrder struct IfcProjectOrder : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out ID; IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBSplineCurve struct IfcBSplineCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper { INTEGER::Out Degree; ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 2, 0 > ControlPointsList; IfcBSplineCurveForm::Out CurveForm; LOGICAL::Out ClosedCurve; LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBezierCurve struct IfcBezierCurve : IfcBSplineCurve, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointConnection struct IfcStructuralPointConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowController struct IfcFlowController : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricDistributionPoint struct IfcElectricDistributionPoint : IfcFlowController, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum::Out DistributionPointFunction; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedFunction; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSite struct IfcSite : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > RefLatitude; Maybe< IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > RefLongitude; Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > RefElevation; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LandTitleNumber; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > SiteAddress; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOffsetCurve3D struct IfcOffsetCurve3D : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve; IfcLengthMeasure::Out Distance; LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect; Lazy< IfcDirection > RefDirection; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVirtualElement struct IfcVirtualElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionProductResource struct IfcConstructionProductResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid struct IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > Directrix; IfcParameterValue::Out StartParam; IfcParameterValue::Out EndParam; Lazy< IfcSurface > ReferenceSurface; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis3; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D, ObjectHelper { Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale2; Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale3; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCrewResource struct IfcCrewResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceMember struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMember : IfcStructuralMember, ObjectHelper { IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Thickness; }; // C++ wrapper for Ifc2DCompositeCurve struct Ifc2DCompositeCurve : IfcCompositeCurve, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationContext struct IfcRepresentationContext : ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ContextIdentifier; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ContextType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationContext struct IfcGeometricRepresentationContext : IfcRepresentationContext, ObjectHelper { IfcDimensionCount::Out CoordinateSpaceDimension; Maybe< REAL::Out > Precision; IfcAxis2Placement::Out WorldCoordinateSystem; Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > TrueNorth; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTreatmentDevice struct IfcFlowTreatmentDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRightCircularCylinder struct IfcRightCircularCylinder : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWasteTerminalType struct IfcWasteTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementComponent struct IfcBuildingElementComponent : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementPart struct IfcBuildingElementPart : IfcBuildingElementComponent, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWall struct IfcWall : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWallStandardCase struct IfcWallStandardCase : IfcWall, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPath struct IfcPath : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcOrientedEdge >, 1, 0 > EdgeList; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDefinedSymbol struct IfcDefinedSymbol : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { IfcDefinedSymbolSelect::Out Definition; Lazy< IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D > Target; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying : IfcStructuralSurfaceMember, ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure, 2, 0 >::Out SubsequentThickness; Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingThicknessLocation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPoint struct IfcPoint : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceOfRevolution struct IfcSurfaceOfRevolution : IfcSweptSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis1Placement > AxisPosition; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTerminal struct IfcFlowTerminal : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnishingElement struct IfcFurnishingElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleShading struct IfcSurfaceStyleShading : ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcColourRgb > SurfaceColour; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleRendering struct IfcSurfaceStyleRendering : IfcSurfaceStyleShading, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > Transparency; Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > DiffuseColour; Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > TransmissionColour; Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > DiffuseTransmissionColour; Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > ReflectionColour; Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > SpecularColour; Maybe< IfcSpecularHighlightSelect::Out > SpecularHighlight; IfcReflectanceMethodEnum::Out ReflectanceMethod; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCircleHollowProfileDef struct IfcCircleHollowProfileDef : IfcCircleProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMovingDeviceType struct IfcFlowMovingDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFanType struct IfcFanType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcFanTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying struct IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying : IfcStructuralPlanarAction, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingAppliedLoadLocation; ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 2, 0 > SubsequentAppliedLoads; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProductRepresentation struct IfcProductRepresentation : ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; Maybe< IfcText::Out > Description; ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentation >, 1, 0 > Representations; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStackTerminalType struct IfcStackTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingElement struct IfcReinforcingElement : IfcBuildingElementComponent, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > SteelGrade; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingMesh struct IfcReinforcingMesh : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MeshLength; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MeshWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TransverseBarNominalDiameter; IfcAreaMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea; IfcAreaMeasure::Out TransverseBarCrossSectionArea; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarSpacing; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TransverseBarSpacing; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOrderAction struct IfcOrderAction : IfcTask, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out ActionID; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSource struct IfcLightSource : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; Lazy< IfcColourRgb > LightColour; Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > AmbientIntensity; Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > Intensity; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceDirectional struct IfcLightSourceDirectional : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLoop struct IfcLoop : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVertexLoop struct IfcVertexLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcVertex > LoopVertex; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcChamferEdgeFeature struct IfcChamferEdgeFeature : IfcEdgeFeature, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Width; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Height; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElementComponentType struct IfcElementComponentType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFastenerType struct IfcFastenerType : IfcElementComponentType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMechanicalFastenerType struct IfcMechanicalFastenerType : IfcFastenerType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcScheduleTimeControl struct IfcScheduleTimeControl : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ActualStart; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > EarlyStart; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > LateStart; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ScheduleStart; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ActualFinish; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > EarlyFinish; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > LateFinish; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ScheduleFinish; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > ScheduleDuration; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > ActualDuration; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > RemainingTime; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > FreeFloat; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > TotalFloat; Maybe< BOOLEAN::Out > IsCritical; Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > StatusTime; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > StartFloat; Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > FinishFloat; Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > Completion; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyle struct IfcSurfaceStyle : IfcPresentationStyle, ObjectHelper { IfcSurfaceSide::Out Side; ListOf< IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect, 1, 5 >::Out Styles; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOpenShell struct IfcOpenShell : IfcConnectedFaceSet, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSubContractResource struct IfcSubContractResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > SubContractor; Maybe< IfcText::Out > JobDescription; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptDiskSolid struct IfcSweptDiskSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > Directrix; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InnerRadius; IfcParameterValue::Out StartParam; IfcParameterValue::Out EndParam; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTankType struct IfcTankType : IfcFlowStorageDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcTankTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSphere struct IfcSphere : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPolyLoop struct IfcPolyLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 3, 0 > Polygon; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCableCarrierFittingType struct IfcCableCarrierFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper { IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcHumidifierType struct IfcHumidifierType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcHumidifierTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPerformanceHistory struct IfcPerformanceHistory : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcLabel::Out LifeCyclePhase; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcShapeModel struct IfcShapeModel : IfcRepresentation, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTopologyRepresentation struct IfcTopologyRepresentation : IfcShapeModel, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuilding struct IfcBuilding : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationOfRefHeight; Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationOfTerrain; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > BuildingAddress; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef struct IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef : IfcRectangleProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out RoundingRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStairFlight struct IfcStairFlight : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< INTEGER::Out > NumberOfRiser; Maybe< INTEGER::Out > NumberOfTreads; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > RiserHeight; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TreadLength; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionChamberElement struct IfcDistributionChamberElement : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcShapeRepresentation struct IfcShapeRepresentation : IfcShapeModel, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRampFlight struct IfcRampFlight : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBeamType struct IfcBeamType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcBeamTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRelDecomposes struct IfcRelDecomposes : IfcRelationship, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcObjectDefinition > RelatingObject; ListOf< Lazy< IfcObjectDefinition >, 1, 0 > RelatedObjects; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRoof struct IfcRoof : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcRoofTypeEnum::Out ShapeType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFooting struct IfcFooting : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcFootingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceAmbient struct IfcLightSourceAmbient : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWindowStyle struct IfcWindowStyle : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper { IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum::Out ConstructionType; IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum::Out OperationType; BOOLEAN::Out ParameterTakesPrecedence; BOOLEAN::Out Sizeable; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementProxyType struct IfcBuildingElementProxyType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis2Placement3D struct IfcAxis2Placement3D : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis; Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > RefDirection; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeCurve struct IfcEdgeCurve : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > EdgeGeometry; BOOLEAN::Out SameSense; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcClosedShell struct IfcClosedShell : IfcConnectedFaceSet, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTendonAnchor struct IfcTendonAnchor : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCondenserType struct IfcCondenserType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcCondenserTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPipeSegmentType struct IfcPipeSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper { IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPointOnSurface struct IfcPointOnSurface : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcSurface > BasisSurface; IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameterU; IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameterV; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAsset struct IfcAsset : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out AssetID; Lazy< NotImplemented > OriginalValue; Lazy< NotImplemented > CurrentValue; Lazy< NotImplemented > TotalReplacementCost; IfcActorSelect::Out Owner; IfcActorSelect::Out User; Lazy< NotImplemented > ResponsiblePerson; Lazy< NotImplemented > IncorporationDate; Lazy< NotImplemented > DepreciatedValue; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourcePositional struct IfcLightSourcePositional : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Position; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius; IfcReal::Out ConstantAttenuation; IfcReal::Out DistanceAttenuation; IfcReal::Out QuadricAttenuation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectionCurve struct IfcProjectionCurve : IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleTiles struct IfcFillAreaStyleTiles : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor > TilingPattern; ListOf< IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Tiles; IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out TilingScale; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricMotorType struct IfcElectricMotorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTendon struct IfcTendon : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcTendonTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out NominalDiameter; IfcAreaMeasure::Out CrossSectionArea; Maybe< IfcForceMeasure::Out > TensionForce; Maybe< IfcPressureMeasure::Out > PreStress; Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > FrictionCoefficient; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > AnchorageSlip; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MinCurvatureRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionChamberElementType struct IfcDistributionChamberElementType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMemberType struct IfcMemberType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcMemberTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLinearAction struct IfcStructuralLinearAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper { IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum::Out ProjectedOrTrue; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying struct IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying : IfcStructuralLinearAction, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingAppliedLoadLocation; ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > SubsequentAppliedLoads; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProductDefinitionShape struct IfcProductDefinitionShape : IfcProductRepresentation, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFastener struct IfcFastener : IfcElementComponent, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMechanicalFastener struct IfcMechanicalFastener : IfcFastener, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > NominalDiameter; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > NominalLength; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEvaporatorType struct IfcEvaporatorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDiscreteAccessoryType struct IfcDiscreteAccessoryType : IfcElementComponentType, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveConnection struct IfcStructuralCurveConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectionElement struct IfcProjectionElement : IfcFeatureElementAddition, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCoveringType struct IfcCoveringType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcCoveringTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPumpType struct IfcPumpType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcPumpTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPile struct IfcPile : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcPileTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; Maybe< IfcPileConstructionEnum::Out > ConstructionType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcUnitAssignment struct IfcUnitAssignment : ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcUnit, 1, 0 >::Out Units; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundingBox struct IfcBoundingBox : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Corner; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XDim; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out ZDim; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel struct IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcShell, 1, 0 >::Out SbsmBoundary; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFacetedBrep struct IfcFacetedBrep : IfcManifoldSolidBrep, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTextLiteralWithExtent struct IfcTextLiteralWithExtent : IfcTextLiteral, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcPlanarExtent > Extent; IfcBoxAlignment::Out BoxAlignment; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricApplianceType struct IfcElectricApplianceType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTrapeziumProfileDef struct IfcTrapeziumProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BottomXDim; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TopXDim; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim; IfcLengthMeasure::Out TopXOffset; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure struct IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure : IfcRelConnects, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcProduct >, 1, 0 > RelatedElements; Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > RelatingStructure; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeLoop struct IfcEdgeLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcOrientedEdge >, 1, 0 > EdgeList; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProject struct IfcProject : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LongName; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Phase; ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationContext >, 1, 0 > RepresentationContexts; Lazy< IfcUnitAssignment > UnitsInContext; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianPoint struct IfcCartesianPoint : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper { ListOf< IfcLengthMeasure, 1, 3 >::Out Coordinates; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCurveBoundedPlane struct IfcCurveBoundedPlane : IfcBoundedSurface, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcPlane > BasisSurface; Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterBoundary; ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 0, 0 > InnerBoundaries; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWallType struct IfcWallType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcWallTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleHatching struct IfcFillAreaStyleHatching : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > HatchLineAppearance; IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect::Out StartOfNextHatchLine; Maybe< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > > PointOfReferenceHatchLine; Maybe< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > > PatternStart; IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out HatchLineAngle; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEquipmentStandard struct IfcEquipmentStandard : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDiameterDimension struct IfcDiameterDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLoadGroup struct IfcStructuralLoadGroup : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; IfcActionTypeEnum::Out ActionType; IfcActionSourceTypeEnum::Out ActionSource; Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > Coefficient; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Purpose; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionMaterialResource struct IfcConstructionMaterialResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper { Maybe< ListOf< IfcActorSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > Suppliers; Maybe< IfcRatioMeasure::Out > UsageRatio; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRelAggregates struct IfcRelAggregates : IfcRelDecomposes, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBoilerType struct IfcBoilerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcBoilerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcColourSpecification struct IfcColourSpecification : ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcColourRgb struct IfcColourRgb : IfcColourSpecification, ObjectHelper { IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Red; IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Green; IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Blue; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDoorStyle struct IfcDoorStyle : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper { IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum::Out OperationType; IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum::Out ConstructionType; BOOLEAN::Out ParameterTakesPrecedence; BOOLEAN::Out Sizeable; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctSilencerType struct IfcDuctSilencerType : IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceGoniometric struct IfcLightSourceGoniometric : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position; Maybe< Lazy< IfcColourRgb > > ColourAppearance; IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure::Out ColourTemperature; IfcLuminousFluxMeasure::Out LuminousFlux; IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum::Out LightEmissionSource; IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect::Out LightDistributionDataSource; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcActuatorType struct IfcActuatorType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcActuatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSensorType struct IfcSensorType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcSensorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAirTerminalBoxType struct IfcAirTerminalBoxType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence struct IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcZShapeProfileDef struct IfcZShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRationalBezierCurve struct IfcRationalBezierCurve : IfcBezierCurve, ObjectHelper { ListOf< REAL, 2, 0 >::Out WeightsData; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D, ObjectHelper { Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale2; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMove struct IfcMove : IfcTask, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > MoveFrom; Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > MoveTo; Maybe< ListOf< IfcText, 1, 0 >::Out > PunchList; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCableCarrierSegmentType struct IfcCableCarrierSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper { IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricalElement struct IfcElectricalElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcChillerType struct IfcChillerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcChillerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingBar struct IfcReinforcingBar : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out NominalDiameter; IfcAreaMeasure::Out CrossSectionArea; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > BarLength; IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum::Out BarRole; Maybe< IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum::Out > BarSurface; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCShapeProfileDef struct IfcCShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Width; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Girth; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InternalFilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPermit struct IfcPermit : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcIdentifier::Out PermitID; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSlabType struct IfcSlabType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcSlabTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLampType struct IfcLampType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcLampTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlanarExtent struct IfcPlanarExtent : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { IfcLengthMeasure::Out SizeInX; IfcLengthMeasure::Out SizeInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAlarmType struct IfcAlarmType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcAlarmTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType struct IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType : IfcFlowStorageDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEquipmentElement struct IfcEquipmentElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightFixtureType struct IfcLightFixtureType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCurtainWall struct IfcCurtainWall : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSlab struct IfcSlab : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcSlabTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCurtainWallType struct IfcCurtainWallType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOutletType struct IfcOutletType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcOutletTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCompressorType struct IfcCompressorType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcCompressorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef struct IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallHeight; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseWidth2; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth2; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth3; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseWidth4; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth1; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth2; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth3; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowSegment struct IfcFlowSegment : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSectionedSpine struct IfcSectionedSpine : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCompositeCurve > SpineCurve; ListOf< Lazy< IfcProfileDef >, 2, 0 > CrossSections; ListOf< Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D >, 2, 0 > CrossSectionPositions; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricTimeControlType struct IfcElectricTimeControlType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceSurface struct IfcFaceSurface : IfcFace, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcSurface > FaceSurface; BOOLEAN::Out SameSense; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMotorConnectionType struct IfcMotorConnectionType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowFitting struct IfcFlowFitting : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPointOnCurve struct IfcPointOnCurve : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve; IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameter; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTransportElementType struct IfcTransportElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcTransportElementTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCableSegmentType struct IfcCableSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper { IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSurface struct IfcAnnotationSurface : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcGeometricRepresentationItem > Item; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > TextureCoordinates; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCompositeCurveSegment struct IfcCompositeCurveSegment : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { IfcTransitionCode::Out Transition; BOOLEAN::Out SameSense; Lazy< IfcCurve > ParentCurve; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcServiceLife struct IfcServiceLife : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum::Out ServiceLifeType; IfcTimeMeasure::Out ServiceLifeDuration; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlateType struct IfcPlateType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcPlateTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcVibrationIsolatorType struct IfcVibrationIsolatorType : IfcDiscreteAccessoryType, ObjectHelper { IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTrimmedCurve struct IfcTrimmedCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve; ListOf< IfcTrimmingSelect, 1, 2 >::Out Trim1; ListOf< IfcTrimmingSelect, 1, 2 >::Out Trim2; BOOLEAN::Out SenseAgreement; IfcTrimmingPreference::Out MasterRepresentation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMappedItem struct IfcMappedItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcRepresentationMap > MappingSource; Lazy< IfcCartesianTransformationOperator > MappingTarget; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDirection struct IfcDirection : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< REAL, 2, 3 >::Out DirectionRatios; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBlock struct IfcBlock : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XLength; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YLength; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out ZLength; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectOrderRecord struct IfcProjectOrderRecord : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > Records; IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMeterType struct IfcFlowMeterType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper { IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcControllerType struct IfcControllerType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcControllerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBeam struct IfcBeam : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef struct IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcBoundedCurve > Curve; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCenterLineProfileDef struct IfcCenterLineProfileDef : IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Thickness; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTimeSeriesSchedule struct IfcTimeSeriesSchedule : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { Maybe< ListOf< IfcDateTimeSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > ApplicableDates; IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum::Out TimeSeriesScheduleType; Lazy< NotImplemented > TimeSeries; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRoundedEdgeFeature struct IfcRoundedEdgeFeature : IfcEdgeFeature, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcIShapeProfileDef struct IfcIShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallDepth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceHeaterType struct IfcSpaceHeaterType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowStorageDevice struct IfcFlowStorageDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRevolvedAreaSolid struct IfcRevolvedAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcAxis1Placement > Axis; IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out Angle; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDoor struct IfcDoor : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallHeight; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallWidth; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEllipse struct IfcEllipse : IfcConic, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis1; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis2; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTubeBundleType struct IfcTubeBundleType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAngularDimension struct IfcAngularDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel struct IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcConnectedFaceSet >, 1, 0 > FbsmFaces; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef struct IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallHeight; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadWidth; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth2; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth3; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth1; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth2; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcColumnType struct IfcColumnType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper { IfcColumnTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTShapeProfileDef struct IfcTShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FlangeEdgeRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > WebEdgeRadius; Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > WebSlope; Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > FlangeSlope; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcEnergyConversionDevice struct IfcEnergyConversionDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkSchedule struct IfcWorkSchedule : IfcWorkControl, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcZone struct IfcZone : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcTransportElement struct IfcTransportElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcTransportElementTypeEnum::Out > OperationType; Maybe< IfcMassMeasure::Out > CapacityByWeight; Maybe< IfcCountMeasure::Out > CapacityByNumber; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext struct IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext : IfcGeometricRepresentationContext, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcGeometricRepresentationContext > ParentContext; Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > TargetScale; IfcGeometricProjectionEnum::Out TargetView; Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedTargetView; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLShapeProfileDef struct IfcLShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Width; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Thickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius; Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > LegSlope; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricCurveSet struct IfcGeometricCurveSet : IfcGeometricSet, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcActor struct IfcActor : IfcObject, ObjectHelper { IfcActorSelect::Out TheActor; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOccupant struct IfcOccupant : IfcActor, ObjectHelper { IfcOccupantTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBooleanClippingResult struct IfcBooleanClippingResult : IfcBooleanResult, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationFillArea struct IfcAnnotationFillArea : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterBoundary; Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 1, 0 > > InnerBoundaries; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceSpot struct IfcLightSourceSpot : IfcLightSourcePositional, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation; Maybe< IfcReal::Out > ConcentrationExponent; IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure::Out SpreadAngle; IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure::Out BeamWidthAngle; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType struct IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricGeneratorType struct IfcElectricGeneratorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper { IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcInventory struct IfcInventory : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { IfcInventoryTypeEnum::Out InventoryType; IfcActorSelect::Out Jurisdiction; ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > ResponsiblePersons; Lazy< NotImplemented > LastUpdateDate; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > CurrentValue; Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > OriginalValue; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPolyline struct IfcPolyline : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper { ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 2, 0 > Points; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcBoxedHalfSpace struct IfcBoxedHalfSpace : IfcHalfSpaceSolid, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcBoundingBox > Enclosure; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAirTerminalType struct IfcAirTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper { IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionPort struct IfcDistributionPort : IfcPort, ObjectHelper { Maybe< IfcFlowDirectionEnum::Out > FlowDirection; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCostItem struct IfcCostItem : IfcControl, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuredDimensionCallout struct IfcStructuredDimensionCallout : IfcDraughtingCallout, ObjectHelper { }; // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralResultGroup struct IfcStructuralResultGroup : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper { IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum::Out TheoryType; Maybe< Lazy< IfcStructuralLoadGroup > > ResultForLoadGroup; BOOLEAN::Out IsLinear; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcOrientedEdge struct IfcOrientedEdge : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper { Lazy< IfcEdge > EdgeElement; BOOLEAN::Out Orientation; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcCsgSolid struct IfcCsgSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper { IfcCsgSelect::Out TreeRootExpression; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcPlanarBox struct IfcPlanarBox : IfcPlanarExtent, ObjectHelper { IfcAxis2Placement::Out Placement; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation struct IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation : IfcProductRepresentation, ObjectHelper { Lazy< NotImplemented > RepresentedMaterial; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef struct IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef : IfcIShapeProfileDef, ObjectHelper { IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TopFlangeWidth; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TopFlangeThickness; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TopFlangeFilletRadius; Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY; }; // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationMap struct IfcRepresentationMap : ObjectHelper { IfcAxis2Placement::Out MappingOrigin; Lazy< IfcRepresentation > MappedRepresentation; }; void GetSchema(EXPRESS::ConversionSchema& out); } //! IFC namespace STEP { // ****************************************************************************** // Converter stubs // ****************************************************************************** #define DECL_CONV_STUB(type) template <> size_t GenericFill(const STEP::DB& db, const EXPRESS::LIST& params, IFC::type* in) DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoot); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObjectDefinition); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTypeObject); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTypeProduct); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnishingElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnitureType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObject); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProduct); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGrid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementComponent); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpatialStructureElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcControl); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcActionRequest); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionFlowElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCooledBeamType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCsgPrimitive3D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangularPyramid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundedSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGroup); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelationship); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHalfSpaceSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowFittingType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPipeFittingType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyleModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyledRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBooleanResult); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElementSubtraction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOpeningElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConditionCriterion); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowControllerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSwitchingDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSystem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricalCircuit); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUnitaryEquipmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPort); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlacement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConic); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementarySurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlane); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCostSchedule); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRightCircularCone); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementAssembly); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMember); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementProxy); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralActivity); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralAction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPlanarAction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConnectedFaceSet); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProcess); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProcedure); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVector); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceBound); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceOuterBound); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElementAddition); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcNamedUnit); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHeatExchangerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPresentationStyleAssignment); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFilterType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEvaporativeCoolerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOffsetCurve2D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdge); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSubedge); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProxy); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLine); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColumn); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObjectPlacement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGridPlacement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionControlElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelConnects); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlate); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSolidModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcManifoldSolidBrep); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowStorageDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralMember); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveMember); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralConnection); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoilType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctFittingType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyledItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundedCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis1Placement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointAction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpatialStructureElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpace); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoolingTowerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcValveType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSystemFurnitureElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiscreteAccessory); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRailingType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGasTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceProgram); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCovering); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPresentationStyle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricHeaterType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingStorey); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertex); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertexPoint); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowInstrumentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcParameterizedProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRamp); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompositeCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRampFlightType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDraughtingCallout); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRadiusDimension); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeFeature); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptAreaSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcExtrudedAreaSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStair); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTerminatorSymbol); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurveTerminator); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangleProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLocalPlacement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTask); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFace); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowSegmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctSegmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionEquipmentResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSanitaryTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircleProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralReaction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointReaction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRailing); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTextLiteral); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLinearDimension); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDamperType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSIUnit); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionControlElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransformerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLaborResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnitureStandard); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStairFlightType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkControl); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkPlan); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCondition); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWindow); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProtectiveDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcJunctionBoxType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralAnalysisModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis2Placement2D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEllipseProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionFlowElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMovingDevice); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricSet); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectOrder); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBSplineCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBezierCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointConnection); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowController); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricDistributionPoint); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSite); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOffsetCurve3D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVirtualElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionProductResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCrewResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceMember); DECL_CONV_STUB(Ifc2DCompositeCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationContext); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationContext); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTreatmentDevice); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRightCircularCylinder); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWasteTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementComponent); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementPart); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWall); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWallStandardCase); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPath); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDefinedSymbol); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPoint); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceOfRevolution); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTerminal); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnishingElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleShading); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleRendering); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircleHollowProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMovingDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFanType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProductRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStackTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingMesh); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOrderAction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceDirectional); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLoop); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertexLoop); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcChamferEdgeFeature); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementComponentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFastenerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMechanicalFastenerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcScheduleTimeControl); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOpenShell); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSubContractResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptDiskSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTankType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSphere); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolyLoop); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableCarrierFittingType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHumidifierType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPerformanceHistory); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShapeModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTopologyRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuilding); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStairFlight); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionChamberElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShapeRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRampFlight); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBeamType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelDecomposes); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoof); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFooting); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceAmbient); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWindowStyle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementProxyType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis2Placement3D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcClosedShell); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTendonAnchor); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCondenserType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPipeSegmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPointOnSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAsset); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourcePositional); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectionCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleTiles); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricMotorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTendon); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionChamberElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMemberType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLinearAction); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProductDefinitionShape); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFastener); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMechanicalFastener); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEvaporatorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiscreteAccessoryType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveConnection); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectionElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoveringType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPumpType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPile); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUnitAssignment); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundingBox); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFacetedBrep); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTextLiteralWithExtent); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricApplianceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTrapeziumProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeLoop); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProject); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianPoint); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurveBoundedPlane); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWallType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleHatching); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEquipmentStandard); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiameterDimension); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLoadGroup); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionMaterialResource); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelAggregates); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoilerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColourSpecification); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColourRgb); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDoorStyle); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctSilencerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceGoniometric); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcActuatorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSensorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirTerminalBoxType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcZShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRationalBezierCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMove); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableCarrierSegmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricalElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcChillerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingBar); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPermit); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSlabType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLampType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlanarExtent); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAlarmType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEquipmentElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightFixtureType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurtainWall); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSlab); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurtainWallType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOutletType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompressorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowSegment); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSectionedSpine); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricTimeControlType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMotorConnectionType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowFitting); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPointOnCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransportElementType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableSegmentType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSurface); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompositeCurveSegment); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcServiceLife); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlateType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVibrationIsolatorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTrimmedCurve); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMappedItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDirection); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBlock); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectOrderRecord); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMeterType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcControllerType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBeam); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCenterLineProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTimeSeriesSchedule); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoundedEdgeFeature); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcIShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceHeaterType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowStorageDevice); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRevolvedAreaSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDoor); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEllipse); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTubeBundleType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAngularDimension); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColumnType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEnergyConversionDevice); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkSchedule); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcZone); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransportElement); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricCurveSet); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcActor); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOccupant); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBooleanClippingResult); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationFillArea); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceSpot); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricGeneratorType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcInventory); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolyline); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoxedHalfSpace); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirTerminalType); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionPort); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCostItem); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuredDimensionCallout); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralResultGroup); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOrientedEdge); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCsgSolid); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlanarBox); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef); DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationMap); #undef DECL_CONV_STUB } //! STEP } //! Assimp #endif // INCLUDED_IFC_READER_GEN_H