/* Free Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // //! @file Definition of in-memory structures for the MDL file format. // // The specification has been taken from various sources on the internet. // http://tfc.duke.free.fr/coding/mdl-specs-en.html #ifndef AI_MDLFILEHELPER_H_INC #define AI_MDLFILEHELPER_H_INC #include #include #include "../include/aiTypes.h" #include "../include/aiMesh.h" #include "../include/aiAnim.h" #include "../include/aiMaterial.h" // ugly compiler dependent packing stuff #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack(push,1) # define PACK_STRUCT #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) # define PACK_STRUCT __attribute__((packed)) #else # error Compiler not supported. Never do this again. #endif namespace Assimp { namespace MDL { // magic bytes used in Quake 1 MDL meshes #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE 'IDPO' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE 'OPDI' // magic bytes used in GameStudio A4 MDL meshes #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE_GS4 'MDL3' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE_GS4 '3LDM' // magic bytes used in GameStudio A5+ MDL meshes #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE_GS5a 'MDL4' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE_GS5a '4LDM' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE_GS5b 'MDL5' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE_GS5b '5LDM' // magic bytes used in GameStudio A6+ MDL meshes #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE_GS6 'MDL6' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE_GS6 '6LDM' // magic bytes used in GameStudio A7+ MDL meshes #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_BE_GS7 'MDL7' #define AI_MDL_MAGIC_NUMBER_LE_GS7 '7LDM' // common limitations for Quake1 meshes. The loader does not check them, // but models should not exceed these limits. #if (!defined AI_MDL_VERSION) # define AI_MDL_VERSION 6 #endif #if (!defined AI_MDL_MAX_FRAMES) # define AI_MDL_MAX_FRAMES 256 #endif #if (!defined AI_MDL_MAX_UVS) # define AI_MDL_MAX_UVS 1024 #endif #if (!defined AI_MDL_MAX_VERTS) # define AI_MDL_MAX_VERTS 1024 #endif #if (!defined AI_MDL_MAX_TRIANGLES) # define AI_MDL_MAX_TRIANGLES 2048 #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Header * \brief Data structure for the MDL main header */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Header { //! magic number: "IDPO" int32_t ident; //! version number: 6 int32_t version; //! scale factors for each axis aiVector3D scale; //! translation factors for each axis aiVector3D translate; //! bounding radius of the mesh float boundingradius; //! Position of the viewer's exe. Ignored aiVector3D vEyePos; //! Number of textures int32_t num_skins; //! Texture width in pixels int32_t skinwidth; //! Texture height in pixels int32_t skinheight; //! Number of vertices contained in the file int32_t num_verts; //! Number of triangles contained in the file int32_t num_tris; //! Number of frames contained in the file int32_t num_frames; //! 0 = synchron, 1 = random . Ignored int32_t synctype; //! State flag int32_t flags; //! ??? float size; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Header_MDL7 * \brief Data structure for the MDL 7 main header */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Header_MDL7 { //! magic number: "MDL7" char ident[4]; //! Version number. Ignored int32_t version; //! Number of bones in file int32_t bones_num; //! Number of groups in file int32_t groups_num; //! Size of data in the file int32_t data_size; //! Ignored. Used to store entity specific information int32_t entlump_size; //! Ignored. Used to store MED related data int32_t medlump_size; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Sizes of some file parts uint16_t bone_stc_size; uint16_t skin_stc_size; uint16_t colorvalue_stc_size; uint16_t material_stc_size; uint16_t skinpoint_stc_size; uint16_t triangle_stc_size; uint16_t mainvertex_stc_size; uint16_t framevertex_stc_size; uint16_t bonetrans_stc_size; uint16_t frame_stc_size; } PACK_STRUCT; #define AI_MDL7_MAX_BONENAMESIZE 20 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Bone_MDL7 * \brief Bone in a MDL7 file */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Bone_MDL7 { uint16_t parent_index; uint8_t _unused_[2]; // float x,y,z; char name[AI_MDL7_MAX_BONENAMESIZE]; }; #define AI_MDL7_MAX_GROUPNAMESIZE 16 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Group_MDL7 * \brief Group in a MDL7 file */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Group_MDL7 { //! = '1' -> triangle based Mesh unsigned char typ; int8_t deformers; int8_t max_weights; int8_t _unused_; //! size of data for this group in bytes ( MD7_GROUP stc. included). int32_t groupdata_size; char name[AI_MDL7_MAX_GROUPNAMESIZE]; //! Number of skins int32_t numskins; //! Number of texture coordinates int32_t num_stpts; //! Number of triangles int32_t numtris; //! Number of vertices int32_t numverts; //! Number of frames int32_t numframes; } PACK_STRUCT; #define AI_MDL7_SKINTYPE_MIPFLAG 0x08 #define AI_MDL7_SKINTYPE_MATERIAL 0x10 #define AI_MDL7_SKINTYPE_MATERIAL_ASCDEF 0x20 #define AI_MDL7_SKINTYPE_RGBFLAG 0x80 #define AI_MDL7_MAX_BONENAMESIZE 20 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Deformer_MDL7 * \brief Deformer in a MDL7 file */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Deformer_MDL7 { int8_t deformer_version; // 0 int8_t deformer_typ; // 0 - bones int8_t _unused_[2]; int32_t group_index; int32_t elements; int32_t deformerdata_size; } PACK_STRUCT; struct DeformerElement_MDL7 { //! bei deformer_typ==0 (==bones) element_index == bone index int32_t element_index; char element_name[AI_MDL7_MAX_BONENAMESIZE]; int32_t weights; } PACK_STRUCT; struct DeformerWeight_MDL7 { //! for deformer_typ==0 (==bones) index == vertex index int32_t index; float weight; } PACK_STRUCT; #define AI_MDL7_MAX_TEXNAMESIZE 0x10 typedef int32_t MD7_MATERIAL_ASCDEFSIZE; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Skin_MDL7 * \brief Skin in a MDL7 file */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Skin_MDL7 { uint8_t typ; int8_t _unused_[3]; int32_t width; int32_t height; char texture_name[AI_MDL7_MAX_TEXNAMESIZE]; } PACK_STRUCT; struct ColorValue_MDL7 { float r,g,b,a; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Material_MDL7 * \brief Material in a MDL7 file */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Material_MDL7 { //! Diffuse base color of the material ColorValue_MDL7 Diffuse; //! Ambient base color of the material ColorValue_MDL7 Ambient; //! Specular base color of the material ColorValue_MDL7 Specular; //! Emissive base color of the material ColorValue_MDL7 Emissive; //! Phong power float Power; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Skin * \brief Skin data structure #1 */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Skin { //! 0 = single (Skin), 1 = group (GroupSkin) //! For MDL3-5: Defines the type of the skin and there //! fore the size of the data to skip: //------------------------------------------------------- //! 2 for 565 RGB, //! 3 for 4444 ARGB, //! 10 for 565 mipmapped, //! 11 for 4444 mipmapped (bpp = 2), //! 12 for 888 RGB mipmapped (bpp = 3), //! 13 for 8888 ARGB mipmapped (bpp = 4) //------------------------------------------------------- int32_t group; //! Texture data uint8_t *data; } PACK_STRUCT; struct Skin_MDL5 { int32_t size, width, height; uint8_t *data; } PACK_STRUCT; struct RGB565 { uint16_t r : 5; uint16_t g : 6; uint16_t b : 5; } PACK_STRUCT; struct ARGB4 { uint16_t a : 4; uint16_t r : 4; uint16_t g : 4; uint16_t b : 4; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct GroupSkin * \brief Skin data structure #2 (group of pictures) */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct GroupSkin { //! 0 = single (Skin), 1 = group (GroupSkin) int32_t group; //! Number of images int32_t nb; //! Time for each image float *time; //! Data of each image uint8_t **data; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct TexCoord * \brief Texture coordinate data structure */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct TexCoord { //! Is the vertex on the noundary between front and back piece? int32_t onseam; //! Texture coordinate in the tx direction int32_t s; //! Texture coordinate in the ty direction int32_t t; } PACK_STRUCT; struct TexCoord_MDL3 { //! position, horizontally in range 0..skinwidth-1 int16_t u; //! position, vertically in range 0..skinheight-1 int16_t v; } PACK_STRUCT; struct TexCoord_MDL7 { //! position, horizontally in range 0..1 float u; //! position, vertically in range 0..1 float v; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Triangle * \brief Triangle data structure */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Triangle { //! 0 = backface, 1 = frontface int32_t facesfront; //! Vertex indices int32_t vertex[3]; } PACK_STRUCT; struct Triangle_MDL3 { //! Index of 3 3D vertices in range 0..numverts uint16_t index_xyz[3]; //! Index of 3 skin vertices in range 0..numskinverts uint16_t index_uv[3]; } PACK_STRUCT; struct SkinSet_MDL7 { //! Index into the UV coordinate list uint16_t st_index[3]; // size 6 //! Material index int32_t material; // size 4 } PACK_STRUCT; struct Triangle_MDL7 { //! Vertex indices uint16_t v_index[3]; // size 6 //! Two skinsets. The second will be used for multi-texturing SkinSet_MDL7 skinsets[2]; } PACK_STRUCT; // Helper constants for Triangle::facesfront #if (!defined AI_MDL_BACKFACE) # define AI_MDL_BACKFACE 0x0 #endif #if (!defined AI_MDL_FRONTFACE) # define AI_MDL_FRONTFACE 0x1 #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Vertex * \brief Vertex data structure */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Vertex { uint8_t v[3]; uint8_t normalIndex; } PACK_STRUCT; struct Vertex_MDL4 { uint16_t v[3]; uint8_t normalIndex; uint8_t unused; } PACK_STRUCT; #define AI_MDL7_FRAMEVERTEX120503_STCSIZE 16 #define AI_MDL7_FRAMEVERTEX030305_STCSIZE 26 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Vertex_MDL7 * \brief Vertex data structure used in MDL7 files */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Vertex_MDL7 { float x,y,z; uint16_t vertindex; union { uint16_t norm162index; float norm[3]; }; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct BoneTransform_MDL7 * \brief bone transformation matrix structure used in MDL7 files */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct BoneTransform_MDL7 { //! 4*3 float m [4*4]; //! the index of this vertex, 0.. header::bones_num - 1 uint16_t bone_index; //! I HATE 3DGS AND THE SILLY DEVELOPER WHO DESIGNED //! THIS STUPID FILE FORMAT! int8_t _unused_[2]; } PACK_STRUCT; #define AI_MDL7_MAX_FRAMENAMESIZE 16 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Frame_MDL7 * \brief Frame data structure used by MDL7 files */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Frame_MDL7 { char frame_name[AI_MDL7_MAX_FRAMENAMESIZE]; uint32_t vertices_count; uint32_t transmatrix_count; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct SimpleFrame * \brief Data structure for a simple frame */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SimpleFrame { //! Minimum vertex of the bounding box Vertex bboxmin; //! Maximum vertex of the bounding box Vertex bboxmax; //! Name of the frame char name[16]; //! Vertex list of the frame Vertex *verts; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct Frame * \brief Model frame data structure */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Frame { //! 0 = simple frame, !0 = group frame int32_t type; //! Frame data SimpleFrame frame; } PACK_STRUCT; struct SimpleFrame_MDLn_SP { //! Minimum vertex of the bounding box Vertex_MDL4 bboxmin; //! Maximum vertex of the bounding box Vertex_MDL4 bboxmax; //! Name of the frame char name[16]; //! Vertex list of the frame Vertex_MDL4 *verts; } PACK_STRUCT; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct GroupFrame * \brief Data structure for a group of frames */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct GroupFrame { //! 0 = simple frame, !0 = group frame int32_t type; //! Minimum vertex for all single frames Vertex min; //! Maximum vertex for all single frames Vertex max; //! Time for all single frames float *time; //! List of single frames SimpleFrame *frames; } PACK_STRUCT; // reset packing to the original value #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack( pop ) #endif #undef PACK_STRUCT // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct IntFace_MDL7 * \brief Internal data structure to temporarily represent a face */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct IntFace_MDL7 { // provide a constructor for our own convenience IntFace_MDL7() { // set everything to zero mIndices[0] = mIndices[1] = mIndices[2] = 0; iMatIndex[0] = iMatIndex[1] = 0; } //! Vertex indices uint32_t mIndices[3]; //! Material index (maximally two channels, which are joined later) unsigned int iMatIndex[2]; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \struct IntMaterial_MDL7 * \brief Internal data structure to temporarily represent a material * which has been created from two single materials along with the * original material indices. */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct IntMaterial_MDL7 { // provide a constructor for our own convenience IntMaterial_MDL7() { pcMat = NULL; iOldMatIndices[0] = iOldMatIndices[1] = 0; } //! Material instance MaterialHelper* pcMat; //! Old material indices unsigned int iOldMatIndices[2]; }; };}; // end namespaces #endif // !! AI_MDLFILEHELPER_H_INC