/* Open Asset Import Library (assimp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2017, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /// \file X3DImporter.cpp /// \brief X3D-format files importer for Assimp: main algorithm implementation. /// \date 2015-2016 /// \author smal.root@gmail.com #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_X3D_IMPORTER #include "X3DImporter.hpp" #include "X3DImporter_Macro.hpp" #include "StringUtils.h" // Header files, Assimp. #include <assimp/DefaultIOSystem.h> #include "fast_atof.h" // Header files, stdlib. #include <memory> #include <string> namespace Assimp { /// \var aiImporterDesc X3DImporter::Description /// Constant which holds the importer description const aiImporterDesc X3DImporter::Description = { "Extensible 3D(X3D) Importer", "smalcom", "", "See documentation in source code. Chapter: Limitations.", aiImporterFlags_SupportTextFlavour | aiImporterFlags_LimitedSupport | aiImporterFlags_Experimental, 0, 0, 0, 0, "x3d" }; X3DImporter::X3DImporter() : NodeElement_Cur( nullptr ) , mReader( nullptr ) { // empty } X3DImporter::~X3DImporter() { delete mReader; // Clear() is accounting if data already is deleted. So, just check again if all data is deleted. Clear(); } void X3DImporter::Clear() { NodeElement_Cur = nullptr; // Delete all elements if(NodeElement_List.size()) { for ( std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); it++ ) { delete *it; } NodeElement_List.clear(); } } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: find set ************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ bool X3DImporter::FindNodeElement_FromRoot(const std::string& pID, const CX3DImporter_NodeElement::EType pType, CX3DImporter_NodeElement** pElement) { for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); it++) { if(((*it)->Type == pType) && ((*it)->ID == pID)) { if(pElement != nullptr) *pElement = *it; return true; } }// for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); it++) return false; } bool X3DImporter::FindNodeElement_FromNode(CX3DImporter_NodeElement* pStartNode, const std::string& pID, const CX3DImporter_NodeElement::EType pType, CX3DImporter_NodeElement** pElement) { bool found = false;// flag: true - if requested element is found. // Check if pStartNode - this is the element, we are looking for. if((pStartNode->Type == pType) && (pStartNode->ID == pID)) { found = true; if ( pElement != nullptr ) { *pElement = pStartNode; } goto fne_fn_end; }// if((pStartNode->Type() == pType) && (pStartNode->ID() == pID)) // Check childs of pStartNode. for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = pStartNode->Child.begin(); ch_it != pStartNode->Child.end(); ch_it++) { found = FindNodeElement_FromNode(*ch_it, pID, pType, pElement); if ( found ) { break; } }// for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = it->Child.begin(); ch_it != it->Child.end(); ch_it++) fne_fn_end: return found; } bool X3DImporter::FindNodeElement(const std::string& pID, const CX3DImporter_NodeElement::EType pType, CX3DImporter_NodeElement** pElement) { CX3DImporter_NodeElement* tnd = NodeElement_Cur;// temporary pointer to node. bool static_search = false;// flag: true if searching in static node. // At first check if we have deal with static node. Go up through parent nodes and check flag. while(tnd != nullptr) { if(tnd->Type == CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Group) { if(((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Group*)tnd)->Static) { static_search = true;// Flag found, stop walking up. Node with static flag will holded in tnd variable. break; } } tnd = tnd->Parent;// go up in graph. }// while(tnd != nullptr) // at now call appropriate search function. if ( static_search ) { return FindNodeElement_FromNode( tnd, pID, pType, pElement ); } else { return FindNodeElement_FromRoot( pID, pType, pElement ); } } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: throw set ***********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void X3DImporter::Throw_ArgOutOfRange(const std::string& pArgument) { throw DeadlyImportError("Argument value is out of range for: \"" + pArgument + "\"."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_CloseNotFound(const std::string& pNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("Close tag for node <" + pNode + "> not found. Seems file is corrupt."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(const std::string& pAttrValue) { throw DeadlyImportError("In <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + "> failed to convert attribute value \"" + pAttrValue + "\" from string to array of floats."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_DEF_And_USE() { throw DeadlyImportError("\"DEF\" and \"USE\" can not be defined both in <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + ">."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_IncorrectAttr(const std::string& pAttrName) { throw DeadlyImportError("Node <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + "> has incorrect attribute \"" + pAttrName + "\"."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(const std::string& pAttrName) { throw DeadlyImportError("Attribute \"" + pAttrName + "\" in node <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + "> has incorrect value."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_MoreThanOnceDefined(const std::string& pNodeType, const std::string& pDescription) { throw DeadlyImportError("\"" + pNodeType + "\" node can be used only once in " + mReader->getNodeName() + ". Description: " + pDescription); } void X3DImporter::Throw_TagCountIncorrect(const std::string& pNode) { throw DeadlyImportError("Count of open and close tags for node <" + pNode + "> are not equivalent. Seems file is corrupt."); } void X3DImporter::Throw_USE_NotFound(const std::string& pAttrValue) { throw DeadlyImportError("Not found node with name \"" + pAttrValue + "\" in <" + std::string(mReader->getNodeName()) + ">."); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************* Functions: XML set ************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void X3DImporter::XML_CheckNode_MustBeEmpty() { if(!mReader->isEmptyElement()) throw DeadlyImportError(std::string("Node <") + mReader->getNodeName() + "> must be empty."); } void X3DImporter::XML_CheckNode_SkipUnsupported(const std::string& pParentNodeName) { static const size_t Uns_Skip_Len = 190; const char* Uns_Skip[ Uns_Skip_Len ] = { // CAD geometry component "CADAssembly", "CADFace", "CADLayer", "CADPart", "IndexedQuadSet", "QuadSet", // Core "ROUTE", "ExternProtoDeclare", "ProtoDeclare", "ProtoInstance", "ProtoInterface", "WorldInfo", // Distributed interactive simulation (DIS) component "DISEntityManager", "DISEntityTypeMapping", "EspduTransform", "ReceiverPdu", "SignalPdu", "TransmitterPdu", // Cube map environmental texturing component "ComposedCubeMapTexture", "GeneratedCubeMapTexture", "ImageCubeMapTexture", // Environmental effects component "Background", "Fog", "FogCoordinate", "LocalFog", "TextureBackground", // Environmental sensor component "ProximitySensor", "TransformSensor", "VisibilitySensor", // Followers component "ColorChaser", "ColorDamper", "CoordinateChaser", "CoordinateDamper", "OrientationChaser", "OrientationDamper", "PositionChaser", "PositionChaser2D", "PositionDamper", "PositionDamper2D", "ScalarChaser", "ScalarDamper", "TexCoordChaser2D", "TexCoordDamper2D", // Geospatial component "GeoCoordinate", "GeoElevationGrid", "GeoLocation", "GeoLOD", "GeoMetadata", "GeoOrigin", "GeoPositionInterpolator", "GeoProximitySensor", "GeoTouchSensor", "GeoTransform", "GeoViewpoint", // Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) component "HAnimDisplacer", "HAnimHumanoid", "HAnimJoint", "HAnimSegment", "HAnimSite", // Interpolation component "ColorInterpolator", "CoordinateInterpolator", "CoordinateInterpolator2D", "EaseInEaseOut", "NormalInterpolator", "OrientationInterpolator", "PositionInterpolator", "PositionInterpolator2D", "ScalarInterpolator", "SplinePositionInterpolator", "SplinePositionInterpolator2D", "SplineScalarInterpolator", "SquadOrientationInterpolator", // Key device sensor component "KeySensor", "StringSensor", // Layering component "Layer", "LayerSet", "Viewport", // Layout component "Layout", "LayoutGroup", "LayoutLayer", "ScreenFontStyle", "ScreenGroup", // Navigation component "Billboard", "Collision", "LOD", "NavigationInfo", "OrthoViewpoint", "Viewpoint", "ViewpointGroup", // Networking component "Anchor", "LoadSensor", // NURBS component "Contour2D", "ContourPolyline2D", "CoordinateDouble", "NurbsCurve", "NurbsCurve2D", "NurbsOrientationInterpolator", "NurbsPatchSurface", "NurbsPositionInterpolator", "NurbsSet", "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator", "NurbsSweptSurface", "NurbsSwungSurface", "NurbsTextureCoordinate", "NurbsTrimmedSurface", // Particle systems component "BoundedPhysicsModel", "ConeEmitter", "ExplosionEmitter", "ForcePhysicsModel", "ParticleSystem", "PointEmitter", "PolylineEmitter", "SurfaceEmitter", "VolumeEmitter", "WindPhysicsModel", // Picking component "LinePickSensor", "PickableGroup", "PointPickSensor", "PrimitivePickSensor", "VolumePickSensor", // Pointing device sensor component "CylinderSensor", "PlaneSensor", "SphereSensor", "TouchSensor", // Rendering component "ClipPlane", // Rigid body physics "BallJoint", "CollidableOffset", "CollidableShape", "CollisionCollection", "CollisionSensor", "CollisionSpace", "Contact", "DoubleAxisHingeJoint", "MotorJoint", "RigidBody", "RigidBodyCollection", "SingleAxisHingeJoint", "SliderJoint", "UniversalJoint", // Scripting component "Script", // Programmable shaders component "ComposedShader", "FloatVertexAttribute", "Matrix3VertexAttribute", "Matrix4VertexAttribute", "PackagedShader", "ProgramShader", "ShaderPart", "ShaderProgram", // Shape component "FillProperties", "LineProperties", "TwoSidedMaterial", // Sound component "AudioClip", "Sound", // Text component "FontStyle", "Text", // Texturing3D Component "ComposedTexture3D", "ImageTexture3D", "PixelTexture3D", "TextureCoordinate3D", "TextureCoordinate4D", "TextureTransformMatrix3D", "TextureTransform3D", // Texturing component "MovieTexture", "MultiTexture", "MultiTextureCoordinate", "MultiTextureTransform", "PixelTexture", "TextureCoordinateGenerator", "TextureProperties", // Time component "TimeSensor", // Event Utilities component "BooleanFilter", "BooleanSequencer", "BooleanToggle", "BooleanTrigger", "IntegerSequencer", "IntegerTrigger", "TimeTrigger", // Volume rendering component "BlendedVolumeStyle", "BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle", "CartoonVolumeStyle", "ComposedVolumeStyle", "EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle", "IsoSurfaceVolumeData", "OpacityMapVolumeStyle", "ProjectionVolumeStyle", "SegmentedVolumeData", "ShadedVolumeStyle", "SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle", "ToneMappedVolumeStyle", "VolumeData" }; const std::string nn( mReader->getNodeName() ); bool found = false; bool close_found = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < Uns_Skip_Len; i++) { if(nn == Uns_Skip[i]) { found = true; if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) { close_found = true; goto casu_cres; } while(mReader->read()) { if((mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) && (nn == mReader->getNodeName())) { close_found = true; goto casu_cres; } } } } casu_cres: if(!found) throw DeadlyImportError("Unknown node \"" + nn + "\" in " + pParentNodeName + "."); if(close_found) LogInfo("Skipping node \"" + nn + "\" in " + pParentNodeName + "."); else Throw_CloseNotFound(nn); } bool X3DImporter::XML_SearchNode(const std::string& pNodeName) { while(mReader->read()) { if((mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) && XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(pNodeName)) return true; } return false; } bool X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsBool(const int pAttrIdx) { std::string val(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); if(val == "false") return false; else if(val == "true") return true; else throw DeadlyImportError("Bool attribute value can contain \"false\" or \"true\" not the \"" + val + "\""); } float X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsFloat(const int pAttrIdx) { std::string val; float tvalf; ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx), val); fast_atoreal_move(val.c_str(), tvalf, false); return tvalf; } int32_t X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsI32(const int pAttrIdx) { return strtol10(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsCol3f(const int pAttrIdx, aiColor3D& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; std::list<float>::iterator it; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist); if(tlist.size() != 3) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); it = tlist.begin(); pValue.r = *it++; pValue.g = *it++; pValue.b = *it; } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsVec2f(const int pAttrIdx, aiVector2D& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; std::list<float>::iterator it; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist); if(tlist.size() != 2) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); it = tlist.begin(); pValue.x = *it++; pValue.y = *it; } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsVec3f(const int pAttrIdx, aiVector3D& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; std::list<float>::iterator it; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist); if(tlist.size() != 3) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); it = tlist.begin(); pValue.x = *it++; pValue.y = *it++; pValue.z = *it; } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListB(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<bool>& pValue) { // make copy of attribute value - string with list of bool values. Also all bool values is strings. size_t tok_str_len = strlen(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); if ( 0 == tok_str_len ) { Throw_IncorrectAttrValue( mReader->getAttributeName( pAttrIdx ) ); } tok_str_len++;// take in account terminating '\0'. char *tok_str = new char[tok_str_len]; strcpy(tok_str, mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); // change all spacebars to symbol '\0'. That is needed for parsing. for(size_t i = 0; i < tok_str_len; i++) { if(tok_str[i] == ' ') tok_str[i] = 0; } // at now check what current token is for(char *tok_cur = tok_str, *tok_end = (tok_str + tok_str_len); tok_cur < tok_end;) { if(strncmp(tok_cur, "true", 4) == 0) { pValue.push_back(true); tok_cur += 5;// five, not four. Because '\0' must be skipped too. } else if(strncmp(tok_cur, "false", 5) == 0) { pValue.push_back(true); tok_cur += 6;// six, not five. Because '\0' must be skipped too. } else { Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(mReader->getAttributeName(pAttrIdx)); } }// for(char* tok_cur = tok_str, tok_end = (tok_str + tok_str_len); tok_cur < tok_end;) // delete temporary string delete [] tok_str; } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrB(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<bool>& pValue) { std::list<bool> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListB(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for(std::list<bool>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListI32(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<int32_t>& pValue) { const char* tstr = mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx); const char* tstr_end = tstr + strlen(tstr); do { const char* ostr; int32_t tval32; tval32 = strtol10(tstr, &ostr); if(ostr == tstr) break; while((ostr < tstr_end) && (*ostr == ' ')) ostr++;// skip spaces between values. tstr = ostr; pValue.push_back(tval32); } while(tstr < tstr_end); } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrI32(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<int32_t>& pValue) { std::list<int32_t> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListI32(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for(std::list<int32_t>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<float>& pValue) { std::string str_fixed; // at first check string values like '.xxx'. ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx), str_fixed); if(!str_fixed.size()) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); // and convert all values and place it in list. const char* pstr = str_fixed.c_str(); const char* pstr_end = pstr + str_fixed.size(); do { float tvalf; while((*pstr == ' ') && (pstr < pstr_end)) pstr++;// skip spaces between values. if(pstr < pstr_end)// additional check, because attribute value can be ended with spaces. { pstr = fast_atoreal_move(pstr, tvalf, false); pValue.push_back(tvalf); } } while(pstr < pstr_end); } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrF(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<float>& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for(std::list<float>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListD(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<double>& pValue) { std::string str_fixed; // at first check string values like '.xxx'. ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx), str_fixed); if(!str_fixed.size()) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); // and convert all values and place it in list. const char* pstr = str_fixed.c_str(); const char* pstr_end = pstr + str_fixed.size(); do { double tvald; while((*pstr == ' ') && (pstr < pstr_end)) pstr++;// skip spaces between values. if(pstr < pstr_end)// additional check, because attribute value can be ended with spaces. { pstr = fast_atoreal_move(pstr, tvald, false); pValue.push_back(tvald); } } while(pstr < pstr_end); } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrD(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<double>& pValue) { std::list<double> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListD(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for(std::list<double>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListCol3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<aiColor3D>& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list if(tlist.size() % 3) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); // copy data to array for(std::list<float>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end();) { aiColor3D tcol; tcol.r = *it++; tcol.g = *it++; tcol.b = *it++; pValue.push_back(tcol); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrCol3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<aiColor3D>& pValue) { std::list<aiColor3D> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListCol3f(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for(std::list<aiColor3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListCol4f(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<aiColor4D>& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list if(tlist.size() % 4) Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); // copy data to array for(std::list<float>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end();) { aiColor4D tcol; tcol.r = *it++; tcol.g = *it++; tcol.b = *it++; tcol.a = *it++; pValue.push_back(tcol); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrCol4f(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<aiColor4D>& pValue) { std::list<aiColor4D> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListCol4f(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ ) { pValue.push_back( *it ); } } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListVec2f(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<aiVector2D>& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list if ( tlist.size() % 2 ) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF( mReader->getAttributeValue( pAttrIdx ) ); } // copy data to array for(std::list<float>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end();) { aiVector2D tvec; tvec.x = *it++; tvec.y = *it++; pValue.push_back(tvec); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrVec2f(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<aiVector2D>& pValue) { std::list<aiVector2D> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListVec2f(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ ) { pValue.push_back( *it ); } } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListVec3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<aiVector3D>& pValue) { std::list<float> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListF(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list if ( tlist.size() % 3 ) { Throw_ConvertFail_Str2ArrF( mReader->getAttributeValue( pAttrIdx ) ); } // copy data to array for(std::list<float>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end();) { aiVector3D tvec; tvec.x = *it++; tvec.y = *it++; tvec.z = *it++; pValue.push_back(tvec); } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrVec3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::vector<aiVector3D>& pValue) { std::list<aiVector3D> tlist; XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListVec3f(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list // and copy to array if(tlist.size() > 0) { pValue.reserve(tlist.size()); for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ ) { pValue.push_back( *it ); } } } void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListS(const int pAttrIdx, std::list<std::string>& pValue) { // make copy of attribute value - strings list. const size_t tok_str_len = strlen(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); if ( 0 == tok_str_len ) { Throw_IncorrectAttrValue( mReader->getAttributeName( pAttrIdx ) ); } // get pointer to begin of value. char *tok_str = const_cast<char*>(mReader->getAttributeValue(pAttrIdx)); char *tok_str_end = tok_str + tok_str_len; // string list has following format: attr_name='"s1" "s2" "sn"'. do { char* tbeg; char* tend; size_t tlen; std::string tstr; // find begin of string(element of string list): "sn". tbeg = strstr(tok_str, "\""); if(tbeg == nullptr) Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(mReader->getAttributeName(pAttrIdx)); tbeg++;// forward pointer from '\"' symbol to next after it. tok_str = tbeg; // find end of string(element of string list): "sn". tend = strstr(tok_str, "\""); if(tend == nullptr) Throw_IncorrectAttrValue(mReader->getAttributeName(pAttrIdx)); tok_str = tend + 1; // create storage for new string tlen = tend - tbeg; tstr.resize(tlen);// reserve enough space and copy data memcpy((void*)tstr.data(), tbeg, tlen);// not strcpy because end of copied string from tok_str has no terminator. // and store string in output list. pValue.push_back(tstr); } while(tok_str < tok_str_end); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************** Functions: geometry helper set ******************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ aiVector3D X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Make_Point2D(const float pAngle, const float pRadius) { return aiVector3D(pRadius * std::cos(pAngle), pRadius * std::sin(pAngle), 0); } void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Make_Arc2D(const float pStartAngle, const float pEndAngle, const float pRadius, size_t pNumSegments, std::list<aiVector3D>& pVertices) { // check argument values ranges. if ( ( pStartAngle < -AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F ) || ( pStartAngle > AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F ) ) { Throw_ArgOutOfRange( "GeometryHelper_Make_Arc2D.pStartAngle" ); } if ( ( pEndAngle < -AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F ) || ( pEndAngle > AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F ) ) { Throw_ArgOutOfRange( "GeometryHelper_Make_Arc2D.pEndAngle" ); } if ( pRadius <= 0 ) { Throw_ArgOutOfRange( "GeometryHelper_Make_Arc2D.pRadius" ); } // calculate arc angle and check type of arc float angle_full = std::fabs(pEndAngle - pStartAngle); if ( ( angle_full > AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F ) || ( angle_full == 0.0f ) ) { angle_full = AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F; } // calculate angle for one step - angle to next point of line. float angle_step = angle_full / (float)pNumSegments; // make points for(size_t pi = 0; pi <= pNumSegments; pi++) { float tangle = pStartAngle + pi * angle_step; pVertices.push_back(GeometryHelper_Make_Point2D(tangle, pRadius)); }// for(size_t pi = 0; pi <= pNumSegments; pi++) // if we making full circle then add last vertex equal to first vertex if(angle_full == AI_MATH_TWO_PI_F) pVertices.push_back(*pVertices.begin()); } void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Extend_PointToLine(const std::list<aiVector3D>& pPoint, std::list<aiVector3D>& pLine) { std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator pit = pPoint.begin(); std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator pit_last = pPoint.end(); pit_last--; if ( pPoint.size() < 2 ) { Throw_ArgOutOfRange( "GeometryHelper_Extend_PointToLine.pPoint.size() can not be less than 2." ); } // add first point of first line. pLine.push_back(*pit++); // add internal points while(pit != pit_last) { pLine.push_back(*pit);// second point of previous line pLine.push_back(*pit);// first point of next line pit++; } // add last point of last line pLine.push_back(*pit); } void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Extend_PolylineIdxToLineIdx(const std::list<int32_t>& pPolylineCoordIdx, std::list<int32_t>& pLineCoordIdx) { std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator plit = pPolylineCoordIdx.begin(); while(plit != pPolylineCoordIdx.end()) { // add first point of polyline pLineCoordIdx.push_back(*plit++); while((*plit != (-1)) && (plit != pPolylineCoordIdx.end())) { std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator plit_next; plit_next = plit, plit_next++; pLineCoordIdx.push_back(*plit);// second point of previous line. pLineCoordIdx.push_back(-1);// delimiter if((*plit_next == (-1)) || (plit_next == pPolylineCoordIdx.end())) break;// current polyline is finished pLineCoordIdx.push_back(*plit);// first point of next line. plit = plit_next; }// while((*plit != (-1)) && (plit != pPolylineCoordIdx.end())) }// while(plit != pPolylineCoordIdx.end()) } #define MESH_RectParallelepiped_CREATE_VERT \ aiVector3D vert_set[8]; \ float x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, hs; \ \ hs = pSize.x / 2, x1 = -hs, x2 = hs; \ hs = pSize.y / 2, y1 = -hs, y2 = hs; \ hs = pSize.z / 2, z1 = -hs, z2 = hs; \ vert_set[0].Set(x2, y1, z2); \ vert_set[1].Set(x2, y2, z2); \ vert_set[2].Set(x2, y2, z1); \ vert_set[3].Set(x2, y1, z1); \ vert_set[4].Set(x1, y1, z2); \ vert_set[5].Set(x1, y2, z2); \ vert_set[6].Set(x1, y2, z1); \ vert_set[7].Set(x1, y1, z1) void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_MakeQL_RectParallelepiped(const aiVector3D& pSize, std::list<aiVector3D>& pVertices) { MESH_RectParallelepiped_CREATE_VERT; MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 3, 2, 1, 0);// front MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 6, 7, 4, 5);// back MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 7, 3, 0, 4);// left MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 2, 6, 5, 1);// right MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 0, 1, 5, 4);// top MACRO_FACE_ADD_QUAD_FA(true, pVertices, vert_set, 7, 6, 2, 3);// bottom } #undef MESH_RectParallelepiped_CREATE_VERT void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_CoordIdxStr2FacesArr(const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, std::vector<aiFace>& pFaces, unsigned int& pPrimitiveTypes) const { std::list<int32_t> f_data(pCoordIdx); std::vector<unsigned int> inds; unsigned int prim_type = 0; if ( f_data.back() != ( -1 ) ) { f_data.push_back( -1 ); } // reserve average size. pFaces.reserve(f_data.size() / 3); inds.reserve(4); //PrintVectorSet("build. ci", pCoordIdx); for(std::list<int32_t>::iterator it = f_data.begin(); it != f_data.end(); it++) { // when face is got count how many indices in it. if(*it == (-1)) { aiFace tface; size_t ts; ts = inds.size(); switch(ts) { case 0: goto mg_m_err; case 1: prim_type |= aiPrimitiveType_POINT; break; case 2: prim_type |= aiPrimitiveType_LINE; break; case 3: prim_type |= aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE; break; default: prim_type |= aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON; break; } tface.mNumIndices = static_cast<unsigned int>(ts); tface.mIndices = new unsigned int[ts]; memcpy(tface.mIndices, inds.data(), ts * sizeof(unsigned int)); pFaces.push_back(tface); inds.clear(); }// if(*it == (-1)) else { inds.push_back(*it); }// if(*it == (-1)) else }// for(std::list<int32_t>::iterator it = f_data.begin(); it != f_data.end(); it++) //PrintVectorSet("build. faces", pCoordIdx); pPrimitiveTypes = prim_type; return; mg_m_err: for(size_t i = 0, i_e = pFaces.size(); i < i_e; i++) delete [] pFaces.at(i).mIndices; pFaces.clear(); } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiColor3D>& pColors, const bool pColorPerVertex) const { std::list<aiColor4D> tcol; // create RGBA array from RGB. for(std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++) tcol.push_back(aiColor4D((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, 1)); // call existing function for adding RGBA colors MeshGeometry_AddColor(pMesh, tcol, pColorPerVertex); } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiColor4D>& pColors, const bool pColorPerVertex) const { std::list<aiColor4D>::const_iterator col_it = pColors.begin(); if(pColorPerVertex) { if(pColors.size() < pMesh.mNumVertices) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor1. Colors count(" + to_string(pColors.size()) + ") can not be less than Vertices count(" + to_string(pMesh.mNumVertices) + ")."); } // copy colors to mesh pMesh.mColors[0] = new aiColor4D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumVertices; i++) pMesh.mColors[0][i] = *col_it++; }// if(pColorPerVertex) else { if(pColors.size() < pMesh.mNumFaces) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor1. Colors count(" + to_string(pColors.size()) + ") can not be less than Faces count(" + to_string(pMesh.mNumFaces) + ")."); } // copy colors to mesh pMesh.mColors[0] = new aiColor4D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t fi = 0; fi < pMesh.mNumFaces; fi++) { // apply color to all vertices of face for ( size_t vi = 0, vi_e = pMesh.mFaces[ fi ].mNumIndices; vi < vi_e; vi++ ) { pMesh.mColors[ 0 ][ pMesh.mFaces[ fi ].mIndices[ vi ] ] = *col_it; } col_it++; } }// if(pColorPerVertex) else } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, const std::list<int32_t>& pColorIdx, const std::list<aiColor3D>& pColors, const bool pColorPerVertex) const { std::list<aiColor4D> tcol; // create RGBA array from RGB. for ( std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++ ) { tcol.push_back( aiColor4D( ( *it ).r, ( *it ).g, ( *it ).b, 1 ) ); } // call existing function for adding RGBA colors MeshGeometry_AddColor(pMesh, pCoordIdx, pColorIdx, tcol, pColorPerVertex); } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, const std::list<int32_t>& pColorIdx, const std::list<aiColor4D>& pColors, const bool pColorPerVertex) const { std::vector<aiColor4D> col_tgt_arr; std::list<aiColor4D> col_tgt_list; std::vector<aiColor4D> col_arr_copy; if ( pCoordIdx.size() == 0 ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "MeshGeometry_AddColor2. pCoordIdx can not be empty." ); } // copy list to array because we are need indexed access to colors. col_arr_copy.reserve(pColors.size()); for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++ ) { col_arr_copy.push_back( *it ); } if(pColorPerVertex) { if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) { // check indices array count. if(pColorIdx.size() < pCoordIdx.size()) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Colors indices count(" + to_string(pColorIdx.size()) + ") can not be less than Coords inidces count(" + to_string(pCoordIdx.size()) + ")."); } // create list with colors for every vertex. col_tgt_arr.resize(pMesh.mNumVertices); for(std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator colidx_it = pColorIdx.begin(), coordidx_it = pCoordIdx.begin(); colidx_it != pColorIdx.end(); colidx_it++, coordidx_it++) { if ( *colidx_it == ( -1 ) ) { continue;// skip faces delimiter } if ( ( unsigned int ) ( *coordidx_it ) > pMesh.mNumVertices ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Coordinate idx is out of range." ); } if ( ( unsigned int ) *colidx_it > pMesh.mNumVertices ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Color idx is out of range." ); } col_tgt_arr[*coordidx_it] = col_arr_copy[*colidx_it]; } }// if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) else { // when color indices list is absent use CoordIdx. // check indices array count. if(pColors.size() < pMesh.mNumVertices) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Colors count(" + to_string(pColors.size()) + ") can not be less than Vertices count(" + to_string(pMesh.mNumVertices) + ")."); } // create list with colors for every vertex. col_tgt_arr.resize(pMesh.mNumVertices); for ( size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumVertices; i++ ) { col_tgt_arr[ i ] = col_arr_copy[ i ]; } }// if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) else }// if(pColorPerVertex) else { if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) { // check indices array count. if(pColorIdx.size() < pMesh.mNumFaces) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Colors indices count(" + to_string(pColorIdx.size()) + ") can not be less than Faces count(" + to_string(pMesh.mNumFaces) + ")."); } // create list with colors for every vertex using faces indices. col_tgt_arr.resize(pMesh.mNumFaces); std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator colidx_it = pColorIdx.begin(); for(size_t fi = 0; fi < pMesh.mNumFaces; fi++) { if((unsigned int)*colidx_it > pMesh.mNumFaces) throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Face idx is out of range."); col_tgt_arr[fi] = col_arr_copy[*colidx_it++]; } }// if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) else { // when color indices list is absent use CoordIdx. // check indices array count. if(pColors.size() < pMesh.mNumFaces) { throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddColor2. Colors count(" + to_string(pColors.size()) + ") can not be less than Faces count(" + to_string(pMesh.mNumFaces) + ")."); } // create list with colors for every vertex using faces indices. col_tgt_arr.resize(pMesh.mNumFaces); for(size_t fi = 0; fi < pMesh.mNumFaces; fi++) col_tgt_arr[fi] = col_arr_copy[fi]; }// if(pColorIdx.size() > 0) else }// if(pColorPerVertex) else // copy array to list for calling function that add colors. for(std::vector<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = col_tgt_arr.begin(); it != col_tgt_arr.end(); it++) col_tgt_list.push_back(*it); // add prepared colors list to mesh. MeshGeometry_AddColor(pMesh, col_tgt_list, pColorPerVertex); } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddNormal(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, const std::list<int32_t>& pNormalIdx, const std::list<aiVector3D>& pNormals, const bool pNormalPerVertex) const { std::vector<size_t> tind; std::vector<aiVector3D> norm_arr_copy; // copy list to array because we are need indexed access to normals. norm_arr_copy.reserve(pNormals.size()); for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator it = pNormals.begin(); it != pNormals.end(); it++ ) { norm_arr_copy.push_back( *it ); } if(pNormalPerVertex) { const std::list<int32_t>* srcidx; if(pNormalIdx.size() > 0) { // check indices array count. if(pNormalIdx.size() != pCoordIdx.size()) throw DeadlyImportError("Normals and Coords inidces count must be equal."); srcidx = &pNormalIdx; } else { srcidx = &pCoordIdx; } tind.reserve(srcidx->size()); for(std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator it = srcidx->begin(); it != srcidx->end(); it++) { if(*it != (-1)) tind.push_back(*it); } // copy normals to mesh pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t i = 0; (i < pMesh.mNumVertices) && (i < tind.size()); i++) { if(tind[i] >= norm_arr_copy.size()) throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normal index(" + to_string(tind[i]) + ") is out of range. Normals count: " + to_string(norm_arr_copy.size()) + "."); pMesh.mNormals[i] = norm_arr_copy[tind[i]]; } }// if(pNormalPerVertex) else { if(pNormalIdx.size() > 0) { if(pMesh.mNumFaces != pNormalIdx.size()) throw DeadlyImportError("Normals faces count must be equal to mesh faces count."); std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator normidx_it = pNormalIdx.begin(); tind.reserve(pNormalIdx.size()); for(size_t i = 0, i_e = pNormalIdx.size(); i < i_e; i++) tind.push_back(*normidx_it++); } else { tind.reserve(pMesh.mNumFaces); for(size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumFaces; i++) tind.push_back(i); } // copy normals to mesh pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t fi = 0; fi < pMesh.mNumFaces; fi++) { aiVector3D tnorm; tnorm = norm_arr_copy[tind[fi]]; for(size_t vi = 0, vi_e = pMesh.mFaces[fi].mNumIndices; vi < vi_e; vi++) pMesh.mNormals[pMesh.mFaces[fi].mIndices[vi]] = tnorm; } }// if(pNormalPerVertex) else } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddNormal(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiVector3D>& pNormals, const bool pNormalPerVertex) const { std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator norm_it = pNormals.begin(); if(pNormalPerVertex) { if(pNormals.size() != pMesh.mNumVertices) throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normals and vertices count must be equal."); // copy normals to mesh pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumVertices; i++) pMesh.mNormals[i] = *norm_it++; }// if(pNormalPerVertex) else { if(pNormals.size() != pMesh.mNumFaces) throw DeadlyImportError("MeshGeometry_AddNormal. Normals and faces count must be equal."); // copy normals to mesh pMesh.mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; for(size_t fi = 0; fi < pMesh.mNumFaces; fi++) { // apply color to all vertices of face for(size_t vi = 0, vi_e = pMesh.mFaces[fi].mNumIndices; vi < vi_e; vi++) pMesh.mNormals[pMesh.mFaces[fi].mIndices[vi]] = *norm_it; norm_it++; } }// if(pNormalPerVertex) else } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddTexCoord(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, const std::list<int32_t>& pTexCoordIdx, const std::list<aiVector2D>& pTexCoords) const { std::vector<aiVector3D> texcoord_arr_copy; std::vector<aiFace> faces; unsigned int prim_type; // copy list to array because we are need indexed access to normals. texcoord_arr_copy.reserve(pTexCoords.size()); for(std::list<aiVector2D>::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); it++) { texcoord_arr_copy.push_back(aiVector3D((*it).x, (*it).y, 0)); } if(pTexCoordIdx.size() > 0) { GeometryHelper_CoordIdxStr2FacesArr(pTexCoordIdx, faces, prim_type); if ( faces.empty() ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to add texture coordinates to mesh, faces list is empty." ); } if ( faces.size() != pMesh.mNumFaces ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Texture coordinates faces count must be equal to mesh faces count." ); } } else { GeometryHelper_CoordIdxStr2FacesArr(pCoordIdx, faces, prim_type); } pMesh.mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; pMesh.mNumUVComponents[0] = 2; for(size_t fi = 0, fi_e = faces.size(); fi < fi_e; fi++) { if(pMesh.mFaces[fi].mNumIndices != faces.at(fi).mNumIndices) throw DeadlyImportError("Number of indices in texture face and mesh face must be equal. Invalid face index: " + to_string(fi) + "."); for(size_t ii = 0; ii < pMesh.mFaces[fi].mNumIndices; ii++) { size_t vert_idx = pMesh.mFaces[fi].mIndices[ii]; size_t tc_idx = faces.at(fi).mIndices[ii]; pMesh.mTextureCoords[0][vert_idx] = texcoord_arr_copy.at(tc_idx); } }// for(size_t fi = 0, fi_e = faces.size(); fi < fi_e; fi++) } void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddTexCoord(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiVector2D>& pTexCoords) const { std::vector<aiVector3D> tc_arr_copy; if ( pTexCoords.size() != pMesh.mNumVertices ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "MeshGeometry_AddTexCoord. Texture coordinates and vertices count must be equal." ); } // copy list to array because we are need convert aiVector2D to aiVector3D and also get indexed access as a bonus. tc_arr_copy.reserve(pTexCoords.size()); for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); it++ ) { tc_arr_copy.push_back( aiVector3D( ( *it ).x, ( *it ).y, 0 ) ); } // copy texture coordinates to mesh pMesh.mTextureCoords[0] = new aiVector3D[pMesh.mNumVertices]; pMesh.mNumUVComponents[0] = 2; for ( size_t i = 0; i < pMesh.mNumVertices; i++ ) { pMesh.mTextureCoords[ 0 ][ i ] = tc_arr_copy[ i ]; } } aiMesh* X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_MakeMesh(const std::list<int32_t>& pCoordIdx, const std::list<aiVector3D>& pVertices) const { std::vector<aiFace> faces; unsigned int prim_type = 0; // create faces array from input string with vertices indices. GeometryHelper_CoordIdxStr2FacesArr(pCoordIdx, faces, prim_type); if ( !faces.size() ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to create mesh, faces list is empty." ); } // // Create new mesh and copy geometry data. // aiMesh *tmesh = new aiMesh; size_t ts = faces.size(); // faces tmesh->mFaces = new aiFace[ts]; tmesh->mNumFaces = static_cast<unsigned int>(ts); for(size_t i = 0; i < ts; i++) tmesh->mFaces[i] = faces.at(i); // vertices std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator vit = pVertices.begin(); ts = pVertices.size(); tmesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[ts]; tmesh->mNumVertices = static_cast<unsigned int>(ts); for ( size_t i = 0; i < ts; i++ ) { tmesh->mVertices[ i ] = *vit++; } // set primitives type and return result. tmesh->mPrimitiveTypes = prim_type; return tmesh; } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************ Functions: parse set ***********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_Group_Begin(const bool pStatic) { CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Group* new_group = new CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Group(NodeElement_Cur, pStatic);// create new node with current node as parent. // if we are adding not the root element then add new element to current element child list. if ( NodeElement_Cur != nullptr ) { NodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back( new_group ); } NodeElement_List.push_back(new_group);// it's a new element - add it to list. NodeElement_Cur = new_group;// switch current element to new one. } void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Enter(CX3DImporter_NodeElement* pNode) { NodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back(pNode);// add new element to current element child list. NodeElement_Cur = pNode;// switch current element to new one. } void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_Node_Exit() { // check if we can walk up. if ( NodeElement_Cur != nullptr ) { NodeElement_Cur = NodeElement_Cur->Parent; } } void X3DImporter::ParseHelper_FixTruncatedFloatString(const char* pInStr, std::string& pOutString) { pOutString.clear(); const size_t instr_len = strlen(pInStr); if ( 0 == instr_len ) { return; } pOutString.reserve(instr_len * 3 / 2); // check and correct floats in format ".x". Must be "x.y". if ( pInStr[ 0 ] == '.' ) { pOutString.push_back( '0' ); } pOutString.push_back(pInStr[0]); for(size_t ci = 1; ci < instr_len; ci++) { if((pInStr[ci] == '.') && ((pInStr[ci - 1] == ' ') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '-') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '+') || (pInStr[ci - 1] == '\t'))) { pOutString.push_back('0'); pOutString.push_back('.'); } else { pOutString.push_back(pInStr[ci]); } } } void X3DImporter::ParseFile(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { irr::io::IrrXMLReader* OldReader = mReader;// store current XMLreader. std::unique_ptr<IOStream> file(pIOHandler->Open(pFile, "rb")); // Check whether we can read from the file if ( file.get() == nullptr ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to open X3D file " + pFile + "." ); } // generate a XML reader for it std::unique_ptr<CIrrXML_IOStreamReader> mIOWrapper(new CIrrXML_IOStreamReader(file.get())); mReader = irr::io::createIrrXMLReader(mIOWrapper.get()); if ( !mReader ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Failed to create XML reader for file" + pFile + "." ); } // start reading ParseNode_Root(); delete mReader; // restore old XMLreader mReader = OldReader; } void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Root() { // search for root tag <X3D> if ( !XML_SearchNode( "X3D" ) ) { throw DeadlyImportError( "Root node \"X3D\" not found." ); } ParseHelper_Group_Begin();// create root node element. // parse other contents while(mReader->read()) { if ( mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT ) { continue; } if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("head")) ParseNode_Head(); else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("Scene")) ParseNode_Scene(); else XML_CheckNode_SkipUnsupported("Root"); } // exit from root node element. ParseHelper_Node_Exit(); } void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Head() { bool close_found = false;// flag: true if close tag of node are found. while(mReader->read()) { if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("meta")) { XML_CheckNode_MustBeEmpty(); // adding metadata from <head> as MetaString from <Scene> bool added( false ); CX3DImporter_NodeElement_MetaString* ms = new CX3DImporter_NodeElement_MetaString(NodeElement_Cur); ms->Name = mReader->getAttributeValueSafe("name"); // name must not be empty if(!ms->Name.empty()) { ms->Value.push_back(mReader->getAttributeValueSafe("content")); NodeElement_List.push_back(ms); if ( NodeElement_Cur != nullptr ) { NodeElement_Cur->Child.push_back( ms ); added = true; } } // if an error has occurred, release instance if ( !added ) { delete ms; } }// if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("meta")) }// if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) else if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("head")) { close_found = true; break; } }// if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) else }// while(mReader->read()) if ( !close_found ) { Throw_CloseNotFound( "head" ); } } void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Scene() { auto GroupCounter_Increase = [](size_t& pCounter, const char* pGroupName) -> void { pCounter++; if(pCounter == 0) throw DeadlyImportError("Group counter overflow. Too much groups with type: " + std::string(pGroupName) + "."); }; auto GroupCounter_Decrease = [&](size_t& pCounter, const char* pGroupName) -> void { if(pCounter == 0) Throw_TagCountIncorrect(pGroupName); pCounter--; }; static const char* GroupName_Group = "Group"; static const char* GroupName_StaticGroup = "StaticGroup"; static const char* GroupName_Transform = "Transform"; static const char* GroupName_Switch = "Switch"; bool close_found = false; size_t counter_group = 0; size_t counter_transform = 0; size_t counter_switch = 0; // while create static node? Because objects name used deeper in "USE" attribute can be equal to some meta in <head> node. ParseHelper_Group_Begin(true); while(mReader->read()) { if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("Shape")) { ParseNode_Shape_Shape(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Group)) { GroupCounter_Increase(counter_group, GroupName_Group); ParseNode_Grouping_Group(); // if node is empty then decrease group counter at this place. if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_group, GroupName_Group); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_StaticGroup)) { GroupCounter_Increase(counter_group, GroupName_StaticGroup); ParseNode_Grouping_StaticGroup(); // if node is empty then decrease group counter at this place. if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_group, GroupName_StaticGroup); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Transform)) { GroupCounter_Increase(counter_transform, GroupName_Transform); ParseNode_Grouping_Transform(); // if node is empty then decrease group counter at this place. if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_transform, GroupName_Transform); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Switch)) { GroupCounter_Increase(counter_switch, GroupName_Switch); ParseNode_Grouping_Switch(); // if node is empty then decrease group counter at this place. if(mReader->isEmptyElement()) GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_switch, GroupName_Switch); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("DirectionalLight")) { ParseNode_Lighting_DirectionalLight(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("PointLight")) { ParseNode_Lighting_PointLight(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("SpotLight")) { ParseNode_Lighting_SpotLight(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("Inline")) { ParseNode_Networking_Inline(); } else if(!ParseHelper_CheckRead_X3DMetadataObject()) { XML_CheckNode_SkipUnsupported("Scene"); } }// if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) else if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual("Scene")) { close_found = true; break; } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Group)) { GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_group, GroupName_Group); ParseNode_Grouping_GroupEnd(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_StaticGroup)) { GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_group, GroupName_StaticGroup); ParseNode_Grouping_StaticGroupEnd(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Transform)) { GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_transform, GroupName_Transform); ParseNode_Grouping_TransformEnd(); } else if(XML_CheckNode_NameEqual(GroupName_Switch)) { GroupCounter_Decrease(counter_switch, GroupName_Switch); ParseNode_Grouping_SwitchEnd(); } }// if(mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) else }// while(mReader->read()) ParseHelper_Node_Exit(); if(counter_group) Throw_TagCountIncorrect("Group"); if(counter_transform) Throw_TagCountIncorrect("Transform"); if(counter_switch) Throw_TagCountIncorrect("Switch"); if(!close_found) Throw_CloseNotFound("Scene"); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************** Functions: BaseImporter set ********************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ bool X3DImporter::CanRead(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool pCheckSig) const { const std::string extension = GetExtension(pFile); if(extension == "x3d") return true; if(!extension.length() || pCheckSig) { const char* tokens[] = { "DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC", "http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d" }; return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, 2); } return false; } void X3DImporter::GetExtensionList(std::set<std::string>& pExtensionList) { pExtensionList.insert("x3d"); } const aiImporterDesc* X3DImporter::GetInfo () const { return &Description; } void X3DImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler) { Clear();// delete old graph. mFileDir = DefaultIOSystem::absolutePath(pFile); ParseFile(pFile, pIOHandler); // // Assimp use static arrays of objects for fast speed of rendering. That's good, but need some additional operations/ // We know that geometry objects(meshes) are stored in <Shape>, also in <Shape>-><Appearance> materials(in Assimp logical view) // are stored. So at first we need to count how meshes and materials are stored in scene graph. // // at first creating root node for aiScene. pScene->mRootNode = new aiNode; pScene->mRootNode->mParent = nullptr; pScene->mFlags |= AI_SCENE_FLAGS_ALLOW_SHARED; //search for root node element NodeElement_Cur = NodeElement_List.front(); while(NodeElement_Cur->Parent != nullptr) NodeElement_Cur = NodeElement_Cur->Parent; {// fill aiScene with objects. std::list<aiMesh*> mesh_list; std::list<aiMaterial*> mat_list; std::list<aiLight*> light_list; // create nodes tree Postprocess_BuildNode(*NodeElement_Cur, *pScene->mRootNode, mesh_list, mat_list, light_list); // copy needed data to scene if(mesh_list.size() > 0) { std::list<aiMesh*>::const_iterator it = mesh_list.begin(); pScene->mNumMeshes = static_cast<unsigned int>(mesh_list.size()); pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[pScene->mNumMeshes]; for(size_t i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; i++) pScene->mMeshes[i] = *it++; } if(mat_list.size() > 0) { std::list<aiMaterial*>::const_iterator it = mat_list.begin(); pScene->mNumMaterials = static_cast<unsigned int>(mat_list.size()); pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[pScene->mNumMaterials]; for(size_t i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials; i++) pScene->mMaterials[i] = *it++; } if(light_list.size() > 0) { std::list<aiLight*>::const_iterator it = light_list.begin(); pScene->mNumLights = static_cast<unsigned int>(light_list.size()); pScene->mLights = new aiLight*[pScene->mNumLights]; for(size_t i = 0; i < pScene->mNumLights; i++) pScene->mLights[i] = *it++; } }// END: fill aiScene with objects. ///TODO: IME optimize tree } }// namespace Assimp #endif // !ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_X3D_IMPORTER