/** Implementation of the Collada parser helper*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AssimpPCH.h" #include "ColladaParser.h" #include "fast_atof.h" #include "ParsingUtils.h" using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor to be privately used by Importer ColladaParser::ColladaParser( const std::string& pFile) : mFileName( pFile) { mRootNode = NULL; mUnitSize = 1.0f; mUpDirection = UP_Z; // generate a XML reader for it mReader = irr::io::createIrrXMLReader( pFile.c_str()); if( !mReader) ThrowException( "Unable to open file."); // start reading ReadContents(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Destructor, private as well ColladaParser::~ColladaParser() { delete mReader; for( NodeLibrary::iterator it = mNodeLibrary.begin(); it != mNodeLibrary.end(); ++it) delete it->second; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the contents of the file void ColladaParser::ReadContents() { while( mReader->read()) { // handle the root element "COLLADA" if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if( IsElement( "COLLADA")) { ReadStructure(); } else { DefaultLogger::get()->debug( boost::str( boost::format( "Ignoring global element \"%s\".") % mReader->getNodeName())); SkipElement(); } } else { // skip everything else silently } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the structure of the file void ColladaParser::ReadStructure() { while( mReader->read()) { // beginning of elements if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if( IsElement( "asset")) ReadAssetInfo(); else if( IsElement( "library_geometries")) ReadGeometryLibrary(); else if( IsElement( "library_visual_scenes")) ReadSceneLibrary(); else if( IsElement( "scene")) ReadScene(); else SkipElement(); } else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads asset informations such as coordinate system informations and legal blah void ColladaParser::ReadAssetInfo() { while( mReader->read()) { if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if( IsElement( "unit")) { // read unit data from the element's attributes int attrIndex = GetAttribute( "meter"); mUnitSize = mReader->getAttributeValueAsFloat( attrIndex); // consume the trailing stuff if( !mReader->isEmptyElement()) SkipElement(); } else if( IsElement( "up_axis")) { // read content, strip whitespace, compare const char* content = GetTextContent(); if( strncmp( content, "X_UP", 4) == 0) mUpDirection = UP_X; else if( strncmp( content, "Y_UP", 4) == 0) mUpDirection = UP_Y; else mUpDirection = UP_Z; // check element end TestClosing( "up_axis"); } else { SkipElement(); } } else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the geometry library contents void ColladaParser::ReadGeometryLibrary() { SkipElement(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the library of node hierarchies and scene parts void ColladaParser::ReadSceneLibrary() { while( mReader->read()) { if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { // a visual scene - generate root node under its ID and let ReadNode() do the recursive work if( IsElement( "visual_scene")) { // read ID. Is optional according to the spec, but how on earth should a scene_instance refer to it then? int indexID = GetAttribute( "id"); const char* attrID = mReader->getAttributeValue( indexID); // read name if given. int indexName = TestAttribute( "name"); const char* attrName = "unnamed"; if( indexName > -1) attrName = mReader->getAttributeValue( indexName); // TODO: (thom) support SIDs assert( TestAttribute( "sid") == -1); // create a node and store it in the library under its ID Node* node = new Node; node->mID = attrID; node->mName = attrName; mNodeLibrary[node->mID] = node; ReadSceneNode( node); } else { // ignore the rest SkipElement(); } } else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads a scene node's contents including children and stores it in the given node void ColladaParser::ReadSceneNode( Node* pNode) { // quit immediately on elements if( mReader->isEmptyElement()) return; while( mReader->read()) { if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if( IsElement( "lookat")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_LOOKAT); else if( IsElement( "matrix")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_MATRIX); else if( IsElement( "rotate")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_ROTATE); else if( IsElement( "scale")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_SCALE); else if( IsElement( "skew")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_SKEW); else if( IsElement( "translate")) ReadNodeTransformation( pNode, TF_TRANSLATE); else if( IsElement( "node")) { Node* child = new Node; int attrID = TestAttribute( "id"); if( attrID > -1) child->mID = mReader->getAttributeValue( attrID); int attrName = TestAttribute( "name"); if( attrName > -1) child->mName = mReader->getAttributeValue( attrName); // TODO: (thom) support SIDs assert( TestAttribute( "sid") == -1); pNode->mChildren.push_back( child); child->mParent = pNode; // read on recursively from there ReadSceneNode( child); } else if( IsElement( "instance_node")) { // test for it, in case we need to implement it assert( false); SkipElement(); } else { // skip everything else for the moment SkipElement(); } } else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads a node transformation entry of the given type and adds it to the given node's transformation list. void ColladaParser::ReadNodeTransformation( Node* pNode, TransformType pType) { std::string tagName = mReader->getNodeName(); // how many parameters to read per transformation type static const unsigned int sNumParameters[] = { 9, 4, 3, 3, 7, 16 }; const char* content = GetTextContent(); // read as many parameters and store in the transformation Transform tf; tf.mType = pType; for( unsigned int a = 0; a < sNumParameters[pType]; a++) { // read a number content = fast_atof_move( content, tf.f[a]); // skip whitespace after it SkipSpacesAndLineEnd( &content); } // place the transformation at the queue of the node pNode->mTransforms.push_back( tf); // and consum the closing tag TestClosing( tagName.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the collada scene void ColladaParser::ReadScene() { while( mReader->read()) { if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if( IsElement( "instance_visual_scene")) { // should be the first and only occurence if( mRootNode) ThrowException( "Invalid scene containing multiple root nodes"); // read the url of the scene to instance. Should be of format "#some_name" int urlIndex = GetAttribute( "url"); const char* url = mReader->getAttributeValue( urlIndex); if( url[0] != '#') ThrowException( "Unknown reference format"); // find the referred scene, skip the leading # NodeLibrary::const_iterator sit = mNodeLibrary.find( url+1); if( sit == mNodeLibrary.end()) ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Unable to resolve visual_scene reference \"%s\".") % url)); mRootNode = sit->second; } else { SkipElement(); } } else if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Aborts the file reading with an exception void ColladaParser::ThrowException( const std::string& pError) const { throw new ImportErrorException( boost::str( boost::format( "%s - %s") % mFileName % pError)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Skips all data until the end node of the current element void ColladaParser::SkipElement() { // nothing to skip if it's an if( mReader->isEmptyElement()) return; // copy the current node's name because it'a pointer to the reader's internal buffer, // which is going to change with the upcoming parsing std::string element = mReader->getNodeName(); while( mReader->read()) { if( mReader->getNodeType() == irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) if( mReader->getNodeName() == element) break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tests for the closing tag of the given element, throws an exception if not found void ColladaParser::TestClosing( const char* pName) { // read closing tag if( !mReader->read()) ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Unexpected end of file while reading end of \"%s\" element.") % pName)); if( mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END || strcmp( mReader->getNodeName(), pName) != 0) ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Expected end of \"%s\" element.") % pName)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the index of the named attribute or -1 if not found. Does not throw, therefore useful for optional attributes int ColladaParser::GetAttribute( const char* pAttr) const { int index = TestAttribute( pAttr); if( index != -1) return index; // attribute not found -> throw an exception ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Expected attribute \"%s\" at element \"%s\".") % pAttr % mReader->getNodeName())); return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tests the present element for the presence of one attribute, returns its index or throws an exception if not found int ColladaParser::TestAttribute( const char* pAttr) const { for( int a = 0; a < mReader->getAttributeCount(); a++) if( strcmp( mReader->getAttributeName( a), pAttr) == 0) return a; return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads the text contents of an element, throws an exception if not given. Skips leading whitespace. const char* ColladaParser::GetTextContent() { // present node should be the beginning of an element if( mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT || mReader->isEmptyElement()) ThrowException( "Expected opening element"); // read contents of the element if( !mReader->read()) ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while reading asset up_axis element."); if( mReader->getNodeType() != irr::io::EXN_TEXT) ThrowException( "Invalid contents in element \"up_axis\"."); // skip leading whitespace const char* text = mReader->getNodeData(); SkipSpacesAndLineEnd( &text); return text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Calculates the resulting transformation fromm all the given transform steps aiMatrix4x4 ColladaParser::CalculateResultTransform( const std::vector& pTransforms) const { aiMatrix4x4 res; for( std::vector::const_iterator it = pTransforms.begin(); it != pTransforms.end(); ++it) { const Transform& tf = *it; switch( tf.mType) { case TF_LOOKAT: // TODO: (thom) assert( false); break; case TF_ROTATE: { aiMatrix4x4 rot; aiMatrix4x4::Rotation( tf.f[3], aiVector3D( tf.f[0], tf.f[1], tf.f[2]), rot); res *= rot; break; } case TF_TRANSLATE: { aiMatrix4x4 trans; aiMatrix4x4::Translation( aiVector3D( tf.f[0], tf.f[1], tf.f[2]), trans); res *= trans; break; } case TF_SCALE: { aiMatrix4x4 scale( tf.f[0], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, tf.f[1], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, tf.f[2], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); res *= scale; break; } case TF_SKEW: // TODO: (thom) assert( false); break; case TF_MATRIX: { aiMatrix4x4 mat( tf.f[0], tf.f[1], tf.f[2], tf.f[3], tf.f[4], tf.f[5], tf.f[6], tf.f[7], tf.f[8], tf.f[9], tf.f[10], tf.f[11], tf.f[12], tf.f[13], tf.f[14], tf.f[15]); res *= mat; break; } default: assert( false); break; } } return res; }