/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file Implementation of the ASE parser class */ #include "TextureTransform.h" #include "ASELoader.h" #include "MaterialSystem.h" #include "../include/DefaultLogger.h" #include "fast_atof.h" #include "../include/IOStream.h" #include "../include/IOSystem.h" #include "../include/aiMesh.h" #include "../include/aiScene.h" #include "../include/aiAssert.h" #include using namespace Assimp; using namespace Assimp::ASE; #if (defined BLUBB) # undef BLUBB #endif #define BLUBB(_message_) \ {this->LogError(_message_);return;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parser::Parser (const char* szFile) { ai_assert(NULL != szFile); this->m_szFile = szFile; // makre sure that the color values are invalid this->m_clrBackground.r = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); this->m_clrAmbient.r = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); this->iLineNumber = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::LogWarning(const char* szWarn) { ai_assert(NULL != szWarn); ai_assert(strlen(szWarn) < 950); char szTemp[1024]; sprintf(szTemp,"Line %i: %s",this->iLineNumber/2 /* fixme */,szWarn); // output the warning to the logger ... DefaultLogger::get()->warn(szTemp); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::LogInfo(const char* szWarn) { ai_assert(NULL != szWarn); ai_assert(strlen(szWarn) < 950); char szTemp[1024]; sprintf(szTemp,"Line %i: %s",this->iLineNumber/2 /* fixme */,szWarn); // output the information to the logger ... DefaultLogger::get()->info(szTemp); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::LogError(const char* szWarn) { ai_assert(NULL != szWarn); ai_assert(strlen(szWarn) < 950); char szTemp[1024]; sprintf(szTemp,"Line %i: %s",this->iLineNumber/2 /* fixme */,szWarn); // throw an exception throw new ImportErrorException(szTemp); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Parser::SkipToNextToken() { while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile || '}' == *this->m_szFile || '{' == *this->m_szFile)return true; if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile)return false; ++this->m_szFile; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Parser::SkipOpeningBracket() { if (!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile))return false; if ('{' != *this->m_szFile) { this->LogWarning("Unable to parse block: Unexpected character, \'{\' expected [#1]"); return false; } this->SkipToNextToken(); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Parser::SkipSection() { // must handle subsections ... int iCnt = 0; while (true) { if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { --iCnt; if (0 == iCnt) { // go to the next valid token ... ++this->m_szFile; this->SkipToNextToken(); return true; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile) { ++iCnt; } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { this->LogWarning("Unable to parse block: Unexpected EOF, closing bracket \'}\' was expected [#1]"); return false; } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::Parse() { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // version should be 200. Validate this ... if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT",19) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+19))) { this->m_szFile+=20; unsigned int iVersion; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iVersion); if (200 != iVersion) { this->LogWarning("Unknown file format version: *3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT should \ be 200. Continuing happily ..."); } continue; } // main scene information if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*SCENE",6) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+6))) { this->m_szFile+=7; this->ParseLV1SceneBlock(); continue; } // material list if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_LIST",14) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+14))) { this->m_szFile+=15; this->ParseLV1MaterialListBlock(); continue; } // geometric object (mesh) if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*GEOMOBJECT",11) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+11))) { this->m_szFile+=12; this->m_vMeshes.push_back(Mesh()); this->ParseLV1GeometryObjectBlock(this->m_vMeshes.back()); continue; } // ignore comments, lights and cameras // (display comments on the console) if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*LIGHTOBJECT",12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; this->LogInfo("Found light source (*LIGHTOBJECT chunk). It will be ignored"); continue; } if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*CAMERAOBJECT",13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->LogInfo("Found virtual camera (*CAMERAOBJECT chunk). It will be ignored"); continue; } if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*COMMENT",8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; std::string out = ""; this->ParseString(out,"*COMMENT"); this->LogInfo(("Comment: " + out).c_str()); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... why not? return; } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV1SceneBlock() { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*SCENE_BACKGROUND_STATIC",24) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+24))) { this->m_szFile+=25; // parse a color triple and assume it is really the bg color this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple( &this->m_clrBackground.r ); continue; } if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*SCENE_AMBIENT_STATIC",21) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+21))) { this->m_szFile+=22; // parse a color triple and assume it is really the bg color this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple( &this->m_clrAmbient.r ); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... why not? return; } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV1MaterialListBlock() { int iDepth = 0; unsigned int iMaterialCount = 0; unsigned int iOldMaterialCount = (unsigned int)this->m_vMaterials.size(); while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_COUNT",15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iMaterialCount); // now allocate enough storage to hold all materials this->m_vMaterials.resize(iOldMaterialCount+iMaterialCount); continue; } if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL",9) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+9))) { this->m_szFile+=10; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iIndex); if (iIndex >= iMaterialCount) { this->LogWarning("Out of range: material index is too large"); iIndex = iMaterialCount-1; } // get a reference to the material Material& sMat = this->m_vMaterials[iIndex+iOldMaterialCount]; // skip the '{' this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the material block this->ParseLV2MaterialBlock(sMat); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... why not? return; } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV2MaterialBlock(ASE::Material& mat) { int iDepth = 0; unsigned int iNumSubMaterials = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_NAME",14) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+14))) { this->m_szFile+=15; if (!this->ParseString(mat.mName,"*MATERIAL_NAME"))this->SkipToNextToken(); continue; } // ambient material color if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_AMBIENT",17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&mat.mAmbient.r);continue; } // diffuse material color if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE",17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&mat.mDiffuse.r);continue; } // specular material color if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_SPECULAR",18) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+18))) { this->m_szFile+=19; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&mat.mSpecular.r);continue; } // material shading type if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_SHADING",17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"Blinn",5) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+5))) { mat.mShading = Dot3DSFile::Blinn; this->m_szFile+=6; } else if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"Phong",5) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+5))) { mat.mShading = Dot3DSFile::Phong; this->m_szFile+=6; } else if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"Flat",4) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+4))) { mat.mShading = Dot3DSFile::Flat; this->m_szFile+=5; } else if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"Wire",4) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+4))) { mat.mShading = Dot3DSFile::Wire; this->m_szFile+=5; } else { // assume gouraud shading mat.mShading = Dot3DSFile::Gouraud; this->SkipToNextToken(); } continue; } // material transparency if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY",22) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+22))) { this->m_szFile+=23; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(mat.mTransparency); mat.mTransparency = 1.0f - mat.mTransparency;continue; } // material self illumination if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_SELFILLUM",19) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+19))) { this->m_szFile+=20; float f = 0.0f; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(f); mat.mEmissive.r = f; mat.mEmissive.g = f; mat.mEmissive.b = f; continue; } // material shininess if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_SHINE",15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(mat.mSpecularExponent); mat.mSpecularExponent *= 15;continue; } // material shininess strength if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_SHINESTRENGTH",23) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+23))) { this->m_szFile+=24; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(mat.mShininessStrength);continue; } // diffuse color map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_DIFFUSE",12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexDiffuse);continue; } // ambient color map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_AMBIENT",12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexAmbient);continue; } // specular color map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_SPECULAR",13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexSpecular);continue; } // opacity map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_OPACITY",12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexOpacity);continue; } // emissive map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_SELFILLUM",14) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+14))) { this->m_szFile+=15; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexEmissive);continue; } // bump map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_BUMP",9) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+9))) { this->m_szFile+=10; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexBump); } // specular/shininess map if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_SHINE",10) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+10))) { this->m_szFile+=11; // skip the opening bracket this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the texture block this->ParseLV3MapBlock(mat.sTexShininess);continue; } // number of submaterials if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*NUMSUBMTLS",11) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+11))) { this->m_szFile+=12; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumSubMaterials); // allocate enough storage mat.avSubMaterials.resize(iNumSubMaterials); } // submaterial chunks if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*SUBMATERIAL",12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumSubMaterials) { this->LogWarning("Out of range: submaterial index is too large"); iIndex = iNumSubMaterials-1; } // get a reference to the material Material& sMat = mat.avSubMaterials[iIndex]; // skip the '{' this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the material block this->ParseLV2MaterialBlock(sMat); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level2 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv2 material block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MapBlock(Texture& map) { int iDepth = 0; unsigned int iNumSubMaterials = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // path to the texture if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*BITMAP" ,7) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+7))) { this->m_szFile+=8; if(!this->ParseString(map.mMapName,"*BITMAP"))SkipToNextToken(); continue; } // offset on the u axis if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*UVW_U_OFFSET" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mOffsetU);continue; } // offset on the v axis if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*UVW_V_OFFSET" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mOffsetV);continue; } // tiling on the u axis if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*UVW_U_TILING" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mScaleU);continue; } // tiling on the v axis if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*UVW_V_TILING" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mScaleV);continue; } // rotation around the z-axis if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*UVW_ANGLE" ,10) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+10))) { this->m_szFile+=11; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mRotation);continue; } // map blending factor if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MAP_AMOUNT" ,11) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+11))) { this->m_szFile+=12; this->ParseLV4MeshFloat(map.mTextureBlend);continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv3 map block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Parser::ParseString(std::string& out,const char* szName) { char szBuffer[1024]; ai_assert(strlen(szName) < 750); // NOTE: The name could also be the texture in some cases // be prepared that this might occur ... if (!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { sprintf(szBuffer,"Unable to parse %s block: Unexpected EOL",szName); this->LogWarning(szBuffer); return false; } // there must be " if ('\"' != *this->m_szFile) { sprintf(szBuffer,"Unable to parse %s block: String is expected " "to be enclosed in double quotation marks",szName); this->LogWarning(szBuffer); return false; } ++this->m_szFile; const char* sz = this->m_szFile; while (true) { if ('\"' == *sz)break; else if ('\0' == sz) { sprintf(szBuffer,"Unable to parse %s block: String is expected to be " "enclosed in double quotation marks but EOF was reached before a closing " "quotation mark was found",szName); this->LogWarning(szBuffer); return false; } sz++; } out = std::string(this->m_szFile,(uintptr_t)sz-(uintptr_t)this->m_szFile); this->m_szFile = sz; return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV1GeometryObjectBlock(ASE::Mesh& mesh) { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // name of the mesh/node if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*NODE_NAME" ,10) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+10))) { this->m_szFile+=11; if(!this->ParseString(mesh.mName,"*NODE_NAME"))this->SkipToNextToken(); continue; } // name of the parent of the node if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*NODE_PARENT" ,12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; if(!this->ParseString(mesh.mParent,"*NODE_PARENT"))this->SkipToNextToken(); continue; } // transformation matrix of the node if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*NODE_TM" ,8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; this->ParseLV2NodeTransformBlock(mesh);continue; } // mesh data if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH" ,5) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+5))) { this->m_szFile+=6; this->ParseLV2MeshBlock(mesh);continue; } // mesh material index if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MATERIAL_REF" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(mesh.iMaterialIndex);continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level1 block, this can be return; } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV2NodeTransformBlock(ASE::Mesh& mesh) { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // first row of the transformation matrix if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*TM_ROW0" ,8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(mesh.mTransform[0]);continue; } // second row of the transformation matrix if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*TM_ROW1" ,8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(mesh.mTransform[1]);continue; } // third row of the transformation matrix if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*TM_ROW2" ,8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(mesh.mTransform[2]);continue; } // fourth row of the transformation matrix if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*TM_ROW3" ,8) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+8))) { this->m_szFile+=9; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(mesh.mTransform[3]);continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level2 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv2 node transform block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV2MeshBlock(ASE::Mesh& mesh) { unsigned int iNumVertices = 0; unsigned int iNumFaces = 0; unsigned int iNumTVertices = 0; unsigned int iNumTFaces = 0; unsigned int iNumCVertices = 0; unsigned int iNumCFaces = 0; int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Number of vertices in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMVERTEX" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumVertices);continue; } // Number of texture coordinates in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumTVertices);continue; } // Number of vertex colors in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMCVERTEX" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumCVertices);continue; } // Number of regular faces in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMFACES" ,14) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+14))) { this->m_szFile+=15; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumFaces);continue; // fix ... //mesh.mFaces.resize(iNumFaces); } // Number of UVWed faces in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMTVFACES" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumTFaces);continue; } // Number of colored faces in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMCVFACES" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumCFaces);continue; } // mesh vertex list block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_VERTEX_LIST" ,17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; this->ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock(iNumVertices,mesh); continue; } // mesh face list block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_FACE_LIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(iNumFaces,mesh);continue; } // mesh texture vertex list block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TVERTLIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(iNumTVertices,mesh);continue; } // mesh texture face block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TFACELIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(iNumTFaces,mesh);continue; } // mesh color vertex list block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_CVERTLIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(iNumCVertices,mesh);continue; } // mesh color face block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_CFACELIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(iNumCFaces,mesh);continue; } // another mesh UV channel ... if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL" ,20) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+20))) { this->m_szFile+=21; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iIndex); if (iIndex < 2) { this->LogWarning("Mapping channel has an invalid index. Skipping UV channel"); // skip it ... this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->SkipSection(); } if (iIndex > AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS) { this->LogWarning("Too many UV channels specified. Skipping channel .."); // skip it ... this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->SkipSection(); } else { // skip the '{' this->SkipOpeningBracket(); // parse the mapping channel this->ParseLV3MappingChannel(iIndex-1,mesh); } continue; } // mesh animation keyframe. Not supported if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_ANIMATION" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->LogWarning("Found *MESH_ANIMATION element in ASE/ASK file. " "Keyframe animation is not supported by Assimp, this element " "will be ignored"); continue; } // mesh animation keyframe. Not supported if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_WEIGHTS" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(mesh);continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level2 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv2 mesh block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshWeightsBlock(ASE::Mesh& mesh) { unsigned int iNumVertices = 0; unsigned int iNumBones = 0; int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Number of bone vertices ... if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMVERTEX" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumVertices);continue; } // Number of bones if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMBONE" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumBones);continue; } // parse the list of bones if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_BONE_LIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV4MeshBones(iNumBones,mesh);continue; } // parse the list of bones vertices if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_BONE_VERTEX_LIST" ,22) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+22))) { this->m_szFile+=23; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV4MeshBonesVertices(iNumVertices,mesh); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level2 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv2 *MESH_WEIGHTS block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBones(unsigned int iNumBones,ASE::Mesh& mesh) { mesh.mBones.resize(iNumBones); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Mesh bone with name ... if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_BONE_NAME" ,17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; // parse an index ... if(SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { unsigned int iIndex = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); if (iIndex >= iNumBones) { iIndex = iNumBones-1; this->LogWarning("Bone index is out of bounds. Using the largest valid " "bone index instead"); } if (!this->ParseString(mesh.mBones[iIndex].mName,"*MESH_BONE_NAME")) this->SkipToNextToken(); continue; } } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level4 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv4 *MESH_BONE_LIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshBonesVertices(unsigned int iNumVertices,ASE::Mesh& mesh) { mesh.mBoneVertices.resize(iNumVertices); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Mesh bone vertex if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_BONE_VERTEX" ,17) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+17))) { this->m_szFile+=18; // read the vertex index unsigned int iIndex = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); if (iIndex >= mesh.mPositions.size()) { iIndex = (unsigned int)mesh.mPositions.size()-1; this->LogWarning("Bone vertex index is out of bounds. Using the largest valid " "bone vertex index instead"); } // now there there are 3 normal floats, the // should be identical to the vertex positions // contained in the *VERTEX_LIST block. Well, we check this // in debug builds to be sure ;-) float afVert[3]; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(afVert); std::pair pairOut; while (true) { // first parse the bone index ... if (!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile))break; pairOut.first = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // then parse the vertex weight if (!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile))break; this->m_szFile = fast_atof_move(this->m_szFile,pairOut.second); // -1 designates unused entries if (-1 != pairOut.first) { mesh.mBoneVertices[iIndex].mBoneWeights.push_back(pairOut); } } continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level4 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv4 *MESH_BONE_VERTEX_LIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshVertexListBlock( unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh& mesh) { // allocate enough storage in the array mesh.mPositions.resize(iNumVertices); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Vertex entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_VERTEX" ,12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; aiVector3D vTemp; unsigned int iIndex; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&vTemp.x,iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumVertices) { this->LogWarning("Vertex has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else mesh.mPositions[iIndex] = vTemp; continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a lv3 vertex list block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh& mesh) { // allocate enough storage in the face array mesh.mFaces.resize(iNumFaces); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Face entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_FACE" ,10) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+10))) { this->m_szFile+=11; ASE::Face mFace; this->ParseLV4MeshFace(mFace); if (mFace.iFace >= iNumFaces) { this->LogWarning("Face has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else mesh.mFaces[mFace.iFace] = mFace; continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing LV3 *MESH_FACE_LIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh& mesh, unsigned int iChannel) { // allocate enough storage in the array mesh.amTexCoords[iChannel].resize(iNumVertices); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Vertex entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TVERT" ,11) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+11))) { this->m_szFile+=12; aiVector3D vTemp; unsigned int iIndex; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&vTemp.x,iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumVertices) { this->LogWarning("Tvertex has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else mesh.amTexCoords[iChannel][iIndex] = vTemp; if (0.0f != vTemp.z) { // we need 3 coordinate channels mesh.mNumUVComponents[iChannel] = 3; } continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing LV3 *MESH_VERTEX_LIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh& mesh, unsigned int iChannel) { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Face entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TFACE" ,12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; unsigned int aiValues[3]; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshLongTriple(aiValues,iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumFaces || iIndex >= mesh.mFaces.size()) { this->LogWarning("UV-Face has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else { // copy UV indices mesh.mFaces[iIndex].amUVIndices[iChannel][0] = aiValues[0]; mesh.mFaces[iIndex].amUVIndices[iChannel][1] = aiValues[1]; mesh.mFaces[iIndex].amUVIndices[iChannel][2] = aiValues[2]; } continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing LV3 *MESH_TFACELIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MappingChannel(unsigned int iChannel, ASE::Mesh& mesh) { unsigned int iNumTVertices = 0; unsigned int iNumTFaces = 0; int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Number of texture coordinates in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumTVertices);continue; } // Number of UVWed faces in the mesh if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_NUMTVFACES" ,16) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+16))) { this->m_szFile+=17; this->ParseLV4MeshLong(iNumTFaces);continue; } // mesh texture vertex list block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TVERTLIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshTListBlock(iNumTVertices,mesh,iChannel); continue; } // mesh texture face block if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_TFACELIST" ,15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; this->SkipOpeningBracket(); this->ParseLV3MeshTFaceListBlock(iNumTFaces,mesh, iChannel); continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level2 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing a LV3 *MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCListBlock(unsigned int iNumVertices, ASE::Mesh& mesh) { // allocate enough storage in the array mesh.mVertexColors.resize(iNumVertices); int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Vertex entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_VERTCOL" ,13) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+13))) { this->m_szFile+=14; aiColor4D vTemp; vTemp.a = 1.0f; unsigned int iIndex; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&vTemp.r,iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumVertices) { this->LogWarning("Vertex color has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else mesh.mVertexColors[iIndex] = vTemp; continue; } } if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing LV3 *MESH_CVERTLIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshCFaceListBlock(unsigned int iNumFaces, ASE::Mesh& mesh) { int iDepth = 0; while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { // Face entry if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_CFACE" ,12) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+12))) { this->m_szFile+=13; unsigned int aiValues[3]; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshLongTriple(aiValues,iIndex); if (iIndex >= iNumFaces || iIndex >= mesh.mFaces.size()) { this->LogWarning("UV-Face has an invalid index. It will be ignored"); } else { // copy color indices mesh.mFaces[iIndex].mColorIndices[0] = aiValues[0]; mesh.mFaces[iIndex].mColorIndices[1] = aiValues[1]; mesh.mFaces[iIndex].mColorIndices[2] = aiValues[2]; } continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { // END OF FILE ... this is a level3 block, this can't be BLUBB("Unable to finish parsing LV3 *MESH_CFACELIST block. Unexpected EOF") } else if(IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile))++this->iLineNumber; ++this->m_szFile; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV3MeshNormalListBlock(ASE::Mesh& sMesh) { // allocate enough storage for the normals sMesh.mNormals.resize(sMesh.mPositions.size()); int iDepth = 0; // we need the *MESH_VERTEXNORMAL blocks, ignore the face normals // if there are only face normals we calculate them outselfes using the SGs while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL",18) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+18))) { this->m_szFile += 19; // parse a simple float triple aiVector3D vNormal; unsigned int iIndex = 0; this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(&vNormal.x,iIndex); if (iIndex >= sMesh.mNormals.size()) { this->LogWarning("Normal index is too large"); iIndex = (unsigned int)sMesh.mNormals.size()-1; } // important: this->m_szFile might now point to '}' ... sMesh.mNormals[iIndex] = vNormal; continue; } } else if ('{' == *this->m_szFile)iDepth++; else if ('}' == *this->m_szFile) { if (0 == --iDepth){++this->m_szFile;this->SkipToNextToken();return;} } // seems we have reached the end of the file ... else if ('\0' == *this->m_szFile) { BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_NORMALS Element: Unexpected EOL [#1]") } this->m_szFile++; } return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFace(ASE::Face& out) { // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_FACE Element: Unexpected EOL [#1]") // parse the face index out.iFace = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // next character should be ':' if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile) || ':' != *this->m_szFile) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_FACE Element: Unexpected EOL. \':\' expected [#2]") // parse all mesh indices ++this->m_szFile; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3;++i) { unsigned int iIndex = 0; if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG __EARTHQUAKE_XXL: BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_FACE Element: Unexpected EOL. A,B or C expected [#3]") } switch (*this->m_szFile) { case 'A': case 'a': break; case 'B': case 'b': iIndex = 1; break; case 'C': case 'c': iIndex = 2; break; default: goto __EARTHQUAKE_XXL; }; ++this->m_szFile; // next character should be ':' if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile) || ':' != *this->m_szFile) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_FACE Element: Unexpected EOL. \':\' expected [#2]") ++this->m_szFile; if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_FACE Element: Unexpected EOL. Vertex index ecpected [#4]") out.mIndices[iIndex] = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); } // now we need to skip the AB, BC, CA blocks. while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile)break; if (IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile)) { //this->iLineNumber++; return; } this->m_szFile++; } // parse the smoothing group of the face if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_SMOOTHING",15) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+15))) { this->m_szFile+=16; if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_SMOOTHING Element: Unexpected EOL. Smoothing group(s) expected [#5]") // parse smoothing groups until we don_t anymore see commas // FIX: There needn't always be a value, sad but true while (true) { if (*this->m_szFile < '9' && *this->m_szFile >= '0') { out.iSmoothGroup |= (1 << strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)); } SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); if (',' != *this->m_szFile) { break; } ++this->m_szFile; SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); } } // *MESH_MTLID is optional, too while (true) { if ('*' == *this->m_szFile)break; if (IsLineEnd(*this->m_szFile)) { //this->iLineNumber++; return; } this->m_szFile++; } if (0 == strncmp(this->m_szFile,"*MESH_MTLID",11) && IsSpaceOrNewLine(*(this->m_szFile+11))) { this->m_szFile+=12; if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) BLUBB("Unable to parse *MESH_MTLID Element: Unexpected EOL. Material index expected [#6]") out.iMaterial = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); } //this->SkipToNextToken(); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshLongTriple(unsigned int* apOut) { ai_assert(NULL != apOut); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse indexable long triple: unexpected EOL [#1]"); ++this->iLineNumber; apOut[0] = apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0; return; } apOut[0] = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse indexable long triple: unexpected EOL [#2]"); ++this->iLineNumber; apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0; return; } apOut[1] = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse indexable long triple: unexpected EOL [#3]"); apOut[2] = 0; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } apOut[2] = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // go to the next valid sequence //SkipSpacesAndLineEnd(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshLongTriple(unsigned int* apOut, unsigned int& rIndexOut) { ai_assert(NULL != apOut); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse indexable long triple: unexpected EOL [#4]"); rIndexOut = 0; apOut[0] = apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the index rIndexOut = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // parse the three others this->ParseLV4MeshLongTriple(apOut); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(float* apOut, unsigned int& rIndexOut) { ai_assert(NULL != apOut); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse indexable float triple: unexpected EOL [#1]"); rIndexOut = 0; apOut[0] = apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0.0f; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the index rIndexOut = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // parse the three others this->ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(apOut); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFloatTriple(float* apOut) { ai_assert(NULL != apOut); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse float triple: unexpected EOL [#5]"); apOut[0] = apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0.0f; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the first float this->m_szFile = fast_atof_move(this->m_szFile,apOut[0]); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse float triple: unexpected EOL [#6]"); apOut[1] = apOut[2] = 0.0f; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the second float this->m_szFile = fast_atof_move(this->m_szFile,apOut[1]); // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse float triple: unexpected EOL [#7]"); apOut[2] = 0.0f; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the third float this->m_szFile = fast_atof_move(this->m_szFile,apOut[2]); // go to the next valid sequence //this->SkipToNextToken(); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshFloat(float& fOut) { // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse float: unexpected EOL [#1]"); fOut = 0.0f; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the first float this->m_szFile = fast_atof_move(this->m_szFile,fOut); // go to the next valid sequence //this->SkipToNextToken(); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Parser::ParseLV4MeshLong(unsigned int& iOut) { // skip spaces and tabs if(!SkipSpaces(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile)) { // LOG this->LogWarning("Unable to parse long: unexpected EOL [#1]"); iOut = 0; ++this->iLineNumber; return; } // parse the value iOut = strtol10(this->m_szFile,&this->m_szFile); // go to the next valid sequence //this->SkipToNextToken(); return; }