/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, ASSIMP Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file Main.cpp * @brief main() function of assimp_cmd */ #include "Main.h" const char* AICMD_MSG_ABOUT = "------------------------------------------------------ \n" "Open Asset Import Library (Assimp) \n" "http://assimp.sourceforge.net \n" "Command-line tools \n" "------------------------------------------------------ \n\n" "Major version: %i\n" "Minor version: %i\n" "SVN revision : %i\n" "Build flags : %s %s %s %s %s\n\n"; const char* AICMD_MSG_HELP = "assimp \n\n" "\tverbs:\n" "\t\tversion - Display Assimp version\n" "\t\tlistext - List all known file extension\n" "\t\tknowext - Check whether a file extension is recognized by Assimp\n" "\t\textract - Extract an embedded texture from a model\n" "\t\tdump - Convert a model to binary or XML dumps (ASSBIN/ASSXML)\n" "\n\n\tUse \'assimp --help\' to get detailed help for a command.\n" ; /*extern*/ Assimp::Importer* globalImporter = NULL; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Application entry point int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc <= 1) { printf("assimp: No command specified. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n"); return 0; } // assimp version // Display a version string if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "version")) { const unsigned int flags = aiGetCompileFlags(); printf(AICMD_MSG_ABOUT, aiGetVersionMajor(), aiGetVersionMinor(), aiGetVersionRevision(), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_DEBUG ? "-debug" : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_NOBOOST ? "-noboost" : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SHARED ? "-shared" : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SINGLETHREADED ? "-st" : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_STLPORT ? "-stlport" : "")); return 0; } // assimp help // Display some basic help if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "help")) { printf("%s",AICMD_MSG_HELP); return 0; } // construct a global Assimp::Importer instance Assimp::Importer imp; globalImporter = &imp; // assimp listext // List all file extensions supported by Assimp if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "listext")) { aiString s; imp.GetExtensionList(s); printf("%s",s.data); return 0; } // assimp knowext // Check whether a particular file extension is known by us, return 0 on success if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "knowext")) { if (argc<3) { printf("Expected a file extension to check for!"); return -10; } const bool b = imp.IsExtensionSupported(argv[2]); printf("File extension %s is %sknown",argv[2],(b?"":"not ")); return b?0:-1; } // assimp dump // Dump a model to a file if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "dump")) { return Assimp_Dump ((const char**)&argv[2],argc-2); } // assimp extract // Extract an embedded texture from a file if (! ::strcmp(argv[1], "extract")) { return Assimp_Extract ((const char**)&argv[2],argc-2); } ::printf("Unrecognized command. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n"); return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Import a specific file const aiScene* ImportModel(const ImportData& imp, const std::string& path) { // Attach log streams if (imp.log) { ::printf("\nAttaching log stream ... OK\n"); unsigned int flags = 0; if (imp.logFile.length()) flags |= aiDefaultLogStream_FILE; if (imp.showLog) flags |= aiDefaultLogStream_STDERR; DefaultLogger::create(imp.logFile.c_str(),imp.verbose ? Logger::VERBOSE : Logger::NORMAL,flags); } ::printf("Launching model import ... OK\n"); // Now validate this flag combination if(!globalImporter->ValidateFlags(imp.ppFlags)) { ::printf("ERROR: Unsupported post-processing flags \n"); return NULL; } ::printf("Validating postprocessing flags ... OK\n"); if (imp.showLog) ::printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); // do the actual import, measure time const clock_t first = ::clock(); const aiScene* scene = globalImporter->ReadFile(path,imp.ppFlags); if (imp.showLog) ::printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (!scene) { printf("ERROR: Failed to load file\n"); return NULL; } const clock_t second = ::clock(); const float seconds = (float)(second-first) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; ::printf("Importing file ... OK \n import took approx. %.5f seconds\n" "\n",seconds); if (imp.log) { DefaultLogger::kill(); } return scene; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Process standard arguments int ProcessStandardArguments(ImportData& fill, const char** params, unsigned int num) { // -ptv --pretransform-vertices // -gsn --gen-smooth-normals // -gn --gen-normals // -cts --calc-tangent-space // -jiv --join-identical-vertices // -rrm --remove-redundant-materials // -fd --find-degenerates // -slm --split-large-meshes // -lbw --limit-bone-weights // -vds --validate-data-structure // -icl --improve-cache-locality // -sbpt --sort-by-ptype // -lh --convert-to-lh // -fuv --flip-uv // -fwo --flip-winding-order // -tuv --transform-uv-coords // -guv --gen-uvcoords // -fid --find-invalid-data // -fixn --fix normals // -tri --triangulate // -fi --find-instances // -fi --find-instances // -og --optimize-graph // -om --optimize-meshes // // -c --config-file= for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num;++i) { if (!params[i]) { // could happen if some args have already been processed continue; } bool has = true; if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-ptv") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--pretransform-vertices")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_PreTransformVertices; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-gsn") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--gen-smooth-normals")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-gn") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--gen-normals")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_GenNormals; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-jiv") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--join-identical-vertices")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-rrm") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--remove-redundant-materials")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fd") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--find-degenerates")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FindDegenerates; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-slm") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--split-large-meshes")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-lbw") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--limit-bone-weights")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-vds") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--validate-data-structure")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-icl") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--improve-cache-locality")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-sbpt") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--sort-by-ptype")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_SortByPType; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-lh") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--left-handed")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fuv") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--flip-uv")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FlipUVs; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fwo") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--flip-winding-order")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-tuv") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--transform-uv-coords")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_TransformUVCoords; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-guv") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--gen-uvcoords")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_GenUVCoords; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fid") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--find-invalid-data")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FindInvalidData; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fixn") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--fix-normals")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-tri") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--triangulate")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_Triangulate; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-cts") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--calc-tangent-space")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-fi") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--find-instances")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FindInstances; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-og") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--optimize-graph")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_OptimizeGraph; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-om") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--optimize-meshes")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes; } #if 0 else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-oa") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--optimize-anims")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_OptimizeAnims; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-gem") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--gen-entity-meshes")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_GenEntityMeshes; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-ftp") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--fix-texture-paths")) { fill.ppFlags |= aiProcess_FixTexturePaths; } #endif else if (! ::strncmp(params[i], "-c",2) || ! ::strncmp(params[i], "--config=",9)) { const unsigned int ofs = (params[i][1] == '-' ? 9 : 2); // use default configurations if (! ::strncmp(params[i]+ofs,"full",4)) fill.ppFlags |= aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_MaxQuality; else if (! ::strncmp(params[i]+ofs,"default",7)) fill.ppFlags |= aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality; else if (! ::strncmp(params[i]+ofs,"fast",4)) fill.ppFlags |= aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-l") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--show-log")) { fill.showLog = true; } else if (! ::strcmp(params[i], "-v") || ! ::strcmp(params[i], "--verbose")) { fill.verbose = true; } else if (! ::strncmp(params[i], "--log-out=",10) || ! ::strncmp(params[i], "-lo",3)) { fill.logFile = std::string(params[i]+(params[i][1] == '-' ? 10 : 3)); if (!fill.logFile.length()) fill.logFile = "assimp-log.txt"; } else has = false; if (has) { params[i] = NULL; } } if (fill.logFile.length() || fill.showLog || fill.verbose) fill.log = true; return 0; }