# ASSIMP scons build file
import sys

g_LibPath = Split("""
g_IncPath = Split("""
g_assimp_lib_Source =  Glob(r"../../code/*.cpp") +     Glob(r"../../contrib/irrXML/*.cpp") + Glob(r"../../contrib/zlib/*.c") + Glob(r"../../code/extra/*.cpp") 

# don't reset CC/CXX-variable, other users might have set it to something special
ccflags = '-pipe'

if ARGUMENTS.get('debug', 0):
	print "Using Debug Build!"
	ccflags = ccflags + ' -g -pg -Wall -pedantic '
	ccflags = ccflags + ' -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -msse -Wall -pedantic'
env = Environment(CCFLAGS = ccflags, CPPPATH = g_IncPath, LIBPATH=g_LibPath)
conf = Configure( env )

#if not conf.CheckCHeader( "boost/thread/thread.hpp" ):
#	print "Boost must be installed!"
#	Exit( 1 )
env = conf.Finish()

# Build library
env.StaticLibrary(target = "assimp", source = g_assimp_lib_Source, 
		LIBPATH = g_LibPath)