Frequently Asked Questions: See doc/FAQ At the current time, the only supported WIN32 platform is Microsoft Visual C++. You must have VC++ 6.0 at least. Quick Steps to compile & run a sample using the GUI TestRunner: - Open examples/examples.dsw in VC++ (contains all the samples). VC7 will ask you if you want to convert, anwser 'yes to all'. - Make HostApp the Active project - Compile - For Visual Studio 6 only: - in VC++, Tools/Customize.../Add-ins and macro files/Browse... - select the file lib/TestRunnerDSPlugIn.dll and press ok to register the add-ins (double-click on failure = open file in VC++). - Run the project Project build Target: --------------------- Framework & tools: * cppunit (cppunit.lib) : unit testing framework library, the one you use to write unit tests. * cppunit_dll(cppunit_dll.dll/lib) : same as above, but build as a DLL. * DllPlugInTester(DllPlugInTester.exe) : test plug-in runner executable. Use this to test DLL in your post-build step, or debug them. * TestRunner (testrunner.dll) : a MFC extension DLL to run and browser unit tests from a GUI. * DSPlugIn (lib/TestRunnerDSPlugIn.dll) : a VC++ 6.0 add-in used by testrunner.dll. If you double-click on a failure in the MFC TestRunner, a running instance of VC++ will open the file and highlight the line. This add-ins is not required for Visual Studio 7. * TestPlugInRunner : (Warning: experimental) a VC++ application to run test plug-in. A test plug-in is a DLL that publish a specified interface. This application is still incomplete (the auto-reload feature is missing). All libraries are placed in the lib/ directory. Examples: --------- * CppUnitTestMain : the actual test suite use to test CppUnit. Use a TextTestRunner, and post-build testing with CompilterOutputter. Configuration to link against cppunit static library and cppunit dll library. * CppUnitTestApp : contains the same test suite as CppUnitTestMain, but run them using the MFC TestRunner. * hierarchy : a sample demonstrating how to sublcass test (you might rather want to use HelperMacros.h and the CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE macro which does it in a 'cleaner' way. That sample has not been updated for a long time). * HostApp : a sample using the MFC TestRunner demonstrating different test failure. Also demonstrates the MFC Unicode TestRunner. * Money : an example that come along with the Money article of the documentation. Probably what you want to look at if you are a newbie. Configuration: -------------- CppUnit and TestRunner comes with 3 configurations. * Release (): Multihtreaded DLL, release mode * Debug (d): Debug Multithreaded DLL, debug mode * Unicode Release (u): Unicode Multihtreaded DLL, release mode * Unicode Debug (ud): Unicode Debug Multithreaded DLL, debug mode For CppUnit, when building as dll, "dll" is appended to the 'suffix'. The letters enclosed in brackets indicates the suffix added to the library name. For example, the debug configuration cppunit static library name is cppunitd.lib. The debug configuration cppunit dll name is cppunitd_dll.lib. Building: --------- * Open the src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw workspace in VC++. * In the 'Build' menu, select 'Batch Build...' * In the batch build dialog, select all projects and press the build button. * The resulting libraries can be found in the lib/ directory. Testing: -------- * Open the workspace examples/Examples.dsw. * Make CppUnitTestApp the active project. * Select the configuration you build the library for. * Compile and run the project. The TestRunner GUI should appear. Libraries: ---------- All the compiled libraries and DLL can be found in the 'lib' directory. Most libraries can be build from src/CppUnitLibraries.dsw workspace. lib\: cppunit.lib : CppUnit static library "Multithreaded DLL" cppunitd.lib : CppUnit static library "Debug Multithreaded DLL" cppunit_dll.dll : CppUnit dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL" cppunit_dll.lib : CppUnit dynamic import library "Multithreaded DLL" cppunitd_dll.dll : CppUnit dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL" cppunitd_dll.lib : CppUnit dynamic import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL" qttestrunner.dll : QT TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL" qttestrunner.lib : QT TestRunner import library "Multithreaded DLL" testrunner.dll : MFC TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL" testrunner.lib : MFC TestRunner import library "Multithreaded DLL" testrunnerd.dll : MFC TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL" testrunnerd.lib : MFC TestRunner import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL" testrunneru.dll : MFC Unicode TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Multithreaded DLL" testrunneru.lib : MFC Unicode TestRunner import library "Multithreaded DLL" testrunnerud.dll : MFC Unicode TestRunner dynamic library (DLL) "Debug Multithreaded DLL" testrunnerud.lib : MFC Unicode TestRunner import library "Debug Multithreaded DLL" TestRunnerDSPlugIn.dll : The add-in you register in VC++. Notes that when you are using CppUnit DLL (cppunit*_dll.dll), you must link against the associated import library and define the pre-processor symbol CPPUNIT_DLL in your project. Tools: ------ CppUnit provides a generic test runner for test plug-in: DllPlugInTester. It can be found in the lib/ directory. It requires cppunit*_dll.dll lib/: DllPlugInTester_dll.exe : test plug-in runner, "Multithreaded DLL", cppunit_dll.dll DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe : test plug-in runner, "Debug Multithreaded DLL", cppunitd_dll.dll DllPlugInTester.exe : test plug-in runner, "Multithreaded DLL", static link cppunit.lib DllPlugInTesterd.exe : test plug-in runner, "Debug Multithreaded DLL", static link cppunitd.lib Notes that the DllPlugInTester(d).exe version of this tools does not allow to use the automatic test registration that comes along with test plug-in. You probably don't want to use them unless you really know what you are doing. Using CppUnit: -------------- * Writing unit tests: To write unit tests, you need to link against cppunitXX.lib, where XX is the chosen configuration suffix letters. CppUnit include directory must be in the include search path. You can do that by adding the include directory in Project Settings/C++/Preprocessor/Additional include directories, or Tools/Options/Directories/Include. Quick steps: - link lib/cppunitXX.lib - include/ must be in the include search path * Using the TestRunner GUI: To use the test runner GUI you need to link against testrunnerXX.lib and cppunitXX.lib, where XX is the chosen configuration suffix letters. testrunner.dll must be in the path when your program is run (the Debug/Release directory, your project dsp directory, or in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable). One of the easiest way to do that is to either add a post-build command or add the testrunner.dll which is in the lib/ directory to your project and define a custom build step that copy the dll to your "Intermediate" directory (Debug or Release usually). Since the TestRunner GUI is a MFC extension DLL, it can access the CWinApp of the using application. Settings are stored using the application registry key. That means that "most recently used test" settings are different for each application. Quick steps: - link lib/cppunitXX.lib and lib/testrunnerXX.lib - include/ must be in the include search path - lib/testrunnerXX.dll must be available to run your project * Using the DSPlugIn: You must register the plug-in with VC++. This is done in Tools/Customize/Add-ins and Macro files, selecting browse and selecting lib/TestRunnerDSPlugIn.dll (you can register the release or the debug version, both work). If an instance of VC++ is running and you double-click on a failure, VC++ will open the file and select the failure line. * Using the Test Plug In Runner: Your DLL must export a function that implement the interface defined in include/msvc6/testrunner/TestPlugInInterface.h. See examples/msvc6/TestPlugIn/TestPlugInInterfaceImpl.* for an example. Be warned, that runner is still experimental and have not been tested much. If you did a batch build, run TestPlugInRunnerd.exe and choose dll examples/cppunittest/DebugPlugIn/CppUnitTestPlugInd.dll, or examples/simple/DebugPlugIn/simple_plugind.dll to test it out.