/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file Implementation of the LWO importer class for the older LWOB file formats, including materials */ #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_LWO_IMPORTER // Internal headers #include "LWOLoader.h" using namespace Assimp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWOBFile() { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + fileSize; bool running = true; while (running) { if (mFileBuffer + sizeof(IFF::ChunkHeader) > end) break; const IFF::ChunkHeader head = IFF::LoadChunk(mFileBuffer); if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWOB: Invalid chunk length"); } uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head.length; switch (head.type) { // vertex list case AI_LWO_PNTS: { if (!mCurLayer->mTempPoints.empty()) ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWO: PNTS chunk encountered twice"); else LoadLWOPoints(head.length); } break; case AI_LWO_POLS: { // face list if (!mCurLayer->mFaces.empty()) ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWO: POLS chunk encountered twice"); else LoadLWOBPolygons(head.length); } break; case AI_LWO_SRFS: // list of tags { if (!mTags->empty()) ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWO: SRFS chunk encountered twice"); else LoadLWOTags(head.length); } break; case AI_LWO_SURF: // surface chunk { LoadLWOBSurface(head.length); } break; default: break; } mFileBuffer = next; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWOBPolygons(unsigned int length) { // first find out how many faces and vertices we'll finally need LE_NCONST uint16_t* const end = (LE_NCONST uint16_t*)(mFileBuffer+length); LE_NCONST uint16_t* cursor = (LE_NCONST uint16_t*)mFileBuffer; // perform endianness conversions #ifndef AI_BUILD_BIG_ENDIAN while (cursor < end)ByteSwap::Swap2(cursor++); cursor = (LE_NCONST uint16_t*)mFileBuffer; #endif unsigned int iNumFaces = 0,iNumVertices = 0; CountVertsAndFacesLWOB(iNumVertices,iNumFaces,cursor,end); // allocate the output array and copy face indices if (iNumFaces) { cursor = (LE_NCONST uint16_t*)mFileBuffer; mCurLayer->mFaces.resize(iNumFaces); FaceList::iterator it = mCurLayer->mFaces.begin(); CopyFaceIndicesLWOB(it,cursor,end); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::CountVertsAndFacesLWOB(unsigned int& verts, unsigned int& faces, LE_NCONST uint16_t*& cursor, const uint16_t* const end, unsigned int max) { while (cursor < end && max--) { uint16_t numIndices; // must have 2 shorts left for numIndices and surface if (end - cursor < 2) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWOB: Unexpected end of file"); } ::memcpy(&numIndices, cursor++, 2); // must have enough left for indices and surface if (end - cursor < (1 + numIndices)) { throw DeadlyImportError("LWOB: Unexpected end of file"); } verts += numIndices; faces++; cursor += numIndices; int16_t surface; ::memcpy(&surface, cursor++, 2); if (surface < 0) { // there are detail polygons ::memcpy(&numIndices, cursor++, 2); CountVertsAndFacesLWOB(verts,faces,cursor,end,numIndices); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::CopyFaceIndicesLWOB(FaceList::iterator& it, LE_NCONST uint16_t*& cursor, const uint16_t* const end, unsigned int max) { while (cursor < end && max--) { LWO::Face& face = *it;++it; uint16_t numIndices; ::memcpy(&numIndices, cursor++, 2); face.mNumIndices = numIndices; if(face.mNumIndices) { if (cursor + face.mNumIndices >= end) { break; } face.mIndices = new unsigned int[face.mNumIndices]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face.mNumIndices;++i) { unsigned int & mi = face.mIndices[i]; uint16_t index; ::memcpy(&index, cursor++, 2); mi = index; if (mi > mCurLayer->mTempPoints.size()) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWOB: face index is out of range"); mi = (unsigned int)mCurLayer->mTempPoints.size()-1; } } } else { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWOB: Face has 0 indices"); } int16_t surface; ::memcpy(&surface, cursor++, 2); if (surface < 0) { surface = -surface; // there are detail polygons. uint16_t numPolygons; ::memcpy(&numPolygons, cursor++, 2); if (cursor < end) { CopyFaceIndicesLWOB(it,cursor,end,numPolygons); } } face.surfaceIndex = surface-1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LWO::Texture* LWOImporter::SetupNewTextureLWOB(LWO::TextureList& list,unsigned int size) { list.emplace_back(); LWO::Texture* tex = &list.back(); std::string type; GetS0(type,size); const char* s = type.c_str(); if(strstr(s, "Image Map")) { // Determine mapping type if(strstr(s, "Planar")) tex->mapMode = LWO::Texture::Planar; else if(strstr(s, "Cylindrical")) tex->mapMode = LWO::Texture::Cylindrical; else if(strstr(s, "Spherical")) tex->mapMode = LWO::Texture::Spherical; else if(strstr(s, "Cubic")) tex->mapMode = LWO::Texture::Cubic; else if(strstr(s, "Front")) tex->mapMode = LWO::Texture::FrontProjection; } else { // procedural or gradient, not supported ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("LWOB: Unsupported legacy texture: ", type); } return tex; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LWOImporter::LoadLWOBSurface(unsigned int size) { LE_NCONST uint8_t* const end = mFileBuffer + size; mSurfaces->push_back( LWO::Surface () ); LWO::Surface& surf = mSurfaces->back(); LWO::Texture *pTex = nullptr; GetS0(surf.mName,size); bool running = true; while (running) { if (mFileBuffer + 6 >= end) break; IFF::SubChunkHeader head = IFF::LoadSubChunk(mFileBuffer); /* A single test file (sonycam.lwo) seems to have invalid surface chunks. * I'm assuming it's the fault of a single, unknown exporter so there are * probably THOUSANDS of them. Here's a dirty workaround: * * We don't break if the chunk limit is exceeded. Instead, we're computing * how much storage is actually left and work with this value from now on. */ if (mFileBuffer + head.length > end) { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("LWOB: Invalid surface chunk length. Trying to continue."); head.length = (uint16_t) (end - mFileBuffer); } uint8_t* const next = mFileBuffer+head.length; switch (head.type) { // diffuse color case AI_LWO_COLR: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,COLR,3); surf.mColor.r = GetU1() / 255.0f; surf.mColor.g = GetU1() / 255.0f; surf.mColor.b = GetU1() / 255.0f; break; } // diffuse strength ... case AI_LWO_DIFF: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,DIFF,2); surf.mDiffuseValue = GetU2() / 255.0f; break; } // specular strength ... case AI_LWO_SPEC: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,SPEC,2); surf.mSpecularValue = GetU2() / 255.0f; break; } // luminosity ... case AI_LWO_LUMI: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,LUMI,2); surf.mLuminosity = GetU2() / 255.0f; break; } // transparency case AI_LWO_TRAN: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,TRAN,2); surf.mTransparency = GetU2() / 255.0f; break; } // surface flags case AI_LWO_FLAG: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,FLAG,2); uint16_t flag = GetU2(); if (flag & 0x4 ) surf.mMaximumSmoothAngle = 1.56207f; if (flag & 0x8 ) surf.mColorHighlights = 1.f; if (flag & 0x100) surf.bDoubleSided = true; break; } // maximum smoothing angle case AI_LWO_SMAN: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,SMAN,4); surf.mMaximumSmoothAngle = std::fabs( GetF4() ); break; } // glossiness case AI_LWO_GLOS: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,GLOS,2); surf.mGlossiness = (float)GetU2(); break; } // color texture case AI_LWO_CTEX: { pTex = SetupNewTextureLWOB(surf.mColorTextures, head.length); break; } // diffuse texture case AI_LWO_DTEX: { pTex = SetupNewTextureLWOB(surf.mDiffuseTextures, head.length); break; } // specular texture case AI_LWO_STEX: { pTex = SetupNewTextureLWOB(surf.mSpecularTextures, head.length); break; } // bump texture case AI_LWO_BTEX: { pTex = SetupNewTextureLWOB(surf.mBumpTextures, head.length); break; } // transparency texture case AI_LWO_TTEX: { pTex = SetupNewTextureLWOB(surf.mOpacityTextures, head.length); break; } // texture path case AI_LWO_TIMG: { if (pTex) { GetS0(pTex->mFileName,head.length); } else { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWOB: Unexpected TIMG chunk"); } break; } // texture strength case AI_LWO_TVAL: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,TVAL,1); if (pTex) { pTex->mStrength = (float)GetU1()/ 255.f; } else { ASSIMP_LOG_ERROR("LWOB: Unexpected TVAL chunk"); } break; } // texture flags case AI_LWO_TFLG: { AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(head.length,TFLG,2); if (nullptr != pTex) { const uint16_t s = GetU2(); if (s & 1) pTex->majorAxis = LWO::Texture::AXIS_X; else if (s & 2) pTex->majorAxis = LWO::Texture::AXIS_Y; else if (s & 4) pTex->majorAxis = LWO::Texture::AXIS_Z; if (s & 16) { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWOB: Ignoring \'negate\' flag on texture"); } } else { ASSIMP_LOG_WARN("LWOB: Unexpected TFLG chunk"); } break; } } mFileBuffer = next; } } #endif // !! ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_LWO_IMPORTER