import os import re #==[regexps]================================================= # Clean desc REdefine = re.compile(r'' r'(?P)' # /** *desc */ r'#\s*define\s(?P[^(\n]+?)\s(?P.+)$' # #define name value , re.MULTILINE) # Get structs REstructs = re.compile(r'' #r'//\s?[\-]*\s(?P.*?)\*/\s' # /** *desc */ #r'//\s?[\-]*(?P.*?)\*/(?:.*?)' # garbage r'//\s?[\-]*\s(?P.*?)\*/\W*?' # /** *desc */ r'struct\s(?:ASSIMP_API\s)?(?P[a-z][a-z0-9_]\w+\b)' # struct name r'[^{]*?\{' # { r'(?P.*?)' # code r'\}\s*(PACK_STRUCT)?;' # }; , re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) # Clean desc REdesc = re.compile(r'' r'^\s*?([*]|/\*\*)(?P.*?)' # * line , re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) # Remove #ifdef __cplusplus RErmifdef = re.compile(r'' r'#ifdef __cplusplus' # #ifdef __cplusplus r'(?P.*)' # code r'#endif(\s*//\s*!?\s*__cplusplus)*' # #endif , re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL) # Replace comments RErpcom = re.compile(r'' r'[ ]*(/\*\*\s|\*/|\B\*\s|//!)' # /** r'(?P.*?)' # * line , re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL) # Restructure def GetType(type, prefix='c_'): t = type while t.endswith('*'): t = t[:-1] types = {'unsigned int':'uint', 'unsigned char':'ubyte', 'size_t':'uint',} if t in types: t = types[t] t = prefix + t while type.endswith('*'): t = "POINTER(" + t + ")" type = type[:-1] return t def restructure( match ): type ="type") if"struct") == "": type = GetType(type) elif"struct") == "C_ENUM ": type = "c_uint" else: type = GetType(type[2:], '') if"index"): type = type + "*" +"index") result = "" for name in"name").split(','): result += "(\"" + name.strip() + "\", "+ type + ")," return result RErestruc = re.compile(r'' r'(?PC_STRUCT\s|C_ENUM\s|)' # [C_STRUCT] r'(?P\w+\s?\w+?[*]*)\s' # type #r'(?P\w+)' # name r'(?P\w+|[a-z0-9_, ]+)' # name r'(:?\[(?P\w+)\])?;' # []; (optional) , re.DOTALL) #==[template]================================================ template = """ class $NAME$(Structure): \"\"\" $DESCRIPTION$ \"\"\" $DEFINES$ _fields_ = [ $FIELDS$ ] """ templateSR = """ class $NAME$(Structure): \"\"\" $DESCRIPTION$ \"\"\" $DEFINES$ $NAME$._fields_ = [ $FIELDS$ ] """ #============================================================ def Structify(fileName): file = open(fileName, 'r') text = result = [] # Get defines. defs = REdefine.findall(text) # Create defines defines = "\n" for define in defs: # Clean desc desc = REdesc.sub('', define[0]) # Replace comments desc = RErpcom.sub('#\g', desc) defines += desc defines += " "*4 + define[1] + " = " + define[2] + "\n" # Get structs rs = REstructs.finditer(text) fileName = os.path.basename(fileName) print fileName for r in rs: name ='name')[2:] desc ='desc') # Skip some structs if name == "FileIO" or name == "File" or name == "locateFromAssimpHeap": continue text ='code') # Clean desc desc = REdesc.sub('', desc) desc = "See '"+ fileName +"' for details." #TODO # Remove #ifdef __cplusplus text = RErmifdef.sub('', text) # Whether the struct contains more than just POD primitive = text.find('C_STRUCT') == -1 # Restructure text = RErestruc.sub(restructure, text) # Replace comments text = RErpcom.sub('#\g', text) # Whether it's selfreferencing: ex. struct Node { Node* parent; }; selfreferencing = text.find('POINTER('+name+')') != -1 complex = name == "Scene" # Create description description = "" for line in desc.split('\n'): description += " "*4 + line.strip() + "\n" description = description.rstrip() # Create fields fields = "" for line in text.split('\n'): fields += " "*12 + line.strip() + "\n" fields = fields.strip() if selfreferencing: templ = templateSR else: templ = template # Put it all together text = templ.replace('$NAME$', name) text = text.replace('$DESCRIPTION$', description) text = text.replace('$FIELDS$', fields) if ((name.lower() == fileName.split('.')[0][2:].lower()) and (name != 'Material')) or name == "String": text = text.replace('$DEFINES$', defines) else: text = text.replace('$DEFINES$', '') result.append((primitive, selfreferencing, complex, text)) return result text = "#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-\n\n" text += "from ctypes import POINTER, c_int, c_uint, c_char, c_float, Structure, c_char_p, c_double, c_ubyte\n\n" structs1 = "" structs2 = "" structs3 = "" structs4 = "" path = '../include/' files = os.listdir (path) #files = ["aiScene.h", "aiTypes.h"] for fileName in files: if fileName.endswith('.h'): for struct in Structify(os.path.join(path, fileName)): primitive, sr, complex, struct = struct if primitive: structs1 += struct elif sr: structs2 += struct elif complex: structs4 += struct else: structs3 += struct text += structs1 + structs2 + structs3 + structs4 file = open('structs.txt', 'w') file.write(text) file.close()