/** @file dox.h
* @brief General documentation built from a doxygen comment
@mainpage ASSIMP - Open Asset Import Library
@section intro Introduction
ASSIMP is a library to load and process geometric scenes from various data formats. It is tailored at typical game
scenarios by supporting a node hierarchy, static or skinned meshes, materials, bone animations and potential texture data.
The library is *not* designed for speed, it is primarily useful for importing assets from various sources once and
storing it in a engine-specific format for easy and fast every-day-loading. ASSIMP is also able to apply various post
processing steps to the imported data such as conversion to indexed meshes, calculation of normals or tangents/bitangents
or conversion from right-handed to left-handed coordinate systems.
ASSIMP currently supports the following file formats (note that some loaders lack some features of their formats because
some file formats contain data not supported by ASSIMP, some stuff would require so much conversion work
that it has not yet been implemented, and some formats have not completely been documented by their inventors):
Name | Data Type | Default Value | Meaning | Notes |
NAME | aiString | n/a | The name of the material, if available. | Ignored by aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials. Materials are considered equal even if their names are different. |
COLOR_DIFFUSE | aiColor3D | black (0,0,0) | Diffuse color of the material. This is typically scaled by the amount of incoming diffuse light (e.g. using gouraud shading) | --- |
COLOR_SPECULAR | aiColor3D | black (0,0,0) | Specular color of the material. This is typically scaled by the amount of incoming specular light (e.g. using phong shading) | --- |
COLOR_AMBIENT | aiColor3D | black (0,0,0) | Ambient color of the material. This is typically scaled by the amount of ambient light | --- |
COLOR_EMISSIVE | aiColor3D | black (0,0,0) | Emissive color of the material. This is the amount of light emitted by the object. In real time applications it will usually not affect surrounding objects, but raytracing applications may wish to treat emissive objects as light sources. | --- |
COLOR_TRANSPARENT | aiColor3D | black (0,0,0) | Defines the transparent color of the material, this is the color to be multiplied with the color of translucent light to construct the final 'destination color' for a particular position in the screen buffer. T | --- |
WIREFRAME | int | false | Specifies whether wireframe rendering must be turned on for the material. 0 for false, !0 for true. | --- |
TWOSIDED | int | false | Specifies whether meshes using this material must be rendered without backface culling. 0 for false, !0 for true. | Some importers set this property if they don't know whether the output face oder is right. As long as it is not set, you may safely enable backface culling. |
SHADING_MODEL | int | gouraud | One of the #aiShadingMode enumerated values. Defines the library shading model to use for (real time) rendering to approximate the original look of the material as closely as possible. | The presence of this key might indicate a more complex material. If absent, assume phong shading only if a specular exponent is given. |
BLEND_FUNC | int | false | One of the #aiBlendMode enumerated values. Defines how the final color value in the screen buffer is computed from the given color at that position and the newly computed color from the material. Simply said, alpha blending settings. | - |
OPACITY | float | 1.0 | Defines the opacity of the material in a range between 0..1. | Use this value to decide whether you have to activate alpha blending for rendering. OPACITY != 1 usually also implies TWOSIDED=1 to avoid cull artifacts. |
SHININESS | float | 0.f | Defines the shininess of a phong-shaded material. This is actually the exponent of the phong specular equation | SHININESS=0 is equivalent to SHADING_MODEL=aiShadingMode_Gouraud. |
SHININESS_STRENGTH | float | 1.0 | Scales the specular color of the material. | This value is kept separate from the specular color by most modelers, and so do we. |
REFRACTI | float | 1.0 | Defines the Index Of Refraction for the material. That's not supported by most file formats. | Might be of interest for raytracing. |
TEXTURE(t,n) | aiString | n/a | Defines the path to the n'th texture on the stack 't', where 'n' is any value >= 0 and 't' is one of the #aiTextureType enumerated values. | See the 'Textures' section above. |
TEXBLEND(t,n) | float | n/a | Defines the strength the n'th texture on the stack 't'. All color components (rgb) are multipled with this factor *before* any further processing is done. | - |
TEXOP(t,n) | int | n/a | One of the #aiTextureOp enumerated values. Defines the arithmetic operation to be used to combine the n'th texture on the stack 't' with the n-1'th. TEXOP(t,0) refers to the blend operation between the base color for this stack (e.g. COLOR_DIFFUSE for the diffuse stack) and the first texture. | - |
MAPPING(t,n) | int | n/a | Defines how the input mapping coordinates for sampling the n'th texture on the stack 't' are computed. Usually explicit UV coordinates are provided, but some model file formats might also be using basic shapes, such as spheres or cylinders, to project textures onto meshes. | See the 'Textures' section below. #aiProcess_GenUVCoords can be used to let Assimp compute proper UV coordinates from projective mappings. |
UVWSRC(t,n) | int | n/a | Defines the UV channel to be used as input mapping coordinates for sampling the n'th texture on the stack 't'. All meshes assigned to this material share the same UV channel setup | Presence of this key implies MAPPING(t,n) to be #aiTextureMapping_UV. See @ref uvwsrc for more details. |
MAPPINGMODE_U(t,n) | int | n/a | Any of the #aiTextureMapMode enumerated values. Defines the texture wrapping mode on the x axis for sampling the n'th texture on the stack 't'. 'Wrapping' occurs whenever UVs lie outside the 0..1 range. | - |
MAPPINGMODE_V(t,n) | int | n/a | Wrap mode on the v axis. See MAPPINGMODE_U. | - |
TEXMAP_AXIS(t,n) | aiVector3D | n/a | Defines the base axis to to compute the mapping coordinates for the n'th texture on the stack 't' from. This is not required for UV-mapped textures. For instance, if MAPPING(t,n) is #aiTextureMapping_SPHERE, U and V would map to longitude and latitude of a sphere around the given axis. The axis is given in local mesh space. | - |
TEXFLAGS(t,n) | int | n/a | Defines miscellaneous flag for the n'th texture on the stack 't'. This is a bitwise combination of the #aiTextureFlags enumerated values. | - |