# Copyright 2021 The Draco Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. if(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TARGETS_CMAKE_) return() endif() # DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TARGETS_CMAKE_ set(DRACO_CMAKE_DRACO_TARGETS_CMAKE_ 1) # Resets list variables used to track draco targets. macro(draco_reset_target_lists) unset(draco_targets) unset(draco_exe_targets) unset(draco_lib_targets) unset(draco_objlib_targets) unset(draco_module_targets) unset(draco_sources) unset(draco_test_targets) endmacro() # Creates an executable target. The target name is passed as a parameter to the # NAME argument, and the sources passed as a parameter to the SOURCES argument: # draco_add_executable(NAME SOURCES [optional args]) # # Optional args: # cmake-format: off # - OUTPUT_NAME: Override output file basename. Target basename defaults to # NAME. # - TEST: Flag. Presence means treat executable as a test. # - DEFINES: List of preprocessor macro definitions. # - INCLUDES: list of include directories for the target. # - COMPILE_FLAGS: list of compiler flags for the target. # - LINK_FLAGS: List of linker flags for the target. # - OBJLIB_DEPS: List of CMake object library target dependencies. # - LIB_DEPS: List of CMake library dependencies. # cmake-format: on # # Sources passed to this macro are added to $draco_test_sources when TEST is # specified. Otherwise sources are added to $draco_sources. # # Targets passed to this macro are always added to the $draco_targets list. When # TEST is specified targets are also added to the $draco_test_targets list. # Otherwise targets are added to $draco_exe_targets. macro(draco_add_executable) unset(exe_TEST) unset(exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN) unset(exe_NAME) unset(exe_OUTPUT_NAME) unset(exe_SOURCES) unset(exe_DEFINES) unset(exe_INCLUDES) unset(exe_COMPILE_FLAGS) unset(exe_LINK_FLAGS) unset(exe_OBJLIB_DEPS) unset(exe_LIB_DEPS) set(optional_args TEST) set(single_value_args NAME OUTPUT_NAME) set(multi_value_args SOURCES DEFINES INCLUDES COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS OBJLIB_DEPS LIB_DEPS) cmake_parse_arguments(exe "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) message( "--------- draco_add_executable ---------\n" "exe_TEST=${exe_TEST}\n" "exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN=${exe_TEST_DEFINES_MAIN}\n" "exe_NAME=${exe_NAME}\n" "exe_OUTPUT_NAME=${exe_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" "exe_SOURCES=${exe_SOURCES}\n" "exe_DEFINES=${exe_DEFINES}\n" "exe_INCLUDES=${exe_INCLUDES}\n" "exe_COMPILE_FLAGS=${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" "exe_LINK_FLAGS=${exe_LINK_FLAGS}\n" "exe_OBJLIB_DEPS=${exe_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" "exe_LIB_DEPS=${exe_LIB_DEPS}\n" "------------------------------------------\n") endif() if(NOT (exe_NAME AND exe_SOURCES)) message(FATAL_ERROR "draco_add_executable: NAME and SOURCES required.") endif() list(APPEND draco_targets ${exe_NAME}) if(exe_TEST) list(APPEND draco_test_targets ${exe_NAME}) list(APPEND draco_test_sources ${exe_SOURCES}) else() list(APPEND draco_exe_targets ${exe_NAME}) list(APPEND draco_sources ${exe_SOURCES}) endif() add_executable(${exe_NAME} ${exe_SOURCES}) target_compile_features(${exe_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_11) if(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_VERSION}) endif() if(exe_OUTPUT_NAME) set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${exe_OUTPUT_NAME}) endif() draco_process_intrinsics_sources(TARGET ${exe_NAME} SOURCES ${exe_SOURCES}) if(exe_DEFINES) target_compile_definitions(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_DEFINES}) endif() if(exe_INCLUDES) target_include_directories(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_INCLUDES}) endif() if(exe_COMPILE_FLAGS OR DRACO_CXX_FLAGS) target_compile_options(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) endif() if(exe_LINK_FLAGS OR DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.13") list(APPEND exe_LINK_FLAGS "${DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") # LINK_FLAGS is managed as a string. draco_set_and_stringify(SOURCE "${exe_LINK_FLAGS}" DEST exe_LINK_FLAGS) set_target_properties(${exe_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${exe_LINK_FLAGS}") else() target_link_options(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_LINK_FLAGS} ${DRACO_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}) endif() endif() if(exe_OBJLIB_DEPS) foreach(objlib_dep ${exe_OBJLIB_DEPS}) target_sources(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE $) endforeach() endif() if(CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT) list(APPEND exe_LIB_DEPS ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) endif() if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND (MSVC OR WIN32)) target_compile_definitions(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE "DRACO_BUILDING_DLL=0") endif() if(exe_LIB_DEPS) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^Clang|^GNU") # Third party dependencies can introduce dependencies on system and test # libraries. Since the target created here is an executable, and CMake # does not provide a method of controlling order of link dependencies, # wrap all of the dependencies of this target in start/end group flags to # ensure that dependencies of third party targets can be resolved when # those dependencies happen to be resolved by dependencies of the current # target. # TODO(tomfinegan): For portability use LINK_GROUP with RESCAN instead of # directly (ab)using compiler/linker specific flags once CMake v3.24 is in # wider use. See: # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generator-expressions.7.html#genex:LINK_GROUP list(INSERT exe_LIB_DEPS 0 -Wl,--start-group) list(APPEND exe_LIB_DEPS -Wl,--end-group) endif() target_link_libraries(${exe_NAME} PRIVATE ${exe_LIB_DEPS}) endif() endmacro() # Creates a library target of the specified type. The target name is passed as a # parameter to the NAME argument, the type as a parameter to the TYPE argument, # and the sources passed as a parameter to the SOURCES argument: # draco_add_library(NAME TYPE SOURCES [optional args]) # # Optional args: # cmake-format: off # - OUTPUT_NAME: Override output file basename. Target basename defaults to # NAME. OUTPUT_NAME is ignored when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is enabled and CMake # is generating a build for which MSVC is true. This is to avoid output # basename collisions with DLL import libraries. # - TEST: Flag. Presence means treat library as a test. # - DEFINES: List of preprocessor macro definitions. # - INCLUDES: list of include directories for the target. # - COMPILE_FLAGS: list of compiler flags for the target. # - LINK_FLAGS: List of linker flags for the target. # - OBJLIB_DEPS: List of CMake object library target dependencies. # - LIB_DEPS: List of CMake library dependencies. # - PUBLIC_INCLUDES: List of include paths to export to dependents. # cmake-format: on # # Sources passed to the macro are added to the lists tracking draco sources: # cmake-format: off # - When TEST is specified sources are added to $draco_test_sources. # - Otherwise sources are added to $draco_sources. # cmake-format: on # # Targets passed to this macro are added to the lists tracking draco targets: # cmake-format: off # - Targets are always added to $draco_targets. # - When the TEST flag is specified, targets are added to # $draco_test_targets. # - When TEST is not specified: # - Libraries of type SHARED are added to $draco_dylib_targets. # - Libraries of type OBJECT are added to $draco_objlib_targets. # - Libraries of type STATIC are added to $draco_lib_targets. # cmake-format: on macro(draco_add_library) unset(lib_TEST) unset(lib_NAME) unset(lib_OUTPUT_NAME) unset(lib_TYPE) unset(lib_SOURCES) unset(lib_DEFINES) unset(lib_INCLUDES) unset(lib_COMPILE_FLAGS) unset(lib_LINK_FLAGS) unset(lib_OBJLIB_DEPS) unset(lib_LIB_DEPS) unset(lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES) unset(lib_TARGET_PROPERTIES) set(optional_args TEST) set(single_value_args NAME OUTPUT_NAME TYPE) set(multi_value_args SOURCES DEFINES INCLUDES COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS OBJLIB_DEPS LIB_DEPS PUBLIC_INCLUDES TARGET_PROPERTIES) cmake_parse_arguments(lib "${optional_args}" "${single_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) if(DRACO_VERBOSE GREATER 1) message( "--------- draco_add_library ---------\n" "lib_TEST=${lib_TEST}\n" "lib_NAME=${lib_NAME}\n" "lib_OUTPUT_NAME=${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}\n" "lib_TYPE=${lib_TYPE}\n" "lib_SOURCES=${lib_SOURCES}\n" "lib_DEFINES=${lib_DEFINES}\n" "lib_INCLUDES=${lib_INCLUDES}\n" "lib_COMPILE_FLAGS=${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS}\n" "lib_LINK_FLAGS=${lib_LINK_FLAGS}\n" "lib_OBJLIB_DEPS=${lib_OBJLIB_DEPS}\n" "lib_LIB_DEPS=${lib_LIB_DEPS}\n" "lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES=${lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES}\n" "---------------------------------------\n") endif() if(NOT (lib_NAME AND lib_TYPE)) message(FATAL_ERROR "draco_add_library: NAME and TYPE required.") endif() list(APPEND draco_targets ${lib_NAME}) if(lib_TEST) list(APPEND draco_test_targets ${lib_NAME}) list(APPEND draco_test_sources ${lib_SOURCES}) else() list(APPEND draco_sources ${lib_SOURCES}) if(lib_TYPE STREQUAL MODULE) list(APPEND draco_module_targets ${lib_NAME}) elseif(lib_TYPE STREQUAL OBJECT) list(APPEND draco_objlib_targets ${lib_NAME}) elseif(lib_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED) list(APPEND draco_dylib_targets ${lib_NAME}) elseif(lib_TYPE STREQUAL STATIC) list(APPEND draco_lib_targets ${lib_NAME}) else() message(WARNING "draco_add_library: Unhandled type: ${lib_TYPE}") endif() endif() add_library(${lib_NAME} ${lib_TYPE} ${lib_SOURCES}) target_compile_features(${lib_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_11) target_include_directories(${lib_NAME} PUBLIC $) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # Enable PIC for all targets in shared configurations. set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() if(lib_SOURCES) draco_process_intrinsics_sources(TARGET ${lib_NAME} SOURCES ${lib_SOURCES}) endif() if(lib_OUTPUT_NAME) if(NOT (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND MSVC)) set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${lib_OUTPUT_NAME}) endif() endif() if(lib_DEFINES) target_compile_definitions(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE ${lib_DEFINES}) endif() if(lib_INCLUDES) target_include_directories(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE ${lib_INCLUDES}) endif() if(lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES) target_include_directories(${lib_NAME} PUBLIC ${lib_PUBLIC_INCLUDES}) endif() if(lib_COMPILE_FLAGS OR DRACO_CXX_FLAGS) target_compile_options(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE ${lib_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${DRACO_CXX_FLAGS}) endif() if(lib_LINK_FLAGS) set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${lib_LINK_FLAGS}) endif() if(lib_OBJLIB_DEPS) foreach(objlib_dep ${lib_OBJLIB_DEPS}) target_sources(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE $) endforeach() endif() if(lib_LIB_DEPS) if(lib_TYPE STREQUAL STATIC) set(link_type PUBLIC) else() set(link_type PRIVATE) if(lib_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang|GNU") # The draco shared object uses the static draco as input to turn it into # a shared object. Include everything from the static library in the # shared object. if(APPLE) list(INSERT lib_LIB_DEPS 0 -Wl,-force_load) else() list(INSERT lib_LIB_DEPS 0 -Wl,--whole-archive) list(APPEND lib_LIB_DEPS -Wl,--no-whole-archive) endif() endif() endif() target_link_libraries(${lib_NAME} ${link_type} ${lib_LIB_DEPS}) endif() if(NOT MSVC AND lib_NAME MATCHES "^lib") # Non-MSVC generators prepend lib to static lib target file names. Libdraco # already includes lib in its name. Avoid naming output files liblib*. set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") endif() if(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) # VERSION and SOVERSION as necessary if((lib_TYPE STREQUAL BUNDLE OR lib_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED) AND NOT MSVC) set_target_properties( ${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${DRACO_SOVERSION} SOVERSION ${DRACO_SOVERSION_MAJOR}) endif() endif() if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND (MSVC OR WIN32)) if(lib_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED) target_compile_definitions(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE "DRACO_BUILDING_DLL=1") else() target_compile_definitions(${lib_NAME} PRIVATE "DRACO_BUILDING_DLL=0") endif() endif() # Determine if $lib_NAME is a header only target. unset(sources_list) if(lib_SOURCES) set(sources_list ${lib_SOURCES}) list(FILTER sources_list INCLUDE REGEX cc$) endif() if(NOT sources_list) if(NOT XCODE) # This is a header only target. Tell CMake the link language. set_target_properties(${lib_NAME} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) else() # The Xcode generator ignores LINKER_LANGUAGE. Add a dummy cc file. draco_create_dummy_source_file(TARGET ${lib_NAME} BASENAME ${lib_NAME}) endif() endif() endmacro()