Open Asset Import Library (Assimp) Install

Please see the doxygen documentation to learn how to build & use Assimp.
A CHM file is included in the SVN repos: ./doc/lib_htmp/AssimpDoc.chm.
At least Windows should be able to read it.

To build the doxygen doc on your own follow these steps:

a) download & install latest doxygen 
b) ensure doxygen is in the executable search path
c) navigate to ./doc
d) and run 'doxygen'

Open the generated HTML (lib_htmp/index.html) in the browser of your choice.
Windows only: To generate the CHM doc install the 'Microsoft HTML Workshop'
and configure the path to it in the DOXYFILE. Run doxygen again.

You can also find a copy of the doc on our web site:

Beware, it could be outdated. If you're in serious doubt it might be,
rebuilding the doc is probably a wise choice.