/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Asset Import Library (assimp) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission of the assimp team. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file ImageExtractor.cpp * @brief Implementation of the 'assimp extract' utility */ #include "Main.h" #include #include #include static const char *AICMD_MSG_DUMP_HELP_E = "assimp extract [] [-t] [-f] [-ba] [-s] [common parameters]\n" "\t -ba Writes BMP's with alpha channel\n" "\t -t Zero-based index of the texture to be extracted \n" "\t -f Specify the file format if is omitted \n" "\t[See the assimp_cmd docs for a full list of all common parameters] \n" "\t -cfast Fast post processing preset, runs just a few important steps \n" "\t -cdefault Default post processing: runs all recommended steps\n" "\t -cfull Fires almost all post processing steps \n"; #define AI_EXTRACT_WRITE_BMP_ALPHA 0x1 #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data structure for the first header of a BMP struct BITMAPFILEHEADER { uint16_t bfType; uint32_t bfSize; uint16_t bfReserved1; uint16_t bfReserved2; uint32_t bfOffBits; } PACK_STRUCT; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data structure for the second header of a BMP struct BITMAPINFOHEADER { int32_t biSize; int32_t biWidth; int32_t biHeight; int16_t biPlanes; int16_t biBitCount; uint32_t biCompression; int32_t biSizeImage; int32_t biXPelsPerMeter; int32_t biYPelsPerMeter; int32_t biClrUsed; int32_t biClrImportant; // pixel data follows header } PACK_STRUCT; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data structure for the header of a TGA struct TGA_HEADER { uint8_t identsize; // size of ID field that follows 18 byte header (0 usually) uint8_t colourmaptype; // type of colour map 0=none, 1=has palette uint8_t imagetype; // type of image 0=none,1=indexed,2=rgb,3=gray,+8=rle packed uint16_t colourmapstart; // first colour map entry in palette uint16_t colourmaplength; // number of colors in palette uint8_t colourmapbits; // number of bits per palette entry 15,16,24,32 uint16_t xstart; // image x origin uint16_t ystart; // image y origin uint16_t width; // image width in pixels uint16_t height; // image height in pixels uint8_t bits; // image bits per pixel 8,16,24,32 uint8_t descriptor; // image descriptor bits (vh flip bits) // pixel data follows header } PACK_STRUCT; #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Save a texture as bitmap int SaveAsBMP(FILE *file, const aiTexel *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool SaveAlpha = false) { if (!file || !data) { return 1; } const unsigned int numc = (SaveAlpha ? 4 : 3); unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[width * height * numc]; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { unsigned char *s = &buffer[(y * width + x) * numc]; const aiTexel *t = &data[y * width + x]; s[0] = t->b; s[1] = t->g; s[2] = t->r; if (4 == numc) { s[3] = t->a; } } } BITMAPFILEHEADER header; header.bfType = 'B' | (int('M') << 8u); header.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); header.bfSize = header.bfOffBits + width * height * numc; header.bfReserved1 = header.bfReserved2 = 0; fwrite(&header, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, file); BITMAPINFOHEADER info; info.biSize = 40; info.biWidth = width; info.biHeight = height; info.biPlanes = 1; info.biBitCount = (int16_t)numc << 3; info.biCompression = 0; info.biSizeImage = width * height * numc; info.biXPelsPerMeter = 1; // dummy info.biYPelsPerMeter = 1; // dummy info.biClrUsed = 0; info.biClrImportant = 0; fwrite(&info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, file); unsigned char *temp = buffer + info.biSizeImage; const unsigned int row = width * numc; for (int y = 0; temp -= row, y < info.biHeight; ++y) { fwrite(temp, row, 1, file); } // delete the buffer delete[] buffer; return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Save a texture as tga int SaveAsTGA(FILE *file, const aiTexel *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { if (!file || !data) { return 1; } TGA_HEADER head; memset(&head, 0, sizeof(head)); head.bits = 32; head.height = (uint16_t)height; head.width = (uint16_t)width; head.descriptor |= (1u << 5); head.imagetype = 2; // actually it's RGBA fwrite(&head, sizeof(TGA_HEADER), 1, file); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { fwrite(data + y * width + x, 4, 1, file); } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do the texture import for a given aiTexture int DoExport(const aiTexture *tx, FILE *p, const std::string &extension, unsigned int flags) { // export the image to the appropriate decoder if (extension == "bmp") { SaveAsBMP(p, tx->pcData, tx->mWidth, tx->mHeight, (0 != (flags & AI_EXTRACT_WRITE_BMP_ALPHA))); } else if (extension == "tga") { SaveAsTGA(p, tx->pcData, tx->mWidth, tx->mHeight); } else { printf("assimp extract: No available texture encoder found for %s\n", extension.c_str()); return AssimpCmdExtractError::NoAvailableTextureEncoderFound; } return AssimpCmdError::Success; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the assimp extract utility int Assimp_Extract(const char *const *params, unsigned int num) { const char *const invalid = "assimp extract: Invalid number of arguments. See \'assimp extract --help\'\n"; // assimp extract in out [options] if (num < 1) { printf(invalid); return AssimpCmdError::InvalidNumberOfArguments; } // --help if (!strcmp(params[0], "-h") || !strcmp(params[0], "--help") || !strcmp(params[0], "-?")) { printf("%s", AICMD_MSG_DUMP_HELP_E); return AssimpCmdError::Success; } std::string in = std::string(params[0]); std::string out = (num > 1 ? std::string(params[1]) : "-"); // get import flags ImportData import; ProcessStandardArguments(import, params + 1, num - 1); bool nosuffix = false; unsigned int texIdx = 0xffffffff, flags = 0; // process other flags std::string extension = "bmp"; for (unsigned int i = (out[0] == '-' ? 1 : 2); i < num; ++i) { if (!params[i]) { continue; } if (!strncmp(params[i], "-f", 2)) { extension = std::string(params[i] + 2); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "--format=", 9)) { extension = std::string(params[i] + 9); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "--nosuffix") || !strcmp(params[i], "-s")) { nosuffix = true; } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "--texture=", 10)) { texIdx = Assimp::strtoul10(params[i] + 10); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "-t", 2)) { texIdx = Assimp::strtoul10(params[i] + 2); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "-ba") || !strcmp(params[i], "--bmp-with-alpha")) { flags |= AI_EXTRACT_WRITE_BMP_ALPHA; } #if 0 else { printf("Unknown parameter: %s\n",params[i]); return 10; } #endif } std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), ai_tolower); if (out[0] == '-') { // take file name from input file std::string::size_type s = in.find_last_of('.'); if (s == std::string::npos) s = in.length(); out = in.substr(0, s); } // take file extension from file name, if given std::string::size_type s = out.find_last_of('.'); if (s != std::string::npos) { extension = out.substr(s + 1, in.length() - (s + 1)); out = out.substr(0, s); } // import the main model const aiScene *scene = ImportModel(import, in); if (!scene) { printf("assimp extract: Unable to load input file %s\n", in.c_str()); return AssimpCmdError::FailedToLoadInputFile; } // get the texture(s) to be exported if (texIdx != 0xffffffff) { // check whether the requested texture is existing if (texIdx >= scene->mNumTextures) { ::printf("assimp extract: Texture %u requested, but there are just %i textures\n", texIdx, scene->mNumTextures); return AssimpCmdExtractError::TextureIndexIsOutOfRange; } } else { ::printf("assimp extract: Exporting %i textures\n", scene->mNumTextures); } // now write all output textures for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumTextures; ++i) { if (texIdx != 0xffffffff && texIdx != i) { continue; } const aiTexture *tex = scene->mTextures[i]; std::string out_cpy = out, out_ext = extension; // append suffix if necessary - always if all textures are exported if (!nosuffix || (texIdx == 0xffffffff)) { out_cpy.append("_img"); char tmp[10]; Assimp::ASSIMP_itoa10(tmp, i); out_cpy.append(std::string(tmp)); } // if the texture is a compressed one, we'll export // it to its native file format if (!tex->mHeight) { printf("assimp extract: Texture %u is compressed (%s). Writing native file format.\n", i, tex->achFormatHint); // modify file extension out_ext = std::string(tex->achFormatHint); } out_cpy.append("." + out_ext); // open output file FILE *p = ::fopen(out_cpy.c_str(), "wb"); if (!p) { printf("assimp extract: Unable to open output file %s\n", out_cpy.c_str()); return AssimpCmdError::FailedToOpenOutputFile; } int m; if (!tex->mHeight) { m = (1 != fwrite(tex->pcData, tex->mWidth, 1, p)) ? static_cast(AssimpCmdError::Success) : static_cast(AssimpCmdExtractError::FailedToExportCompressedTexture); } else { m = DoExport(tex, p, extension, flags); } ::fclose(p); printf("assimp extract: Wrote texture %u to %s\n", i, out_cpy.c_str()); if (texIdx != 0xffffffff) { return m; } } return AssimpCmdError::Success; }