@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void AMFImporter::Clear()
// Delete all elements
for(CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne: mNodeElement_List) { delete ne; }
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ aiColor4D AMFImporter::SPP_Material::GetColor(const float /*pX*/, const float /*
aiColor4D tcol;
// Check if stored data are supported.
if(Composition.size() != 0)
throw DeadlyImportError("IME. GetColor for composition");
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ void AMFImporter::PostprocessHelper_SplitFacesByTextureID(std::list<SComplexFace
if(pInputList.size() == 0) return;
if(pInputList.empty()) return;
@ -340,13 +340,13 @@ void AMFImporter::PostprocessHelper_SplitFacesByTextureID(std::list<SComplexFace
if(face_list_cur.size() > 0) pOutputList_Separated.push_back(face_list_cur);
if(!face_list_cur.empty()) pOutputList_Separated.push_back(face_list_cur);
} while(pInputList.size() > 0);
} while(!pInputList.empty());
void AMFImporter::Postprocess_AddMetadata(const std::list<CAMFImporter_NodeElement_Metadata*>& metadataList, aiNode& sceneNode) const
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ std::list<unsigned int> mesh_idx;
}// for(const CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne_child: pNodeElement.Child)
// if meshes was created then assign new indices with current aiNode
if(mesh_idx.size() > 0)
std::list<unsigned int>::const_iterator mit = mesh_idx.begin();
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ std::list<aiNode*> ch_node;
}// for(const CAMFImporter_NodeElement* ne: pConstellation.Child)
// copy found aiNode's as children
if(ch_node.size() == 0) throw DeadlyImportError("<constellation> must have at least one <instance>.");
if(ch_node.empty()) throw DeadlyImportError("<constellation> must have at least one <instance>.");
size_t ch_idx = 0;
@ -883,13 +883,13 @@ nl_clean_loop:
if(node_list.size() > 1)
// walk through all nodes
for(std::list<aiNode*>::iterator nl_it = node_list.begin(); nl_it != node_list.end(); nl_it++)
for(std::list<aiNode*>::iterator nl_it = node_list.begin(); nl_it != node_list.end(); ++nl_it)
// and try to find them in another top nodes.
std::list<aiNode*>::const_iterator next_it = nl_it;
for(; next_it != node_list.end(); next_it++)
for(; next_it != node_list.end(); ++next_it)
if((*next_it)->FindNode((*nl_it)->mName) != nullptr)
@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ nl_clean_loop:
// Nodes
if(node_list.size() > 0)
std::list<aiNode*>::const_iterator nl_it = node_list.begin();
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ nl_clean_loop:
// Meshes
if(mesh_list.size() > 0)
std::list<aiMesh*>::const_iterator ml_it = mesh_list.begin();
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ void ColladaLoader::BuildMeshesForNode(const ColladaParser& pParser, const Colla
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find mesh from either meshes or morph target meshes
aiMesh *ColladaLoader::findMesh(std::string meshid) {
aiMesh *ColladaLoader::findMesh(const std::string& meshid) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMeshes.size(); ++i) {
if (std::string(mMeshes[i]-> == meshid) {
return mMeshes[i];
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ aiMesh* ColladaLoader::CreateMesh(const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::M
Collada::MorphMethod method = Collada::Normalized;
for (std::map<std::string, Collada::Controller>::const_iterator it = pParser.mControllerLibrary.begin();
it != pParser.mControllerLibrary.end(); it++) {
it != pParser.mControllerLibrary.end(); ++it) {
const Collada::Controller &c = it->second;
const Collada::Mesh* baseMesh = pParser.ResolveLibraryReference(pParser.mMeshLibrary, c.mMeshId);
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ protected:
void BuildMeshesForNode( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Node* pNode,
aiNode* pTarget);
aiMesh *findMesh(std::string meshid);
aiMesh *findMesh(const std::string& meshid);
/** Creates a mesh for the given ColladaMesh face subset and returns the newly created mesh */
aiMesh* CreateMesh( const ColladaParser& pParser, const Collada::Mesh* pSrcMesh, const Collada::SubMesh& pSubMesh,
@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ void FBXExporter::WriteModelNodes(
void FBXExporter::WriteAnimationCurveNode(
StreamWriterLE& outstream,
int64_t uid,
std::string name, // "T", "R", or "S"
const std::string& name, // "T", "R", or "S"
aiVector3D default_value,
std::string property_name, // "Lcl Translation" etc
int64_t layer_uid,
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace Assimp
void WriteAnimationCurveNode(
StreamWriterLE& outstream,
int64_t uid,
std::string name, // "T", "R", or "S"
const std::string& name, // "T", "R", or "S"
aiVector3D default_value,
std::string property_name, // "Lcl Translation" etc
int64_t animation_layer_uid,
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void ProcessPolygonBoundaries(TempMesh& result, const TempMesh& inmesh, size_t m
outer_polygon_it = begin + master_bounds;
else {
for(iit = begin; iit != end; iit++) {
for(iit = begin; iit != end; ++iit) {
// find the polygon with the largest area and take it as the outer bound.
IfcVector3& n = normals[std::distance(begin,iit)];
const IfcFloat area = n.SquareLength();
@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ void ObjFileParser::copyNextWord(char *pBuffer, size_t length) {
size_t index = 0;
m_DataIt = getNextWord<DataArrayIt>(m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd);
if ( *m_DataIt == '\\' ) {
m_DataIt = getNextWord<DataArrayIt>( m_DataIt, m_DataItEnd );
while( m_DataIt != m_DataItEnd && !IsSpaceOrNewLine( *m_DataIt ) ) {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ aiMatrix4x4 out_matr;
// multiplicate all matrices in reverse order
for(std::list<aiMatrix4x4>::reverse_iterator rit = matr.rbegin(); rit != matr.rend(); rit++) out_matr = out_matr * (*rit);
for(std::list<aiMatrix4x4>::reverse_iterator rit = matr.rbegin(); rit != matr.rend(); ++rit) out_matr = out_matr * (*rit);
return out_matr;
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ X3DImporter::~X3DImporter() {
void X3DImporter::Clear() {
NodeElement_Cur = nullptr;
// Delete all elements
if(NodeElement_List.size()) {
for ( std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); it++ ) {
if(!NodeElement_List.empty()) {
for ( std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); ++it ) {
delete *it;
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Clear() {
bool X3DImporter::FindNodeElement_FromRoot(const std::string& pID, const CX3DImporter_NodeElement::EType pType, CX3DImporter_NodeElement** pElement)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator it = NodeElement_List.begin(); it != NodeElement_List.end(); ++it)
if(((*it)->Type == pType) && ((*it)->ID == pID))
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ bool X3DImporter::FindNodeElement_FromNode(CX3DImporter_NodeElement* pStartNode,
}// if((pStartNode->Type() == pType) && (pStartNode->ID() == pID))
// Check childs of pStartNode.
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = pStartNode->Child.begin(); ch_it != pStartNode->Child.end(); ch_it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = pStartNode->Child.begin(); ch_it != pStartNode->Child.end(); ++ch_it)
found = FindNodeElement_FromNode(*ch_it, pID, pType, pElement);
if ( found )
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrCol3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::ve
if(tlist.size() > 0)
for(std::list<aiColor3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++) pValue.push_back(*it);
for(std::list<aiColor3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); ++it) pValue.push_back(*it);
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrCol4f(const int pAttrIdx, std::ve
if(tlist.size() > 0)
for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); ++it )
pValue.push_back( *it );
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrVec2f(const int pAttrIdx, std::ve
if(tlist.size() > 0)
for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); ++it )
pValue.push_back( *it );
@ -722,10 +722,10 @@ void X3DImporter::XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsArrVec3f(const int pAttrIdx, std::ve
XML_ReadNode_GetAttrVal_AsListVec3f(pAttrIdx, tlist);// read as list
// and copy to array
if(tlist.size() > 0)
for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); ++it )
pValue.push_back( *it );
@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Extend_PointToLine(const std::list<aiVector3D>&
std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator pit = pPoint.begin();
std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator pit_last = pPoint.end();
if ( pPoint.size() < 2 )
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Extend_PointToLine(const std::list<aiVector3D>&
pLine.push_back(*pit);// second point of previous line
pLine.push_back(*pit);// first point of next line
// add last point of last line
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_Extend_PolylineIdxToLineIdx(const std::list<int
std::list<int32_t>::const_iterator plit_next;
plit_next = plit, plit_next++;
plit_next = plit, ++plit_next;
pLineCoordIdx.push_back(*plit);// second point of previous line.
pLineCoordIdx.push_back(-1);// delimiter
if((*plit_next == (-1)) || (plit_next == pPolylineCoordIdx.end())) break;// current polyline is finished
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ void X3DImporter::GeometryHelper_CoordIdxStr2FacesArr(const std::vector<int32_t>
pFaces.reserve(f_data.size() / 3);
//PrintVectorSet("build. ci", pCoordIdx);
for(std::vector<int32_t>::iterator it = f_data.begin(); it != f_data.end(); it++)
for(std::vector<int32_t>::iterator it = f_data.begin(); it != f_data.end(); ++it)
// when face is got count how many indices in it.
if(*it == (-1))
@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiColor3D
std::list<aiColor4D> tcol;
// create RGBA array from RGB.
for(std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++) tcol.push_back(aiColor4D((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, 1));
for(std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); ++it) tcol.push_back(aiColor4D((*it).r, (*it).g, (*it).b, 1));
// call existing function for adding RGBA colors
MeshGeometry_AddColor(pMesh, tcol, pColorPerVertex);
@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiColor4D
pMesh.mColors[ 0 ][ pMesh.mFaces[ fi ].mIndices[ vi ] ] = *col_it;
}// if(pColorPerVertex) else
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_t
std::list<aiColor4D> tcol;
// create RGBA array from RGB.
for ( std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiColor3D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); ++it )
tcol.push_back( aiColor4D( ( *it ).r, ( *it ).g, ( *it ).b, 1 ) );
@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_t
// copy list to array because we are need indexed access to colors.
for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = pColors.begin(); it != pColors.end(); ++it )
col_arr_copy.push_back( *it );
@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_t
// create list with colors for every vertex.
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator colidx_it = pColorIdx.begin(), coordidx_it = pCoordIdx.begin(); colidx_it != pColorIdx.end(); colidx_it++, coordidx_it++)
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator colidx_it = pColorIdx.begin(), coordidx_it = pCoordIdx.begin(); colidx_it != pColorIdx.end(); ++colidx_it, ++coordidx_it)
if ( *colidx_it == ( -1 ) )
@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddColor(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_t
}// if(pColorPerVertex) else
// copy array to list for calling function that add colors.
for(std::vector<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = col_tgt_arr.begin(); it != col_tgt_arr.end(); it++) col_tgt_list.push_back(*it);
for(std::vector<aiColor4D>::const_iterator it = col_tgt_arr.begin(); it != col_tgt_arr.end(); ++it) col_tgt_list.push_back(*it);
// add prepared colors list to mesh.
MeshGeometry_AddColor(pMesh, col_tgt_list, pColorPerVertex);
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddNormal(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_
// copy list to array because we are need indexed access to normals.
for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator it = pNormals.begin(); it != pNormals.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator it = pNormals.begin(); it != pNormals.end(); ++it )
norm_arr_copy.push_back( *it );
@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddNormal(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::vector<int32_
if(pNormalIdx.size() != pCoordIdx.size()) throw DeadlyImportError("Normals and Coords inidces count must be equal.");
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator it = pNormalIdx.begin(); it != pNormalIdx.end(); it++)
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator it = pNormalIdx.begin(); it != pNormalIdx.end(); ++it)
if(*it != (-1)) tind.push_back(*it);
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddNormal(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiVector
// apply color to all vertices of face
for(size_t vi = 0, vi_e = pMesh.mFaces[fi].mNumIndices; vi < vi_e; vi++) pMesh.mNormals[pMesh.mFaces[fi].mIndices[vi]] = *norm_it;
}// if(pNormalPerVertex) else
@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ void X3DImporter::MeshGeometry_AddTexCoord(aiMesh& pMesh, const std::list<aiVect
// copy list to array because we are need convert aiVector2D to aiVector3D and also get indexed access as a bonus.
for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); it++ )
for ( std::list<aiVector2D>::const_iterator it = pTexCoords.begin(); it != pTexCoords.end(); ++it )
tc_arr_copy.push_back( aiVector3D( ( *it ).x, ( *it ).y, 0 ) );
@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ void X3DImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSy
// create nodes tree
Postprocess_BuildNode(*NodeElement_Cur, *pScene->mRootNode, mesh_list, mat_list, light_list);
// copy needed data to scene
if(mesh_list.size() > 0)
std::list<aiMesh*>::const_iterator it = mesh_list.begin();
@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ void X3DImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSy
for(size_t i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMeshes; i++) pScene->mMeshes[i] = *it++;
if(mat_list.size() > 0)
std::list<aiMaterial*>::const_iterator it = mat_list.begin();
@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ void X3DImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSy
for(size_t i = 0; i < pScene->mNumMaterials; i++) pScene->mMaterials[i] = *it++;
if(light_list.size() > 0)
std::list<aiLight*>::const_iterator it = light_list.begin();
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry2D_Polyline2D()
std::list<aiVector3D> tlist;
// convert vec2 to vec3
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = lineSegments.begin(); it2 != lineSegments.end(); it2++) tlist.push_back(aiVector3D(it2->x, it2->y, 0));
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = lineSegments.begin(); it2 != lineSegments.end(); ++it2) tlist.push_back(aiVector3D(it2->x, it2->y, 0));
// convert point set to line set
GeometryHelper_Extend_PointToLine(tlist, ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry2D*)ne)->Vertices);
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry2D_Polypoint2D()
if(!def.empty()) ne->ID = def;
// convert vec2 to vec3
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = point.begin(); it2 != point.end(); it2++)
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = point.begin(); it2 != point.end(); ++it2)
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry2D*)ne)->Vertices.push_back(aiVector3D(it2->x, it2->y, 0));
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry2D_TriangleSet2D()
if(!def.empty()) ne->ID = def;
// convert vec2 to vec3
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = vertices.begin(); it2 != vertices.end(); it2++)
for(std::list<aiVector2D>::iterator it2 = vertices.begin(); it2 != vertices.end(); ++it2)
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry2D*)ne)->Vertices.push_back(aiVector3D(it2->x, it2->y, 0));
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry3D_Cone()
StandardShapes::MakeCircle(bottomRadius, tess, tvec);
height = -(height / 2);
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tvec.begin(); it != tvec.end(); it++) it->y = height;// y - because circle made in oXZ.
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tvec.begin(); it != tvec.end(); ++it) it->y = height;// y - because circle made in oXZ.
// copy data from temp array
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tvec.begin(); it != tvec.end(); it++) ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->Vertices.push_back(*it);
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tvec.begin(); it != tvec.end(); ++it) ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->Vertices.push_back(*it);
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->Solid = solid;
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->NumIndices = 3;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry3D_Cylinder()
// copy data from temp arrays
std::list<aiVector3D>& vlist = ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->Vertices;// just short alias.
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tside.begin(); it != tside.end(); it++) vlist.push_back(*it);
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tside.begin(); it != tside.end(); ++it) vlist.push_back(*it);
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry3D_Cylinder()
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tcir.begin(); it != tcir.end(); it++)
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tcir.begin(); it != tcir.end(); ++it)
(*it).y = -height;// y - because circle made in oXZ.
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry3D_ElevationGrid()
aiVector3D tvec(xSpacing * xi, *he_it, zSpacing * zi);
}// END: create grid vertices list
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Geometry3D_Sphere()
StandardShapes::MakeSphere(tess, tlist);
// copy data from temp array and apply scale
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); it++)
for(std::vector<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != tlist.end(); ++it)
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Geometry3D*)ne)->Vertices.push_back(*it * radius);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Networking_Inline()
// at this place new group mode created and made current, so we can name it.
if(!def.empty()) NodeElement_Cur->ID = def;
if(load && (url.size() > 0))
if(load && !url.empty())
std::string full_path = mpIOHandler->CurrentDirectory() + url.front();
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ aiMatrix4x4 X3DImporter::PostprocessHelper_Matrix_GlobalToCurrent() const
// multiplicate all matrices in reverse order
for(std::list<aiMatrix4x4>::reverse_iterator rit = matr.rbegin(); rit != matr.rend(); rit++) out_matr = out_matr * (*rit);
for(std::list<aiMatrix4x4>::reverse_iterator rit = matr.rbegin(); rit != matr.rend(); ++rit) out_matr = out_matr * (*rit);
return out_matr;
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildMaterial(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNod
aiMaterial& taimat = **pMaterial;// creating alias for convenience.
// at this point pNodeElement point to <Appearance> node. Walk through childs and add all stored data.
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator el_it = pNodeElement.Child.begin(); el_it != pNodeElement.Child.end(); el_it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator el_it = pNodeElement.Child.begin(); el_it != pNodeElement.Child.end(); ++el_it)
if((*el_it)->Type == CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Material)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildMesh(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
std::vector<aiVector3D> tarr;
for(std::list<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tnemesh.Vertices.begin(); it != tnemesh.Vertices.end(); it++) tarr.push_back(*it);
for(std::list<aiVector3D>::iterator it = tnemesh.Vertices.begin(); it != tnemesh.Vertices.end(); ++it) tarr.push_back(*it);
*pMesh = StandardShapes::MakeMesh(tarr, static_cast<unsigned int>(tnemesh.NumIndices));// create mesh from vertices using Assimp help.
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildMesh(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
for(std::list<aiVector3D>::const_iterator it = ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Coordinate*)*ch_it)->Value.begin();
it != ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Coordinate*)*ch_it)->Value.end(); it++)
it != ((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Coordinate*)*ch_it)->Value.end(); ++it)
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildMesh(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
// copy additional information from children
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = tnemesh.Child.begin(); ch_it != tnemesh.Child.end(); ch_it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::iterator ch_it = tnemesh.Child.begin(); ch_it != tnemesh.Child.end(); ++ch_it)
if((*ch_it)->Type == CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Color)
@ -639,16 +639,16 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildNode(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)tne_group.Choice; i++) chit_begin++;// forward iterator to chosen node.
for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)tne_group.Choice; i++) ++chit_begin;// forward iterator to chosen node.
chit_end = chit_begin;
chit_end++;// point end iterator to next element after chosen node.
++chit_end;// point end iterator to next element after chosen node.
}// if(tne_group.UseChoice)
}// if(pNodeElement.Type == CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Group)
// Reserve memory for fast access and check children.
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = chit_begin; it != chit_end; it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = chit_begin; it != chit_end; ++it)
{// in this loop we do not read metadata because it's already read at begin.
if((*it)->Type == CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Group)
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildNode(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
}// for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = chit_begin; it != chit_end; it++)
// copy data about children and meshes to aiNode.
if(SceneNode_Child.size() > 0)
std::list<aiNode*>::const_iterator it = SceneNode_Child.begin();
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildNode(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pNodeEle
for(size_t i = 0; i < pSceneNode.mNumChildren; i++) pSceneNode.mChildren[i] = *it++;
if(SceneNode_Mesh.size() > 0)
std::list<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = SceneNode_Mesh.begin();
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_BuildShape(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Shape& p
CX3DImporter_NodeElement::EType mesh_type = CX3DImporter_NodeElement::ENET_Invalid;
unsigned int mat_ind = 0;
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = pShapeNodeElement.Child.begin(); it != pShapeNodeElement.Child.end(); it++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = pShapeNodeElement.Child.begin(); it != pShapeNodeElement.Child.end(); ++it)
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ void X3DImporter::Postprocess_CollectMetadata(const CX3DImporter_NodeElement& pN
// copy collected metadata to output node.
pSceneNode.mMetaData = aiMetadata::Alloc( static_cast<unsigned int>(meta_list.size()) );
meta_idx = 0;
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = meta_list.begin(); it != meta_list.end(); it++, meta_idx++)
for(std::list<CX3DImporter_NodeElement*>::const_iterator it = meta_list.begin(); it != meta_list.end(); ++it, ++meta_idx)
CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Meta* cur_meta = (CX3DImporter_NodeElement_Meta*)*it;
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Rendering_IndexedTriangleStripSet()
int counter = 0;
int32_t idx[3];
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator idx_it = index.begin(); idx_it != index.end(); idx_it++)
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator idx_it = index.begin(); idx_it != index.end(); ++idx_it)
idx[2] = *idx_it;
if (idx[2] < 0)
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Rendering_TriangleStripSet()
coord_num_sb = 0;
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator vc_it = ne_alias.VertexCount.begin(); vc_it != ne_alias.VertexCount.end(); vc_it++)
for(std::vector<int32_t>::const_iterator vc_it = ne_alias.VertexCount.begin(); vc_it != ne_alias.VertexCount.end(); ++vc_it)
if(*vc_it < 3) throw DeadlyImportError("TriangleStripSet. stripCount shall be greater than or equal to three.");
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void X3DImporter::ParseNode_Texturing_ImageTexture()
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_ImageTexture*)ne)->RepeatS = repeatS;
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_ImageTexture*)ne)->RepeatT = repeatT;
// Attribute "url" can contain list of strings. But we need only one - first.
if(url.size() > 0)
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_ImageTexture*)ne)->URL = url.front();
((CX3DImporter_NodeElement_ImageTexture*)ne)->URL = "";
Reference in New Issue