Merge branch 'master' into ios-build-script
* master: LWOMaterial: Fix strict aliasing violations 3DS: Fix strict aliasing violations Fix strict aliasing violation in MaterialSystem Replace type punning with explicit memcpys Update FBXConverter.cpp Update FBX: LayeredTextures now work with embedded texture data [pyassimp] README.{md->rst} to please distutils. Bumped to 4.1.3 [pyassimp] Updated Properly reads in glTF/2.0 sampler address modes. does not access undefined memory area anymore.pull/2045/head
@ -204,8 +204,9 @@ void CopyTexture(aiMaterial& mat, D3DS::Texture& texture, aiTextureType type)
mat.AddProperty<ai_real>( &texture.mTextureBlend, 1, AI_MATKEY_TEXBLEND(type,0));
// Setup the texture mapping mode
int mapMode = static_cast<int>(texture.mMapMode);
// Mirroring - double the scaling values
// FIXME: this is not really correct ...
@ -313,7 +314,8 @@ void Discreet3DSImporter::ConvertMaterial(D3DS::Material& oldMat,
case D3DS::Discreet3DS::Blinn :
eShading = aiShadingMode_Blinn; break;
mat.AddProperty<int>( (int*)&eShading,1,AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL);
int eShading_ = static_cast<int>(eShading);
mat.AddProperty<int>(&eShading_, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL);
// DIFFUSE texture
if( oldMat.sTexDiffuse.mMapName.length() > 0)
@ -1526,6 +1526,46 @@ unsigned int Converter::ConvertVideo( const Video& video )
return static_cast<unsigned int>( textures.size() - 1 );
aiString Converter::GetTexturePath(const Texture* tex)
aiString path;
const Video* media = tex->Media();
if (media != nullptr) {
bool textureReady = false; //tells if our texture is ready (if it was loaded or if it was found)
unsigned int index;
VideoMap::const_iterator it = textures_converted.find(media);
if (it != textures_converted.end()) {
index = (*it).second;
textureReady = true;
else {
if (media->ContentLength() > 0) {
index = ConvertVideo(*media);
textures_converted[media] = index;
textureReady = true;
// setup texture reference string (copied from ColladaLoader::FindFilenameForEffectTexture), if the texture is ready
if (doc.Settings().useLegacyEmbeddedTextureNaming) {
if (textureReady) {
// TODO: check the possibility of using the flag "AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_FBX_EMBEDDED_TEXTURES_LEGACY_NAMING"
// In FBX files textures are now stored internally by Assimp with their filename included
// Now Assimp can lookup through the loaded textures after all data is processed
// We need to load all textures before referencing them, as FBX file format order may reference a texture before loading it
// This may occur on this case too, it has to be studied
||||[0] = '*';
path.length = 1 + ASSIMP_itoa10( + 1, MAXLEN - 1, index);
return path;
void Converter::TrySetTextureProperties( aiMaterial* out_mat, const TextureMap& textures,
const std::string& propName,
aiTextureType target, const MeshGeometry* const mesh )
@ -1538,41 +1578,7 @@ void Converter::TrySetTextureProperties( aiMaterial* out_mat, const TextureMap&
const Texture* const tex = ( *it ).second;
if ( tex != 0 )
aiString path;
path.Set( tex->RelativeFilename() );
const Video* media = tex->Media();
if (media != 0) {
bool textureReady = false; //tells if our texture is ready (if it was loaded or if it was found)
unsigned int index;
VideoMap::const_iterator it = textures_converted.find(media);
if (it != textures_converted.end()) {
index = (*it).second;
textureReady = true;
else {
if (media->ContentLength() > 0) {
index = ConvertVideo(*media);
textures_converted[media] = index;
textureReady = true;
// setup texture reference string (copied from ColladaLoader::FindFilenameForEffectTexture), if the texture is ready
if (doc.Settings().useLegacyEmbeddedTextureNaming) {
if (textureReady) {
// TODO: check the possibility of using the flag "AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_FBX_EMBEDDED_TEXTURES_LEGACY_NAMING"
// In FBX files textures are now stored internally by Assimp with their filename included
// Now Assimp can lookup through the loaded textures after all data is processed
// We need to load all textures before referencing them, as FBX file format order may reference a texture before loading it
// This may occur on this case too, it has to be studied
||||[0] = '*';
path.length = 1 + ASSIMP_itoa10( + 1, MAXLEN - 1, index);
aiString path = GetTexturePath(tex);
out_mat->AddProperty( &path, _AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_BASE, target, 0 );
aiUVTransform uvTrafo;
@ -1696,9 +1702,7 @@ void Converter::TrySetTextureProperties( aiMaterial* out_mat, const LayeredTextu
const Texture* const tex = ( *it ).second->getTexture(texIndex);
aiString path;
path.Set( tex->RelativeFilename() );
aiString path = GetTexturePath(tex);
out_mat->AddProperty( &path, _AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_BASE, target, texIndex );
aiUVTransform uvTrafo;
@ -228,6 +228,10 @@ private:
// Video -> aiTexture
unsigned int ConvertVideo(const Video& video);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// convert embedded texture if necessary and return actual texture path
aiString GetTexturePath(const Texture* tex);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TrySetTextureProperties(aiMaterial* out_mat, const TextureMap& textures,
const std::string& propName,
@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ bool LWOImporter::HandleTextures(aiMaterial* pcMat, const TextureList& in, aiTex
// setup the mapping mode
int mapping_ = static_cast<int>(mapping);
pcMat->AddProperty<int>(&mapping_, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPING(type, cur));
// add the u-wrapping
temp = (unsigned int)GetMapMode(texture.wrapModeWidth);
@ -365,7 +366,8 @@ void LWOImporter::ConvertMaterial(const LWO::Surface& surf,aiMaterial* pcMat)
if (surf.mMaximumSmoothAngle <= 0.0)
m = aiShadingMode_Flat;
int m_ = static_cast<int>(m);
pcMat->AddProperty(&m_, 1, AI_MATKEY_SHADING_MODEL);
// (the diffuse value is just a scaling factor)
// If a diffuse texture is set, we set this value to 1.0
@ -354,8 +354,9 @@ aiReturn aiGetMaterialTexture(const C_STRUCT aiMaterial* mat,
return AI_FAILURE;
// Determine mapping type
aiTextureMapping mapping = aiTextureMapping_UV;
int mapping_ = static_cast<int>(aiTextureMapping_UV);
aiGetMaterialInteger(mat,AI_MATKEY_MAPPING(type,index), &mapping_);
aiTextureMapping mapping = static_cast<aiTextureMapping>(mapping_);
if (_mapping)
*_mapping = mapping;
@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ void STLImporter::LoadASCIIFile( aiNode *root ) {
pMesh->mNumFaces = static_cast<unsigned int>(positionBuffer.size() / 3);
pMesh->mNumVertices = static_cast<unsigned int>(positionBuffer.size());
pMesh->mVertices = new aiVector3D[pMesh->mNumVertices];
memcpy(pMesh->mVertices, &positionBuffer[0].x, pMesh->mNumVertices * sizeof(aiVector3D));
memcpy(pMesh->mVertices,, pMesh->mNumVertices * sizeof(aiVector3D));
pMesh->mNormals = new aiVector3D[pMesh->mNumVertices];
memcpy(pMesh->mNormals, &normalBuffer[0].x, pMesh->mNumVertices * sizeof(aiVector3D));
memcpy(pMesh->mNormals,, pMesh->mNumVertices * sizeof(aiVector3D));
// now copy faces
@ -121,6 +121,21 @@ bool glTF2Importer::CanRead(const std::string& pFile, IOSystem* pIOHandler, bool
return false;
static aiTextureMapMode ConvertWrappingMode(SamplerWrap gltfWrapMode)
switch (gltfWrapMode) {
case SamplerWrap::Mirrored_Repeat:
return aiTextureMapMode_Mirror;
case SamplerWrap::Clamp_To_Edge:
return aiTextureMapMode_Clamp;
case SamplerWrap::UNSET:
case SamplerWrap::Repeat:
return aiTextureMapMode_Wrap;
//static void CopyValue(const glTF2::vec3& v, aiColor3D& out)
@ -198,8 +213,10 @@ inline void SetMaterialTextureProperty(std::vector<int>& embeddedTexIdxs, Asset&
mat->AddProperty(&name, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_MAPPINGNAME(texType, texSlot));
mat->AddProperty(&id, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_MAPPINGID(texType, texSlot));
mat->AddProperty(&sampler->wrapS, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U(texType, texSlot));
mat->AddProperty(&sampler->wrapT, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V(texType, texSlot));
aiTextureMapMode wrapS = ConvertWrappingMode(sampler->wrapS);
aiTextureMapMode wrapT = ConvertWrappingMode(sampler->wrapT);
mat->AddProperty(&wrapS, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_U(texType, texSlot));
mat->AddProperty(&wrapT, 1, AI_MATKEY_MAPPINGMODE_V(texType, texSlot));
if (sampler->magFilter != SamplerMagFilter::UNSET) {
mat->AddProperty(&sampler->magFilter, 1, AI_MATKEY_GLTF_MAPPINGFILTER_MAG(texType, texSlot));
@ -98,8 +98,10 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_qnan(float in)
// compare <register-with-different-width> against <in>
// FIXME: Use <float> stuff instead? I think fpclassify needs C99
return (reinterpret_cast<_IEEESingle*>(&in)->IEEE.Exp == (1u << 8)-1 &&
_IEEESingle temp;
memcpy(&temp, &in, sizeof(float));
return (temp.IEEE.Exp == (1u << 8)-1 &&
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -114,8 +116,10 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_qnan(double in)
// compare <register-with-different-width> against <in>
// FIXME: Use <float> stuff instead? I think fpclassify needs C99
return (reinterpret_cast<_IEEEDouble*>(&in)->IEEE.Exp == (1u << 11)-1 &&
_IEEEDouble temp;
memcpy(&temp, &in, sizeof(in));
return (temp.IEEE.Exp == (1u << 11)-1 &&
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -125,7 +129,9 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_qnan(double in)
* @param in Input value */
AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_special_float(float in)
return (reinterpret_cast<_IEEESingle*>(&in)->IEEE.Exp == (1u << 8)-1);
_IEEESingle temp;
memcpy(&temp, &in, sizeof(float));
return (temp.IEEE.Exp == (1u << 8)-1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -135,7 +141,9 @@ AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_special_float(float in)
* @param in Input value */
AI_FORCE_INLINE bool is_special_float(double in)
return (reinterpret_cast<_IEEEDouble*>(&in)->IEEE.Exp == (1u << 11)-1);
_IEEESingle temp;
memcpy(&temp, &in, sizeof(float));
return (temp.IEEE.Exp == (1u << 11)-1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1 +1 @@
See and for a Github mirror.
Please check the following github-repo for the source:
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
PyAssimp Readme
A simple Python wrapper for Assimp using `ctypes` to access the library.
Requires Python >= 2.6.
Python 3 support is mostly here, but not well tested.
Note that pyassimp is not complete. Many ASSIMP features are missing.
### Complete example: 3D viewer
`pyassimp` comes with a simple 3D viewer that shows how to load and display a 3D
model using a shader-based OpenGL pipeline.

To use it, from within `/port/PyAssimp`:
$ cd scripts
$ python ./3D-viewer <path to your model>
You can use this code as starting point in your applications.
### Writing your own code
To get started with `pyassimp`, examine the simpler `` script in `scripts/`,
which illustrates the basic usage. All Assimp data structures are wrapped using
`ctypes`. All the data+length fields in Assimp's data structures (such as
`aiMesh::mNumVertices`, `aiMesh::mVertices`) are replaced by simple python
lists, so you can call `len()` on them to get their respective size and access
members using `[]`.
For example, to load a file named `hello.3ds` and print the first
vertex of the first mesh, you would do (proper error handling
substituted by assertions ...):
from pyassimp import *
scene = load('hello.3ds')
assert len(scene.meshes)
mesh = scene.meshes[0]
assert len(mesh.vertices)
# don't forget this one, or you will leak!
Another example to list the 'top nodes' in a
from pyassimp import *
scene = load('hello.3ds')
for c in scene.rootnode.children:
Install `pyassimp` by running:
$ python install
PyAssimp requires a assimp dynamic library (`DLL` on windows,
`.so` on linux, `.dynlib` on macOS) in order to work. The default search directories
- the current directory
- on linux additionally: `/usr/lib`, `/usr/local/lib`,
To build that library, refer to the Assimp master `INSTALL`
instructions. To look in more places, edit `./pyassimp/`.
There's an `additional_dirs` list waiting for your entries.
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
PyAssimp: Python bindings for libassimp
A simple Python wrapper for Assimp using ``ctypes`` to access the
library. Requires Python >= 2.6.
Python 3 support is mostly here, but not well tested.
Note that pyassimp is not complete. Many ASSIMP features are missing.
Complete example: 3D viewer
``pyassimp`` comes with a simple 3D viewer that shows how to load and
display a 3D model using a shader-based OpenGL pipeline.
.. figure:: 3d_viewer_screenshot.png
:alt: Screenshot
To use it, from within ``/port/PyAssimp``:
$ cd scripts
$ python ./3D-viewer <path to your model>
You can use this code as starting point in your applications.
Writing your own code
To get started with ``pyassimp``, examine the simpler ````
script in ``scripts/``, which illustrates the basic usage. All Assimp
data structures are wrapped using ``ctypes``. All the data+length fields
in Assimp's data structures (such as ``aiMesh::mNumVertices``,
``aiMesh::mVertices``) are replaced by simple python lists, so you can
call ``len()`` on them to get their respective size and access members
using ``[]``.
For example, to load a file named ``hello.3ds`` and print the first
vertex of the first mesh, you would do (proper error handling
substituted by assertions ...):
.. code:: python
from pyassimp import *
scene = load('hello.3ds')
assert len(scene.meshes)
mesh = scene.meshes[0]
assert len(mesh.vertices)
# don't forget this one, or you will leak!
Another example to list the 'top nodes' in a scene:
.. code:: python
from pyassimp import *
scene = load('hello.3ds')
for c in scene.rootnode.children:
Install ``pyassimp`` by running:
$ python install
PyAssimp requires a assimp dynamic library (``DLL`` on windows, ``.so``
on linux, ``.dynlib`` on macOS) in order to work. The default search
directories are:
- the current directory
- on linux additionally: ``/usr/lib``, ``/usr/local/lib``,
To build that library, refer to the Assimp master ``INSTALL``
instructions. To look in more places, edit ``./pyassimp/``.
There's an ``additional_dirs`` list waiting for your entries.
@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from distutils.core import setup
def readme():
with open('README.rst') as f:
description='Python bindings for the Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP)',
author='ASSIMP developers',
maintainer='Séverin Lemaignan',
('share/pyassimp', ['']),
('share/pyassimp', ['README.rst']),
('share/examples/pyassimp', ['scripts/' + f for f in os.listdir('scripts/')])
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
"magFilter": 9729,
"minFilter": 9986,
"wrapS": 10497,
"wrapT": 10497
"wrapS": 33648,
"wrapT": 33071
"bufferViews": [
#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
#include <assimp/Exporter.hpp>
#include <assimp/postprocess.h>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
using namespace Assimp;
@ -54,7 +55,21 @@ public:
virtual bool importerTest() {
Assimp::Importer importer;
const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile( ASSIMP_TEST_MODELS_DIR "/glTF2/BoxTextured-glTF/BoxTextured.gltf", aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure);
return nullptr != scene;
EXPECT_NE( scene, nullptr );
if ( !scene ) return false;
EXPECT_TRUE( scene->HasMaterials() );
if ( !scene->HasMaterials() ) return false;
const aiMaterial *material = scene->mMaterials[0];
aiString path;
aiTextureMapMode modes[2];
EXPECT_EQ( aiReturn_SUCCESS, material->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, modes) );
EXPECT_STREQ( path.C_Str(), "CesiumLogoFlat.png" );
EXPECT_EQ( modes[0], aiTextureMapMode_Mirror );
EXPECT_EQ( modes[1], aiTextureMapMode_Clamp );
return true;
virtual bool binaryImporterTest() {
Reference in New Issue